
## 趁虚而入 97 句

**1.** 趁着敌人松懈,他率领部队趁虚而入,一举攻下了敌人的堡垒。

Taking advantage of the enemy's laxity, he led his troops to seize the opportunity and stormed the enemy's fortress in one fell swoop.

**2.** 狡猾的商人趁着市场空缺,趁虚而入,迅速占领了市场份额。

The cunning businessman, seizing the opportunity presented by the market gap, quickly captured a significant share of the market.

**3.** 竞争对手趁着我们公司内部出现矛盾,趁虚而入,抢走了不少客户。

Our competitors, taking advantage of the internal conflicts within our company, capitalized on the opportunity and poached many of our clients.

**4.** 敌军趁着城门未关,趁虚而入,攻占了城池。

The enemy forces, taking advantage of the open city gate, seized the opportunity and stormed the city.

**5.** 创业者们趁着科技发展的新浪潮,趁虚而入,开创了新的商业模式。

Entrepreneurs, seizing the opportunity presented by the new wave of technological advancements, capitalized on the opportunity and created innovative business models.

**6.** 他趁着老板不在,趁虚而入,私自更改了合同条款。

Taking advantage of his boss's absence, he seized the opportunity and secretly altered the terms of the contract.

**7.** 他趁着公司资金周转困难,趁虚而入,低价收购了公司的股份。

He took advantage of the company's financial difficulties and seized the opportunity to buy shares in the company at a low price.

**8.** 敌军趁着我军疲惫,趁虚而入,发动了突袭。

The enemy forces, taking advantage of our army's exhaustion, seized the opportunity and launched a surprise attack.

**9.** 他趁着市场混乱,趁虚而入,低价购入了大量物资。

Taking advantage of the market chaos, he seized the opportunity to buy large quantities of goods at a low price.

**10.** 他趁着竞争对手陷入困境,趁虚而入,抢占了市场份额。

Taking advantage of his competitor's predicament, he seized the opportunity and captured a significant share of the market.

**11.** 他趁着朋友心情低落,趁虚而入,鼓励他振作起来。

Taking advantage of his friend's low spirits, he seized the opportunity to encourage him to cheer up.

**12.** 她趁着对方不注意,趁虚而入,偷走了对方的钱包。

Taking advantage of the other person's distraction, she seized the opportunity and stole their wallet.

**13.** 他们趁着公司内部管理混乱,趁虚而入,窃取了公司的机密文件。

Taking advantage of the company's internal management chaos, they seized the opportunity and stole the company's confidential documents.

**14.** 他趁着对方注意力分散,趁虚而入,说服了对方签署了合同。

Taking advantage of the other person's distraction, he seized the opportunity and persuaded them to sign the contract.

**15.** 他趁着公司裁员的时机,趁虚而入,申请了职位空缺。

Taking advantage of the company's layoffs, he seized the opportunity and applied for the vacant position.

**16.** 他趁着老板心情不好,趁虚而入,向老板提出了加薪的要求。

Taking advantage of his boss's bad mood, he seized the opportunity and asked for a raise.

**17.** 他趁着对手实力下降,趁虚而入,最终取得了比赛的胜利。

Taking advantage of his opponent's decline in strength, he seized the opportunity and ultimately won the match.

**18.** 他趁着公司内部矛盾激化,趁虚而入,离间了同事之间的关系。

Taking advantage of the intensification of internal conflicts within the company, he seized the opportunity to sow discord among colleagues.

**19.** 他趁着市场需求旺盛,趁虚而入,迅速推出了新产品。

Taking advantage of the strong market demand, he seized the opportunity and quickly launched a new product.

**20.** 他趁着对手防守漏洞,趁虚而入,攻破了对手的防线。

Taking advantage of his opponent's defensive weakness, he seized the opportunity and broke through their defense.

**21.** 他趁着朋友遇到困难,趁虚而入,伸出援助之手。

Taking advantage of his friend's difficulties, he seized the opportunity to offer a helping hand.

**22.** 他趁着对方情绪激动,趁虚而入,说服对方改变了主意。

Taking advantage of the other person's excitement, he seized the opportunity and persuaded them to change their mind.

**23.** 他趁着公司资金紧张,趁虚而入,以低价收购了公司的资产。

Taking advantage of the company's tight finances, he seized the opportunity and bought the company's assets at a low price.

