
## 63句关于“随缘”的句子以及英文翻译


1. 随缘,不是得过且过,而是尽人事,听天命。
2. 随缘,不是放弃努力,而是放下执念。
3. 随缘,不是消极等待,而是积极面对。
4. 随缘,不是逆来顺受,而是坦然接受。
5. 随缘,不是逃避现实,而是拥抱生活。
6. 随缘,不是随波逐流,而是顺其自然。
7. 随缘,不是无情无义,而是懂得珍惜。
8. 随缘,不是心如止水,而是波澜不惊。
9. 随缘,不是无所作为,而是随心所欲。
10. 随缘,不是消极避世,而是淡泊名利。
11. 随缘,不是无欲无求,而是知足常乐。
12. 随缘,不是漠不关心,而是心怀慈悲。
13. 随缘,不是得失心重,而是放下执着。
14. 随缘,不是被动接受,而是主动选择。
15. 随缘,不是强求所得,而是珍惜拥有。
16. 随缘,不是放弃梦想,而是改变方向。
17. 随缘,不是逆天而行,而是顺应规律。
18. 随缘,不是漠视规则,而是懂得变通。
19. 随缘,不是固执己见,而是包容理解。
20. 随缘,不是墨守成规,而是勇于创新。
21. 随缘,不是一成不变,而是与时俱进。
22. 随缘,不是固步自封,而是开拓进取。
23. 随缘,不是盲目乐观,而是理性思考。
24. 随缘,不是消极逃避,而是积极进取。
25. 随缘,不是安于现状,而是追求卓越。
26. 随缘,不是自私自利,而是乐于助人。
27. 随缘,不是斤斤计较,而是豁达大度。
28. 随缘,不是怨天尤人,而是乐观向上。
29. 随缘,不是坐井观天,而是胸怀天下。
30. 随缘,不是自命不凡,而是谦虚谨慎。
31. 随缘,不是一味追求,而是懂得放弃。
32. 随缘,不是盲目相信,而是明辨是非。
33. 随缘,不是固执己见,而是虚心求教。
34. 随缘,不是妄自菲薄,而是自信自强。
35. 随缘,不是自怨自艾,而是积极改变。
36. 随缘,不是消极怠慢,而是勤奋努力。
37. 随缘,不是计较得失,而是享受过程。
38. 随缘,不是一味索取,而是懂得付出。
39. 随缘,不是斤斤计较,而是宽容大度。
40. 随缘,不是自暴自弃,而是重拾信心。
41. 随缘,不是墨守陈规,而是不断学习。
42. 随缘,不是自以为是,而是虚心求证。
43. 随缘,不是执迷不悟,而是及时醒悟。
44. 随缘,不是固步自封,而是不断成长。
45. 随缘,不是一味追求,而是懂得珍惜。
46. 随缘,不是自怨自艾,而是积极面对。
47. 随缘,不是强求所得,而是顺其自然。
48. 随缘,不是逃避责任,而是勇于担当。
49. 随缘,不是放弃梦想,而是调整步伐。
50. 随缘,不是逆天而行,而是顺势而为。
51. 随缘,不是随波逐流,而是保持初心。
52. 随缘,不是安于现状,而是追求进步。
53. 随缘,不是消极等待,而是积极创造。
54. 随缘,不是一味索取,而是懂得奉献。
55. 随缘,不是自私自利,而是心怀天下。
56. 随缘,不是消极避世,而是积极参与。
57. 随缘,不是计较得失,而是享受生活。
58. 随缘,不是放弃努力,而是改变方法。
59. 随缘,不是漠视规则,而是灵活运用。
60. 随缘,不是固执己见,而是包容万象。
61. 随缘,不是墨守成规,而是与时俱进。
62. 随缘,不是固步自封,而是开拓创新。
63. 随缘,不是一成不变,而是不断成长。


