
## 外婆带孩子辛苦的句子 (56句)

**1. 外婆带孩子,真是辛苦,一天到晚操心不停,像个陀螺一样转个不停。**

Grandma taking care of the children is really hard work. She worries constantly, day and night, spinning like a top.

**2. 外婆一把年纪了,还帮着带孩子,真是辛苦,我们应该多关心她,让她享享清福。**

Grandma is old, but she still helps take care of the children. It's really hard work. We should care for her more and let her enjoy her golden years.

**3. 外婆带孩子,不仅要照顾孩子的生活起居,还要教育孩子,真是费心费力。**

Grandma taking care of the children involves not only taking care of their daily lives but also educating them. It's a lot of work.

**4. 外婆带孩子,就像个超人,无所不能,什么都能干。**

Grandma taking care of the children is like a superhero, capable of anything and everything.

**5. 外婆带孩子,总是把最好的留给孩子,自己却舍不得吃喝。**

Grandma taking care of the children always gives the best to the kids, but she doesn't allow herself to eat and drink well.

**6. 外婆带孩子,比妈妈还辛苦,因为她还要照顾自己。**

Grandma taking care of the children is even harder than mom, because she also has to take care of herself.

**7. 外婆带孩子,总是那么细心,把孩子照顾得无微不至。**

Grandma taking care of the children is always so attentive, taking care of the kids with the utmost care.

**8. 外婆带孩子,总是把孩子当成自己的宝贝一样疼爱。**

Grandma taking care of the children always loves them as if they were her own treasure.

**9. 外婆带孩子,虽然辛苦,但是她脸上总是带着笑容,因为她爱孩子。**

Grandma taking care of the children may be hard work, but she always has a smile on her face because she loves them.

**10. 外婆带孩子,是我们家的功臣,我们应该感谢她。**

Grandma taking care of the children is a hero in our family. We should be thankful to her.

**11. 外婆带孩子,真是不容易,她付出了很多。**

Grandma taking care of the children is not easy. She has given a lot.

**12. 外婆带孩子,我们应该多体谅她,少给她添麻烦。**

Grandma taking care of the children, we should be more understanding and give her less trouble.

**13. 外婆带孩子,我们应该多陪陪她,让她开心。**

Grandma taking care of the children, we should spend more time with her to make her happy.

**14. 外婆带孩子,我们应该多帮帮她,减轻她的负担。**

Grandma taking care of the children, we should help her more to reduce her burden.

**15. 外婆带孩子,我们应该多关心她,让她感受到我们的爱。**

Grandma taking care of the children, we should care for her more and let her feel our love.

**16. 外婆带孩子,我们应该多给她一些物质上的帮助,让她生活得更好。**

Grandma taking care of the children, we should give her more material support to make her life better.

**17. 外婆带孩子,我们应该多给她一些精神上的支持,让她感受到我们的关心。**

Grandma taking care of the children, we should give her more spiritual support to let her feel our care.

**18. 外婆带孩子,我们应该多给她一些陪伴,让她感受到家的温暖。**

Grandma taking care of the children, we should give her more companionship to let her feel the warmth of home.

**19. 外婆带孩子,我们应该多给她一些理解,让她感受到我们的尊重。**

Grandma taking care of the children, we should be more understanding to let her feel our respect.

**20. 外婆带孩子,我们应该多给她一些感谢,让她感受到我们的感激。**

Grandma taking care of the children, we should be more grateful to let her feel our appreciation.

**21. 外婆带孩子,我们应该多给她一些宽容,让她感受到我们的包容。**

Grandma taking care of the children, we should be more tolerant to let her feel our acceptance.

**22. 外婆带孩子,我们应该多给她一些爱,让她感受到我们的温暖。**

Grandma taking care of the children, we should give her more love to let her feel our warmth.

**23. 外婆带孩子,她付出了很多,我们应该铭记于心。**

Grandma taking care of the children, she has given a lot, and we should keep it in mind.

**24. 外婆带孩子,她付出了很多,我们应该报答她。**

Grandma taking care of the children, she has given a lot, and we should repay her.

**25. 外婆带孩子,她付出了很多,我们应该尊敬她。**

Grandma taking care of the children, she has given a lot, and we should respect her.

**26. 外婆带孩子,她付出了很多,我们应该爱护她。**

Grandma taking care of the children, she has given a lot, and we should cherish her.

**27. 外婆带孩子,她付出了很多,我们应该珍惜她。**

Grandma taking care of the children, she has given a lot, and we should treasure her.

**28. 外婆带孩子,她付出了很多,我们应该感恩她。**

Grandma taking care of the children, she has given a lot, and we should be grateful to her.

