
## 95句古怪水果句子


1. 榴莲的味道,像是在吃臭袜子泡的冰淇淋。
2. 菠萝蜜,果肉如金黄的棉花糖,但散发着奇怪的臭味。
3. 释迦,外形像大脑,口感像奶油,但味道有点像白醋。
4. 杨桃,切片后像星星,酸酸甜甜,但嚼起来有点像木头。
5. 奇异果,毛茸茸的外表,酸甜可口,但吃多了容易打嗝。
6. 山竹,紫色的外壳,果肉晶莹剔透,但味道有点像蒜泥。
7. 蛇皮果,外表像蛇皮,果肉像蒜瓣,但味道有点像香草。
8. 柠檬,酸到令人皱眉,但却是制作饮料的绝佳材料。
9. 火龙果,外表像龙鳞,果肉像棉花糖,但味道有点像仙人掌。
10. 芒果,香甜可口,但果核很大,吃起来很不方便。
11. 荔枝,果肉晶莹剔透,甜美可口,但果核很难剥。
12. 葡萄,一颗颗晶莹剔透,酸甜可口,但吃多了容易腹胀。
13. 草莓,鲜红欲滴,酸甜可口,但果核有点硬。
14. 蓝莓,小小的果实,酸甜可口,但吃多了容易染色。
15. 覆盆子,小小的果实,酸甜可口,但容易被刺扎到。
16. 菠萝,香甜可口,但果肉纤维较多,吃起来有点扎嘴。
17. 香蕉,黄黄的果皮,甜美可口,但香蕉皮很滑,很容易滑倒。
18. 苹果,酸甜可口,但果核很硬,吃起来很不方便。
19. 梨子,香甜可口,但果核很硬,吃起来很不方便。
20. 橘子,酸甜可口,但果肉容易掉落,吃起来很不方便。
21. 橙子,酸甜可口,但果肉容易掉落,吃起来很不方便。
22. 柚子,果肉厚实,香甜可口,但果皮很厚,很难剥。
23. 猕猴桃,酸甜可口,但果肉很软,容易烂掉。
24. 枣子,香甜可口,但果核很硬,吃起来很不方便。
25. 柿子,香甜可口,但果核很硬,吃起来很不方便。
26. 石榴,颗粒饱满,酸甜可口,但吃起来很容易弄得满脸都是汁水。
27. 桑葚,紫黑色的果实,酸甜可口,但容易染色。
28. 枇杷,黄黄的果实,香甜可口,但果皮有点涩。
29. 莲雾,粉红色的果实,香甜可口,但果核很硬。
30. 番石榴,青绿色果实,酸甜可口,但果核很硬。
31. 柠檬,酸到令人皱眉,但却是制作饮料的绝佳材料。
32. 柑橘,香甜可口,但果皮容易掉落,吃起来很不方便。
33. 橙子,酸甜可口,但果皮容易掉落,吃起来很不方便。
34. 葡萄柚,酸甜可口,但果肉容易掉落,吃起来很不方便。
35. 柠檬,酸到令人皱眉,但却是制作饮料的绝佳材料。
36. 芒果,香甜可口,但果核很大,吃起来很不方便。
37. 火龙果,外表像龙鳞,果肉像棉花糖,但味道有点像仙人掌。
38. 奇异果,毛茸茸的外表,酸甜可口,但吃多了容易打嗝。
39. 蛇皮果,外表像蛇皮,果肉像蒜瓣,但味道有点像香草。
40. 山竹,紫色的外壳,果肉晶莹剔透,但味道有点像蒜泥。
41. 杨桃,切片后像星星,酸酸甜甜,但嚼起来有点像木头。
42. 释迦,外形像大脑,口感像奶油,但味道有点像白醋。
43. 菠萝蜜,果肉如金黄的棉花糖,但散发着奇怪的臭味。
44. 榴莲,味道,像是在吃臭袜子泡的冰淇淋。
45. 榴莲,味道太强烈,简直是水果界的“臭豆腐”。
46. 菠萝蜜,果肉像棉花糖,但气味却让人难以忍受。
47. 释迦,口感像奶油,但味道却像白醋,真是令人难以理解。
48. 杨桃,切片后像星星,但嚼起来却像木头,真是奇妙的口感。
49. 奇异果,酸甜可口,但吃多了容易打嗝,真是个调皮的水果。
50. 山竹,果肉晶莹剔透,但味道却像蒜泥,真是个奇特的水果。
51. 蛇皮果,外表像蛇皮,果肉像蒜瓣,但味道却像香草,真是个奇妙的组合。
52. 柠檬,酸到令人皱眉,但却是制作饮料的绝佳材料,真是个矛盾的水果。
53. 火龙果,外表像龙鳞,果肉像棉花糖,但味道却像仙人掌,真是个奇特的水果。
54. 芒果,香甜可口,但果核很大,吃起来很不方便,真是个“难啃”的水果。
55. 荔枝,果肉晶莹剔透,甜美可口,但果核很难剥,真是个“狡猾”的水果。
