
## 52句神仙半句,英文翻译:

1. 山河远阔,人间烟火。 / Mountains and rivers are vast, the world is full of smoke and fire.

2. 星河滚烫,你是人间理想。 / The Milky Way is burning hot, you are the ideal of the world.

3. 风月无边,人间值得。 / The wind and moon are boundless, life is worth living.

4. 海阔天空,任你翱翔。 / The sea is vast and the sky is high, fly as you please.

5. 春风十里,不如你。 / A spring breeze of ten miles, not as good as you.

6. 愿你一生清澈明朗, / May your life be clear and bright,

7. 永远热爱生活。 / Always love life.

8. 不负韶华,不负卿。 / Do not waste your youth, do not let down your lover.

9. 愿你所求皆如愿,所行皆坦途。 / May all your wishes come true, and your path be smooth.

10. 未来可期,人间值得。 / The future is promising, life is worth living.

11. 愿你如星光般闪耀, / May you shine like starlight,

12. 永远闪耀着光芒。 / Always shining with light.

13. 山高月小,水远烟微。 / The mountains are high and the moon is small, the water is far and the smoke is faint.

14. 愿你眼中有星辰大海, / May your eyes see the stars and the sea,

15. 心中有诗和远方。 / And your heart be filled with poetry and the distant horizon.

16. 岁月静好,现世安稳。 / Time is quiet and the world is peaceful.

17. 愿你被温柔以待, / May you be treated with kindness,

18. 被世界偏爱。 / And be loved by the world.

19. 愿你一生自由, / May you be free all your life,

20. 永远保持初心。 / And always keep your original intention.

21. 愿你拥有无限可能, / May you have endless possibilities,

22. 成就梦想,活出精彩。 / Achieve your dreams and live a wonderful life.

23. 愿你所爱之人,皆能平安喜乐。 / May all those you love be safe and happy.

24. 风轻云淡,岁月静好。 / The wind is light, the clouds are light, time is quiet and peaceful.

25. 愿你前途似锦, / May your future be bright,

26. 未来可期。 / And the future is promising.

27. 愿你拥有无忧无虑, / May you have peace of mind,

28. 活出最美的自己。 / And live your best life.

29. 愿你的人生, / May your life be filled with

30. 充满阳光和希望。 / sunshine and hope.

31. 愿你勇敢追梦, / May you bravely chase your dreams,

32. 不负韶华。 / And not waste your youth.

33. 愿你所向披靡, / May you be invincible,

34. 所求皆得。 / And achieve all you desire.

35. 愿你永远被爱, / May you always be loved,

36. 永远被幸福包围。 / And always be surrounded by happiness.

37. 愿你拥有无限可能, / May you have endless possibilities,

38. 创造属于你的人生。 / And create your own life.

39. 愿你心中有梦, / May you have dreams in your heart,

40. 眼中有光。 / And light in your eyes.

41. 愿你拥有诗和远方, / May you have poetry and the distant horizon,

42. 也拥有柴米油盐的温暖。 / And also the warmth of daily life.

43. 愿你如沐春风, / May you be bathed in the spring breeze,

44. 永远保持初心。 / And always keep your original intention.

45. 愿你拥有无限的勇气, / May you have infinite courage,

46. 去追寻你想要的生活。 / To pursue the life you want.

47. 愿你拥有无悔的青春, / May you have a youth without regrets,

48. 活出无愧于心的自己。 / And live a life worthy of your conscience.

49. 愿你永远充满希望, / May you always be full of hope,

50. 永远相信未来。 / And always believe in the future.

51. 愿你永远年轻, / May you always be young,

52. 永远保持一颗赤诚的心。 / And always keep a pure heart.

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