
## 试用期员工劝退句子 (97句)


1. 感谢你这段时间在公司的付出,经过慎重考虑,公司决定不予你转正。

Thank you for your contributions to the company during this period. After careful consideration, the company has decided not to offer you a permanent position.

2. 经过试用期的考核,我们发现你的工作表现与公司的岗位要求存在一定差距,公司决定不予你转正。

After evaluating your performance during the probationary period, we have found that it does not meet the company's job requirements. Therefore, the company has decided not to offer you a permanent position.

3. 你的工作能力和态度都非常不错,但目前公司岗位调整,无法提供合适的职位,非常遗憾,公司决定不予你转正。

Your work ability and attitude are excellent, but due to current adjustments in company positions, we are unable to provide a suitable position. We regret to inform you that the company has decided not to offer you a permanent position.

4. 我们十分感谢你在试用期期间的努力,但经过综合评估,公司决定不予你转正。

We sincerely appreciate your efforts during the probationary period, but after a comprehensive evaluation, the company has decided not to offer you a permanent position.

5. 公司对所有员工都有严格的考核标准,经过试用期的考核,我们认为你的工作表现未达到公司要求,公司决定不予你转正。

The company has strict performance standards for all employees. After evaluating your performance during the probationary period, we believe that it has not met the company's requirements. Therefore, the company has decided not to offer you a permanent position.

6. 经过试用期考核,我们发现你的工作能力与公司岗位需求存在一定差距,经过慎重考虑,公司决定不予你转正,希望你能够理解。

After evaluating your performance during the probationary period, we have found that it does not meet the company's job requirements. After careful consideration, the company has decided not to offer you a permanent position. We hope you understand.

7. 感谢你这段时间的努力,公司目前没有适合你的职位,经过慎重考虑,公司决定不予你转正。

Thank you for your efforts during this period. The company currently does not have a suitable position for you. After careful consideration, the company has decided not to offer you a permanent position.

8. 我们十分感谢你在试用期的贡献,但经过评估,公司决定不予你转正,希望你能理解。

We sincerely appreciate your contributions during the probationary period, but after evaluation, the company has decided not to offer you a permanent position. We hope you understand.

9. 经过试用期的考核,我们发现你的工作表现与公司岗位要求存在一定差距,经过慎重考虑,公司决定不予你转正,希望你能够理解并尊重我们的决定。

After evaluating your performance during the probationary period, we have found that it does not meet the company's job requirements. After careful consideration, the company has decided not to offer you a permanent position. We hope you understand and respect our decision.

10. 公司对员工有严格的考核标准,经过试用期的考核,我们认为你的工作表现未达到公司要求,经过慎重考虑,公司决定不予你转正,希望你能够理解。

The company has strict performance standards for employees. After evaluating your performance during the probationary period, we believe that it has not met the company's requirements. After careful consideration, the company has decided not to offer you a permanent position. We hope you understand.



11. 你在工作中展现出了勤奋的态度,但部分工作技能还需要进一步提升,经过慎重考虑,公司决定不予你转正。

You have demonstrated a diligent attitude in your work, but some of your work skills still need further improvement. After careful consideration, the company has decided not to offer you a permanent position.

12. 你对工作很投入,但目前工作效率还有待提升,公司决定不予你转正。

You are very dedicated to your work, but your current work efficiency needs improvement. The company has decided not to offer you a permanent position.

13. 你的工作能力还有待提高,目前公司岗位要求较高,公司决定不予你转正。

Your work ability still needs improvement, and the company's current job requirements are high. The company has decided not to offer you a permanent position.

14. 经过试用期考核,我们发现你在某些方面的工作能力还有待提高,目前公司没有适合你发展的职位,公司决定不予你转正,希望你能够理解。

After evaluating your performance during the probationary period, we have found that your work ability needs improvement in certain areas. Currently, the company does not have a position suitable for your development. The company has decided not to offer you a permanent position. We hope you understand.

15. 你的工作能力和岗位要求还有一定差距,公司决定不予你转正,希望你能够理解。

There is still a gap between your work ability and the job requirements. The company has decided not to offer you a permanent position. We hope you understand.


16. 你在工作中展现出积极的态度,但偶尔会出现工作不严谨的情况,公司决定不予你转正。

You have shown a positive attitude in your work, but there have been occasional instances of carelessness. The company has decided not to offer you a permanent position.

17. 你对工作热情很高,但有时会缺乏主动性,公司决定不予你转正。

You are very enthusiastic about your work, but sometimes lack initiative. The company has decided not to offer you a permanent position.

18. 你的工作态度还不够积极主动,公司决定不予你转正。

Your work attitude is not proactive enough. The company has decided not to offer you a permanent position.