56. 葡萄,一颗颗晶莹剔透,酸甜可口,但吃多了容易腹胀,真是个“爱闹肚子”的水果。
57. 草莓,鲜红欲滴,酸甜可口,但果核有点硬,真是个“小刺头”的水果。
58. 蓝莓,小小的果实,酸甜可口,但吃多了容易染色,真是个“爱调皮”的水果。
59. 覆盆子,小小的果实,酸甜可口,但容易被刺扎到,真是个“爱耍心眼”的水果。
60. 菠萝,香甜可口,但果肉纤维较多,吃起来有点扎嘴,真是个“爱惹麻烦”的水果。
61. 香蕉,黄黄的果皮,甜美可口,但香蕉皮很滑,很容易滑倒,真是个“爱恶作剧”的水果。
62. 苹果,酸甜可口,但果核很硬,吃起来很不方便,真是个“不讲道理”的水果。
63. 梨子,香甜可口,但果核很硬,吃起来很不方便,真是个“爱藏东西”的水果。
64. 橘子,酸甜可口,但果肉容易掉落,吃起来很不方便,真是个“爱撒娇”的水果。
65. 橙子,酸甜可口,但果肉容易掉落,吃起来很不方便,真是个“爱耍酷”的水果。
66. 柚子,果肉厚实,香甜可口,但果皮很厚,很难剥,真是个“爱装神秘”的水果。
67. 猕猴桃,酸甜可口,但果肉很软,容易烂掉,真是个“爱耍赖”的水果。
68. 枣子,香甜可口,但果核很硬,吃起来很不方便,真是个“爱搞怪”的水果。
69. 柿子,香甜可口,但果核很硬,吃起来很不方便,真是个“爱藏私房钱”的水果。
70. 石榴,颗粒饱满,酸甜可口,但吃起来很容易弄得满脸都是汁水,真是个“爱调皮捣蛋”的水果。
71. 桑葚,紫黑色的果实,酸甜可口,但容易染色,真是个“爱留下印记”的水果。
72. 枇杷,黄黄的果实,香甜可口,但果皮有点涩,真是个“爱扮酷”的水果。
73. 莲雾,粉红色的果实,香甜可口,但果核很硬,真是个“爱装腔作势”的水果。
74. 番石榴,青绿色的果实,酸甜可口,但果核很硬,真是个“爱耍滑头”的水果。
75. 柠檬,酸到令人皱眉,但却是制作饮料的绝佳材料,真是个“爱搞反转”的水果。
76. 柑橘,香甜可口,但果皮容易掉落,吃起来很不方便,真是个“爱玩躲猫猫”的水果。
77. 橙子,酸甜可口,但果皮容易掉落,吃起来很不方便,真是个“爱耍帅”的水果。
78. 葡萄柚,酸甜可口,但果肉容易掉落,吃起来很不方便,真是个“爱搞破坏”的水果。
79. 柠檬,酸到令人皱眉,但却是制作饮料的绝佳材料,真是个“爱搞神秘”的水果。
80. 芒果,香甜可口,但果核很大,吃起来很不方便,真是个“爱玩捉迷藏”的水果。
81. 火龙果,外表像龙鳞,果肉像棉花糖,但味道有点像仙人掌,真是个“爱反串”的水果。
82. 奇异果,毛茸茸的外表,酸甜可口,但吃多了容易打嗝,真是个“爱恶作剧”的水果。
83. 蛇皮果,外表像蛇皮,果肉像蒜瓣,但味道却像香草,真是个“爱搞怪”的水果。
84. 山竹,紫色的外壳,果肉晶莹剔透,但味道却像蒜泥,真是个“爱藏秘密”的水果。
85. 杨桃,切片后像星星,酸酸甜甜,但嚼起来有点像木头,真是个“爱耍酷”的水果。
86. 释迦,外形像大脑,口感像奶油,但味道却像白醋,真是个“爱搞反转”的水果。
87. 菠萝蜜,果肉如金黄的棉花糖,但散发着奇怪的臭味,真是个“爱玩惊悚”的水果。
88. 榴莲,味道,像是在吃臭袜子泡的冰淇淋,真是个“爱挑战味蕾”的水果。
89. 榴莲,味道太强烈,简直是水果界的“臭豆腐”,真是个“爱搞怪”的水果。
90. 菠萝蜜,果肉像棉花糖,但气味却让人难以忍受,真是个“爱玩捉迷藏”的水果。
91. 释迦,口感像奶油,但味道却像白醋,真是个“爱搞反转”的水果。
92. 杨桃,切片后像星星,但嚼起来却像木头,真是个“爱耍酷”的水果。
93. 奇异果,酸甜可口,但吃多了容易打嗝,真是个“爱搞怪”的水果。
94. 山竹,果肉晶莹剔透,但味道却像蒜泥,真是个“爱玩捉迷藏”的水果。
95. 蛇皮果,外表像蛇皮,果肉像蒜瓣,但味道却像香草,真是个“爱搞反串”的水果。


