
## 进退有度句子,52句

1. 知进退,方能成大事。

Knowing when to advance and when to retreat is the key to achieving great things.

2. 进退有度,方可立于不败之地。

Knowing when to advance and when to retreat allows you to stand undefeated.

3. 进则思退,退则思进,方能运筹帷幄。

To advance, consider retreat; to retreat, consider advancement. Only then can you strategize effectively.

4. 进退有度,乃立身之本。

Knowing when to advance and when to retreat is the foundation of a successful life.

5. 进退有度,方能行稳致远。

Knowing when to advance and when to retreat allows you to move steadily towards your goals.

6. 进退之间,要有分寸。

There should be a sense of proportion in advancing and retreating.

7. 进退之机,不可失之交臂。

Do not miss the opportunity to advance or retreat.

8. 进退有度,方能左右逢源。

Knowing when to advance and when to retreat allows you to adapt to any situation.

9. 进退有度,方能立于不败之地。

Knowing when to advance and when to retreat allows you to stand undefeated.

10. 进退之间,贵在灵活。

Flexibility is crucial in advancing and retreating.

11. 进退有度,方能游刃有余。

Knowing when to advance and when to retreat allows you to move with ease and grace.

12. 进退之间,要审时度势。

You must assess the situation and act accordingly in advancing and retreating.

13. 进退有度,方能成就一番事业。

Knowing when to advance and when to retreat is essential for building a successful career.

14. 进退有度,方能赢得尊重。

Knowing when to advance and when to retreat earns you respect.

15. 进退有度,方能赢得信任。

Knowing when to advance and when to retreat earns you trust.

16. 进退有度,方能赢得人心。

Knowing when to advance and when to retreat wins you the hearts of others.

17. 进退之间,要有舍有得。

There must be both sacrifice and gain in advancing and retreating.

18. 进退有度,方能化险为夷。

Knowing when to advance and when to retreat allows you to turn danger into safety.

19. 进退有度,方能从容应对。

Knowing when to advance and when to retreat allows you to handle situations calmly and confidently.

20. 进退有度,方能百战百胜。

Knowing when to advance and when to retreat leads to victory in every battle.

21. 进退之间,要善于权衡。

You must be able to weigh the pros and cons in advancing and retreating.

22. 进退有度,方能成就非凡。

Knowing when to advance and when to retreat allows you to achieve greatness.

23. 进退之间,要有目标。

You must have goals in advancing and retreating.

24. 进退有度,方能步步为营。

Knowing when to advance and when to retreat allows you to move forward steadily and strategically.

25. 进退有度,方能无往不利。

Knowing when to advance and when to retreat leads to success in all endeavors.

26. 进退有度,方能成就人生。

Knowing when to advance and when to retreat is essential for a fulfilling life.

27. 进退之间,要有勇气。

Courage is needed in advancing and retreating.

28. 进退有度,方能成就伟业。

Knowing when to advance and when to retreat allows you to accomplish great feats.

29. 进退之间,要有智慧。

Wisdom is required in advancing and retreating.

30. 进退有度,方能成就梦想。

Knowing when to advance and when to retreat allows you to achieve your dreams.

31. 进退之间,要有原则。

Principles are important in advancing and retreating.

32. 进退有度,方能成就自我。

Knowing when to advance and when to retreat allows you to become the best version of yourself.

33. 进退之间,要有计划。

Plans are crucial in advancing and retreating.

34. 进退有度,方能成就未来。

Knowing when to advance and when to retreat allows you to shape your future.

35. 进退之间,要有自信。

Confidence is essential in advancing and retreating.

36. 进退有度,方能成就人生价值。

Knowing when to advance and when to retreat allows you to realize your life's purpose.

37. 进退之间,要有责任。

Responsibility is important in advancing and retreating.

38. 进退有度,方能成就事业辉煌。

Knowing when to advance and when to retreat allows you to achieve great success in your career.

39. 进退之间,要有爱。

Love is important in advancing and retreating.

40. 进退有度,方能成就家庭幸福。

Knowing when to advance and when to retreat allows you to build a happy family.

41. 进退之间,要有朋友。

Friends are essential in advancing and retreating.

42. 进退有度,方能成就社会贡献。

Knowing when to advance and when to retreat allows you to make a positive impact on society.

43. 进退之间,要有梦想。

Dreams are crucial in advancing and retreating.

44. 进退有度,方能成就人生梦想。

Knowing when to advance and when to retreat allows you to achieve your lifelong dreams.

45. 进退之间,要有目标。

Goals are important in advancing and retreating.

46. 进退有度,方能成就人生价值。

Knowing when to advance and when to retreat allows you to realize your life's worth.

47. 进退之间,要有担当。

Responsibility is essential in advancing and retreating.

48. 进退有度,方能成就人生精彩。

Knowing when to advance and when to retreat allows you to live a vibrant and fulfilling life.

49. 进退之间,要有智慧。

Wisdom is required in advancing and retreating.

50. 进退有度,方能成就人生巅峰。

Knowing when to advance and when to retreat allows you to reach the pinnacle of your life.

51. 进退之间,要有勇气。

Courage is needed in advancing and retreating.

52. 进退有度,方能成就人生传奇。

Knowing when to advance and when to retreat allows you to create a legendary life.

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