
## 减肥说说心情搞笑句子 (72句)

**1. 减肥的最高境界,就是吃东西的时候,永远觉得下一口才是最美味的。**

The highest level of dieting is to always feel like the next bite is the most delicious when eating.

**2. 减肥路上,我是一个孤独的行者,因为我总是走在别人的后面。**

On the road to losing weight, I am a lonely traveler because I always walk behind others.

**3. 听说减肥会让脸变小,但我现在只变小了肚子。**

I heard that losing weight makes your face smaller, but now I only have a smaller belly.

**4. 减肥真是太难了,我宁愿多花点钱买衣服,也不想多花时间运动。**

It's so hard to lose weight, I'd rather spend more money on clothes than spend more time exercising.

**5. 我想减肥,可是我的胃却想让我多吃点。**

I want to lose weight, but my stomach wants me to eat more.

**6. 减肥的动力就是,看到穿不下的衣服,就想把它穿下去。**

The motivation to lose weight is to see clothes you can't fit into and want to wear them.

**7. 今天我又失败了,我决定放弃减肥,改吃甜品了。**

I failed again today. I decided to give up dieting and eat dessert instead.

**8. 减肥是一场持久战,但我现在已经输了第一战,就是打败了我的意志力。**

Losing weight is a long war, but I've already lost the first battle, which is defeating my willpower.

**9. 减肥的唯一捷径,就是把所有的食物都藏起来。**

The only shortcut to losing weight is to hide all the food.

**10. 我决定用美食来疗愈我减肥失败的伤痛。**

I've decided to heal my weight loss failure with delicious food.

**11. 我不是在减肥,我只是在优化我的身材曲线。**

I'm not on a diet, I'm just optimizing my body curves.

**12. 我减肥的目标不是瘦成一道闪电,而是瘦成一道美味的闪电。**

My goal in losing weight is not to become a lightning bolt, but to become a delicious lightning bolt.

**13. 我减肥的秘诀就是,看到别人吃东西就觉得好饱。**

My secret to losing weight is to feel full when I see others eating.

**14. 我要减肥,因为我想穿漂亮衣服,而不是穿松垮的衣服。**

I want to lose weight because I want to wear beautiful clothes, not loose clothes.

**15. 减肥真是太难了,我每天都在跟我的食欲作斗争,但我总是输。**

Losing weight is so hard, I struggle with my appetite every day, but I always lose.

**16. 我已经决定了,减肥失败就用美食来安慰自己。**

I've decided, if I fail to lose weight, I'll comfort myself with delicious food.

**17. 我现在已经不是在减肥了,我是在享受美食的乐趣。**

I'm not dieting anymore, I'm enjoying the pleasure of food.

**18. 我要减肥,因为我想在夏天穿比基尼,而不是穿外套。**

I want to lose weight because I want to wear a bikini in the summer, not a jacket.

**19. 减肥这条路,充满了荆棘,但我还是想尝试一下,因为我已经吃够了。**

The road to losing weight is full of thorns, but I still want to try because I've had enough.

**20. 我已经决定了,减肥的意义就是,为了可以吃更多更美味的食物。**

I've decided, the meaning of losing weight is to be able to eat more delicious food.

**21. 减肥的路上,我总是忍不住想吃东西,就像一个贪吃的小孩。**

On the road to losing weight, I always can't help but want to eat, like a greedy child.

**22. 我减肥的目标是,成为一个可以随意穿衣服的人。**

My goal in losing weight is to become someone who can wear clothes casually.

**23. 我要减肥,因为我想证明,我并不是一个只爱吃的胖子。**

I want to lose weight because I want to prove that I'm not just a fat guy who loves to eat.

**24. 减肥失败了,没关系,我还有很多美食可以安慰我。**

It's okay if I fail to lose weight, I still have a lot of delicious food to comfort me.

**25. 我减肥的动力就是,我想拥有一个可以让我穿什么都好看的体型。**

My motivation to lose weight is that I want to have a body that makes me look good in anything I wear.