19. 你的工作态度还有待改善,公司决定不予你转正。

Your work attitude needs to be improved. The company has decided not to offer you a permanent position.

20. 你的工作态度与公司文化不太契合,公司决定不予你转正。

Your work attitude is not quite aligned with the company culture. The company has decided not to offer you a permanent position.


21. 你在团队合作方面需要进一步加强,公司决定不予你转正。

You need to strengthen your teamwork skills. The company has decided not to offer you a permanent position.

22. 你与同事的沟通和协作能力还有待提高,公司决定不予你转正。

Your communication and collaboration skills with colleagues need improvement. The company has decided not to offer you a permanent position.

23. 你在团队合作中表现不够突出,公司决定不予你转正。

Your performance in teamwork is not outstanding. The company has decided not to offer you a permanent position.

24. 你的团队合作能力还有待提升,公司决定不予你转正。

Your teamwork skills need to be improved. The company has decided not to offer you a permanent position.

25. 你在团队合作中与同事的沟通还存在一些问题,公司决定不予你转正。

There are still some issues with your communication with colleagues in teamwork. The company has decided not to offer you a permanent position.


26. 你在工作中表现出了良好的学习能力,但公司目前没有适合你发展的职位,经过慎重考虑,公司决定不予你转正。

You have demonstrated strong learning abilities in your work, but the company currently does not have a suitable position for your development. After careful consideration, the company has decided not to offer you a permanent position.

27. 你对公司文化和发展方向的理解还不够深入,公司决定不予你转正。

Your understanding of the company culture and development direction is not yet deep enough. The company has decided not to offer you a permanent position.

28. 你的工作表现与公司的期望值存在一定差距,公司决定不予你转正。

Your work performance does not meet the company's expectations. The company has decided not to offer you a permanent position.

29. 公司经过慎重考虑,决定不予你转正,希望你能够理解。

After careful consideration, the company has decided not to offer you a permanent position. We hope you understand.

30. 公司根据实际情况,决定不予你转正,希望你能够理解。

Based on the current situation, the company has decided not to offer you a permanent position. We hope you understand.


31. 你的能力和潜力都非常不错,但目前公司需要的是更资深的员工,非常遗憾,公司决定不予你转正。

You have great abilities and potential, but currently, the company needs more experienced employees. Unfortunately, the company has decided not to offer you a permanent position.

32. 你是一个很有潜力的员工,但目前的岗位对你来说可能有些挑战,公司决定不予你转正,希望你能够理解。

You are a very promising employee, but the current position may be challenging for you. The company has decided not to offer you a permanent position. We hope you understand.

33. 经过试用期的考核,我们发现你的工作表现已经很不错了,但为了你未来的发展,公司决定不予你转正,希望你能够理解。

After evaluating your performance during the probationary period, we have found that you have already performed well. However, for your future development, the company has decided not to offer you a permanent position. We hope you understand.

34. 公司目前没有合适的职位能充分发挥你的才能,公司决定不予你转正,希望你能够理解。

The company currently does not have a suitable position that can fully utilize your talents. The company has decided not to offer you a permanent position. We hope you understand.

35. 你的工作能力和潜力都非常不错,但目前的职位可能不是最适合你的,公司决定不予你转正,希望你能够理解。

You have great abilities and potential, but the current position may not be the best fit for you. The company has decided not to offer you a permanent position. We hope you understand.


36. 感谢你这段时间为公司付出的努力,但经过慎重考虑,公司决定不予你转正。

Thank you for your hard work and dedication to the company during this time. However, after careful consideration, the company has decided not to offer you a permanent position.

37. 感谢你这段时间的努力,希望你能够理解我们的决定。

Thank you for your efforts during this time. We hope you understand our decision.

38. 我们非常感谢你在试用期期间的付出,但经过综合评估,公司决定不予你转正。

We are very grateful for your contributions during the probationary period, but after a comprehensive evaluation, the company has decided not to offer you a permanent position.

39. 你的努力我们都看在眼里,非常感谢你这段时间的付出,但经过综合评估,公司决定不予你转正,希望你能够理解。

We appreciate your efforts, and we are very grateful for your contributions during this time. However, after a comprehensive evaluation, the company has decided not to offer you a permanent position. We hope you understand.

40. 我们对你的努力和付出表示感谢,但公司决定不予你转正,希望你能够理解并尊重我们的决定。

We appreciate your efforts and contributions. However, the company has decided not to offer you a permanent position. We hope you understand and respect our decision.


41. 公司目前的发展方向需要的是具有丰富经验的员工,经过慎重考虑,公司决定不予你转正。

The company's current development direction requires employees with extensive experience. After careful consideration, the company has decided not to offer you a permanent position.

