
## 当局者迷旁观者清的句子,68句:


1. 身在局中难自拔,当局者迷旁观者清。
2. 旁观者清,当局者迷,跳出思维定势,才能看清真相。
3. 站在山顶才能看清脚下的路,当局者迷旁观者清。
4. 只有跳出思维的怪圈,才能看清事物的本质,当局者迷旁观者清。
5. 别人的问题容易解决,自己的问题却总是难以看清,当局者迷旁观者清。
6. 当你迷茫的时候,不妨问问旁观者,当局者迷旁观者清。
7. 不要被眼前的利益蒙蔽双眼,当局者迷旁观者清。
8. 当你陷入困境时,不妨听听别人的意见,当局者迷旁观者清。
9. 站在更高的角度看问题,才能看得更全面,当局者迷旁观者清。
10. 当你执着于自己的想法时,不妨换位思考,当局者迷旁观者清。
11. 旁观者可以冷静分析,当局者却容易情绪化,当局者迷旁观者清。
12. 不要因为一时的利益而失去理智,当局者迷旁观者清。
13. 当你被感情冲昏头脑时,不妨冷静思考,当局者迷旁观者清。
14. 站在不同的角度看问题,才能得到更客观的答案,当局者迷旁观者清。
15. 当你陷入迷宫时,不妨寻求别人的帮助,当局者迷旁观者清。
16. 旁观者可以看清局势,当局者却往往看不清自己的处境,当局者迷旁观者清。
17. 不要被自己的情绪所左右,当局者迷旁观者清。
18. 当你被压力压得喘不过气来时,不妨放松一下心情,当局者迷旁观者清。
19. 不要因为自己的错误而迁怒于他人,当局者迷旁观者清。
20. 当你被困在自己的思维模式里时,不妨尝试新的方法,当局者迷旁观者清。
21. 旁观者可以给出中肯的建议,当局者却往往固执己见,当局者迷旁观者清。
22. 不要因为自己的偏见而拒绝别人的意见,当局者迷旁观者清。
23. 当你被自己的自尊心所束缚时,不妨放下身段,当局者迷旁观者清。
24. 不要因为自己的自卑而放弃努力,当局者迷旁观者清。
25. 当你被自己的恐惧所控制时,不妨勇敢面对,当局者迷旁观者清。
26. 不要因为自己的懒惰而错过机会,当局者迷旁观者清。
27. 当你被自己的欲望所驱使时,不妨克制一下,当局者迷旁观者清。
28. 不要因为自己的贪婪而失去一切,当局者迷旁观者清。
29. 当你被自己的仇恨所吞噬时,不妨放下仇恨,当局者迷旁观者清。
30. 不要因为自己的嫉妒而伤害别人,当局者迷旁观者清。
31. 当你被自己的烦恼所困扰时,不妨转移一下注意力,当局者迷旁观者清。
32. 不要因为自己的压力而患得患失,当局者迷旁观者清。
33. 当你被自己的焦虑所折磨时,不妨寻求专业帮助,当局者迷旁观者清。
34. 不要因为自己的失落而一蹶不振,当局者迷旁观者清。
35. 当你被自己的挫折所打击时,不妨总结经验,当局者迷旁观者清。
36. 不要因为自己的失败而失去信心,当局者迷旁观者清。
37. 当你被自己的错误所困扰时,不妨改正错误,当局者迷旁观者清。
38. 不要因为自己的过失而自暴自弃,当局者迷旁观者清。
39. 当你被自己的惰性所控制时,不妨强迫自己行动,当局者迷旁观者清。
40. 不要因为自己的拖延症而错失良机,当局者迷旁观者清。
41. 当你被自己的恐惧所束缚时,不妨战胜恐惧,当局者迷旁观者清。
42. 不要因为自己的不安而坐立不安,当局者迷旁观者清。
43. 当你被自己的怀疑所困扰时,不妨相信自己,当局者迷旁观者清。
44. 不要因为自己的自卑而妄自菲薄,当局者迷旁观者清。
45. 当你被自己的嫉妒所吞噬时,不妨换位思考,当局者迷旁观者清。
46. 不要因为自己的狭隘而固步自封,当局者迷旁观者清。
47. 当你被自己的偏见所左右时,不妨理性思考,当局者迷旁观者清。
48. 不要因为自己的傲慢而目中无人,当局者迷旁观者清。
49. 当你被自己的虚荣心所驱使时,不妨保持低调,当局者迷旁观者清。
50. 不要因为自己的贪婪而失去原则,当局者迷旁观者清。
51. 当你被自己的欲望所控制时,不妨控制欲望,当局者迷旁观者清。
52. 不要因为自己的仇恨而失去理智,当局者迷旁观者清。
53. 当你被自己的愤怒所吞噬时,不妨冷静思考,当局者迷旁观者清。
54. 不要因为自己的冲动而做出错误的决定,当局者迷旁观者清。
55. 当你被自己的情绪所左右时,不妨克制情绪,当局者迷旁观者清。
56. 不要因为自己的压力而压垮自己,当局者迷旁观者清。
57. 当你被自己的焦虑所折磨时,不妨寻求专业帮助,当局者迷旁观者清。
58. 不要因为自己的失落而放弃梦想,当局者迷旁观者清。
59. 当你被自己的挫折所打击时,不妨重整旗鼓,当局者迷旁观者清。
60. 不要因为自己的失败而一蹶不振,当局者迷旁观者清。
61. 当你被自己的错误所困扰时,不妨从中吸取教训,当局者迷旁观者清。
62. 不要因为自己的过失而自暴自弃,当局者迷旁观者清。
63. 当你被自己的惰性所控制时,不妨强迫自己行动,当局者迷旁观者清。
64. 不要因为自己的拖延症而错失良机,当局者迷旁观者清。
65. 当你被自己的恐惧所束缚时,不妨直面恐惧,当局者迷旁观者清。
66. 不要因为自己的不安而坐立不安,当局者迷旁观者清。
67. 当你被自己的怀疑所困扰时,不妨相信自己,当局者迷旁观者清。
68. 不要因为自己的自卑而妄自菲薄,当局者迷旁观者清。