**26. 我要减肥,因为我想穿高跟鞋,而不是穿平底鞋。**

I want to lose weight because I want to wear high heels, not flats.

**27. 我减肥的目标就是,可以跟朋友一起穿漂亮的衣服,而不是躲在角落里。**

My goal in losing weight is to be able to wear beautiful clothes with my friends, not hide in the corner.

**28. 我减肥的秘诀就是,每次吃东西前,先想一下自己要穿什么衣服。**

My secret to losing weight is to think about what clothes I'm going to wear before I eat.

**29. 我减肥的动力就是,我想拥有一个健康的体魄,而不是一个臃肿的身体。**

My motivation to lose weight is that I want to have a healthy body, not an obese one.

**30. 我要减肥,因为我想证明,我也可以做到。**

I want to lose weight because I want to prove that I can do it too.

**31. 减肥的路上,我总是被美食诱惑,但我也会坚持下去。**

On the road to losing weight, I am always tempted by delicious food, but I will persevere.

**32. 我减肥的目标是,可以穿下我心爱的衣服,而不是买新的。**

My goal in losing weight is to be able to fit into my favorite clothes, not buy new ones.

**33. 我要减肥,因为我想拥有一个自信的姿态,而不是一个自卑的姿态。**

I want to lose weight because I want to have a confident posture, not a self-conscious one.

**34. 我减肥的秘诀就是,把所有零食都藏起来。**

My secret to losing weight is to hide all the snacks.

**35. 我减肥的动力就是,我想穿比基尼去海边玩,而不是躲在家里。**

My motivation to lose weight is that I want to wear a bikini to the beach, not hide at home.

**36. 我要减肥,因为我想拥有一个健康的身体,而不是一个生病的身体。**

I want to lose weight because I want to have a healthy body, not a sick one.

**37. 我减肥的秘诀就是,每次吃东西前,先喝一杯水。**

My secret to losing weight is to drink a glass of water before I eat.

**38. 我减肥的动力就是,我想证明,我也可以拥有一个美好的身材。**

My motivation to lose weight is that I want to prove that I can also have a beautiful body.

**39. 我要减肥,因为我想穿裙子,而不是穿裤子。**

I want to lose weight because I want to wear skirts, not pants.

**40. 我减肥的秘诀就是,每次吃东西前,先想想自己的目标。**

My secret to losing weight is to think about my goals before I eat.

**41. 我减肥的动力就是,我想拥有一个健康的生活方式,而不是一个不健康的生活方式。**

My motivation to lose weight is that I want to have a healthy lifestyle, not an unhealthy one.

**42. 我要减肥,因为我想拥有一个积极乐观的人生,而不是一个消极悲观的人生。**

I want to lose weight because I want to have a positive and optimistic life, not a negative and pessimistic one.

**43. 我减肥的秘诀就是,把所有美食都列出来,然后一项一项地克服。**

My secret to losing weight is to list all the delicious foods and then overcome them one by one.

**44. 我减肥的动力就是,我想证明,我可以战胜自己的欲望。**

My motivation to lose weight is that I want to prove that I can overcome my desires.

**45. 我要减肥,因为我想拥有一个充满活力的生活,而不是一个沉闷乏味的生活。**

I want to lose weight because I want to have a vibrant life, not a dull and boring one.

**46. 我减肥的秘诀就是,每次吃东西前,先想想自己的体重。**

My secret to losing weight is to think about my weight before I eat.

**47. 我减肥的动力就是,我想拥有一个美好的未来,而不是一个糟糕的未来。**

My motivation to lose weight is that I want to have a beautiful future, not a terrible one.

**48. 我要减肥,因为我想拥有一个自信的笑容,而不是一个自卑的笑容。**

I want to lose weight because I want to have a confident smile, not a self-conscious one.

