
## 远小人近君子 经典句子 72句

**1. 近朱者赤,近墨者黑。**

Those who associate with the virtuous will become virtuous themselves, while those who associate with the wicked will become wicked themselves.

**2. 与善人居,如入芝兰之室,久而不闻其香,则其香之入鼻矣。**

Living with good people is like being in a room filled with orchids. After a while, you won't smell the fragrance anymore, because it has permeated your nostrils.

**3. 与恶人居,如入鲍鱼之肆,久而不闻其臭,则其臭之入鼻矣。**

Living with bad people is like being in a fish market. After a while, you won't smell the stench anymore, because it has permeated your nostrils.

**4. 近之则不逊,远之则怨,小人难养也。**

If you get close to them, they become disrespectful. If you distance yourself from them, they become resentful. Small people are difficult to manage.

**5. 君子坦荡荡,小人常戚戚。**

The gentleman is open and upright, while the small person is constantly anxious and worried.

**6. 与小人交,损人利己;与君子交,损己利人。**

Interacting with a small person benefits them at your expense, while interacting with a gentleman benefits others at your own expense.

**7. 与君子交,言谈如玉,温润如春;与小人交,言谈如刀,锋利如冬。**

Talking with a gentleman is like conversing with jade, warm and gentle like spring. Talking with a small person is like being cut by a knife, sharp and cold like winter.

**8. 君子之交淡如水,小人之交甘如蜜。**

The friendship of a gentleman is pure and refreshing like water, while the friendship of a small person is sweet and intoxicating like honey.

**9. 君子爱财,取之有道;小人爱财,不择手段。**

A gentleman loves wealth but seeks it through proper means, while a small person loves wealth and will use any means to obtain it.

**10. 君子一言既出驷马难追,小人言无信,反复无常。**

A gentleman's word is like a contract, unchangeable and binding, while a small person's word is unreliable and constantly shifting.

**11. 君子之过也,如日月之食,人皆见之,亦皆知之,改之者也。**

A gentleman's mistakes are like eclipses of the sun and moon, visible and known to all. They are willing to correct them.

**12. 小人无过也,如萤火之光,不见其光,亦不知其过,掩之者也。**

A small person has no mistakes, like the light of a firefly, invisible and unnoticed. They hide their mistakes and refuse to acknowledge them.

**13. 君子成人之美,小人夺人之美。**

A gentleman helps others to achieve their goals, while a small person seeks to steal the credit for others' achievements.

**14. 君子以仁义为本,小人以利害为先。**

A gentleman bases his actions on righteousness and justice, while a small person prioritizes personal gain and advantage.

**15. 君子宽容待人,小人斤斤计较。**

A gentleman is forgiving and tolerant, while a small person is petty and always seeks to hold grudges.

**16. 君子重信义,小人重利益。**

A gentleman values trust and loyalty, while a small person values only their own personal gain.

**17. 君子以德服人,小人以势服人。**

A gentleman wins others over through his virtue and character, while a small person uses force and intimidation to control others.

**18. 君子以诚相待,小人以假相待。**

A gentleman treats others with sincerity, while a small person uses deception and trickery to manipulate others.

**19. 君子之言,如金玉良言,发人深省;小人之言,如糠秕之语,毫无价值。**

The words of a gentleman are like precious gems, inspiring deep reflection. The words of a small person are like empty husks, lacking any value.

**20. 君子之行,如山如海,高深莫测;小人之行,如蝇如蚁,卑微渺小。**

The actions of a gentleman are like mountains and oceans, vast and profound. The actions of a small person are like flies and ants, insignificant and petty.

**21. 君子光明磊落,小人阴险狡诈。**

A gentleman is honest and open, while a small person is devious and cunning.

**22. 君子不以私废公,小人以私害公。**

A gentleman will not sacrifice the public good for personal gain, while a small person will put their own interests above the interests of others.

**23. 君子以身作则,小人以己度人。**

A gentleman leads by example, while a small person judges others based on their own standards.