1. It is hard to extricate oneself from the situation, those involved are confused while the bystanders are clear.

2. Bystanders are clear-sighted, those involved are confused, break out of the mindset and you can see the truth.

3. You can only see the road at your feet when you stand on the top of the mountain, those involved are confused while the bystanders are clear.

4. Only by breaking out of the circle of thinking can you see the essence of things, those involved are confused while the bystanders are clear.

5. It is easy to solve other people's problems, but it is always difficult to see your own, those involved are confused while the bystanders are clear.

6. When you are confused, you can ask the bystanders, those involved are confused while the bystanders are clear.

7. Don't be blinded by the immediate interests, those involved are confused while the bystanders are clear.

8. When you are in trouble, you can listen to other people's opinions, those involved are confused while the bystanders are clear.

9. Standing at a higher angle to see the problem can make it more comprehensive, those involved are confused while the bystanders are clear.

10. When you are obsessed with your own thoughts, you can change your perspective, those involved are confused while the bystanders are clear.

11. Bystanders can analyze calmly, but those involved are easily emotional, those involved are confused while the bystanders are clear.

12. Don't lose your mind for temporary interests, those involved are confused while the bystanders are clear.

13. When you are blinded by emotions, you can think rationally, those involved are confused while the bystanders are clear.

14. Looking at the problem from different angles can get a more objective answer, those involved are confused while the bystanders are clear.

15. When you are lost in the maze, you can seek help from others, those involved are confused while the bystanders are clear.

16. Bystanders can see the situation clearly, but those involved often can't see their own situation, those involved are confused while the bystanders are clear.

17. Don't be controlled by your own emotions, those involved are confused while the bystanders are clear.

18. When you are suffocated by pressure, you can relax your mood, those involved are confused while the bystanders are clear.

19. Don't take your anger out on others because of your own mistakes, those involved are confused while the bystanders are clear.

20. When you are trapped in your own thinking pattern, you can try new methods, those involved are confused while the bystanders are clear.

21. Bystanders can give sound advice, but those involved are often stubborn, those involved are confused while the bystanders are clear.

22. Don't refuse others' opinions because of your own prejudice, those involved are confused while the bystanders are clear.

23. When you are bound by your own self-esteem, you can humble yourself, those involved are confused while the bystanders are clear.