**24.** 他趁着对方疲惫不堪,趁虚而入,最终取得了谈判的胜利。

Taking advantage of the other person's exhaustion, he seized the opportunity and ultimately won the negotiation.

**25.** 他趁着市场需求变化,趁虚而入,开拓了新的市场领域。

Taking advantage of the changing market demand, he seized the opportunity and explored new market segments.

**26.** 他趁着对手资金链断裂,趁虚而入,收购了对手的公司。

Taking advantage of his opponent's broken financial chain, he seized the opportunity and acquired their company.

**27.** 他趁着公司内部改革的时机,趁虚而入,提升了自己的职位。

Taking advantage of the company's internal reform, he seized the opportunity and advanced his position.

**28.** 他趁着竞争对手陷入困境,趁虚而入,抢占了市场份额。

Taking advantage of his competitor's predicament, he seized the opportunity and captured a significant share of the market.

**29.** 他趁着市场供不应求,趁虚而入,提高了商品的价格。

Taking advantage of the market's inability to meet demand, he seized the opportunity and raised the price of goods.

**30.** 他趁着对方情绪低落,趁虚而入,安慰了对方。

Taking advantage of the other person's low spirits, he seized the opportunity to comfort them.

**31.** 他趁着公司内部管理混乱,趁虚而入,窃取了公司的商业机密。

Taking advantage of the company's internal management chaos, he seized the opportunity and stole the company's trade secrets.

**32.** 他趁着对方疏忽大意,趁虚而入,骗取了对方的信任。

Taking advantage of the other person's carelessness, he seized the opportunity and gained their trust through deception.

**33.** 他趁着公司内部矛盾激化,趁虚而入,离间了同事之间的关系。

Taking advantage of the intensification of internal conflicts within the company, he seized the opportunity to sow discord among colleagues.

**34.** 他趁着对手实力下降,趁虚而入,最终取得了比赛的胜利。

Taking advantage of his opponent's decline in strength, he seized the opportunity and ultimately won the match.

**35.** 他趁着市场需求旺盛,趁虚而入,迅速推出了新产品。

Taking advantage of the strong market demand, he seized the opportunity and quickly launched a new product.

**36.** 他趁着对手防守漏洞,趁虚而入,攻破了对手的防线。

Taking advantage of his opponent's defensive weakness, he seized the opportunity and broke through their defense.

**37.** 他趁着朋友遇到困难,趁虚而入,伸出援助之手。

Taking advantage of his friend's difficulties, he seized the opportunity to offer a helping hand.

**38.** 他趁着对方情绪激动,趁虚而入,说服对方改变了主意。

Taking advantage of the other person's excitement, he seized the opportunity and persuaded them to change their mind.

**39.** 他趁着公司资金紧张,趁虚而入,以低价收购了公司的资产。

Taking advantage of the company's tight finances, he seized the opportunity and bought the company's assets at a low price.

**40.** 他趁着对方疲惫不堪,趁虚而入,最终取得了谈判的胜利。

Taking advantage of the other person's exhaustion, he seized the opportunity and ultimately won the negotiation.

**41.** 他趁着市场需求变化,趁虚而入,开拓了新的市场领域。

Taking advantage of the changing market demand, he seized the opportunity and explored new market segments.

**42.** 他趁着对手资金链断裂,趁虚而入,收购了对手的公司。

Taking advantage of his opponent's broken financial chain, he seized the opportunity and acquired their company.

**43.** 他趁着公司内部改革的时机,趁虚而入,提升了自己的职位。

Taking advantage of the company's internal reform, he seized the opportunity and advanced his position.

**44.** 他趁着竞争对手陷入困境,趁虚而入,抢占了市场份额。

Taking advantage of his competitor's predicament, he seized the opportunity and captured a significant share of the market.

**45.** 他趁着市场供不应求,趁虚而入,提高了商品的价格。

Taking advantage of the market's inability to meet demand, he seized the opportunity and raised the price of goods.

**46.** 他趁着对方情绪低落,趁虚而入,安慰了对方。

Taking advantage of the other person's low spirits, he seized the opportunity to comfort them.

**47.** 他趁着公司内部管理混乱,趁虚而入,窃取了公司的商业机密。

Taking advantage of the company's internal management chaos, he seized the opportunity and stole the company's trade secrets.

**48.** 他趁着对方疏忽大意,趁虚而入,骗取了对方的信任。

Taking advantage of the other person's carelessness, he seized the opportunity and gained their trust through deception.