1. The taste of durian is like eating ice cream soaked in smelly socks.

2. Jackfruit, the flesh is like golden marshmallows, but it emits a strange smell.

3. Sugar apple, it looks like a brain, feels like cream, but tastes a bit like white vinegar.

4. Starfruit, it looks like a star when sliced, sweet and sour, but it chews a bit like wood.

5. Kiwi, furry appearance, sweet and sour, but too much can cause hiccups.

6. Mangosteen, purple shell, crystal clear flesh, but tastes a bit like garlic paste.

7. Salak, it looks like snake skin, the flesh is like garlic cloves, but it tastes a bit like vanilla.

8. Lemon, sour to make you frown, but it's a great material for making drinks.

9. Dragon fruit, it looks like dragon scales, the flesh is like marshmallow, but it tastes a bit like cactus.

10. Mango, fragrant and sweet, but the core is big, it's not convenient to eat.

11. Lychee, the flesh is crystal clear, sweet and delicious, but the core is hard to peel.

12. Grapes, each one is crystal clear, sweet and sour, but too much can cause bloating.

13. Strawberry, bright red, sweet and sour, but the seeds are a bit hard.

14. Blueberry, small fruits, sweet and sour, but too much can cause staining.

15. Raspberry, small fruits, sweet and sour, but easy to be pricked by thorns.

16. Pineapple, fragrant and sweet, but the flesh has many fibers, it's a bit prickly to eat.

17. Banana, yellow peel, sweet and delicious, but banana peel is very slippery, easy to slip.

18. Apple, sweet and sour, but the core is very hard, it's not convenient to eat.

19. Pear, fragrant and sweet, but the core is very hard, it's not convenient to eat.

20. Tangerine, sweet and sour, but the flesh is easy to fall, it's not convenient to eat.

21. Orange, sweet and sour, but the flesh is easy to fall, it's not convenient to eat.

22. Pomelo, thick flesh, fragrant and sweet, but the peel is very thick, hard to peel.

23. Kiwi, sweet and sour, but the flesh is very soft, easy to rot.

24. Jujube, fragrant and sweet, but the core is very hard, it's not convenient to eat.

25. Persimmon, fragrant and sweet, but the core is very hard, it's not convenient to eat.

26. Pomegranate, full grains, sweet and sour, but it's easy to get juice all over your face when eating.

27. Mulberry, purple-black fruits, sweet and sour, but easy to stain.

28. Loquat, yellow fruits, fragrant and sweet, but the peel is a bit astringent.

29. Wax apple, pink fruits, fragrant and sweet, but the core is very hard.

30. Guava, green fruits, sweet and sour, but the core is very hard.

31. Lemon, sour to make you frown, but it's a great material for making drinks.

32. Citrus, fragrant and sweet, but the peel is easy to fall, it's not convenient to eat.

33. Orange, sweet and sour, but the peel is easy to fall, it's not convenient to eat.

34. Grapefruit, sweet and sour, but the flesh is easy to fall, it's not convenient to eat.

35. Lemon, sour to make you frown, but it's a great material for making drinks.