42. 公司的未来发展方向与你的职业规划可能存在一些差异,经过慎重考虑,公司决定不予你转正。

The company's future development direction may differ from your career path. After careful consideration, the company has decided not to offer you a permanent position.

43. 公司未来的发展方向需要的是更具专业技能的员工,经过慎重考虑,公司决定不予你转正。

The company's future development direction requires employees with more specialized skills. After careful consideration, the company has decided not to offer you a permanent position.

44. 公司目前的业务发展需要的是更具经验的员工,经过慎重考虑,公司决定不予你转正。

The company's current business development requires more experienced employees. After careful consideration, the company has decided not to offer you a permanent position.

45. 公司未来的发展方向需要的是更具创造力的员工,经过慎重考虑,公司决定不予你转正。

The company's future development direction requires more creative employees. After careful consideration, the company has decided not to offer you a permanent position.


46. 你的能力和潜力都非常不错,希望你能够在其他领域取得更大的成功,公司决定不予你转正。

You have great abilities and potential. We hope you achieve even greater success in other areas. The company has decided not to offer you a permanent position.

47. 你的努力和付出我们都看在眼里,希望你能够在未来的职业道路上取得更大的成就,公司决定不予你转正。

We appreciate your efforts and contributions. We hope you achieve greater success in your future career path. The company has decided not to offer you a permanent position.

48. 我们十分感谢你在试用期期间的努力,希望你能够找到更适合你的发展平台,公司决定不予你转正。

We sincerely appreciate your efforts during the probationary period. We hope you find a platform more suitable for your development. The company has decided not to offer you a permanent position.

49. 希望你能够在未来的职业道路上找到更适合你的发展方向,公司决定不予你转正。

We hope you find a more suitable career path in the future. The company has decided not to offer you a permanent position.

50. 我们相信你一定能够找到更适合你的岗位,公司决定不予你转正。

We believe you will find a position more suitable for you. The company has decided not to offer you a permanent position.


51. 公司目前的人员结构比较稳定,经过慎重考虑,公司决定不予你转正。

The company's current staff structure is relatively stable. After careful consideration, the company has decided not to offer you a permanent position.

52. 公司目前的工作安排比较紧凑,经过慎重考虑,公司决定不予你转正。

The company's current work schedule is quite tight. After careful consideration, the company has decided not to offer you a permanent position.

53. 公司目前需要的是更具经验的员工,经过慎重考虑,公司决定不予你转正。

The company currently needs more experienced employees. After careful consideration, the company has decided not to offer you a permanent position.

54. 公司目前的业务发展方向与你的职业规划可能存在一些差异,经过慎重考虑,公司决定不予你转正。

The company's current business development direction may differ from your career path. After careful consideration, the company has decided not to offer you a permanent position.

55. 公司经过综合评估,决定不予你转正,希望你能够理解并尊重我们的决定。

After a comprehensive evaluation, the company has decided not to offer you a permanent position. We hope you understand and respect our decision.


56. 公司目前的业务发展遇到了瓶颈,经过慎重考虑,公司决定不予你转正。

The company's current business development has encountered a bottleneck. After careful consideration, the company has decided not to offer you a permanent position.

57. 公司目前的市场竞争环境非常激烈,经过慎重考虑,公司决定不予你转正。

The current market competition is very fierce. After careful consideration, the company has decided not to offer you a permanent position.

58. 公司目前的经营状况不太理想,经过慎重考虑,公司决定不予你转正。

The company's current operating condition is not ideal. After careful consideration, the company has decided not to offer you a permanent position.

59. 公司目前的招聘计划已经完成,经过慎重考虑,公司决定不予你转正。

The company's current recruitment plan has been completed. After careful consideration, the company has decided not to offer you a permanent position.

60. 公司目前的资金周转存在一些困难,经过慎重考虑,公司决定不予你转正。

The company is currently experiencing some financial difficulties. After careful consideration, the company has decided not to offer you a permanent position.


61. 经过试用期的考核,公司决定不予你转正。

After evaluating your performance during the probationary period, the company has decided not to offer you a permanent position.

62. 公司经过慎重考虑,决定不予你转正。

After careful consideration, the company has decided not to offer you a permanent position.

63. 感谢你这段时间的付出,公司决定不予你转正。

Thank you for your contributions during this period. The company has decided not to offer you a permanent position.

64. 公司根据实际情况,决定不予你转正。

Based on the current situation, the company has decided not to offer you a permanent position.

65. 公司决定不予你转正,希望你能够理解。

The company has decided not to offer you a permanent position. We hope you understand.


