
## 学佛感悟句子 (72句)

**1. 佛法无边,心量无界。**

Buddhism is boundless, and the mind is boundless.

**2. 慈悲喜舍,普度众生。**

Compassion, joy, and equanimity, to save all beings.

**3. 诸行无常,生命无常。**

All phenomena are impermanent, life is impermanent.

**4. 苦乐无常,人生无常。**

Suffering and happiness are impermanent, life is impermanent.

**5. 缘起性空,万物皆空。**

All phenomena arise from dependent origination, everything is empty.

**6. 戒定慧解,修心养性。**

Precepts, concentration, wisdom, and liberation, cultivate the mind and nature.

**7. 修行路上,步步为营。**

On the path of cultivation, every step counts.

**8. 静心观照,洞察自心。**

Quietly observe and reflect, to penetrate the mind.

**9. 觉悟人生,破除烦恼。**

Awakening to life, to break free from afflictions.

**10. 积德行善,福报无量。**

Accumulate good deeds, boundless blessings.

**11. 心存善念,光明无量。**

With a heart filled with good thoughts, there is boundless light.

**12. 放下执着,自在无忧。**

Letting go of attachments, freedom and worry-free.

**13. 以慈悲心,待人处事。**

Treat others with compassion in all matters.

**14. 心如明镜,照见本心。**

The mind like a clear mirror, reflecting the true self.

**15. 诸恶莫作,众善奉行。**

Do not do any evil, practice all good.

**16. 因果循环,善恶分明。**

Karma is cyclical, good and evil are distinct.

**17. 知足常乐,幸福无忧。**

Contentment brings constant joy, happiness without worry.

**18. 心胸宽广,容纳万物。**

A broad mind, accommodating all things.

**19. 善解人意,人缘自来。**

Understanding others' intentions, good fortune comes naturally.

**20. 随缘自在,不强求取。**

Go with the flow, without forcing or demanding.

**21. 念念不忘,心心相印。**

Constant mindfulness, heart-to-heart connection.

**22. 万事随缘,顺其自然。**

Everything happens for a reason, let things take their natural course.

**23. 心存感恩,幸福常伴。**

A grateful heart, happiness is always with you.

**24. 放下贪欲,心无挂碍。**

Letting go of greed, the mind is free from obstacles.

**25. 破除执念,心灵解脱。**

Breaking free from obsessive thoughts, liberation of the mind.

**26. 真情流露,感动人心。**

Genuine emotions, touching the hearts of others.

**27. 真诚待人,收获真情。**

Treating people with sincerity, reaping genuine affection.

**28. 宽容待人,化解怨恨。**

Forgiving others, resolving resentment.

**29. 尊重生命,爱护万物。**

Respecting life, cherishing all things.

**30. 行善积福,福报无穷。**

Doing good deeds accumulates blessings, endless blessings.

**31. 心怀慈悲,世界和平。**

With a compassionate heart, world peace.

**32. 修心养性,身心安康。**

Cultivating the mind and nature, physical and mental well-being.

**33. 精进不懈,终有所成。**

Unwavering effort, eventually achieving success.

**34. 心存敬畏,谦卑待人。**

With a heart of reverence, humble towards others.

**35. 知足不贪,心无烦恼。**

Knowing contentment, not being greedy, no worries in the heart.

**36. 与人为善,福泽深厚。**

Being kind to others, deep blessings.

**37. 放下自私,心胸坦荡。**

Letting go of selfishness, a broad and open mind.

**38. 修福修慧,圆满人生。**

Cultivating blessings and wisdom, a fulfilling life.

**39. 不执着于物,心无牵挂。**

Not attached to material things, the mind is free from attachments.

**40. 不贪名利,心无尘埃。**

Not seeking fame or fortune, the mind is free from dust.

**41. 不求回报,乐于助人。**

Not seeking reward, happy to help others.

**42. 心存善念,世界美好。**

With good thoughts in mind, the world is beautiful.

**43. 以德报怨,化解仇恨。**

Returning kindness for resentment, resolving hatred.

**44. 不畏艰难,勇往直前。**

Not fearing difficulties, bravely moving forward.

**45. 心存正念,行住坐卧。**

Maintain righteous thoughts, in walking, standing, sitting, and lying down.

**46. 放下烦恼,心生喜悦。**

Letting go of afflictions, joy arises in the heart.

**47. 心怀感恩,幸福常在。**

A heart full of gratitude, happiness always prevails.

**48. 以爱化解恨,以善化解恶。**

Transform hatred with love, transform evil with goodness.

**49. 心存希望,未来可期。**

With hope in mind, the future is bright.

**50. 坚持不懈,终有所获。**

Persistent effort, eventually reaping rewards.

**51. 心存善念,福报无边。**

With good thoughts in mind, boundless blessings.

**52. 心怀慈悲,世界和谐。**

With compassion in mind, a harmonious world.

**53. 心存正念,远离邪恶。**

With righteous thoughts in mind, staying away from evil.

**54. 心存感恩,幸福常伴。**

With a grateful heart, happiness is always with you.

**55. 心存敬畏,谦卑待人。**

With reverence in mind, being humble towards others.

**56. 心存宽容,化解矛盾。**

With forgiveness in mind, resolving conflicts.

**57. 心存希望,未来可期。**

With hope in mind, the future is promising.

**58. 心存正念,行住坐卧。**

With righteous thoughts in mind, in walking, standing, sitting, and lying down.

**59. 心存善念,世界美好。**

With good thoughts in mind, the world is beautiful.

**60. 心存感恩,福报无穷。**

With a grateful heart, endless blessings.

**61. 心怀慈悲,世界和平。**

With compassion in mind, world peace.

**62. 心存希望,未来可期。**

With hope in mind, the future is bright.

**63. 心存正念,远离烦恼。**

With righteous thoughts in mind, staying away from afflictions.

**64. 心存敬畏,谦卑待人。**

With reverence in mind, being humble towards others.

**65. 心存宽容,化解怨恨。**

With forgiveness in mind, resolving resentment.

**66. 心存善念,福报无边。**

With good thoughts in mind, boundless blessings.

**67. 心怀慈悲,世界和谐。**

With compassion in mind, a harmonious world.

**68. 心存正念,行住坐卧。**

With righteous thoughts in mind, in walking, standing, sitting, and lying down.

**69. 心存感恩,幸福常伴。**

With a grateful heart, happiness is always with you.

**70. 心存希望,未来可期。**

With hope in mind, the future is promising.

**71. 心存敬畏,谦卑待人。**

With reverence in mind, being humble towards others.

**72. 心存善念,世界美好。**

With good thoughts in mind, the world is beautiful.

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