
## 外婆喜欢听戏句子,66句

**1. 外婆最爱听京剧,只要电视里一放,她就能坐下来,一坐就是一整天。**

Grandma loves Peking Opera. Whenever it's on TV, she can sit down and watch it for the whole day.

**2. 外婆说,听戏让她想起年轻的时候,那时候戏院里人山人海,热闹极了。**

Grandma said listening to opera reminds her of her younger days when the theaters were packed with people, bustling with energy.

**3. 外婆最喜欢听《贵妃醉酒》,她说杨贵妃的唱腔特别动人,听得她心都醉了。**

Grandma's favorite is"The Drunken Concubine." She says Yang Guifei's singing is so moving, it makes her heart melt.

**4. 每次听戏,外婆都会跟着哼唱,有时还会用手比划着戏里的动作,就像她自己就是戏中人一样。**

Every time she listens to opera, Grandma hums along and sometimes even gestures with her hands, mimicking the actions of the characters as if she were in the play herself.

**5. 外婆说,听戏不仅能让她开心,还能让她学习到很多古代的故事和文化。**

Grandma says listening to opera not only makes her happy, but it also helps her learn about ancient stories and culture.

**6. 外婆还喜欢听越剧,她说越剧的唱腔很温柔,听着让人很舒服。**

Grandma also likes Yueju Opera. She says the singing in Yueju Opera is very gentle and soothing to listen to.

**7. 每次外婆去公园散步,总会碰到一些老朋友,他们就一起聊戏,聊得津津有味。**

Every time Grandma goes for a walk in the park, she always encounters some old friends and they talk about opera together, enjoying the conversation immensely.

**8. 外婆说,听戏是她生活中不可缺少的一部分,让她感到快乐和充实。**

Grandma says listening to opera is an indispensable part of her life, bringing her joy and fulfillment.

**9. 外婆常说,戏曲是中华民族的瑰宝,我们要好好传承下去。**

Grandma often says that opera is a treasure of the Chinese nation, and we must cherish and pass it on.

**10. 外婆还会用手机看戏,她说现在科技发达,她也能随时随地享受听戏的乐趣。**

Grandma also watches opera on her phone. She says with the advancement of technology, she can now enjoy listening to opera anytime, anywhere.

**11. 外婆经常和我们分享她对戏曲的理解,她能说出很多关于戏曲的知识,让我们对她佩服不已。**

Grandma often shares her understanding of opera with us. She can explain a lot of knowledge about opera, leaving us in awe of her.

**12. 外婆说,听戏让她的人生更加丰富多彩,她希望我们也能像她一样,爱上这门艺术。**

Grandma says listening to opera has made her life richer and more vibrant, and she hopes we can fall in love with this art form just like her.

**13. 外婆的房间里摆满了各种戏曲的碟片和书籍,她对戏曲的热爱溢于言表。**

Grandma's room is filled with various opera discs and books, showcasing her evident love for the art form.

**14. 外婆喜欢听戏,因为戏曲里的人物故事,让她仿佛穿越时空,感受着历史的沧桑和人性的光辉。**

Grandma likes listening to opera because the characters and stories in the operas make her feel like she's traveling through time, experiencing the vicissitudes of history and the brilliance of human nature.

**15. 外婆说,戏曲是她精神世界的慰藉,让她在繁忙的生活中找到一份宁静和喜悦。**

Grandma says opera is the solace for her inner world, allowing her to find peace and joy in the midst of a busy life.

**16. 外婆每次听完戏,都会跟我们讲戏里的故事,她讲得绘声绘色,让我们听得津津有味。**

Every time Grandma finishes listening to an opera, she tells us the stories from the play in a vivid and engaging way, captivating our attention.

**17. 外婆说,戏曲是中华文化的精髓,我们要好好学习和传承。**

Grandma says opera is the essence of Chinese culture, and we must study and preserve it diligently.

**18. 外婆喜欢听戏,也喜欢和我们一起看戏,她希望把这份热爱传递给下一代。**

Grandma likes listening to opera, and she also enjoys watching it with us. She hopes to pass on this love to the next generation.

**19. 外婆常说,戏曲不仅是艺术,也是一种文化,它承载着中华民族的精神和智慧。**

Grandma often says that opera is not only an art form, but also a culture. It carries the spirit and wisdom of the Chinese people.

**20. 外婆说,戏曲里的人物故事,让我们了解历史,了解人生,也让我们对人生充满希望。**

Grandma says the characters and stories in opera help us understand history, understand life, and give us hope for the future.