**29. 外婆带孩子,她付出了很多,我们应该孝敬她。**

Grandma taking care of the children, she has given a lot, and we should be filial to her.

**30. 外婆带孩子,她付出了很多,我们应该照顾她。**

Grandma taking care of the children, she has given a lot, and we should take care of her.

**31. 外婆带孩子,她付出了很多,我们应该陪伴她。**

Grandma taking care of the children, she has given a lot, and we should accompany her.

**32. 外婆带孩子,她付出了很多,我们应该理解她。**

Grandma taking care of the children, she has given a lot, and we should understand her.

**33. 外婆带孩子,她付出了很多,我们应该关心她。**

Grandma taking care of the children, she has given a lot, and we should care for her.

**34. 外婆带孩子,她付出了很多,我们应该支持她。**

Grandma taking care of the children, she has given a lot, and we should support her.

**35. 外婆带孩子,她付出了很多,我们应该鼓励她。**

Grandma taking care of the children, she has given a lot, and we should encourage her.

**36. 外婆带孩子,她付出了很多,我们应该安慰她。**

Grandma taking care of the children, she has given a lot, and we should comfort her.

**37. 外婆带孩子,她付出了很多,我们应该赞美她。**

Grandma taking care of the children, she has given a lot, and we should praise her.

**38. 外婆带孩子,她付出了很多,我们应该尊敬她。**

Grandma taking care of the children, she has given a lot, and we should respect her.

**39. 外婆带孩子,她付出了很多,我们应该感谢她。**

Grandma taking care of the children, she has given a lot, and we should thank her.

**40. 外婆带孩子,她付出了很多,我们应该爱她。**

Grandma taking care of the children, she has given a lot, and we should love her.

**41. 外婆带孩子,真是不容易,她不仅要照顾孩子,还要照顾自己。**

Grandma taking care of the children is not easy. She not only has to take care of the kids but also herself.

**42. 外婆带孩子,真是不容易,她不仅要照顾孩子的饮食起居,还要教育孩子。**

Grandma taking care of the children is not easy. She not only has to take care of their food and daily routines but also educate them.

**43. 外婆带孩子,真是不容易,她不仅要照顾孩子的身体,还要照顾孩子的心灵。**

Grandma taking care of the children is not easy. She not only has to take care of their physical well-being but also their hearts.

**44. 外婆带孩子,真是不容易,她不仅要付出时间,还要付出精力。**

Grandma taking care of the children is not easy. She not only has to give time but also energy.

**45. 外婆带孩子,真是不容易,她不仅要付出体力,还要付出智力。**

Grandma taking care of the children is not easy. She not only has to give physical strength but also mental effort.

**46. 外婆带孩子,真是不容易,她不仅要付出金钱,还要付出感情。**

Grandma taking care of the children is not easy. She not only has to give money but also affection.

**47. 外婆带孩子,真是不容易,她不仅要付出汗水,还要付出泪水。**

Grandma taking care of the children is not easy. She not only has to give sweat but also tears.

**48. 外婆带孩子,真是不容易,她不仅要付出辛苦,还要付出心血。**

Grandma taking care of the children is not easy. She not only has to give hard work but also devotion.

**49. 外婆带孩子,真是不容易,她不仅要付出一切,还要付出所有。**

Grandma taking care of the children is not easy. She not only has to give everything but also everything she has.

**50. 外婆带孩子,真是不容易,她不仅要付出爱,还要付出生命。**

Grandma taking care of the children is not easy. She not only has to give love but also life.

**51. 外婆带孩子,真是不容易,她不仅要付出青春,还要付出年华。**

Grandma taking care of the children is not easy. She not only has to give her youth but also her years.

**52. 外婆带孩子,真是不容易,她不仅要付出快乐,还要付出悲伤。**

Grandma taking care of the children is not easy. She not only has to give joy but also sadness.

**53. 外婆带孩子,真是不容易,她不仅要付出健康,还要付出生命。**

Grandma taking care of the children is not easy. She not only has to give health but also life.

**54. 外婆带孩子,真是不容易,她不仅要付出辛苦,还要付出心血。**

Grandma taking care of the children is not easy. She not only has to give hard work but also devotion.

**55. 外婆带孩子,真是不容易,她不仅要付出一切,还要付出所有。**

Grandma taking care of the children is not easy. She not only has to give everything but also everything she has.

**56. 外婆带孩子,真是不容易,她不仅要付出爱,还要付出生命。**

Grandma taking care of the children is not easy. She not only has to give love but also life.

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