
## 宁可高傲地活着 - 63句

**1. 宁可高傲地活着,也不愿卑微地苟且。**

It's better to live with pride than to live a life of humility and compromise.

**2. 宁可孤独地高傲,也不愿庸俗地热闹。**

I'd rather be lonely and proud than be in the midst of the vulgar and mundane.

**3. 宁可被嘲笑,也不愿失去自我。**

I'd rather be ridiculed than lose myself.

**4. 宁可跌倒,也不愿放弃梦想。**

I'd rather fall than give up on my dreams.

**5. 宁可沉默,也不愿说谎。**

I'd rather be silent than lie.

**6. 宁可贫穷,也不愿失去尊严。**

I'd rather be poor than lose my dignity.

**7. 宁可孤独,也不愿随波逐流。**

I'd rather be lonely than follow the crowd.

**8. 宁可被误解,也不愿妥协原则。**

I'd rather be misunderstood than compromise my principles.

**9. 宁可辛苦,也不愿依赖他人。**

I'd rather work hard than rely on others.

**10. 宁可失败,也不愿放弃努力。**

I'd rather fail than give up trying.

**11. 宁可背负压力,也不愿失去自由。**

I'd rather bear the pressure than lose my freedom.

**12. 宁可受伤害,也不愿欺骗别人。**

I'd rather be hurt than deceive others.

**13. 宁可孤独地前进,也不愿盲目地追随。**

I'd rather walk alone than blindly follow.

**14. 宁可被批评,也不愿做违心的事。**

I'd rather be criticized than do something against my will.

**15. 宁可平凡,也不愿虚伪地生活。**

I'd rather be ordinary than live a hypocritical life.

**16. 宁可被排斥,也不愿放弃真我。**

I'd rather be ostracized than abandon my true self.

**17. 宁可被误解,也不愿迎合世俗。**

I'd rather be misunderstood than conform to the world.

**18. 宁可被嘲笑,也不愿放弃追求。**

I'd rather be ridiculed than give up on my pursuit.

**19. 宁可失败,也不愿放弃梦想。**

I'd rather fail than give up on my dreams.

**20. 宁可独自奋斗,也不愿依赖他人。**

I'd rather struggle alone than rely on others.

**21. 宁可被人厌恶,也不愿伪装自己。**

I'd rather be disliked than pretend to be someone I'm not.

**22. 宁可默默无闻,也不愿虚名浮利。**

I'd rather be unknown than seek fame and fortune.

**23. 宁可孤独地沉思,也不愿虚度光阴。**

I'd rather ponder in solitude than waste my time.

**24. 宁可被误解,也不愿改变初衷。**

I'd rather be misunderstood than change my original intention.

**25. 宁可被冷落,也不愿失去真诚。**

I'd rather be ignored than lose my sincerity.

**26. 宁可被拒绝,也不愿委曲求全。**

I'd rather be rejected than compromise myself.

**27. 宁可被质疑,也不愿放弃思考。**

I'd rather be questioned than give up thinking.

**28. 宁可被忽视,也不愿失去原则。**

I'd rather be overlooked than lose my principles.

**29. 宁可被嘲讽,也不愿失去勇气。**

I'd rather be mocked than lose my courage.

**30. 宁可被孤立,也不愿失去自我。**

I'd rather be isolated than lose myself.

**31. 宁可被抛弃,也不愿失去尊严。**

I'd rather be abandoned than lose my dignity.

**32. 宁可被欺骗,也不愿失去信任。**

I'd rather be deceived than lose my trust.

**33. 宁可被伤害,也不愿失去善良。**

I'd rather be hurt than lose my kindness.

**34. 宁可被误解,也不愿放弃梦想。**

I'd rather be misunderstood than give up on my dreams.

**35. 宁可被嘲笑,也不愿放弃努力。**

I'd rather be ridiculed than give up trying.

**36. 宁可被遗忘,也不愿失去真爱。**

I'd rather be forgotten than lose true love.

**37. 宁可被批评,也不愿失去自由。**

I'd rather be criticized than lose my freedom.

**38. 宁可被冷落,也不愿失去真情。**

I'd rather be ignored than lose true feelings.

**39. 宁可被拒绝,也不愿失去尊严。**

I'd rather be rejected than lose my dignity.

**40. 宁可被质疑,也不愿放弃信念。**

I'd rather be questioned than give up my beliefs.

**41. 宁可被忽视,也不愿失去初心。**

I'd rather be overlooked than lose my original intention.

**42. 宁可被嘲讽,也不愿失去梦想。**

I'd rather be mocked than lose my dreams.

**43. 宁可被孤立,也不愿失去原则。**

I'd rather be isolated than lose my principles.

**44. 宁可被抛弃,也不愿失去真爱。**

I'd rather be abandoned than lose true love.

**45. 宁可被欺骗,也不愿失去信任。**

I'd rather be deceived than lose my trust.

**46. 宁可被伤害,也不愿失去善良。**

I'd rather be hurt than lose my kindness.

**47. 宁可被误解,也不愿失去自我。**

I'd rather be misunderstood than lose myself.

**48. 宁可被嘲笑,也不愿失去尊严。**

I'd rather be ridiculed than lose my dignity.

**49. 宁可被遗忘,也不愿失去梦想。**

I'd rather be forgotten than lose my dreams.

**50. 宁可被批评,也不愿失去原则。**

I'd rather be criticized than lose my principles.

**51. 宁可被冷落,也不愿失去真情。**

I'd rather be ignored than lose true feelings.

**52. 宁可被拒绝,也不愿失去自我。**

I'd rather be rejected than lose myself.

**53. 宁可被质疑,也不愿失去勇气。**

I'd rather be questioned than lose my courage.

**54. 宁可被忽视,也不愿失去梦想。**

I'd rather be overlooked than lose my dreams.

**55. 宁可被嘲讽,也不愿失去信念。**

I'd rather be mocked than lose my beliefs.

**56. 宁可被孤立,也不愿失去真爱。**

I'd rather be isolated than lose true love.

**57. 宁可被抛弃,也不愿失去尊严。**

I'd rather be abandoned than lose my dignity.

**58. 宁可被欺骗,也不愿失去真情。**

I'd rather be deceived than lose true feelings.

**59. 宁可被伤害,也不愿失去原则。**

I'd rather be hurt than lose my principles.

**60. 宁可被误解,也不愿失去梦想。**

I'd rather be misunderstood than lose my dreams.

**61. 宁可被嘲笑,也不愿失去信念。**

I'd rather be ridiculed than lose my beliefs.

**62. 宁可被遗忘,也不愿失去真爱。**

I'd rather be forgotten than lose true love.

**63. 宁可被批评,也不愿失去自我。**

I'd rather be criticized than lose myself.

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