
## 90句说话句子及其英文翻译**1. 今天天气真不错!**

The weather is so nice today!

**2. 你好!**


**3. 谢谢!**

Thank you!

**4. 不客气!**

You're welcome!

**5. 再见!**


**6. 我爱你!**

I love you!

**7. 我很高兴见到你!**

I'm glad to see you!

**8. 你好吗?**

How are you?

**9. 我很好,谢谢!**

I'm fine, thanks!

**10. 你叫什么名字?**

What's your name?

**11. 我叫...**

My name is...

**12. 你住在哪里?**

Where do you live?

**13. 我住在...**

I live in...

**14. 你做什么工作?**

What do you do for a living?

**15. 我是...**

I'm a...

**16. 你喜欢什么?**

What do you like?

**17. 我喜欢...**

I like...

**18. 你不喜欢什么?**

What don't you like?

**19. 我不喜欢...**

I don't like...

**20. 你会说英语吗?**

Do you speak English?

**21. 我会说一点。**

I speak a little.

**22. 我不会说英语。**

I don't speak English.

**23. 你能再说一遍吗?**

Could you say that again?

**24. 我不明白。**

I don't understand.

**25. 你能帮我吗?**

Can you help me?

**26. 当然可以!**

Of course!

**27. 我需要...**

I need...

**28. 我想...**

I want...

**29. 我可以...**

I can...

**30. 我不能...**

I can't...

**31. 我不知道。**

I don't know.

**32. 我很抱歉。**

I'm sorry.

**33. 没关系。**

It's okay.

**34. 祝你好运!**

Good luck!

**35. 谢谢你的帮助。**

Thanks for your help.

**36. 请原谅我。**

Excuse me.

**37. 你能帮我拿一下这个吗?**

Could you please hand me this?

**38. 我想买...**

I would like to buy...

**39. 这个多少钱?**

How much is this?

**40. 我可以付现金。**

I can pay in cash.

**41. 我可以用信用卡支付。**

I can pay with a credit card.

**42. 我喜欢这里。**

I like it here.

**43. 这里真美!**

This place is beautiful!

**44. 你去过...吗?**

Have you been to...?

**45. 我想去...**

I want to go to...

**46. 我很累。**

I'm tired.

**47. 我很饿。**

I'm hungry.

**48. 我很渴。**

I'm thirsty.

**49. 我很冷。**

I'm cold.

**50. 我很热。**

I'm hot.

**51. 我很高兴。**

I'm happy.

**52. 我很伤心。**

I'm sad.

**53. 我很生气。**

I'm angry.

**54. 我很害怕。**

I'm scared.

**55. 我很惊讶。**

I'm surprised.

**56. 我很无聊。**

I'm bored.

**57. 我很兴奋。**

I'm excited.

**58. 我很紧张。**

I'm nervous.

**59. 我很放松。**

I'm relaxed.

**60. 我很健康。**

I'm healthy.

**61. 我生病了。**

I'm sick.

**62. 我很困。**

I'm sleepy.

**63. 我需要休息。**

I need a break.

**64. 我需要帮助。**

I need help.

**65. 我很忙。**

I'm busy.

**66. 我有时间。**

I have time.

**67. 我喜欢你的衣服。**

I like your clothes.

**68. 你看起来很漂亮。**

You look beautiful.

**69. 你看起来很帅气。**

You look handsome.

**70. 你看起来很年轻。**

You look young.

**71. 你看起来很老。**

You look old.

**72. 你看起来很开心。**

You look happy.

**73. 你看起来很伤心。**

You look sad.

**74. 你看起来很生气。**

You look angry.

**75. 你看起来很害怕。**

You look scared.

**76. 你看起来很惊讶。**

You look surprised.

**77. 你看起来很无聊。**

You look bored.

**78. 你看起来很兴奋。**

You look excited.

**79. 你看起来很紧张。**

You look nervous.

**80. 你看起来很放松。**

You look relaxed.

**81. 我想念你。**

I miss you.

**82. 我想你。**

I think about you.

**83. 我梦到你。**

I dreamed about you.

**84. 我喜欢和你在一起。**

I like being with you.

**85. 我想和你结婚。**

I want to marry you.

**86. 我希望我们能永远在一起。**

I hope we can be together forever.

**87. 祝你生日快乐!**

Happy birthday!

**88. 新年快乐!**

Happy New Year!

**89. 圣诞快乐!**

Merry Christmas!

**90. 祝你一切顺利!**

Good luck!

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