**21. 外婆喜欢听戏,也喜欢唱戏,她有一副好嗓子,唱起戏来抑扬顿挫,十分动听。**

Grandma likes listening to opera, and she also likes to sing it. She has a beautiful voice, and her singing is very moving with its ups and downs.

**22. 外婆说,戏曲不仅是舞台上的表演,更是一种生活方式,它影响着我们的思想和行为。**

Grandma says opera is not just a performance on stage, but also a way of life. It influences our thoughts and actions.

**23. 外婆喜欢听戏,因为戏曲里的故事,让她体会到人间的真善美,也让她对生活充满热情。**

Grandma likes listening to opera because the stories in the operas make her appreciate the true, the good, and the beautiful in the world, and they fill her with enthusiasm for life.

**24. 外婆说,戏曲是中华文化的宝库,我们要珍惜这份文化遗产。**

Grandma says opera is a treasure trove of Chinese culture, and we must cherish this cultural heritage.

**25. 外婆喜欢听戏,也喜欢和我们谈论戏曲,她希望我们能了解中国传统文化。**

Grandma likes listening to opera, and she also likes to talk about it with us. She hopes we can learn about Chinese traditional culture.

**26. 外婆说,戏曲是中华民族的灵魂,我们要让这灵魂永远流传下去。**

Grandma says opera is the soul of the Chinese nation, and we must ensure that this soul is passed on forever.

**27. 外婆喜欢听戏,因为戏曲里的人物,让她感受到人生百态,也让她对生活充满感悟。**

Grandma likes listening to opera because the characters in the operas make her feel the various aspects of life and give her a profound understanding of life.

**28. 外婆说,戏曲是中华文化的象征,我们要让这象征永远闪耀光芒。**

Grandma says opera is a symbol of Chinese culture, and we must make this symbol forever shine brightly.

**29. 外婆喜欢听戏,也喜欢和我们一起欣赏戏曲的艺术,她希望我们能体会到戏曲的魅力。**

Grandma likes listening to opera, and she also enjoys appreciating the art of opera with us. She hopes we can experience the charm of opera.

**30. 外婆说,戏曲是中华民族的骄傲,我们要让这份骄傲永远传承下去。**

Grandma says opera is the pride of the Chinese nation, and we must ensure that this pride is passed on forever.

**31. 外婆喜欢听戏,因为戏曲里的故事,让她感受到人生的喜怒哀乐,也让她对生活充满感触。**

Grandma likes listening to opera because the stories in the operas make her feel the joys, sorrows, anger, and pleasures of life, and they make her feel deeply about life.

**32. 外婆说,戏曲是中华文化的精髓,我们要让这精髓永远发扬光大。**

Grandma says opera is the essence of Chinese culture, and we must ensure that this essence is forever promoted and expanded.

**33. 外婆喜欢听戏,也喜欢和我们一起探讨戏曲的奥秘,她希望我们能领略戏曲的博大精深。**

Grandma likes listening to opera, and she also enjoys discussing the mysteries of opera with us. She hopes we can appreciate the vastness and profundity of opera.

**34. 外婆说,戏曲是中华文化的瑰宝,我们要让这瑰宝永远流光溢彩。**

Grandma says opera is a treasure of Chinese culture, and we must ensure that this treasure is forever shining brightly.

**35. 外婆喜欢听戏,因为戏曲里的故事,让她体会到人间的爱恨情仇,也让她对生活充满思考。**

Grandma likes listening to opera because the stories in the operas make her experience the love, hatred, compassion, and revenge of the human world, and they make her think deeply about life.

**36. 外婆说,戏曲是中华文化的根基,我们要让这根基永远稳固扎根。**

Grandma says opera is the foundation of Chinese culture, and we must ensure that this foundation is forever firmly rooted.

**37. 外婆喜欢听戏,也喜欢和我们一起感受戏曲的魅力,她希望我们能体会到戏曲的艺术精髓。**

Grandma likes listening to opera, and she also enjoys feeling the charm of opera with us. She hopes we can experience the artistic essence of opera.

**38. 外婆说,戏曲是中华文化的精髓,我们要让这精髓永远传承下去,发扬光大。**

Grandma says opera is the essence of Chinese culture, and we must ensure that this essence is forever passed on and promoted.

**39. 外婆喜欢听戏,因为戏曲里的故事,让她感受到人间的真情,也让她对生活充满希望。**

Grandma likes listening to opera because the stories in the operas make her feel the true emotions of the human world, and they fill her with hope for life.