24. Don't give up your efforts because of your own inferiority, those involved are confused while the bystanders are clear.

25. When you are controlled by your own fear, you can face it bravely, those involved are confused while the bystanders are clear.

26. Don't miss opportunities because of your own laziness, those involved are confused while the bystanders are clear.

27. When you are driven by your own desires, you can control them, those involved are confused while the bystanders are clear.

28. Don't lose everything because of your own greed, those involved are confused while the bystanders are clear.

29. When you are consumed by your own hatred, you can let go of hatred, those involved are confused while the bystanders are clear.

30. Don't hurt others because of your own jealousy, those involved are confused while the bystanders are clear.

31. When you are troubled by your own worries, you can shift your attention, those involved are confused while the bystanders are clear.

32. Don't be anxious because of your own pressure, those involved are confused while the bystanders are clear.

33. When you are tortured by your own anxiety, you can seek professional help, those involved are confused while the bystanders are clear.

34. Don't be discouraged because of your own loss, those involved are confused while the bystanders are clear.

35. When you are hit by your own setbacks, you can learn from them, those involved are confused while the bystanders are clear.

36. Don't lose confidence because of your own failures, those involved are confused while the bystanders are clear.

37. When you are troubled by your own mistakes, you can correct them, those involved are confused while the bystanders are clear.

38. Don't give up on yourself because of your own mistakes, those involved are confused while the bystanders are clear.

39. When you are controlled by your own inertia, you can force yourself to act, those involved are confused while the bystanders are clear.

40. Don't miss opportunities because of your own procrastination, those involved are confused while the bystanders are clear.

41. When you are bound by your own fear, you can overcome fear, those involved are confused while the bystanders are clear.

42. Don't be restless because of your own unease, those involved are confused while the bystanders are clear.

43. When you are troubled by your own doubts, you can believe in yourself, those involved are confused while the bystanders are clear.

44. Don't belittle yourself because of your own inferiority, those involved are confused while the bystanders are clear.

45. When you are consumed by your own jealousy, you can change your perspective, those involved are confused while the bystanders are clear.

46. Don't be closed-minded because of your own narrowness, those involved are confused while the bystanders are clear.

47. When you are swayed by your own prejudice, you can think rationally, those involved are confused while the bystanders are clear.

48. Don't be arrogant and think you are above everyone else, those involved are confused while the bystanders are clear.

49. When you are driven by your own vanity, you can keep a low profile, those involved are confused while the bystanders are clear.

50. Don't lose your principles because of your own greed, those involved are confused while the bystanders are clear.

51. When you are controlled by your own desires, you can control your desires, those involved are confused while the bystanders are clear.

52. Don't lose your mind because of your own hatred, those involved are confused while the bystanders are clear.

53. When you are consumed by your own anger, you can think calmly, those involved are confused while the bystanders are clear.

54. Don't make wrong decisions because of your own impulsiveness, those involved are confused while the bystanders are clear.

55. When you are swayed by your own emotions, you can control your emotions, those involved are confused while the bystanders are clear.

56. Don't let your own pressure break you, those involved are confused while the bystanders are clear.

57. When you are tortured by your own anxiety, you can seek professional help, those involved are confused while the bystanders are clear.

58. Don't give up your dreams because of your own loss, those involved are confused while the bystanders are clear.

59. When you are hit by your own setbacks, you can regroup, those involved are confused while the bystanders are clear.

60. Don't be discouraged because of your own failures, those involved are confused while the bystanders are clear.

61. When you are troubled by your own mistakes, you can learn from them, those involved are confused while the bystanders are clear.

62. Don't give up on yourself because of your own mistakes, those involved are confused while the bystanders are clear.

63. When you are controlled by your own inertia, you can force yourself to act, those involved are confused while the bystanders are clear.

64. Don't miss opportunities because of your own procrastination, those involved are confused while the bystanders are clear.

65. When you are bound by your own fear, you can face fear directly, those involved are confused while the bystanders are clear.

66. Don't be restless because of your own unease, those involved are confused while the bystanders are clear.

67. When you are troubled by your own doubts, you can believe in yourself, those involved are confused while the bystanders are clear.

68. Don't belittle yourself because of your own inferiority, those involved are confused while the bystanders are clear.

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