
## 试探的问候句子,94句


1. 你好吗? / How are you?
2. 最近怎么样? / How's it going?
3. 你过得还好吗? / Are you doing alright?
4. 一切安好? / Is everything okay?
5. 你还好吗? / Are you doing well?
6. 状态如何? / How's your day going?
7. 你今天还好吗? / How are you today?
8. 最近还好吗? / How have you been?
9. 一切顺利吗? / Is everything going smoothly?
10. 你还好吗?感觉怎么样? / How are you? How are you feeling?
11. 你最近怎么样? / How have you been doing?
12. 你最近忙吗? / Have you been busy lately?
13. 你最近在做什么? / What have you been up to?
14. 你过得好吗? / Are you doing okay?
15. 一切正常吗? / Is everything normal?
16. 最近一切顺利? / Is everything going well lately?
17. 你现在还好吗? / Are you doing alright now?
18. 你过得好吗? / How are things going?
19. 你看起来不错啊! / You look good!
20. 你看起来很开心! / You seem happy!


21. 你还好吗?最近发生了什么事? / How are you doing? What's been going on lately?
22. 你看起来有点疲惫,还好吗? / You look a little tired, are you okay?
23. 你最近压力很大吗? / Have you been feeling stressed lately?
24. 你需要我帮忙吗? / Do you need any help?
25. 你有什么事需要帮忙吗? / Is there anything I can help you with?
26. 你需要我做什么吗? / Is there anything I can do for you?
27. 你最近还好吗?有什么需要我帮忙的吗? / How are you doing? Is there anything I can help you with?
28. 你看起来不太好,怎么了? / You don't look so well, what's wrong?
29. 你没事吧?看起来不太好。/ Are you alright? You don't look so good.
30. 你今天心情不好吗? / Are you feeling down today?


31. 你最近怎么样?有什么开心的事吗? / How are you doing? Is anything good happening?
32. 你最近有遇到什么好事吗? / Has anything good happened to you lately?
33. 你最近在做什么有趣的事情吗? / Are you doing anything fun lately?
34. 你最近有去哪里玩吗? / Have you been anywhere fun lately?
35. 你最近有遇到什么有趣的人吗? / Have you met anyone interesting lately?
36. 你最近在看什么有趣的书吗? / Are you reading anything interesting lately?
37. 你最近在听什么好听的音乐吗? / Are you listening to any good music lately?
38. 你最近在看什么好看的电影吗? / Are you watching any good movies lately?
39. 你最近有什么好的计划吗? / Do you have any good plans lately?
40. 你最近过得怎么样? / How have you been doing?


41. 你今天有空吗? / Are you free today?
42. 你今天晚上有时间吗? / Are you free tonight?
43. 你想一起吃晚饭吗? / Would you like to have dinner together?
44. 你想喝一杯吗? / Would you like to get a drink?
45. 你想去看电影吗? / Would you like to go to the movies?
46. 你想出去走走吗? / Would you like to go for a walk?
47. 你想约个时间见面吗? / Would you like to meet up sometime?
48. 你想一起去旅行吗? / Would you like to go on a trip together?
49. 你想一起做某事吗? / Would you like to do something together?
50. 你想一起吃饭吗? / Would you like to have dinner with me?


51. 工作怎么样?/ How's work?
52. 学习怎么样? / How's school?
53. 最近工作怎么样? / How's work going lately?
54. 最近学习怎么样? / How's school going lately?
55. 最近工作顺利吗? / Is everything going smoothly at work?
56. 最近学习顺利吗? / Is everything going smoothly at school?
57. 你最近在学习什么? / What are you studying lately?
58. 你最近在工作上遇到什么挑战吗? / Have you been facing any challenges at work lately?
59. 你最近在学习上遇到什么困难吗? / Have you been encountering any difficulties at school lately?
60. 你最近工作压力很大吗? / Have you been feeling stressed at work lately?
61. 你最近学习压力很大吗? / Have you been feeling stressed at school lately?


62. 你最近在玩什么游戏?/ What games have you been playing lately?
63. 你最近在读什么书?/ What books have you been reading lately?
64. 你最近在追什么剧?/ What shows have you been watching lately?
65. 你最近在听什么音乐?/ What music have you been listening to lately?
66. 你最近有什么爱好吗? / Have you been doing anything you enjoy lately?
67. 你最近有什么新的兴趣爱好吗? / Have you picked up any new hobbies lately?
68. 你最近在做什么有趣的事情吗? / Are you doing anything interesting lately?
69. 你最近有什么想尝试的新事物吗? / Is there anything new you'd like to try lately?
70. 你最近对什么感兴趣?/ What are you interested in lately?