66. 公司经过慎重考虑,决定不予你转正,请你尊重我们的决定。

After careful consideration, the company has decided not to offer you a permanent position. Please respect our decision.

67. 公司经过评估,决定不予你转正,请你理解。

After evaluation, the company has decided not to offer you a permanent position. Please understand.

68. 公司决定不予你转正,希望你能够理解并尊重我们的决定。

The company has decided not to offer you a permanent position. We hope you understand and respect our decision.

69. 公司做出此决定,希望你能够理解并尊重我们的决定。

The company has made this decision. We hope you understand and respect our decision.

70. 公司经过慎重考虑,最终决定不予你转正,请你理解并尊重我们的决定。

After careful consideration, the company has ultimately decided not to offer you a permanent position. Please understand and respect our decision.


71. 公司目前没有合适的职位,暂时不予你转正。

The company currently does not have a suitable position, so we will not offer you a permanent position for now.

72. 公司目前的人员配置已满,暂时不予你转正。

The company's current staff is fully equipped. We will not offer you a permanent position for now.

73. 公司目前业务发展处于调整阶段,暂时不予你转正。

The company's current business development is in a transitional phase. We will not offer you a permanent position for now.

74. 公司目前的招聘计划已暂停,暂时不予你转正。

The company's current recruitment plan has been suspended. We will not offer you a permanent position for now.

75. 公司目前没有合适的职位,你也可以选择继续试用,以便更好地了解公司。

The company currently does not have a suitable position. You can also choose to continue your probationary period to better understand the company.


76. 公司未来可能会出现新的岗位,你可以关注公司的招聘信息。

The company may have new positions available in the future. You can follow the company's recruitment information.

77. 公司未来的发展方向可能会发生变化,希望你能够做好职业规划。

The company's future development direction may change. We hope you can plan your career well.

78. 公司未来的发展需要更多经验丰富的员工,希望你能够在其他方面取得更大的成就。

The company's future development requires more experienced employees. We hope you achieve greater success in other areas.

79. 公司未来的发展方向可能会出现新的挑战,希望你能够做好准备。

The company's future development direction may present new challenges. We hope you are prepared.

80. 公司未来的发展需要更多创新型的员工,希望你能够在其他领域取得更大的成功。

The company's future development requires more innovative employees. We hope you achieve greater success in other areas.


81. 经过试用期的考核,公司认为你还有很大的提升空间。

After evaluating your performance during the probationary period, the company believes you have great room for improvement.

82. 公司目前没有合适的职位能够充分发挥你的能力。

The company currently does not have a suitable position to fully utilize your abilities.

83. 公司的岗位要求比较高,希望你能够继续提升自己的工作技能。

The company's job requirements are relatively high. We hope you can continue to improve your work skills.

84. 公司目前的业务发展方向可能与你的职业规划不太一致。

The company's current business development direction may not be entirely consistent with your career path.

85. 公司目前需要的是更具经验的员工。

The company currently needs more experienced employees.


86. 我们相信你能够在其他平台找到更适合你的发展方向。

We believe you will find a more suitable development path on other platforms.

87. 希望你能够继续学习,提升自己的工作技能,为未来的职业发展做好准备。

We hope you continue to learn and improve your work skills, preparing for your future career development.

88. 希望你能够在未来的职业道路上取得更大的成就。

We hope you achieve greater success in your future career path.

89. 我们相信你能够找到更适合你的工作环境,发挥你的潜力。

We believe you will find a more suitable work environment to unleash your potential.

90. 希望你能够在未来的职业道路上找到更适合你的发展方向。

We hope you find a more suitable career path in the future.


91. 公司目前正在进行业务调整,需要的是更具经验的员工。

The company is currently undergoing business adjustments and needs more experienced employees.

92. 公司未来的发展方向可能与你的专业领域不太一致。

The company's future development direction may not be entirely consistent with your professional field.

93. 公司目前的人员结构比较稳定,暂时没有合适的岗位。

The company's current staff structure is relatively stable, and there are no suitable positions for now.

94. 公司目前的业务发展遇到了一些挑战,需要的是更具经验的员工。

The company's current business development has encountered some challenges and requires more experienced employees.

95. 公司未来的发展方向可能会出现新的挑战,需要的是更具创新能力的员工。

The company's future development direction may present new challenges and requires more innovative employees.


96. 公司决定不予你转正,希望你能够理解。

The company has decided not to offer you a permanent position. We hope you understand.

97. 感谢你这段时间的努力,祝你一切顺利。

Thank you for your efforts during this period. We wish you all the best.

以上就是关于试用期员工劝退句子97句(试用期员工劝退句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