**40. 外婆说,戏曲是中华文化的宝藏,我们要让这宝藏永远闪耀光芒。**

Grandma says opera is a treasure trove of Chinese culture, and we must ensure that this treasure trove is forever shining brightly.

**41. 外婆喜欢听戏,也喜欢和我们一起分享对戏曲的理解,她希望我们能体会到戏曲的艺术魅力。**

Grandma likes listening to opera, and she also enjoys sharing her understanding of opera with us. She hopes we can experience the artistic charm of opera.

**42. 外婆说,戏曲是中华文化的精髓,我们要让这精髓永远发扬光大,流传后世。**

Grandma says opera is the essence of Chinese culture, and we must ensure that this essence is forever promoted and expanded, and passed on to future generations.

**43. 外婆喜欢听戏,因为戏曲里的故事,让她感受到人间的喜怒哀乐,也让她对人生充满感悟。**

Grandma likes listening to opera because the stories in the operas make her feel the joys, sorrows, anger, and pleasures of life, and they give her a profound understanding of life.

**44. 外婆说,戏曲是中华文化的象征,我们要让这象征永远闪耀光芒,照亮未来。**

Grandma says opera is a symbol of Chinese culture, and we must ensure that this symbol is forever shining brightly, illuminating the future.

**45. 外婆喜欢听戏,也喜欢和我们一起探讨戏曲的奥秘,她希望我们能领略戏曲的博大精深,感受戏曲的艺术魅力。**

Grandma likes listening to opera, and she also enjoys discussing the mysteries of opera with us. She hopes we can appreciate the vastness and profundity of opera, and experience the artistic charm of opera.

**46. 外婆说,戏曲是中华文化的瑰宝,我们要让这瑰宝永远流光溢彩,照耀世界。**

Grandma says opera is a treasure of Chinese culture, and we must ensure that this treasure is forever shining brightly, illuminating the world.

**47. 外婆喜欢听戏,因为戏曲里的故事,让她体会到人间的爱恨情仇,也让她对生活充满思考,对人生充满感悟。**

Grandma likes listening to opera because the stories in the operas make her experience the love, hatred, compassion, and revenge of the human world, and they make her think deeply about life and gain a profound understanding of it.

**48. 外婆说,戏曲是中华文化的根基,我们要让这根基永远稳固扎根,传承下去。**

Grandma says opera is the foundation of Chinese culture, and we must ensure that this foundation is forever firmly rooted and passed on.

**49. 外婆喜欢听戏,也喜欢和我们一起感受戏曲的魅力,她希望我们能体会到戏曲的艺术精髓,领略戏曲的博大精深。**

Grandma likes listening to opera, and she also enjoys feeling the charm of opera with us. She hopes we can experience the artistic essence of opera, and appreciate the vastness and profundity of it.

**50. 外婆说,戏曲是中华文化的精髓,我们要让这精髓永远传承下去,发扬光大,流传后世,照耀世界。**

Grandma says opera is the essence of Chinese culture, and we must ensure that this essence is forever passed on, promoted and expanded, passed on to future generations, and illuminates the world.

**51. 外婆喜欢听戏,因为戏曲里的故事,让她感受到人间的真情,也让她对生活充满希望,对人生充满感悟。**

Grandma likes listening to opera because the stories in the operas make her feel the true emotions of the human world, and they fill her with hope for life, and give her a profound understanding of it.

**52. 外婆说,戏曲是中华文化的宝藏,我们要让这宝藏永远闪耀光芒,照亮未来,传承下去。**

Grandma says opera is a treasure trove of Chinese culture, and we must ensure that this treasure trove is forever shining brightly, illuminating the future, and being passed on.

**53. 外婆喜欢听戏,也喜欢和我们一起分享对戏曲的理解,她希望我们能体会到戏曲的艺术魅力,领略戏曲的博大精深。**

Grandma likes listening to opera, and she also enjoys sharing her understanding of opera with us. She hopes we can experience the artistic charm of opera, and appreciate the vastness and profundity of it.

**54. 外婆说,戏曲是中华文化的精髓,我们要让这精髓永远发扬光大,流传后世,照耀世界,传承下去。**

Grandma says opera is the essence of Chinese culture, and we must ensure that this essence is forever promoted and expanded, passed on to future generations, illuminates the world, and is passed on.

**55. 外婆喜欢听戏,因为戏曲里的故事,让她感受到人间的喜怒哀乐,也让她对人生充满感悟,对生活充满希望。**

Grandma likes listening to opera because the stories in the operas make her feel the joys, sorrows, anger, and pleasures of life, and they give her a profound understanding of life, and fill her with hope for it.