**24. 君子博学多识,小人孤陋寡闻。**

A gentleman is well-educated and knowledgeable, while a small person is ignorant and uninformed.

**25. 君子胸怀宽广,小人心胸狭窄。**

A gentleman is generous and magnanimous, while a small person is narrow-minded and petty.

**26. 君子乐于助人,小人自私自利。**

A gentleman is happy to help others, while a small person is selfish and only cares about their own interests.

**27. 君子以理服人,小人以力服人。**

A gentleman wins others over through reason and logic, while a small person uses force to get what they want.

**28. 君子以德报怨,小人以怨报德。**

A gentleman responds to wrongdoing with kindness, while a small person repays kindness with resentment.

**29. 君子以义取利,小人以利取义。**

A gentleman seeks wealth and profit through righteousness, while a small person will compromise their principles for personal gain.

**30. 君子之善,如春风化雨,润物无声;小人之恶,如狂风暴雨,摧毁万物。**

The goodness of a gentleman is like a gentle spring rain, nourishing the world silently. The wickedness of a small person is like a raging storm, destroying everything in its path.

**31. 君子之交,如高山流水,清澈纯净;小人之交,如过眼云烟,虚幻无常。**

The friendship of a gentleman is like a mountain stream, pure and refreshing. The friendship of a small person is like a passing cloud, fleeting and ephemeral.

**32. 君子之爱,如阳光般温暖,照亮人心;小人之爱,如毒蛇般阴险,吞噬人心。**

The love of a gentleman is like warm sunlight, illuminating the soul. The love of a small person is like a venomous snake, consuming the heart.

**33. 君子以正道而行,小人以邪道而行。**

A gentleman walks the straight path, while a small person follows the crooked path.

**34. 君子以诚相待,小人以伪相待。**

A gentleman treats others with sincerity, while a small person uses deception and trickery to manipulate others.

**35. 君子以仁爱为怀,小人以私欲为念。**

A gentleman is guided by compassion and love, while a small person is driven by selfish desires.

**36. 君子以礼待人,小人以势压人。**

A gentleman treats others with courtesy and respect, while a small person uses force and intimidation to control others.

**37. 君子以德报怨,小人以怨报德。**

A gentleman responds to wrongdoing with kindness, while a small person repays kindness with resentment.

**38. 君子之言,如金玉良言,发人深省;小人之言,如糠秕之语,毫无价值。**

The words of a gentleman are like precious gems, inspiring deep reflection. The words of a small person are like empty husks, lacking any value.

**39. 君子之行,如山如海,高深莫测;小人之行,如蝇如蚁,卑微渺小。**

The actions of a gentleman are like mountains and oceans, vast and profound. The actions of a small person are like flies and ants, insignificant and petty.

**40. 君子光明磊落,小人阴险狡诈。**

A gentleman is honest and open, while a small person is devious and cunning.

**41. 君子不以私废公,小人以私害公。**

A gentleman will not sacrifice the public good for personal gain, while a small person will put their own interests above the interests of others.

**42. 君子以身作则,小人以己度人。**

A gentleman leads by example, while a small person judges others based on their own standards.

**43. 君子博学多识,小人孤陋寡闻。**

A gentleman is well-educated and knowledgeable, while a small person is ignorant and uninformed.

**44. 君子胸怀宽广,小人心胸狭窄。**

A gentleman is generous and magnanimous, while a small person is narrow-minded and petty.

**45. 君子乐于助人,小人自私自利。**

A gentleman is happy to help others, while a small person is selfish and only cares about their own interests.

**46. 君子以理服人,小人以力服人。**

A gentleman wins others over through reason and logic, while a small person uses force to get what they want.

**47. 君子以德报怨,小人以怨报德。**

A gentleman responds to wrongdoing with kindness, while a small person repays kindness with resentment.

**48. 君子以义取利,小人以利取义。**

A gentleman seeks wealth and profit through righteousness, while a small person will compromise their principles for personal gain.