1. Going with the flow doesn't mean being passive, but doing your best and leaving the rest to fate.

2. Going with the flow doesn't mean giving up effort, but letting go of attachments.

3. Going with the flow doesn't mean waiting passively, but actively facing challenges.

4. Going with the flow doesn't mean accepting everything passively, but accepting it with equanimity.

5. Going with the flow doesn't mean escaping reality, but embracing life.

6. Going with the flow doesn't mean drifting with the current, but letting things take their course.

7. Going with the flow doesn't mean being heartless, but knowing how to cherish.

8. Going with the flow doesn't mean having a still mind, but being unruffled.

9. Going with the flow doesn't mean doing nothing, but doing what you feel.

10. Going with the flow doesn't mean withdrawing from the world, but being indifferent to fame and fortune.

11. Going with the flow doesn't mean wanting nothing, but finding contentment in what you have.

12. Going with the flow doesn't mean being unconcerned, but having compassion.

13. Going with the flow doesn't mean being obsessed with gains and losses, but letting go of attachments.

14. Going with the flow doesn't mean passively accepting, but making active choices.

15. Going with the flow doesn't mean forcing yourself to get what you want, but cherishing what you have.

16. Going with the flow doesn't mean giving up your dreams, but changing direction.

17. Going with the flow doesn't mean going against the laws of nature, but following the laws of nature.

18. Going with the flow doesn't mean ignoring rules, but knowing how to adapt.

19. Going with the flow doesn't mean being stubborn, but being understanding and inclusive.

20. Going with the flow doesn't mean sticking to old ways, but being brave enough to innovate.

21. Going with the flow doesn't mean staying the same, but keeping up with the times.

22. Going with the flow doesn't mean closing yourself off, but being open to new experiences.

23. Going with the flow doesn't mean being blindly optimistic, but thinking rationally.

24. Going with the flow doesn't mean passively escaping, but actively pursuing.

25. Going with the flow doesn't mean being content with the status quo, but striving for excellence.

26. Going with the flow doesn't mean being selfish, but being willing to help others.

27. Going with the flow doesn't mean being petty, but being generous.

28. Going with the flow doesn't mean blaming fate, but being optimistic.

29. Going with the flow doesn't mean being narrow-minded, but having a broad perspective.

30. Going with the flow doesn't mean being arrogant, but being humble.

31. Going with the flow doesn't mean always chasing after things, but knowing when to let go.

32. Going with the flow doesn't mean blindly believing, but discerning right from wrong.

33. Going with the flow doesn't mean being stubborn, but being open to learning.

34. Going with the flow doesn't mean being self-deprecating, but being confident and strong.

35. Going with the flow doesn't mean blaming yourself, but actively changing.

36. Going with the flow doesn't mean being passive, but being diligent and hardworking.

37. Going with the flow doesn't mean obsessing over gains and losses, but enjoying the process.

38. Going with the flow doesn't mean always taking, but knowing how to give.

39. Going with the flow doesn't mean being petty, but being forgiving and generous.

40. Going with the flow doesn't mean giving up on yourself, but regaining confidence.

41. Going with the flow doesn't mean sticking to old ways, but constantly learning.

42. Going with the flow doesn't mean thinking you know it all, but being open to questioning.

43. Going with the flow doesn't mean being stubborn, but waking up in time.

44. Going with the flow doesn't mean stagnating, but constantly growing.

45. Going with the flow doesn't mean always chasing after things, but knowing how to cherish.

46. Going with the flow doesn't mean blaming yourself, but actively facing challenges.

47. Going with the flow doesn't mean forcing yourself to get what you want, but letting things take their course.

48. Going with the flow doesn't mean avoiding responsibility, but being willing to take on responsibility.

49. Going with the flow doesn't mean giving up your dreams, but adjusting your pace.

50. Going with the flow doesn't mean going against the laws of nature, but going with the flow.

51. Going with the flow doesn't mean drifting with the current, but staying true to your heart.

52. Going with the flow doesn't mean being content with the status quo, but striving for progress.

53. Going with the flow doesn't mean waiting passively, but actively creating.

54. Going with the flow doesn't mean always taking, but knowing how to give back.

55. Going with the flow doesn't mean being selfish, but having a concern for the world.

56. Going with the flow doesn't mean withdrawing from the world, but actively participating.

57. Going with the flow doesn't mean obsessing over gains and losses, but enjoying life.

58. Going with the flow doesn't mean giving up effort, but changing your approach.

59. Going with the flow doesn't mean ignoring rules, but being flexible.

60. Going with the flow doesn't mean being stubborn, but being inclusive and accepting of diversity.

61. Going with the flow doesn't mean sticking to old ways, but keeping up with the times.

62. Going with the flow doesn't mean closing yourself off, but being open to new experiences and ideas.

63. Going with the flow doesn't mean staying the same, but constantly growing and evolving.

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