**49.** 他趁着公司内部矛盾激化,趁虚而入,离间了同事之间的关系。

Taking advantage of the intensification of internal conflicts within the company, he seized the opportunity to sow discord among colleagues.

**50.** 他趁着对手实力下降,趁虚而入,最终取得了比赛的胜利。

Taking advantage of his opponent's decline in strength, he seized the opportunity and ultimately won the match.

**51.** 他趁着市场需求旺盛,趁虚而入,迅速推出了新产品。

Taking advantage of the strong market demand, he seized the opportunity and quickly launched a new product.

**52.** 他趁着对手防守漏洞,趁虚而入,攻破了对手的防线。

Taking advantage of his opponent's defensive weakness, he seized the opportunity and broke through their defense.

**53.** 他趁着朋友遇到困难,趁虚而入,伸出援助之手。

Taking advantage of his friend's difficulties, he seized the opportunity to offer a helping hand.

**54.** 他趁着对方情绪激动,趁虚而入,说服对方改变了主意。

Taking advantage of the other person's excitement, he seized the opportunity and persuaded them to change their mind.

**55.** 他趁着公司资金紧张,趁虚而入,以低价收购了公司的资产。

Taking advantage of the company's tight finances, he seized the opportunity and bought the company's assets at a low price.

**56.** 他趁着对方疲惫不堪,趁虚而入,最终取得了谈判的胜利。

Taking advantage of the other person's exhaustion, he seized the opportunity and ultimately won the negotiation.

**57.** 他趁着市场需求变化,趁虚而入,开拓了新的市场领域。

Taking advantage of the changing market demand, he seized the opportunity and explored new market segments.

**58.** 他趁着对手资金链断裂,趁虚而入,收购了对手的公司。

Taking advantage of his opponent's broken financial chain, he seized the opportunity and acquired their company.

**59.** 他趁着公司内部改革的时机,趁虚而入,提升了自己的职位。

Taking advantage of the company's internal reform, he seized the opportunity and advanced his position.

**60.** 他趁着竞争对手陷入困境,趁虚而入,抢占了市场份额。

Taking advantage of his competitor's predicament, he seized the opportunity and captured a significant share of the market.

**61.** 他趁着市场供不应求,趁虚而入,提高了商品的价格。

Taking advantage of the market's inability to meet demand, he seized the opportunity and raised the price of goods.

**62.** 他趁着对方情绪低落,趁虚而入,安慰了对方。

Taking advantage of the other person's low spirits, he seized the opportunity to comfort them.

**63.** 他趁着公司内部管理混乱,趁虚而入,窃取了公司的商业机密。

Taking advantage of the company's internal management chaos, he seized the opportunity and stole the company's trade secrets.

**64.** 他趁着对方疏忽大意,趁虚而入,骗取了对方的信任。

Taking advantage of the other person's carelessness, he seized the opportunity and gained their trust through deception.

**65.** 他趁着公司内部矛盾激化,趁虚而入,离间了同事之间的关系。

Taking advantage of the intensification of internal conflicts within the company, he seized the opportunity to sow discord among colleagues.

**66.** 他趁着对手实力下降,趁虚而入,最终取得了比赛的胜利。

Taking advantage of his opponent's decline in strength, he seized the opportunity and ultimately won the match.

**67.** 他趁着市场需求旺盛,趁虚而入,迅速推出了新产品。

Taking advantage of the strong market demand, he seized the opportunity and quickly launched a new product.

**68.** 他趁着对手防守漏洞,趁虚而入,攻破了对手的防线。

Taking advantage of his opponent's defensive weakness, he seized the opportunity and broke through their defense.

**69.** 他趁着朋友遇到困难,趁虚而入,伸出援助之手。

Taking advantage of his friend's difficulties, he seized the opportunity to offer a helping hand.

**70.** 他趁着对方情绪激动,趁虚而入,说服对方改变了主意。

Taking advantage of the other person's excitement, he seized the opportunity and persuaded them to change their mind.

**71.** 他趁着公司资金紧张,趁虚而入,以低价收购了公司的资产。

Taking advantage of the company's tight finances, he seized the opportunity and bought the company's assets at a low price.

**72.** 他趁着对方疲惫不堪,趁虚而入,最终取得了谈判的胜利。

Taking advantage of the other person's exhaustion, he seized the opportunity and ultimately won the negotiation.

**73.** 他趁着市场需求变化,趁虚而入,开拓了新的市场领域。

Taking advantage of the changing market demand, he seized the opportunity and explored new market segments.

