
## 好玩怀念句子,74句,带英文翻译和段落标签

**1.** 那些年,我们一起追过的女孩,现在都嫁人生子了吧?

Those years, we chased after girls together. Now they all have husbands and children, right?

**2.** 我还记得我们一起在操场上打篮球,你总是抢不到球。

I still remember us playing basketball on the court together. You always couldn't get the ball.

**3.** 我们一起熬夜通宵玩游戏,现在想想真是一段难忘的回忆。

We stayed up all night playing games together. Thinking back now, it's truly an unforgettable memory.

**4.** 那时候我们无忧无虑,总是把作业丢一边去玩耍。

Back then, we were carefree and always put our homework aside to play.

**5.** 记得吗?我们一起在雨中奔跑,然后躲进小店里吃冰激凌。

Remember? We ran in the rain together, and then hid in a little shop to eat ice cream.

**6.** 我们一起经历过青春的酸甜苦辣,那些日子真是难以忘怀。

We experienced the joys and sorrows of youth together. Those days were truly unforgettable.

**7.** 现在想想,那些年真是太快乐了,我们一起创造了太多美好的回忆。

Thinking back now, those years were truly joyful. We created so many wonderful memories together.

**8.** 我们一起经历了考试的压力,一起分享过考试成功的喜悦。

We experienced the pressure of exams together, and shared the joy of success together.

**9.** 那些年,我们一起哭过,一起笑过,一起经历过太多。

Those years, we cried together, laughed together, and experienced so much together.

**10.** 我们一起分享过彼此的秘密,一起见证了彼此的成长。

We shared each other's secrets and witnessed each other's growth.

**11.** 我们一起憧憬过未来,一起规划过我们的梦想。

We dreamed about the future together, and planned our dreams together.

**12.** 那些年,我们一起追过梦想,一起奋斗过,一起拼搏过。

Those years, we chased after our dreams together, worked hard together, and strived together.

**13.** 虽然时间流逝,但我们的友谊永远不会改变。

Although time has passed, our friendship will never change.

**14.** 我们曾经一起走过的路,一起留下的回忆,都会永远珍藏在我心中。

The path we walked together, the memories we left behind, will always be cherished in my heart.

**15.** 那些年,我们一起犯过错,一起成长过,一起变得更成熟。

Those years, we made mistakes together, grew up together, and became more mature.

**16.** 我们一起经历过风雨,一起走过阳光,一起分享过快乐。

We experienced storms together, walked through sunshine together, and shared happiness together.

**17.** 我们曾经一起在教室里上课,一起在操场上玩耍,一起在图书馆里学习。

We used to attend classes together in the classroom, play together on the playground, and study together in the library.

**18.** 我们一起见证了彼此的改变,一起分享了彼此的喜怒哀乐。

We witnessed each other's changes and shared each other's joys, sorrows, anger, and happiness.

**19.** 那些年,我们一起追逐过梦想,一起跌倒过,一起爬起来过。

Those years, we chased after our dreams together, fell down together, and got up together.

**20.** 我们一起分享过彼此的秘密,一起见证了彼此的成长和蜕变。

We shared each other's secrets and witnessed each other's growth and transformation.

**21.** 我们一起经历过青春的迷茫,一起寻找过未来的方向。

We experienced the confusion of youth together and searched for the direction of our future together.

**22.** 我们一起经历过考试的压力,一起分享过考试成功的喜悦,一起鼓励过彼此。

We experienced the pressure of exams together, shared the joy of success together, and encouraged each other.

**23.** 那些年,我们一起哭过,一起笑过,一起经历过太多,那些都是我最美好的回忆。

Those years, we cried together, laughed together, and experienced so much. Those are my most beautiful memories.

**24.** 那些年,我们一起在操场上打球,一起在教室里上课,一起在图书馆里学习,一起在食堂里吃饭。

Those years, we played ball together on the playground, attended classes together in the classroom, studied together in the library, and ate together in the cafeteria.

**25.** 我们一起见证了彼此的成长,一起分享了彼此的喜怒哀乐,一起陪伴彼此度过难关。

We witnessed each other's growth, shared each other's joys, sorrows, anger, and happiness, and accompanied each other through difficulties.

**26.** 那些年,我们一起追逐过梦想,一起跌倒过,一起爬起来过,一起走向成功的彼岸。

Those years, we chased after our dreams together, fell down together, got up together, and walked towards the shore of success.