36. Mango, fragrant and sweet, but the core is big, it's not convenient to eat.

37. Dragon fruit, it looks like dragon scales, the flesh is like marshmallow, but it tastes a bit like cactus.

38. Kiwi, furry appearance, sweet and sour, but too much can cause hiccups.

39. Salak, it looks like snake skin, the flesh is like garlic cloves, but it tastes a bit like vanilla.

40. Mangosteen, purple shell, crystal clear flesh, but tastes a bit like garlic paste.

41. Starfruit, it looks like a star when sliced, sweet and sour, but it chews a bit like wood.

42. Sugar apple, it looks like a brain, feels like cream, but tastes a bit like white vinegar.

43. Jackfruit, the flesh is like golden marshmallows, but it emits a strange smell.

44. Durian, the taste is like eating ice cream soaked in smelly socks.

45. Durian, the taste is too strong, it's simply the"stinky tofu" of the fruit world.

46. Jackfruit, the flesh is like marshmallow, but the smell is unbearable.

47. Sugar apple, it feels like cream, but it tastes like white vinegar, it's really incomprehensible.

48. Starfruit, it looks like a star when sliced, but it chews like wood, it's a wonderful texture.

49. Kiwi, sweet and sour, but too much can cause hiccups, it's really a mischievous fruit.

50. Mangosteen, the flesh is crystal clear, but it tastes like garlic paste, it's really a strange fruit.

51. Salak, it looks like snake skin, the flesh is like garlic cloves, but it tastes like vanilla, it's a wonderful combination.

52. Lemon, sour to make you frown, but it's a great material for making drinks, it's really a contradictory fruit.

53. Dragon fruit, it looks like dragon scales, the flesh is like marshmallow, but it tastes like cactus, it's really a strange fruit.

54. Mango, fragrant and sweet, but the core is big, it's not convenient to eat, it's really a"hard to chew" fruit.

55. Lychee, the flesh is crystal clear, sweet and delicious, but the core is hard to peel, it's really a"cunning" fruit.

56. Grapes, each one is crystal clear, sweet and sour, but too much can cause bloating, it's really a"love to have a stomachache" fruit.

57. Strawberry, bright red, sweet and sour, but the seeds are a bit hard, it's really a"little prick" fruit.

58. Blueberry, small fruits, sweet and sour, but too much can cause staining, it's really a"love to be mischievous" fruit.

59. Raspberry, small fruits, sweet and sour, but easy to be pricked by thorns, it's really a"love to play tricks" fruit.

60. Pineapple, fragrant and sweet, but the flesh has many fibers, it's a bit prickly to eat, it's really a"love to cause trouble" fruit.

61. Banana, yellow peel, sweet and delicious, but banana peel is very slippery, easy to slip, it's really a"love to play pranks" fruit.

62. Apple, sweet and sour, but the core is very hard, it's not convenient to eat, it's really a"unreasonable" fruit.

63. Pear, fragrant and sweet, but the core is very hard, it's not convenient to eat, it's really a"love to hide things" fruit.