71. 你最近过得怎么样? / How have you been doing?
72. 你最近有什么新鲜事吗? / Have you been up to anything new lately?
73. 你最近遇到什么有趣的事吗? / Has anything interesting happened to you lately?
74. 你最近有什么计划吗? / Do you have any plans lately?
75. 你最近有什么感想? / What are your thoughts on things lately?
76. 你最近有什么感悟? / What have you learned lately?
77. 你最近有什么想做的事情吗? / Is there anything you want to do lately?
78. 你最近有什么想要分享的吗? / Is there anything you want to share lately?
79. 你最近有什么想说的吗? / Is there anything you want to talk about lately?
80. 你最近有什么想表达的吗? / Is there anything you want to express lately?


81. 你对未来有什么计划吗? / Do you have any plans for the future?
82. 你对未来有什么期待吗? / Are you looking forward to anything in the future?
83. 你未来有什么目标吗? / Do you have any goals for the future?
84. 你未来想做什么? / What do you want to do in the future?
85. 你未来有什么梦想? / Do you have any dreams for the future?
86. 你未来想成为怎样的人? / What kind of person do you want to be in the future?
87. 你未来想生活在哪里? / Where do you want to live in the future?
88. 你未来想做什么样的工作? / What kind of job do you want to have in the future?
89. 你未来想和谁在一起? / Who do you want to be with in the future?
90. 你未来想做些什么? / What do you want to do in the future?


91. 你今天心情怎么样?/ How are you feeling today?
92. 你看起来有点闷闷不乐,怎么了? / You look a little down, what's wrong?
93. 你最近有什么烦心事吗? / Have you been having any troubles lately?
94. 你最近有什么烦恼吗? / Is anything bothering you lately?

## 英文翻译

**General Greetings**

1. How are you?

2. How's it going?

3. Are you doing alright?

4. Is everything okay?

5. Are you doing well?

6. How's your day going?

7. How are you today?

8. How have you been?

9. Is everything going smoothly?

10. How are you? How are you feeling?

11. How have you been doing?

12. Have you been busy lately?

13. What have you been up to?

14. Are you doing okay?

15. Is everything normal?

16. Is everything going well lately?

17. Are you doing alright now?

18. How are things going?

19. You look good!

20. You seem happy!

**Greetings with Concern and Care**

21. How are you doing? What's been going on lately?

22. You look a little tired, are you okay?

23. Have you been feeling stressed lately?

24. Do you need any help?

25. Is there anything I can help you with?

26. Is there anything I can do for you?

27. How are you doing? Is there anything I can help you with?

28. You don't look so well, what's wrong?

29. Are you alright? You don't look so good.

30. Are you feeling down today?

**Greetings Expressing Concern**

31. How are you doing? Is anything good happening?

32. Has anything good happened to you lately?

33. Are you doing anything fun lately?

34. Have you been anywhere fun lately?

35. Have you met anyone interesting lately?

36. Are you reading anything interesting lately?

37. Are you listening to any good music lately?

38. Are you watching any good movies lately?

39. Do you have any good plans lately?

40. How have you been doing?

**Tentative Greetings**

41. Are you free today?

42. Are you free tonight?

43. Would you like to have dinner together?

44. Would you like to get a drink?

45. Would you like to go to the movies?

46. Would you like to go for a walk?

47. Would you like to meet up sometime?

48. Would you like to go on a trip together?

49. Would you like to do something together?

50. Would you like to have dinner with me?

**Greetings about Work and Study**

51. How's work?

52. How's school?

53. How's work going lately?

54. How's school going lately?

55. Is everything going smoothly at work?

56. Is everything going smoothly at school?

57. What are you studying lately?

58. Have you been facing any challenges at work lately?

59. Have you been encountering any difficulties at school lately?

60. Have you been feeling stressed at work lately?

61. Have you been feeling stressed at school lately?

**Greetings about Hobbies and Interests**

62. What games have you been playing lately?

63. What books have you been reading lately?

64. What shows have you been watching lately?

65. What music have you been listening to lately?

66. Have you been doing anything you enjoy lately?

67. Have you picked up any new hobbies lately?

68. Are you doing anything interesting lately?

69. Is there anything new you'd like to try lately?

70. What are you interested in lately?

**Greetings about Life**

71. How have you been doing?

72. Have you been up to anything new lately?

73. Has anything interesting happened to you lately?

74. Do you have any plans lately?

75. What are your thoughts on things lately?

76. What have you learned lately?

77. Is there anything you want to do lately?

78. Is there anything you want to share lately?

79. Is there anything you want to talk about lately?

80. Is there anything you want to express lately?

**Greetings about the Future**

81. Do you have any plans for the future?

82. Are you looking forward to anything in the future?

83. Do you have any goals for the future?

84. What do you want to do in the future?

85. Do you have any dreams for the future?

86. What kind of person do you want to be in the future?

87. Where do you want to live in the future?

88. What kind of job do you want to have in the future?

89. Who do you want to be with in the future?

90. What do you want to do in the future?

**Other Tentative Greetings**

91. How are you feeling today?

92. You look a little down, what's wrong?

93. Have you been having any troubles lately?

94. Is anything bothering you lately?

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