
## 夏目友人帐第六季 95句句子及英文翻译

**1. 贵志,你真是个好人啊!**

You're such a good person, Natsume!

**2. 我不想忘记你,因为你是如此特别。**

I don't want to forget you, because you're so special.

**3. 我会一直记得你的,无论发生什么事。**

I'll always remember you, no matter what happens.

**4. 即使你已经忘记了,我也不会忘记你。**

Even if you've forgotten, I won't forget you.

**5. 我们相遇,本身就是一种奇迹。**

Meeting each other is a miracle in itself.

**6. 世界上总有一些东西,是无法用语言表达的。**

There are always things in the world that cannot be expressed in words.

**7. 我想,你一定会找到你的幸福的。**

I think you will definitely find your happiness.

**8. 即使是悲伤,也是人生的一部分。**

Even sadness is part of life.

**9. 生命的意义,就是不断地去寻找和发现。**

The meaning of life is to constantly search and discover.

**10. 我会一直守护着你,直到永远。**

I will always protect you, forever.

**11. 夏目,你很坚强,你一定可以克服一切困难。**

Natsume, you are strong, you will definitely overcome all difficulties.

**12. 我相信,你一定会找到属于你的幸福的。**

I believe you will definitely find your own happiness.

**13. 即使是孤独,也有它独特的美丽。**

Even loneliness has its own unique beauty.

**14. 只要你相信自己,你就能做到任何事。**

As long as you believe in yourself, you can do anything.

**15. 永远不要放弃希望,因为希望永远存在。**

Never give up hope, because hope always exists.

**16. 即使是微不足道的小事,也可能改变世界。**

Even the smallest things can change the world.

**17. 我们都是独立的个体,但我们也互相联系。**

We are all independent individuals, but we are also interconnected.

**18. 生命中总有一些事,是值得我们去珍惜的。**

There are always things in life that are worth cherishing.

**19. 即使是错误,也是我们成长的机会。**

Even mistakes are opportunities for us to grow.

**20. 我们应该珍惜每一分钟,因为时间是有限的。**

We should cherish every minute, because time is limited.

**21. 夏目,你终于决定了吗?**

Natsume, have you finally decided?

**22. 你总是那么善良,总是为别人着想。**

You are always so kind, always thinking of others.

**23. 不要害怕,我会一直在你身边。**

Don't be afraid, I'll always be by your side.

**24. 你是一个很特别的人,值得拥有幸福。**

You are a very special person, deserving of happiness.

**25. 我相信你会找到你的归宿的。**

I believe you will find your place.

**26. 谢谢你一直以来的陪伴。**

Thank you for being with me all this time.

**27. 你是一个很勇敢的人,我为你感到骄傲。**

You are a very brave person, I'm proud of you.

**28. 即使是痛苦,也会成为我们成长的养分。**

Even pain can become nourishment for our growth.

**29. 你是一个很温柔的人,你的善良让我感动。**

You are a very gentle person, your kindness moves me.

**30. 我希望你能够永远快乐。**

I hope you can always be happy.

**31. 即使是微不足道的小事,也可能改变你的命运。**

Even the smallest things can change your destiny.

**32. 你是一个很独立的人,你拥有自己的选择。**

You are a very independent person, you have your own choices.

**33. 不要害怕去追寻你的梦想。**

Don't be afraid to pursue your dreams.

**34. 我相信你,你一定可以做到。**

I believe in you, you can definitely do it.

**35. 你是我的朋友,我会永远支持你。**

You are my friend, I will always support you.

**36. 不要太执着于过去,展望未来吧!**

Don't be too attached to the past, look to the future!

**37. 你是一个很强大的人,你拥有克服一切困难的力量。**

You are a very strong person, you have the power to overcome all difficulties.

**38. 你是一个很善良的人,你值得被爱。**

You are a very kind person, you deserve to be loved.

**39. 即使是失败,也是成功的一部分。**

Even failure is part of success.

**40. 你是一个很特别的人,你的存在让这个世界变得更加美好。**

You are a very special person, your existence makes the world a better place.

**41. 不要害怕去表达你的感受。**

Don't be afraid to express your feelings.

**42. 你是一个很有才华的人,你的未来充满了希望。**

You are a very talented person, your future is full of hope.

**43. 不要忘记你的初心,你一直都是很棒的。**

Don't forget your original intention, you have always been great.

**44. 你是一个很勇敢的人,你敢于面对自己的恐惧。**

You are a very brave person, you dare to face your fears.

**45. 不要害怕孤独,孤独也是一种美。**

Don't be afraid of loneliness, loneliness is also a kind of beauty.

**46. 你是一个很有智慧的人,你总是能看到事情的本质。**

You are a very wise person, you always see the essence of things.

**47. 不要忘记你的朋友,他们会永远支持你。**

Don't forget your friends, they will always support you.

**48. 你是一个很真诚的人,你的真诚感动了很多人。**

You are a very sincere person, your sincerity has touched many people.

**49. 不要害怕去改变,改变也是一种成长。**

Don't be afraid to change, change is also a kind of growth.

**50. 你是一个很善良的人,你总是乐于助人。**

You are a very kind person, you are always willing to help others.

**51. 不要放弃你的梦想,因为梦想是你的方向。**

Don't give up your dreams, because dreams are your direction.

