
## 满天喊价句子 (100句)

**1.** 只要你出价,我就卖!

I'll sell it to you, just name your price!

**2.** 价高者得!

Highest bidder wins!

**3.** 价格不是问题,只要你能买得起!

Price is no object, as long as you can afford it!

**4.** 给我一个价格,让我考虑一下!

Give me a price, and I'll consider it!

**5.** 我可以接受任何合理的价格!

I'm open to any reasonable offer!

**6.** 你的出价决定了我的利润!

Your bid determines my profit!

**7.** 让我看看你的底线!

Let's see your bottom line!

**8.** 我相信你会给出合理的价钱!

I'm confident you'll make a fair offer!

**9.** 价钱不是最重要的,重要的是价值!

Price is not the most important thing, it's the value!

**10.** 我不会轻易降价的!

I won't lower the price easily!

**11.** 现在就开始竞价吧!

Let the bidding begin!

**12.** 价格可以商量!

Price is negotiable!

**13.** 我相信你会满意的!

I believe you'll be satisfied!

**14.** 我对这个价格很满意!

I'm happy with this price!

**15.** 你的出价让我很震惊!

Your bid shocked me!

**16.** 我需要一个更合理的价钱!

I need a more reasonable price!

**17.** 你的出价太低了!

Your bid is too low!

**18.** 我无法接受这个价格!

I can't accept this price!

**19.** 你觉得这个价格如何?

What do you think of this price?

**20.** 我会考虑你的出价!

I'll consider your offer!

**21.** 价格不是问题,重要的是质量!

Price is no object, it's the quality that matters!

**22.** 我希望你能给我一个合理的价钱!

I hope you'll give me a fair price!

**23.** 你能给出更高的价格吗?

Can you offer a higher price?

**24.** 我需要更多的钱!

I need more money!

**25.** 我不能再便宜了!

I can't go any lower!

**26.** 我相信你会出个好价钱!

I believe you'll make a good offer!

**27.** 这真的是最低价格了!

This is really the lowest price!

**28.** 你愿意出多少钱?

How much are you willing to pay?

**29.** 我需要一个更好的价格!

I need a better price!

**30.** 你的出价太高了!

Your bid is too high!

**31.** 我需要你的最后报价!

I need your final bid!

**32.** 我们应该达成一个共识!

We should reach an agreement!

**33.** 我相信我们可以达成协议!

I believe we can reach an agreement!

**34.** 你是否可以考虑我的建议?

Can you consider my proposal?

**35.** 你的出价让我很高兴!

I'm delighted with your offer!

**36.** 我会认真考虑你的报价!

I'll give your offer serious consideration!

**37.** 我需要时间考虑一下!

I need some time to think about it!

**38.** 我需要更多时间思考!

I need more time to think!

**39.** 我需要你的最终决定!

I need your final decision!

**40.** 我希望你能接受我的价格!

I hope you'll accept my price!

**41.** 我不能接受低于这个价格!

I can't accept anything below this price!

**42.** 这是一次难得的机会!

This is a rare opportunity!

**43.** 你不会后悔的!

You won't regret it!

**44.** 我保证你会满意!

I guarantee you'll be satisfied!

**45.** 这是你的最后机会了!

This is your last chance!

**46.** 你愿意出多少钱购买?

How much are you willing to pay for it?

**47.** 我们还可以进一步谈谈价格!

We can discuss the price further!

**48.** 你的出价非常接近了!

Your offer is very close!

**49.** 我需要一个确切的价格!

I need a definite price!

**50.** 我希望你能给出最好的价格!

I hope you'll offer the best price!

**51.** 你的出价有点低了!

Your bid is a bit low!

**52.** 你有更好的价格吗?

Do you have a better price?

**53.** 这是一次绝佳的投资机会!

This is a great investment opportunity!

**54.** 我保证你会赚到钱的!

I guarantee you'll make money!

**55.** 你会得到你想要的东西!

You'll get what you want!

**56.** 我相信这会是一个很好的交易!

I believe this will be a great deal!

**57.** 你会喜欢这个价格的!

You'll love this price!

**58.** 我会给你一个优惠价格!

I'll give you a discount!

**59.** 我可以给你一个特别的价格!

I can give you a special price!

**60.** 我可以给你打折!

I can give you a discount!

**61.** 你的出价已经很接近了!

Your bid is very close!

**62.** 我希望你能给出更好的价格!

I hope you can offer a better price!

**63.** 我相信你能给出更好的价格!

I believe you can offer a better price!

**64.** 我们需要找到一个双方都满意的价格!

We need to find a price that satisfies both of us!

**65.** 你愿意出价多少?

How much are you willing to bid?

**66.** 你可以出价更高吗?

Can you bid higher?

**67.** 我相信你可以给出更高的价格!

I believe you can bid higher!

**68.** 我需要你的最高报价!

I need your highest bid!

**69.** 现在是你的机会了!

Now is your chance!

**70.** 我相信你会给出最合适的价钱!

I believe you'll offer the right price!

**71.** 我可以接受你的报价!

I can accept your offer!

**72.** 我们达成一致了!

We have an agreement!

**73.** 这是一笔划算的交易!

This is a good deal!

**74.** 你不会后悔的!

You won't regret it!

**75.** 我相信你会满意的!

I believe you'll be satisfied!

**76.** 你现在就决定吧!

Make your decision now!

**77.** 这可是千载难逢的机会!

This is a once in a lifetime opportunity!

**78.** 你的出价非常接近了!

Your offer is very close!

**79.** 我可以考虑你的出价!

I can consider your offer!

**80.** 我可以接受你的报价,但是…

I can accept your offer, but...

**81.** 我需要你的最终决定!

I need your final decision!

**82.** 我们需要达成协议!

We need to reach an agreement!

**83.** 我希望你能接受我的价格!

I hope you'll accept my price!

**84.** 我相信我们可以达成一个双方都满意的价格!

I believe we can reach a price that satisfies both of us!

**85.** 我们需要找到一个折中的价格!

We need to find a compromise price!

**86.** 我希望你能给我一个合理的价钱!

I hope you'll give me a fair price!

**87.** 我愿意和你谈谈价格!

I'm willing to negotiate with you on the price!

**88.** 我希望你能给出最好的价格!

I hope you'll offer the best price!

**89.** 这是一笔非常划算的交易!

This is a very good deal!

**90.** 我相信你会满意的!

I believe you'll be satisfied!

**91.** 你不会后悔的!

You won't regret it!

**92.** 我希望你能抓住这个机会!

I hope you'll seize this opportunity!

**93.** 我需要一个确切的数字!

I need a specific number!

**94.** 你的出价太低了!

Your bid is too low!

**95.** 我希望你能出价更高!

I hope you can bid higher!

**96.** 我们需要尽快达成协议!

We need to reach an agreement quickly!

**97.** 这是一个绝佳的投资机会!

This is a great investment opportunity!

**98.** 你的出价让我很震惊!

Your bid shocked me!

**99.** 我需要一个更高的价格!

I need a higher price!

**100.** 我相信你会给出最好的价格!

I believe you'll offer the best price!

以上就是关于满天喊价句子100句(满天喊价句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