64. Tangerine, sweet and sour, but the flesh is easy to fall, it's not convenient to eat, it's really a"love to be coquettish" fruit.

65. Orange, sweet and sour, but the flesh is easy to fall, it's not convenient to eat, it's really a"love to be cool" fruit.

66. Pomelo, thick flesh, fragrant and sweet, but the peel is very thick, hard to peel, it's really a"love to be mysterious" fruit.

67. Kiwi, sweet and sour, but the flesh is very soft, easy to rot, it's really a"love to play tricks" fruit.

68. Jujube, fragrant and sweet, but the core is very hard, it's not convenient to eat, it's really a"love to be weird" fruit.

69. Persimmon, fragrant and sweet, but the core is very hard, it's not convenient to eat, it's really a"love to hide private money" fruit.

70. Pomegranate, full grains, sweet and sour, but it's easy to get juice all over your face when eating, it's really a"love to be mischievous" fruit.

71. Mulberry, purple-black fruits, sweet and sour, but easy to stain, it's really a"love to leave a mark" fruit.

72. Loquat, yellow fruits, fragrant and sweet, but the peel is a bit astringent, it's really a"love to act cool" fruit.

73. Wax apple, pink fruits, fragrant and sweet, but the core is very hard, it's really a"love to put on airs" fruit.

74. Guava, green fruits, sweet and sour, but the core is very hard, it's really a"love to play tricks" fruit.

75. Lemon, sour to make you frown, but it's a great material for making drinks, it's really a"love to make a comeback" fruit.

76. Citrus, fragrant and sweet, but the peel is easy to fall, it's not convenient to eat, it's really a"love to play hide-and-seek" fruit.

77. Orange, sweet and sour, but the peel is easy to fall, it's not convenient to eat, it's really a"love to show off" fruit.

78. Grapefruit, sweet and sour, but the flesh is easy to fall, it's not convenient to eat, it's really a"love to do damage" fruit.

79. Lemon, sour to make you frown, but it's a great material for making drinks, it's really a"love to be mysterious" fruit.

80. Mango, fragrant and sweet, but the core is big, it's not convenient to eat, it's really a"love to play hide-and-seek" fruit.

81. Dragon fruit, it looks like dragon scales, the flesh is like marshmallow, but it tastes like cactus, it's really a"love to cross-dress" fruit.

82. Kiwi, furry appearance, sweet and sour, but too much can cause hiccups, it's really a"love to play pranks" fruit.

83. Salak, it looks like snake skin, the flesh is like garlic cloves, but it tastes like vanilla, it's really a"love to be weird" fruit.

84. Mangosteen, purple shell, crystal clear flesh, but it tastes like garlic paste, it's really a"love to hide secrets" fruit.

85. Starfruit, it looks like a star when sliced, sweet and sour, but it chews like wood, it's really a"love to act cool" fruit.

86. Sugar apple, it looks like a brain, feels like cream, but it tastes like white vinegar, it's really a"love to make a comeback" fruit.

87. Jackfruit, the flesh is like golden marshmallows, but it emits a strange smell, it's really a"love to play scary" fruit.

88. Durian, the taste is like eating ice cream soaked in smelly socks, it's really a"love to challenge taste buds" fruit.

89. Durian, the taste is too strong, it's simply the"stinky tofu" of the fruit world, it's really a"love to be weird" fruit.

90. Jackfruit, the flesh is like marshmallow, but the smell is unbearable, it's really a"love to play hide-and-seek" fruit.

91. Sugar apple, it feels like cream, but it tastes like white vinegar, it's really a"love to make a comeback" fruit.

92. Starfruit, it looks like a star when sliced, but it chews like wood, it's really a"love to act cool" fruit.

93. Kiwi, sweet and sour, but too much can cause hiccups, it's really a"love to be weird" fruit.

94. Mangosteen, the flesh is crystal clear, but it tastes like garlic paste, it's really a"love to play hide-and-seek" fruit.

95. Salak, it looks like snake skin, the flesh is like garlic cloves, but it tastes like vanilla, it's really a"love to cross-dress" fruit.

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