
## 刚去世的外婆伤感句子(77句)

**1.** 外婆走了,留下了无限的思念和空虚。

Grandma is gone, leaving behind endless longing and emptiness.

**2.** 记忆中的笑容,再也无法触及,只有无尽的悲伤。

The smile in my memory can no longer be reached, only endless sadness remains.

**3.** 外婆的温暖怀抱,从此成为遥远的梦境。

Grandma's warm embrace has become a distant dream.

**4.** 永远忘不了外婆慈祥的容颜,和那句温暖的“乖孩子”。

I will never forget Grandma's kind face and her warm words,"Good child."

**5.** 外婆走了,带走了我的童年,也带走了我的快乐。

Grandma is gone, taking away my childhood and my joy.

**6.** 外婆的爱,像阳光般温暖,像春风般温柔,如今却永远地消失了。

Grandma's love was as warm as sunshine and as gentle as a spring breeze, but now it is gone forever.

**7.** 外婆,您永远活在我的心中,您的爱,我会永远珍藏。

Grandma, you will always live in my heart, and your love will always be treasured.

**8.** 外婆,您辛苦了,一路走好。

Grandma, you worked hard, rest in peace.

**9.** 外婆的离开,让我仿佛失去了整个世界。

Grandma's departure feels like I've lost the whole world.

**10.** 泪水止不住地流淌,却无法抚平心中的伤痛。

Tears flow endlessly, but they can't heal the pain in my heart.

**11.** 外婆,您永远是我最爱的人,我永远想念您。

Grandma, you will always be my most loved one, I will always miss you.

**12.** 外婆的音容笑貌,深深地刻在我的脑海里,挥之不去。

Grandma's voice, face, and laughter are deeply etched in my mind, unable to be erased.

**13.** 外婆走了,留下了无尽的思念和遗憾。

Grandma is gone, leaving behind endless longing and regret.

**14.** 我无法接受外婆的离开,我的心仿佛被掏空了一般。

I can't accept Grandma's departure, my heart feels like it's been emptied.

**15.** 外婆,您永远是我的守护天使,我会永远记得您的爱。

Grandma, you will always be my guardian angel, I will always remember your love.

**16.** 外婆,您一路走好,天堂没有痛苦,只有快乐。

Grandma, rest in peace, there is no pain in heaven, only happiness.

**17.** 外婆,我永远不会忘记您,您的爱将永远伴随我。

Grandma, I will never forget you, your love will always be with me.

**18.** 外婆的离去,让我明白了生命的脆弱,珍惜当下才是最重要的。

Grandma's departure made me understand the fragility of life, cherishing the present is the most important thing.

**19.** 外婆,您是世界上最温柔的人,您的爱,永远温暖着我的心。

Grandma, you are the most gentle person in the world, your love always warms my heart.

**20.** 外婆,您走了,但您的精神永远活在我们心中。

Grandma, you are gone, but your spirit will always live in our hearts.

**21.** 我永远记得您那双慈祥的眼睛,那双眼睛充满了爱和关怀。

I will always remember your kind eyes, eyes filled with love and care.

**22.** 您总是那么无私地付出,从不计较回报,您的爱,温暖了我们每个人的心。

You were always so selfless, never expecting anything in return, your love warmed the hearts of each of us.

**23.** 外婆,我多么希望时间可以倒流,让我再次回到您的身边,感受您的温暖。

Grandma, how I wish time could turn back so I could return to your side and feel your warmth.

**24.** 外婆,您永远是我们心中最美好的回忆。

Grandma, you will always be the most beautiful memory in our hearts.

**25.** 您的一生,充满了艰辛,但您却始终乐观坚强,这深深地感动着我们。

Your life was full of hardships, but you were always optimistic and strong, this deeply touched us.

**26.** 外婆,您的爱,是世间最伟大的爱,它将永远在我们心中流淌。

Grandma, your love is the greatest love in the world, it will forever flow in our hearts.

**27.** 我永远忘不了您对我的教诲,您的智慧和善良,将永远指引着我前行。

I will never forget your teachings, your wisdom and kindness will forever guide my path.

