
## 好借好还,再借不难,51句

**1. 好借好还,再借不难。**

A good borrower repays promptly, and it's easy to borrow again.

**2. 借钱容易还钱难,好借好还,买卖不成仁义在。**

Borrowing money is easy, repaying it is hard. A good borrower repays promptly, and even if the deal falls through, there is still good faith.

**3. 好借好还,才能长久。**

Borrow and repay well, and the relationship will last.

**4. 借钱容易还钱难,好借好还,朋友常在。**

Borrowing money is easy, repaying it is hard. A good borrower repays promptly, and friends will always be there.

**5. 借钱不难,还钱难,好借好还,朋友不散。**

Borrowing money is not difficult, but repaying it is. A good borrower repays promptly, and friends don't disperse.

**6. 借钱容易还钱难,好借好还,才能交心。**

Borrowing money is easy, repaying it is hard. A good borrower repays promptly, and that's how you can be true to each other.

**7. 借钱容易还钱难,好借好还,情谊绵绵。**

Borrowing money is easy, repaying it is hard. A good borrower repays promptly, and the friendship will be long-lasting.

**8. 借钱容易还钱难,好借好还,才能相安无事。**

Borrowing money is easy, repaying it is hard. A good borrower repays promptly, and then there will be no trouble.

**9. 好借好还,信誉无价。**

A good borrower repays promptly, and credit is priceless.

**10. 借钱不难,还钱难,好借好还,才能长久。**

Borrowing money is not difficult, but repaying it is. A good borrower repays promptly, and the relationship will last.

**11. 好借好还,方得始终。**

A good borrower repays promptly, and that's how you can have a good ending.

**12. 好借好还,友谊长存。**

A good borrower repays promptly, and the friendship will last forever.

**13. 好借好还,人情常在。**

A good borrower repays promptly, and human relationships will always be there.

**14. 借钱容易还钱难,好借好还,才能相亲相爱。**

Borrowing money is easy, repaying it is hard. A good borrower repays promptly, and that's how you can love each other.

**15. 好借好还,才能长久相伴。**

A good borrower repays promptly, and that's how you can be together for a long time.

**16. 好借好还,方得朋友。**

A good borrower repays promptly, and that's how you can make friends.

**17. 借钱容易还钱难,好借好还,才能真心相待。**

Borrowing money is easy, repaying it is hard. A good borrower repays promptly, and that's how you can treat each other with sincerity.

**18. 好借好还,方能无忧无虑。**

A good borrower repays promptly, and that's how you can live without worries.

**19. 好借好还,才能心安理得。**

A good borrower repays promptly, and that's how you can have a clear conscience.

**20. 借钱容易还钱难,好借好还,才能永结同心。**

Borrowing money is easy, repaying it is hard. A good borrower repays promptly, and that's how you can be together forever.

**21. 好借好还,才能长长久久。**

A good borrower repays promptly, and that's how you can be together for a long time.

**22. 好借好还,才能心平气和。**

A good borrower repays promptly, and that's how you can be calm and composed.

**23. 好借好还,才能彼此信任。**

A good borrower repays promptly, and that's how you can trust each other.

**24. 好借好还,才能相敬如宾。**

A good borrower repays promptly, and that's how you can treat each other with respect.

**25. 好借好还,才能风雨同舟。**

A good borrower repays promptly, and that's how you can face any challenge together.

**26. 好借好还,才能相知相爱。**

A good borrower repays promptly, and that's how you can know and love each other.

**27. 好借好还,才能相濡以沫。**

A good borrower repays promptly, and that's how you can support each other.

**28. 好借好还,才能相依为命。**

A good borrower repays promptly, and that's how you can depend on each other.

**29. 好借好还,才能相守一生。**

A good borrower repays promptly, and that's how you can be together for life.

**30. 好借好还,才能共度余生。**

A good borrower repays promptly, and that's how you can spend the rest of your life together.

**31. 好借好还,才能天长地久。**

A good borrower repays promptly, and that's how you can be together forever.

**32. 好借好还,才能永世相伴。**

A good borrower repays promptly, and that's how you can be together forever.

**33. 好借好还,才能白头偕老。**

A good borrower repays promptly, and that's how you can grow old together.

**34. 好借好还,才能情比金坚。**

A good borrower repays promptly, and that's how you can have a solid friendship.

**35. 好借好还,才能肝胆相照。**

A good borrower repays promptly, and that's how you can be true to each other.

**36. 好借好还,才能相濡以沫。**

A good borrower repays promptly, and that's how you can support each other.

**37. 好借好还,才能患难与共。**

A good borrower repays promptly, and that's how you can face challenges together.

**38. 好借好还,才能同舟共济。**

A good borrower repays promptly, and that's how you can work together to overcome difficulties.

**39. 好借好还,才能相扶相持。**

A good borrower repays promptly, and that's how you can support each other.

**40. 好借好还,才能同甘共苦。**

A good borrower repays promptly, and that's how you can share both good times and bad times.

**41. 好借好还,才能共克时艰。**

A good borrower repays promptly, and that's how you can overcome difficulties together.

**42. 好借好还,才能同舟共济。**

A good borrower repays promptly, and that's how you can work together to overcome difficulties.

**43. 好借好还,才能相亲相爱。**

A good borrower repays promptly, and that's how you can love each other.

**44. 好借好还,才能情深义重。**

A good borrower repays promptly, and that's how you can have a deep and sincere friendship.

**45. 好借好还,才能相敬如宾。**

A good borrower repays promptly, and that's how you can treat each other with respect.

**46. 好借好还,才能情谊绵绵。**

A good borrower repays promptly, and that's how you can have a long-lasting friendship.

**47. 好借好还,才能相知相爱。**

A good borrower repays promptly, and that's how you can know and love each other.

**48. 好借好还,才能相濡以沫。**

A good borrower repays promptly, and that's how you can support each other.

**49. 好借好还,才能同心协力。**

A good borrower repays promptly, and that's how you can work together.

**50. 好借好还,才能相扶相持。**

A good borrower repays promptly, and that's how you can support each other.

**51. 好借好还,才能永结同心。**

A good borrower repays promptly, and that's how you can be together forever.

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