**27.** 我们一起分享过彼此的秘密,一起见证了彼此的成长和蜕变,一起陪伴彼此走过人生的旅程。

We shared each other's secrets, witnessed each other's growth and transformation, and accompanied each other through the journey of life.

**28.** 那些年,我们一起经历过青春的迷茫,一起寻找过未来的方向,一起找到了属于我们自己的道路。

Those years, we experienced the confusion of youth together, searched for the direction of our future together, and found our own path.

**29.** 我们一起经历过考试的压力,一起分享过考试成功的喜悦,一起鼓励过彼此,一起共同进步。

We experienced the pressure of exams together, shared the joy of success together, encouraged each other, and made progress together.

**30.** 那些年,我们一起哭过,一起笑过,一起经历过太多,那些都是我最美好的回忆,永远不会忘记。

Those years, we cried together, laughed together, and experienced so much. Those are my most beautiful memories, and I will never forget them.

**31.** 你还记得吗?我们一起在操场上打球,你总是抢不到球,但我总是把球传给你。

Do you remember? We played ball together on the playground. You always couldn't get the ball, but I always passed it to you.

**32.** 我们一起熬夜通宵玩游戏,现在想想真是一段难忘的回忆,我们一起度过了多少个通宵。

We stayed up all night playing games together. Thinking back now, it's truly an unforgettable memory. We spent countless nights together.

**33.** 那时候我们无忧无虑,总是把作业丢一边去玩耍,一起在操场上奔跑,一起在树荫下聊天。

Back then, we were carefree and always put our homework aside to play. We ran together on the playground and chatted under the shade of the trees.

**34.** 记得吗?我们一起在雨中奔跑,然后躲进小店里吃冰激凌,分享彼此的快乐。

Remember? We ran in the rain together, and then hid in a little shop to eat ice cream and share our happiness.

**35.** 我们一起经历过青春的酸甜苦辣,那些日子真是难以忘怀,我们一起哭过,一起笑过,一起成长过。

We experienced the joys and sorrows of youth together. Those days were truly unforgettable. We cried together, laughed together, and grew up together.

**36.** 现在想想,那些年真是太快乐了,我们一起创造了太多美好的回忆,这些回忆将永远珍藏在我心中。

Thinking back now, those years were truly joyful. We created so many wonderful memories together. These memories will always be cherished in my heart.

**37.** 我们一起经历过考试的压力,一起分享过考试成功的喜悦,一起鼓励过彼此,一起度过了那些难忘的时光。

We experienced the pressure of exams together, shared the joy of success together, encouraged each other, and spent those unforgettable times together.

**38.** 那些年,我们一起哭过,一起笑过,一起经历过太多,那些都是我最美好的回忆,永远不会忘记。

Those years, we cried together, laughed together, and experienced so much. Those are my most beautiful memories, and I will never forget them.

**39.** 我们一起分享过彼此的秘密,一起见证了彼此的成长,一起陪伴彼此度过青春的岁月。

We shared each other's secrets, witnessed each other's growth, and accompanied each other through the years of our youth.

**40.** 我们一起憧憬过未来,一起规划过我们的梦想,一起朝着目标努力奋斗。

We dreamed about the future together, planned our dreams together, and worked hard towards our goals together.

**41.** 那些年,我们一起追过梦想,一起奋斗过,一起拼搏过,一起留下了难忘的青春印记。

Those years, we chased after our dreams together, worked hard together, strived together, and left unforgettable marks of our youth.

**42.** 虽然时间流逝,但我们的友谊永远不会改变,我们之间的回忆依然清晰如昨。

Although time has passed, our friendship will never change. Our memories together are still as clear as yesterday.

**43.** 我们曾经一起走过的路,一起留下的回忆,都会永远珍藏在我心中,成为我生命中最宝贵的财富。

The path we walked together, the memories we left behind, will always be cherished in my heart, becoming the most precious treasure in my life.

**44.** 那些年,我们一起犯过错,一起成长过,一起变得更成熟,一起经历了人生的酸甜苦辣。

Those years, we made mistakes together, grew up together, became more mature together, and experienced the joys and sorrows of life together.

**45.** 我们一起经历过风雨,一起走过阳光,一起分享过快乐,一起度过了最美好的青春年华。

We experienced storms together, walked through sunshine together, shared happiness together, and spent the best years of our youth together.

**46.** 我们曾经一起在教室里上课,一起在操场上玩耍,一起在图书馆里学习,一起在食堂里吃饭,一起度过了那些难忘的校园时光。

We used to attend classes together in the classroom, play together on the playground, study together in the library, eat together in the cafeteria, and spent those unforgettable school days together.