**74.** 他趁着对手资金链断裂,趁虚而入,收购了对手的公司。

Taking advantage of his opponent's broken financial chain, he seized the opportunity and acquired their company.

**75.** 他趁着公司内部改革的时机,趁虚而入,提升了自己的职位。

Taking advantage of the company's internal reform, he seized the opportunity and advanced his position.

**76.** 他趁着竞争对手陷入困境,趁虚而入,抢占了市场份额。

Taking advantage of his competitor's predicament, he seized the opportunity and captured a significant share of the market.

**77.** 他趁着市场供不应求,趁虚而入,提高了商品的价格。

Taking advantage of the market's inability to meet demand, he seized the opportunity and raised the price of goods.

**78.** 他趁着对方情绪低落,趁虚而入,安慰了对方。

Taking advantage of the other person's low spirits, he seized the opportunity to comfort them.

**79.** 他趁着公司内部管理混乱,趁虚而入,窃取了公司的商业机密。

Taking advantage of the company's internal management chaos, he seized the opportunity and stole the company's trade secrets.

**80.** 他趁着对方疏忽大意,趁虚而入,骗取了对方的信任。

Taking advantage of the other person's carelessness, he seized the opportunity and gained their trust through deception.

**81.** 他趁着公司内部矛盾激化,趁虚而入,离间了同事之间的关系。

Taking advantage of the intensification of internal conflicts within the company, he seized the opportunity to sow discord among colleagues.

**82.** 他趁着对手实力下降,趁虚而入,最终取得了比赛的胜利。

Taking advantage of his opponent's decline in strength, he seized the opportunity and ultimately won the match.

**83.** 他趁着市场需求旺盛,趁虚而入,迅速推出了新产品。

Taking advantage of the strong market demand, he seized the opportunity and quickly launched a new product.

**84.** 他趁着对手防守漏洞,趁虚而入,攻破了对手的防线。

Taking advantage of his opponent's defensive weakness, he seized the opportunity and broke through their defense.

**85.** 他趁着朋友遇到困难,趁虚而入,伸出援助之手。

Taking advantage of his friend's difficulties, he seized the opportunity to offer a helping hand.

**86.** 他趁着对方情绪激动,趁虚而入,说服对方改变了主意。

Taking advantage of the other person's excitement, he seized the opportunity and persuaded them to change their mind.

**87.** 他趁着公司资金紧张,趁虚而入,以低价收购了公司的资产。

Taking advantage of the company's tight finances, he seized the opportunity and bought the company's assets at a low price.

**88.** 他趁着对方疲惫不堪,趁虚而入,最终取得了谈判的胜利。

Taking advantage of the other person's exhaustion, he seized the opportunity and ultimately won the negotiation.

**89.** 他趁着市场需求变化,趁虚而入,开拓了新的市场领域。

Taking advantage of the changing market demand, he seized the opportunity and explored new market segments.

**90.** 他趁着对手资金链断裂,趁虚而入,收购了对手的公司。

Taking advantage of his opponent's broken financial chain, he seized the opportunity and acquired their company.

**91.** 他趁着公司内部改革的时机,趁虚而入,提升了自己的职位。

Taking advantage of the company's internal reform, he seized the opportunity and advanced his position.

**92.** 他趁着竞争对手陷入困境,趁虚而入,抢占了市场份额。

Taking advantage of his competitor's predicament, he seized the opportunity and captured a significant share of the market.

**93.** 他趁着市场供不应求,趁虚而入,提高了商品的价格。

Taking advantage of the market's inability to meet demand, he seized the opportunity and raised the price of goods.

**94.** 他趁着对方情绪低落,趁虚而入,安慰了对方。

Taking advantage of the other person's low spirits, he seized the opportunity to comfort them.

**95.** 他趁着公司内部管理混乱,趁虚而入,窃取了公司的商业机密。

Taking advantage of the company's internal management chaos, he seized the opportunity and stole the company's trade secrets.

**96.** 他趁着对方疏忽大意,趁虚而入,骗取了对方的信任。

Taking advantage of the other person's carelessness, he seized the opportunity and gained their trust through deception.

**97.** 他趁着公司内部矛盾激化,趁虚而入,离间了同事之间的关系。

Taking advantage of the intensification of internal conflicts within the company, he seized the opportunity to sow discord among colleagues.

以上就是关于趁虚而入句子97句(趁虚而入句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