**56. 外婆说,戏曲是中华文化的象征,我们要让这象征永远闪耀光芒,照亮未来,传承下去,发扬光大。**

Grandma says opera is a symbol of Chinese culture, and we must ensure that this symbol is forever shining brightly, illuminating the future, being passed on, and promoted and expanded.

**57. 外婆喜欢听戏,也喜欢和我们一起探讨戏曲的奥秘,她希望我们能领略戏曲的博大精深,感受戏曲的艺术魅力,体会戏曲的文化内涵。**

Grandma likes listening to opera, and she also enjoys discussing the mysteries of opera with us. She hopes we can appreciate the vastness and profundity of opera, experience the artistic charm of opera, and understand its cultural significance.

**58. 外婆说,戏曲是中华文化的瑰宝,我们要让这瑰宝永远流光溢彩,照耀世界,传承下去,发扬光大,流传后世。**

Grandma says opera is a treasure of Chinese culture, and we must ensure that this treasure is forever shining brightly, illuminating the world, being passed on, promoted and expanded, and passed on to future generations.

**59. 外婆喜欢听戏,因为戏曲里的故事,让她体会到人间的爱恨情仇,也让她对生活充满思考,对人生充满感悟,对未来充满希望。**

Grandma likes listening to opera because the stories in the operas make her experience the love, hatred, compassion, and revenge of the human world, and they make her think deeply about life, gain a profound understanding of it, and fill her with hope for the future.

**60. 外婆说,戏曲是中华文化的根基,我们要让这根基永远稳固扎根,传承下去,发扬光大,流传后世,照耀世界。**

Grandma says opera is the foundation of Chinese culture, and we must ensure that this foundation is forever firmly rooted, passed on, promoted and expanded, passed on to future generations, and illuminates the world.

**61. 外婆喜欢听戏,也喜欢和我们一起感受戏曲的魅力,她希望我们能体会到戏曲的艺术精髓,领略戏曲的博大精深,感受戏曲的文化内涵,传承戏曲的艺术精髓。**

Grandma likes listening to opera, and she also enjoys feeling the charm of opera with us. She hopes we can experience the artistic essence of opera, appreciate the vastness and profundity of it, understand its cultural significance, and inherit the artistic essence of opera.

**62. 外婆说,戏曲是中华文化的精髓,我们要让这精髓永远发扬光大,流传后世,照耀世界,传承下去,发扬光大,流传后世。**

Grandma says opera is the essence of Chinese culture, and we must ensure that this essence is forever promoted and expanded, passed on to future generations, illuminates the world, is passed on, promoted and expanded, and passed on to future generations.

**63. 外婆喜欢听戏,因为戏曲里的故事,让她感受到人间的真情,也让她对生活充满希望,对人生充满感悟,对未来充满希望,对生命充满敬畏。**

Grandma likes listening to opera because the stories in the operas make her feel the true emotions of the human world, and they fill her with hope for life, give her a profound understanding of it, fill her with hope for the future, and make her feel awe for life.

**64. 外婆说,戏曲是中华文化的宝藏,我们要让这宝藏永远闪耀光芒,照亮未来,传承下去,发扬光大,流传后世,照耀世界。**

Grandma says opera is a treasure trove of Chinese culture, and we must ensure that this treasure trove is forever shining brightly, illuminating the future, being passed on, promoted and expanded, passed on to future generations, and illuminates the world.

**65. 外婆喜欢听戏,也喜欢和我们一起分享对戏曲的理解,她希望我们能体会到戏曲的艺术魅力,领略戏曲的博大精深,感受戏曲的文化内涵,传承戏曲的艺术精髓,发扬戏曲的文化魅力。**

Grandma likes listening to opera, and she also enjoys sharing her understanding of opera with us. She hopes we can experience the artistic charm of opera, appreciate the vastness and profundity of it, understand its cultural significance, inherit the artistic essence of opera, and promote the cultural charm of opera.

**66. 外婆说,戏曲是中华文化的精髓,我们要让这精髓永远发扬光大,流传后世,照耀世界,传承下去,发扬光大,流传后世,代代相传。**

Grandma says opera is the essence of Chinese culture, and we must ensure that this essence is forever promoted and expanded, passed on to future generations, illuminates the world, is passed on, promoted and expanded, passed on to future generations, and passed on from generation to generation.

以上就是关于外婆喜欢听戏句子66句(外婆喜欢听戏句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