**47.** 我们一起见证了彼此的改变,一起分享了彼此的喜怒哀乐,一起陪伴彼此度过人生的各个阶段。

We witnessed each other's changes, shared each other's joys, sorrows, anger, and happiness, and accompanied each other through every stage of life.

**48.** 那些年,我们一起追逐过梦想,一起跌倒过,一起爬起来过,一起朝着梦想的方向不断前进。

Those years, we chased after our dreams together, fell down together, got up together, and kept moving towards the direction of our dreams.

**49.** 我们一起分享过彼此的秘密,一起见证了彼此的成长和蜕变,一起见证了彼此的成功和失败。

We shared each other's secrets, witnessed each other's growth and transformation, and witnessed each other's successes and failures.

**50.** 我们一起经历过青春的迷茫,一起寻找过未来的方向,一起找到了属于我们自己的道路,一起走向了各自的未来。

We experienced the confusion of youth together, searched for the direction of our future together, found our own path together, and walked towards our own futures.

**51.** 我们一起经历过考试的压力,一起分享过考试成功的喜悦,一起鼓励过彼此,一起共同进步,一起创造了属于我们自己的辉煌。

We experienced the pressure of exams together, shared the joy of success together, encouraged each other, made progress together, and created our own brilliance.

**52.** 那些年,我们一起哭过,一起笑过,一起经历过太多,那些都是我最美好的回忆,永远不会忘记。

Those years, we cried together, laughed together, and experienced so much. Those are my most beautiful memories, and I will never forget them.

**53.** 那些年,我们一起在操场上打球,一起在教室里上课,一起在图书馆里学习,一起在食堂里吃饭,一起度过了那些难忘的校园时光,那些都是我最美好的回忆。

Those years, we played ball together on the playground, attended classes together in the classroom, studied together in the library, ate together in the cafeteria, and spent those unforgettable school days together. Those are my most beautiful memories.

**54.** 我们一起见证了彼此的成长,一起分享了彼此的喜怒哀乐,一起陪伴彼此度过人生的各个阶段,一起创造了属于我们自己的美好回忆。

We witnessed each other's growth, shared each other's joys, sorrows, anger, and happiness, accompanied each other through every stage of life, and created our own beautiful memories.

**55.** 那些年,我们一起追逐过梦想,一起跌倒过,一起爬起来过,一起朝着梦想的方向不断前进,一起创造了属于我们自己的辉煌,那些都是我最美好的回忆。

Those years, we chased after our dreams together, fell down together, got up together, kept moving towards the direction of our dreams, and created our own brilliance. Those are my most beautiful memories.

**56.** 我们一起分享过彼此的秘密,一起见证了彼此的成长和蜕变,一起见证了彼此的成功和失败,一起陪伴彼此走过人生的旅程,那些都是我最美好的回忆。

We shared each other's secrets, witnessed each other's growth and transformation, witnessed each other's successes and failures, accompanied each other through the journey of life. Those are my most beautiful memories.

**57.** 那些年,我们一起经历过青春的迷茫,一起寻找过未来的方向,一起找到了属于我们自己的道路,一起走向了各自的未来,那些都是我最美好的回忆。

Those years, we experienced the confusion of youth together, searched for the direction of our future together, found our own path together, and walked towards our own futures. Those are my most beautiful memories.

**58.** 我们一起经历过考试的压力,一起分享过考试成功的喜悦,一起鼓励过彼此,一起共同进步,一起创造了属于我们自己的辉煌,那些都是我最美好的回忆。

We experienced the pressure of exams together, shared the joy of success together, encouraged each other, made progress together, and created our own brilliance. Those are my most beautiful memories.

**59.** 你还记得吗?我们一起在操场上打球,你总是抢不到球,但我总是把球传给你,我们一起笑过,一起哭过,一起度过了那些难忘的时光。

Do you remember? We played ball together on the playground. You always couldn't get the ball, but I always passed it to you. We laughed together, cried together, and spent those unforgettable times together.

**60.** 我们一起熬夜通宵玩游戏,现在想想真是一段难忘的回忆,我们一起度过了多少个通宵,一起分享过多少个秘密,一起见证了彼此的成长。

We stayed up all night playing games together. Thinking back now, it's truly an unforgettable memory. We spent countless nights together, shared countless secrets, and witnessed each other's growth.

