
## 满城衣冠 56 句

**1. 满城尽带黄金甲,却不知谁是真英雄。**

The entire city wears golden armor, yet nobody knows who the true hero is.

**2. 衣冠楚楚,却掩盖不住内心的空虚。**

Dressed in fine clothes, but unable to conceal the emptiness within.

**3. 繁华落尽,满城衣冠皆是过眼云烟。**

When the prosperity fades, all the finely dressed people become but fleeting shadows.

**4. 昔日荣华富贵,如今不过满城衣冠。**

The former wealth and splendor are now nothing more than a city full of fine clothes.

**5. 他们衣冠楚楚,却不懂得什么是真正的尊严。**

They are dressed in fine clothes, but they don't understand what true dignity is.

**6. 命运弄人,满城衣冠皆成过客。**

Fate is cruel, making all the finely dressed people mere passersby.

**7. 这满城衣冠,又有几人真心相待?**

In this city full of finely dressed people, how many are truly sincere?

**8. 衣冠之下的心,究竟是冷是暖?**

What lies beneath the fine clothes, a cold heart or a warm one?

**9. 繁华过后,满城衣冠皆成虚妄。**

After the prosperity fades, all the finely dressed people become illusions.

**10. 他们以衣冠自诩,却不知真正的美在于灵魂。**

They pride themselves on their fine clothes, but don't know that true beauty lies in the soul.

**11. 满城尽带黄金甲,谁解其中悲凉?**

The entire city wears golden armor, but who understands the underlying sorrow?

**12. 衣冠之美,终不如心灵之美。**

The beauty of fine clothes is nothing compared to the beauty of the heart.

**13. 满城衣冠,却无人知我心。**

The entire city is dressed in fine clothes, but nobody knows my heart.

**14. 世人皆以衣冠相待,却不知人心才是珍宝。**

People treat each other based on their clothes, but don't know that the heart is the true treasure.

**15. 这满城衣冠,不过是虚幻的表象。**

This city full of finely dressed people is nothing but a superficial facade.

**16. 繁华落尽,满城衣冠皆成过往云烟。**

When the prosperity fades, all the finely dressed people become a distant memory.

**17. 衣冠楚楚,却掩盖不住内心的不安。**

Dressed in fine clothes, but unable to conceal the unease within.

**18. 他们以衣冠自居,却不懂得什么是真正的尊贵。**

They consider themselves noble due to their fine clothes, but don't understand what true nobility is.

**19. 满城衣冠,却无人真心相待。**

The entire city is dressed in fine clothes, but nobody is truly sincere.

**20. 衣冠之下的世界,充满了虚伪和欺骗。**

The world beneath the fine clothes is filled with hypocrisy and deceit.

**21. 他们衣冠楚楚,却掩盖不住内心深处的恐惧。**

They are dressed in fine clothes, but unable to conceal the fear deep inside.

**22. 命运无常,满城衣冠皆成过客。**

Fate is fickle, making all the finely dressed people mere passersby.

**23. 他们以衣冠为荣,却不知真正的价值在于内心。**

They are proud of their fine clothes, but don't know that true value lies within.

**24. 满城衣冠,却掩盖不住历史的痕迹。**

The entire city is dressed in fine clothes, but unable to conceal the traces of history.

**25. 衣冠之美,终将随着时间的流逝而褪色。**

The beauty of fine clothes will eventually fade with the passage of time.

**26. 他们以衣冠相待,却不知真正的尊重在于灵魂。**

They treat each other based on their clothes, but don't know that true respect lies in the soul.

**27. 满城衣冠,却无人知晓我的苦痛。**

The entire city is dressed in fine clothes, but nobody knows my pain.

**28. 他们衣冠楚楚,却掩盖不住内心的孤独。**

They are dressed in fine clothes, but unable to conceal the loneliness within.

**29. 命运的齿轮,将满城衣冠都碾成齑粉。**

The gears of fate will grind all the finely dressed people into dust.