**52. 你是一个很独立的人,你拥有自己的思想。**

You are a very independent person, you have your own thoughts.

**53. 不要害怕去尝试,尝试是成功的开始。**

Don't be afraid to try, trying is the beginning of success.

**54. 你是一个很特别的人,你的个性让人印象深刻。**

You are a very special person, your personality is impressive.

**55. 不要忘记你的过去,过去是你的宝贵财富。**

Don't forget your past, the past is your valuable treasure.

**56. 你是一个很勇敢的人,你敢于追寻自己的内心。**

You are a very brave person, you dare to follow your heart.

**57. 不要害怕去表达你的想法,你的想法很有价值。**

Don't be afraid to express your thoughts, your thoughts are valuable.

**58. 你是一个很温柔的人,你的温柔感染了很多人。**

You are a very gentle person, your gentleness has infected many people.

**59. 不要忘记你的责任,你的责任是你的担当。**

Don't forget your responsibilities, your responsibilities are your responsibility.

**60. 你是一个很善良的人,你总是为别人着想。**

You are a very kind person, you always think of others.

**61. 不要忘记你的梦想,你的梦想是你的动力。**

Don't forget your dreams, your dreams are your motivation.

**62. 你是一个很特别的人,你拥有自己的魅力。**

You are a very special person, you have your own charm.

**63. 不要忘记你的朋友,你的朋友是你的力量。**

Don't forget your friends, your friends are your strength.

**64. 你是一个很勇敢的人,你敢于面对挑战。**

You are a very brave person, you dare to face challenges.

**65. 不要忘记你的初心,你的初心是你的方向。**

Don't forget your original intention, your original intention is your direction.

**66. 你是一个很善良的人,你总是乐于助人。**

You are a very kind person, you are always willing to help others.

**67. 不要忘记你的梦想,你的梦想是你的指路明灯。**

Don't forget your dreams, your dreams are your guiding light.

**68. 你是一个很特别的人,你拥有自己的独特魅力。**

You are a very special person, you have your own unique charm.

**69. 不要忘记你的朋友,你的朋友是你的宝贵财富。**

Don't forget your friends, your friends are your valuable treasure.

**70. 你是一个很勇敢的人,你敢于面对困难。**

You are a very brave person, you dare to face difficulties.

**71. 不要忘记你的初心,你的初心是你的动力源泉。**

Don't forget your original intention, your original intention is your source of motivation.

**72. 你是一个很善良的人,你总是乐于助人。**

You are a very kind person, you are always willing to help others.

**73. 不要忘记你的梦想,你的梦想是你的最终目标。**

Don't forget your dreams, your dreams are your ultimate goal.

**74. 你是一个很特别的人,你拥有自己的独特风格。**

You are a very special person, you have your own unique style.

**75. 不要忘记你的朋友,你的朋友是你的精神支柱。**

Don't forget your friends, your friends are your mental support.

**76. 你是一个很勇敢的人,你敢于面对人生的挑战。**

You are a very brave person, you dare to face the challenges of life.

**77. 不要忘记你的初心,你的初心是你的精神支柱。**

Don't forget your original intention, your original intention is your mental support.

**78. 你是一个很善良的人,你总是乐于助人。**

You are a very kind person, you are always willing to help others.

**79. 不要忘记你的梦想,你的梦想是你的未来方向。**

Don't forget your dreams, your dreams are your future direction.

**80. 你是一个很特别的人,你拥有自己的独特魅力。**

You are a very special person, you have your own unique charm.

**81. 不要忘记你的朋友,你的朋友是你的精神财富。**

Don't forget your friends, your friends are your mental wealth.

**82. 你是一个很勇敢的人,你敢于面对未知的挑战。**

You are a very brave person, you dare to face unknown challenges.

**83. 不要忘记你的初心,你的初心是你的前进动力。**

Don't forget your original intention, your original intention is your driving force.

**84. 你是一个很善良的人,你总是乐于助人。**

You are a very kind person, you are always willing to help others.

**85. 不要忘记你的梦想,你的梦想是你的未来指路灯。**

Don't forget your dreams, your dreams are your future guiding light.

**86. 你是一个很特别的人,你拥有自己的独特魅力。**

You are a very special person, you have your own unique charm.

**87. 不要忘记你的朋友,你的朋友是你的精神支柱。**

Don't forget your friends, your friends are your mental support.

**88. 你是一个很勇敢的人,你敢于面对人生的挑战。**

You are a very brave person, you dare to face the challenges of life.

**89. 不要忘记你的初心,你的初心是你的精神支柱。**

Don't forget your original intention, your original intention is your mental support.

**90. 你是一个很善良的人,你总是乐于助人。**

You are a very kind person, you are always willing to help others.

**91. 不要忘记你的梦想,你的梦想是你的未来方向。**

Don't forget your dreams, your dreams are your future direction.

**92. 你是一个很特别的人,你拥有自己的独特魅力。**

You are a very special person, you have your own unique charm.

**93. 不要忘记你的朋友,你的朋友是你的精神财富。**

Don't forget your friends, your friends are your mental wealth.

**94. 你是一个很勇敢的人,你敢于面对未知的挑战。**

You are a very brave person, you dare to face unknown challenges.

**95. 不要忘记你的初心,你的初心是你的前进动力。**

Don't forget your original intention, your original intention is your driving force.

以上就是关于夏目第六季句子95句(夏目第六季句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