**49. 君子之善,如春风化雨,润物无声;小人之恶,如狂风暴雨,摧毁万物。**

The goodness of a gentleman is like a gentle spring rain, nourishing the world silently. The wickedness of a small person is like a raging storm, destroying everything in its path.

**50. 君子之交,如高山流水,清澈纯净;小人之交,如过眼云烟,虚幻无常。**

The friendship of a gentleman is like a mountain stream, pure and refreshing. The friendship of a small person is like a passing cloud, fleeting and ephemeral.

**51. 君子之爱,如阳光般温暖,照亮人心;小人之爱,如毒蛇般阴险,吞噬人心。**

The love of a gentleman is like warm sunlight, illuminating the soul. The love of a small person is like a venomous snake, consuming the heart.

**52. 君子以正道而行,小人以邪道而行。**

A gentleman walks the straight path, while a small person follows the crooked path.

**53. 君子以诚相待,小人以伪相待。**

A gentleman treats others with sincerity, while a small person uses deception and trickery to manipulate others.

**54. 君子以仁爱为怀,小人以私欲为念。**

A gentleman is guided by compassion and love, while a small person is driven by selfish desires.

**55. 君子以礼待人,小人以势压人。**

A gentleman treats others with courtesy and respect, while a small person uses force and intimidation to control others.

**56. 君子以德报怨,小人以怨报德。**

A gentleman responds to wrongdoing with kindness, while a small person repays kindness with resentment.

**57. 君子之言,如金玉良言,发人深省;小人之言,如糠秕之语,毫无价值。**

The words of a gentleman are like precious gems, inspiring deep reflection. The words of a small person are like empty husks, lacking any value.

**58. 君子之行,如山如海,高深莫测;小人之行,如蝇如蚁,卑微渺小。**

The actions of a gentleman are like mountains and oceans, vast and profound. The actions of a small person are like flies and ants, insignificant and petty.

**59. 君子光明磊落,小人阴险狡诈。**

A gentleman is honest and open, while a small person is devious and cunning.

**60. 君子不以私废公,小人以私害公。**

A gentleman will not sacrifice the public good for personal gain, while a small person will put their own interests above the interests of others.

**61. 君子以身作则,小人以己度人。**

A gentleman leads by example, while a small person judges others based on their own standards.

**62. 君子博学多识,小人孤陋寡闻。**

A gentleman is well-educated and knowledgeable, while a small person is ignorant and uninformed.

**63. 君子胸怀宽广,小人心胸狭窄。**

A gentleman is generous and magnanimous, while a small person is narrow-minded and petty.

**64. 君子乐于助人,小人自私自利。**

A gentleman is happy to help others, while a small person is selfish and only cares about their own interests.

**65. 君子以理服人,小人以力服人。**

A gentleman wins others over through reason and logic, while a small person uses force to get what they want.

**66. 君子以德报怨,小人以怨报德。**

A gentleman responds to wrongdoing with kindness, while a small person repays kindness with resentment.

**67. 君子以义取利,小人以利取义。**

A gentleman seeks wealth and profit through righteousness, while a small person will compromise their principles for personal gain.

**68. 君子之善,如春风化雨,润物无声;小人之恶,如狂风暴雨,摧毁万物。**

The goodness of a gentleman is like a gentle spring rain, nourishing the world silently. The wickedness of a small person is like a raging storm, destroying everything in its path.

**69. 君子之交,如高山流水,清澈纯净;小人之交,如过眼云烟,虚幻无常。**

The friendship of a gentleman is like a mountain stream, pure and refreshing. The friendship of a small person is like a passing cloud, fleeting and ephemeral.

**70. 君子之爱,如阳光般温暖,照亮人心;小人之爱,如毒蛇般阴险,吞噬人心。**

The love of a gentleman is like warm sunlight, illuminating the soul. The love of a small person is like a venomous snake, consuming the heart.

**71. 君子以正道而行,小人以邪道而行。**

A gentleman walks the straight path, while a small person follows the crooked path.

**72. 君子以诚相待,小人以伪相待。**

A gentleman treats others with sincerity, while a small person uses deception and trickery to manipulate others.

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