**49. 我减肥的秘诀就是,每次吃东西前,先想想自己的目标。**

My secret to losing weight is to think about my goals before I eat.

**50. 我减肥的动力就是,我想拥有一个健康的身体,而不是一个生病的身体。**

My motivation to lose weight is that I want to have a healthy body, not a sick one.

**51. 我要减肥,因为我想拥有一个美好的生活,而不是一个糟糕的生活。**

I want to lose weight because I want to have a beautiful life, not a terrible one.

**52. 我减肥的秘诀就是,每次吃东西前,先想想自己的目标。**

My secret to losing weight is to think about my goals before I eat.

**53. 我减肥的动力就是,我想拥有一个健康的身体,而不是一个生病的身体。**

My motivation to lose weight is that I want to have a healthy body, not a sick one.

**54. 我要减肥,因为我想拥有一个美好的未来,而不是一个糟糕的未来。**

I want to lose weight because I want to have a beautiful future, not a terrible one.

**55. 我减肥的秘诀就是,每次吃东西前,先想想自己的目标。**

My secret to losing weight is to think about my goals before I eat.

**56. 我减肥的动力就是,我想拥有一个健康的生活方式,而不是一个不健康的生活方式。**

My motivation to lose weight is that I want to have a healthy lifestyle, not an unhealthy one.

**57. 我要减肥,因为我想拥有一个积极乐观的人生,而不是一个消极悲观的人生。**

I want to lose weight because I want to have a positive and optimistic life, not a negative and pessimistic one.

**58. 我减肥的秘诀就是,每次吃东西前,先想想自己的体重。**

My secret to losing weight is to think about my weight before I eat.

**59. 我减肥的动力就是,我想证明,我可以战胜自己的欲望。**

My motivation to lose weight is that I want to prove that I can overcome my desires.

**60. 我要减肥,因为我想拥有一个充满活力的生活,而不是一个沉闷乏味的生活。**

I want to lose weight because I want to have a vibrant life, not a dull and boring one.

**61. 我减肥的秘诀就是,每次吃东西前,先想想自己的目标。**

My secret to losing weight is to think about my goals before I eat.

**62. 我减肥的动力就是,我想拥有一个美好的未来,而不是一个糟糕的未来。**

My motivation to lose weight is that I want to have a beautiful future, not a terrible one.

**63. 我要减肥,因为我想拥有一个自信的笑容,而不是一个自卑的笑容。**

I want to lose weight because I want to have a confident smile, not a self-conscious one.

**64. 我减肥的秘诀就是,每次吃东西前,先想想自己的目标。**

My secret to losing weight is to think about my goals before I eat.

**65. 我减肥的动力就是,我想拥有一个健康的身体,而不是一个生病的身体。**

My motivation to lose weight is that I want to have a healthy body, not a sick one.

**66. 我要减肥,因为我想拥有一个美好的生活,而不是一个糟糕的生活。**

I want to lose weight because I want to have a beautiful life, not a terrible one.

**67. 我减肥的秘诀就是,每次吃东西前,先想想自己的目标。**

My secret to losing weight is to think about my goals before I eat.

**68. 我减肥的动力就是,我想拥有一个健康的身体,而不是一个生病的身体。**

My motivation to lose weight is that I want to have a healthy body, not a sick one.

**69. 我要减肥,因为我想拥有一个美好的未来,而不是一个糟糕的未来。**

I want to lose weight because I want to have a beautiful future, not a terrible one.

**70. 我减肥的秘诀就是,每次吃东西前,先想想自己的目标。**

My secret to losing weight is to think about my goals before I eat.

**71. 我减肥的动力就是,我想拥有一个健康的生活方式,而不是一个不健康的生活方式。**

My motivation to lose weight is that I want to have a healthy lifestyle, not an unhealthy one.

**72. 我要减肥,因为我想拥有一个积极乐观的人生,而不是一个消极悲观的人生。**

I want to lose weight because I want to have a positive and optimistic life, not a negative and pessimistic one.

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