**61.** 那时候我们无忧无虑,总是把作业丢一边去玩耍,一起在操场上奔跑,一起在树荫下聊天,一起度过了最美好的青春年华。

Back then, we were carefree and always put our homework aside to play. We ran together on the playground, chatted under the shade of the trees, and spent the best years of our youth together.

**62.** 记得吗?我们一起在雨中奔跑,然后躲进小店里吃冰激凌,分享彼此的快乐,那些都是我最美好的回忆,永远不会忘记。

Remember? We ran in the rain together, and then hid in a little shop to eat ice cream and share our happiness. Those are my most beautiful memories, and I will never forget them.

**63.** 我们一起经历过青春的酸甜苦辣,那些日子真是难以忘怀,我们一起哭过,一起笑过,一起成长过,一起度过了那些难忘的时光。

We experienced the joys and sorrows of youth together. Those days were truly unforgettable. We cried together, laughed together, grew up together, and spent those unforgettable times together.

**64.** 现在想想,那些年真是太快乐了,我们一起创造了太多美好的回忆,这些回忆将永远珍藏在我心中,成为我生命中最宝贵的财富。

Thinking back now, those years were truly joyful. We created so many wonderful memories together. These memories will always be cherished in my heart, becoming the most precious treasure in my life.

**65.** 我们一起经历过考试的压力,一起分享过考试成功的喜悦,一起鼓励过彼此,一起度过了那些难忘的时光,那些都是我最美好的回忆。

We experienced the pressure of exams together, shared the joy of success together, encouraged each other, and spent those unforgettable times together. Those are my most beautiful memories.

**66.** 那些年,我们一起哭过,一起笑过,一起经历过太多,那些都是我最美好的回忆,永远不会忘记,这些回忆将永远伴随我左右。

Those years, we cried together, laughed together, and experienced so much. Those are my most beautiful memories, and I will never forget them. These memories will always be with me.

**67.** 我们一起分享过彼此的秘密,一起见证了彼此的成长,一起陪伴彼此度过青春的岁月,那些都是我最美好的回忆,永远不会忘记。

We shared each other's secrets, witnessed each other's growth, and accompanied each other through the years of our youth. Those are my most beautiful memories, and I will never forget them.

**68.** 我们一起憧憬过未来,一起规划过我们的梦想,一起朝着目标努力奋斗,那些都是我最美好的回忆,永远不会忘记。

We dreamed about the future together, planned our dreams together, and worked hard towards our goals together. Those are my most beautiful memories, and I will never forget them.

**69.** 那些年,我们一起追过梦想,一起奋斗过,一起拼搏过,一起留下了难忘的青春印记,那些都是我最美好的回忆,永远不会忘记。

Those years, we chased after our dreams together, worked hard together, strived together, and left unforgettable marks of our youth. Those are my most beautiful memories, and I will never forget them.

**70.** 虽然时间流逝,但我们的友谊永远不会改变,我们之间的回忆依然清晰如昨,那些都是我最美好的回忆,永远不会忘记。

Although time has passed, our friendship will never change. Our memories together are still as clear as yesterday. Those are my most beautiful memories, and I will never forget them.

**71.** 我们曾经一起走过的路,一起留下的回忆,都会永远珍藏在我心中,成为我生命中最宝贵的财富,那些都是我最美好的回忆,永远不会忘记。

The path we walked together, the memories we left behind, will always be cherished in my heart, becoming the most precious treasure in my life. Those are my most beautiful memories, and I will never forget them.

**72.** 那些年,我们一起犯过错,一起成长过,一起变得更成熟,一起经历了人生的酸甜苦辣,那些都是我最美好的回忆,永远不会忘记。

Those years, we made mistakes together, grew up together, became more mature together, and experienced the joys and sorrows of life together. Those are my most beautiful memories, and I will never forget them.

**73.** 我们一起经历过风雨,一起走过阳光,一起分享过快乐,一起度过了最美好的青春年华,那些都是我最美好的回忆,永远不会忘记。

We experienced storms together, walked through sunshine together, shared happiness together, and spent the best years of our youth together. Those are my most beautiful memories, and I will never forget them.

**74.** 我们曾经一起在教室里上课,一起在操场上玩耍,一起在图书馆里学习,一起在食堂里吃饭,一起度过了那些难忘的校园时光,那些都是我最美好的回忆,永远不会忘记。

We used to attend classes together in the classroom, play together on the playground, study together in the library, eat together in the cafeteria, and spent those unforgettable school days together. Those are my most beautiful memories, and I will never forget them.

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