**30. 衣冠之下的世界,充满了欲望和虚荣。**

The world beneath the fine clothes is filled with desires and vanity.

**31. 他们衣冠楚楚,却掩盖不住内心的贪婪。**

They are dressed in fine clothes, but unable to conceal the greed within.

**32. 满城尽带黄金甲,谁解其中寂寞?**

The entire city wears golden armor, but who understands the loneliness within?

**33. 衣冠之美,无法掩盖心灵的丑陋。**

The beauty of fine clothes cannot conceal the ugliness of the heart.

**34. 满城衣冠,却无人能够真正理解我。**

The entire city is dressed in fine clothes, but nobody can truly understand me.

**35. 他们以衣冠相待,却不知真正的友谊在于心灵。**

They treat each other based on their clothes, but don't know that true friendship lies in the heart.

**36. 满城衣冠,却掩盖不住时代的变迁。**

The entire city is dressed in fine clothes, but unable to conceal the changes of time.

**37. 衣冠之美,终究是过眼云烟。**

The beauty of fine clothes is ultimately fleeting.

**38. 他们衣冠楚楚,却掩盖不住内心的空虚和无助。**

They are dressed in fine clothes, but unable to conceal the emptiness and helplessness within.

**39. 命运的巨轮,将满城衣冠都带向未知的命运。**

The wheel of fate will lead all the finely dressed people towards an unknown destiny.

**40. 衣冠之下的世界,充满了阴谋和算计。**

The world beneath the fine clothes is filled with schemes and calculations.

**41. 他们衣冠楚楚,却掩盖不住内心的恐惧和不安。**

They are dressed in fine clothes, but unable to conceal the fear and anxiety within.

**42. 满城尽带黄金甲,却不知谁是真正的主人。**

The entire city wears golden armor, but nobody knows who the true master is.

**43. 衣冠之美,无法掩盖内心的痛苦和折磨。**

The beauty of fine clothes cannot conceal the pain and torment within.

**44. 满城衣冠,却无人能够真正触及我的灵魂。**

The entire city is dressed in fine clothes, but nobody can truly touch my soul.

**45. 他们以衣冠相待,却不知真正的爱情在于心灵。**

They treat each other based on their clothes, but don't know that true love lies in the heart.

**46. 满城衣冠,却掩盖不住历史的沧桑。**

The entire city is dressed in fine clothes, but unable to conceal the vicissitudes of history.

**47. 衣冠之美,终究会随着岁月的流逝而消散。**

The beauty of fine clothes will eventually fade with the passage of time.

**48. 他们衣冠楚楚,却掩盖不住内心的孤独和寂寞。**

They are dressed in fine clothes, but unable to conceal the loneliness and solitude within.

**49. 命运的河流,将满城衣冠都冲刷进历史的洪流。**

The river of fate will wash all the finely dressed people into the torrent of history.

**50. 衣冠之下的世界,充满了虚伪和欺骗。**

The world beneath the fine clothes is filled with hypocrisy and deceit.

**51. 他们衣冠楚楚,却掩盖不住内心的脆弱和敏感。**

They are dressed in fine clothes, but unable to conceal the vulnerability and sensitivity within.

**52. 满城尽带黄金甲,却不知谁是真正的勇士。**

The entire city wears golden armor, but nobody knows who the true warrior is.

**53. 衣冠之美,无法掩盖内心的丑陋和肮脏。**

The beauty of fine clothes cannot conceal the ugliness and filth within.

**54. 满城衣冠,却无人能够真正了解我的内心世界。**

The entire city is dressed in fine clothes, but nobody can truly understand my inner world.

**55. 他们以衣冠相待,却不知真正的智慧在于灵魂。**

They treat each other based on their clothes, but don't know that true wisdom lies in the soul.

**56. 满城衣冠,终将化作历史的尘埃。**

The entire city, dressed in fine clothes, will eventually become dust in the annals of history.

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