**28.** 外婆,您的离开,让我失去了一个最亲密的朋友,一个最温暖的港湾。

Grandma, your departure has taken away my closest friend, my warmest harbor.

**29.** 外婆,您的音容笑貌,仿佛还在眼前,可您却已经远去。

Grandma, your voice, face, and laughter seem to be right in front of me, but you are already gone.

**30.** 我无法用言语表达我对您的思念,您永远是我心中最珍贵的人。

I can't express my longing for you with words, you will always be the most precious person in my heart.

**31.** 外婆,您辛苦了一辈子,现在可以安息了,天堂没有痛苦,只有幸福。

Grandma, you worked hard your whole life, now you can rest, there is no pain in heaven, only happiness.

**32.** 我永远不会忘记您,您将永远活在我的心中,我的爱会伴随您到永远。

I will never forget you, you will always live in my heart, and my love will be with you forever.

**33.** 外婆,您是我们永远的牵挂,您的离去,留下了无尽的悲伤。

Grandma, you are our eternal concern, your departure left behind endless sorrow.

**34.** 外婆,您是世界上最伟大的母亲,您的爱,永远温暖着我的心。

Grandma, you are the greatest mother in the world, your love always warms my heart.

**35.** 外婆,您的离开,让我明白,生命是如此的短暂,我们要珍惜每一天。

Grandma, your departure made me understand that life is so short, we must cherish every day.

**36.** 外婆,您永远是我们心中最美好的回忆,我们永远不会忘记您。

Grandma, you will always be the most beautiful memory in our hearts, we will never forget you.

**37.** 外婆,您辛苦了一辈子,现在可以安息了,天堂没有病痛,只有快乐。

Grandma, you worked hard your whole life, now you can rest, there is no illness in heaven, only happiness.

**38.** 外婆,您的音容笑貌,永远刻在我的脑海里,挥之不去。

Grandma, your voice, face, and laughter are forever etched in my mind, unable to be erased.

**39.** 外婆,您永远是我们心中的榜样,您的善良和智慧,将永远指引着我们前行。

Grandma, you will always be our role model, your kindness and wisdom will forever guide our path.

**40.** 外婆,您的爱,像阳光般温暖,像春风般温柔,如今却永远地消失了。

Grandma, your love was as warm as sunshine and as gentle as a spring breeze, but now it is gone forever.

**41.** 外婆,您走了,带走了我的童年,也带走了我的快乐。

Grandma is gone, taking away my childhood and my joy.

**42.** 外婆,您是世界上最温柔的人,您的爱,永远温暖着我的心。

Grandma, you are the most gentle person in the world, your love always warms my heart.

**43.** 外婆,您永远活在我的心中,您的爱,我会永远珍藏。

Grandma, you will always live in my heart, and your love will always be treasured.

**44.** 外婆,您辛苦了,一路走好。

Grandma, you worked hard, rest in peace.

**45.** 外婆,您的离开,让我仿佛失去了整个世界。

Grandma's departure feels like I've lost the whole world.

**46.** 泪水止不住地流淌,却无法抚平心中的伤痛。

Tears flow endlessly, but they can't heal the pain in my heart.

**47.** 外婆,您永远是我最爱的人,我永远想念您。

Grandma, you will always be my most loved one, I will always miss you.

**48.** 外婆的音容笑貌,深深地刻在我的脑海里,挥之不去。

Grandma's voice, face, and laughter are deeply etched in my mind, unable to be erased.

**49.** 外婆走了,留下了无尽的思念和遗憾。

Grandma is gone, leaving behind endless longing and regret.

**50.** 我无法接受外婆的离开,我的心仿佛被掏空了一般。

I can't accept Grandma's departure, my heart feels like it's been emptied.

**51.** 外婆,您永远是我的守护天使,我会永远记得您的爱。

Grandma, you will always be my guardian angel, I will always remember your love.

**52.** 外婆,您一路走好,天堂没有痛苦,只有快乐。

Grandma, rest in peace, there is no pain in heaven, only happiness.

**53.** 外婆,我永远不会忘记您,您的爱将永远伴随我。

Grandma, I will never forget you, your love will always be with me.

**54.** 外婆的离去,让我明白了生命的脆弱,珍惜当下才是最重要的。

Grandma's departure made me understand the fragility of life, cherishing the present is the most important thing.

**55.** 外婆,您是世界上最温柔的人,您的爱,永远温暖着我的心。

Grandma, you are the most gentle person in the world, your love always warms my heart.

**56.** 外婆,您走了,但您的精神永远活在我们心中。

Grandma, you are gone, but your spirit will always live in our hearts.

**57.** 我永远记得您那双慈祥的眼睛,那双眼睛充满了爱和关怀。

I will always remember your kind eyes, eyes filled with love and care.

**58.** 您总是那么无私地付出,从不计较回报,您的爱,温暖了我们每个人的心。

You were always so selfless, never expecting anything in return, your love warmed the hearts of each of us.

**59.** 外婆,我多么希望时间可以倒流,让我再次回到您的身边,感受您的温暖。

Grandma, how I wish time could turn back so I could return to your side and feel your warmth.

**60.** 外婆,您永远是我们心中最美好的回忆。

Grandma, you will always be the most beautiful memory in our hearts.

**61.** 您的一生,充满了艰辛,但您却始终乐观坚强,这深深地感动着我们。

Your life was full of hardships, but you were always optimistic and strong, this deeply touched us.

**62.** 外婆,您的爱,是世间最伟大的爱,它将永远在我们心中流淌。

Grandma, your love is the greatest love in the world, it will forever flow in our hearts.

**63.** 我永远忘不了您对我的教诲,您的智慧和善良,将永远指引着我前行。

I will never forget your teachings, your wisdom and kindness will forever guide my path.

**64.** 外婆,您的离开,让我失去了一个最亲密的朋友,一个最温暖的港湾。

Grandma, your departure has taken away my closest friend, my warmest harbor.

**65.** 外婆,您的音容笑貌,仿佛还在眼前,可您却已经远去。

Grandma, your voice, face, and laughter seem to be right in front of me, but you are already gone.

**66.** 我无法用言语表达我对您的思念,您永远是我心中最珍贵的人。

I can't express my longing for you with words, you will always be the most precious person in my heart.

**67.** 外婆,您辛苦了一辈子,现在可以安息了,天堂没有痛苦,只有幸福。

Grandma, you worked hard your whole life, now you can rest, there is no pain in heaven, only happiness.

**68.** 我永远不会忘记您,您将永远活在我的心中,我的爱会伴随您到永远。

I will never forget you, you will always live in my heart, and my love will be with you forever.

**69.** 外婆,您是我们永远的牵挂,您的离去,留下了无尽的悲伤。

Grandma, you are our eternal concern, your departure left behind endless sorrow.

**70.** 外婆,您是世界上最伟大的母亲,您的爱,永远温暖着我的心。

Grandma, you are the greatest mother in the world, your love always warms my heart.

**71.** 外婆,您的离开,让我明白,生命是如此的短暂,我们要珍惜每一天。

Grandma, your departure made me understand that life is so short, we must cherish every day.

**72.** 外婆,您永远是我们心中最美好的回忆,我们永远不会忘记您。

Grandma, you will always be the most beautiful memory in our hearts, we will never forget you.

**73.** 外婆,您辛苦了一辈子,现在可以安息了,天堂没有病痛,只有快乐。

Grandma, you worked hard your whole life, now you can rest, there is no illness in heaven, only happiness.

**74.** 外婆,您的音容笑貌,永远刻在我的脑海里,挥之不去。

Grandma, your voice, face, and laughter are forever etched in my mind, unable to be erased.

**75.** 外婆,您永远是我们心中的榜样,您的善良和智慧,将永远指引着我们前行。

Grandma, you will always be our role model, your kindness and wisdom will forever guide our path.

**76.** 外婆,您的爱,像阳光般温暖,像春风般温柔,如今却永远地消失了。

Grandma, your love was as warm as sunshine and as gentle as a spring breeze, but now it is gone forever.

**77.** 外婆,您走了,带走了我的童年,也带走了我的快乐。

Grandma is gone, taking away my childhood and my joy.

以上就是关于刚去世的外婆伤感句子77句(刚去世的外婆伤感句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
