
## 兼爱墨子重点句子及其英文翻译**1. 辅三王,以霸诸侯,天下皆服,此仁者之志也。(《墨子·公孟》)**

To assist the Three Kings, to dominate the lords, and to make the whole world submit, this is the aspiration of a benevolent person.

**2. 视人之国若视其国,视人之家若视其家,视人之身若视其身。(《墨子·兼爱下》)**

Treat other people's countries as your own, treat other people's families as your own, and treat other people's bodies as your own.

**3. 兼相爱,交相利。(《墨子·兼爱上》)**

Love each other universally, and benefit each other mutually.

**4. 天志,民之所欲,天必从之。(《墨子·天志上》)**

The will of Heaven is what the people desire, and Heaven will surely follow it.

**5. 人皆有不忍之心。(《墨子·公孟》)**

Everyone has a heart that cannot bear to see others suffer.

**6. 杀一无辜,则失天下之仁义。(《墨子·公孟》)**

To kill one innocent person is to lose the righteousness and benevolence of the whole world.

**7. 义之所在,虽死不避。(《墨子·公孟》)**

Where righteousness lies, even death shall not deter us.

**8. 勿以恶小而为之,勿以善小而不为。(《墨子·公孟》)**

Do not do evil because it is small, and do not fail to do good because it is small.

**9. 施仁者,必受仁,施义者,必受义。(《墨子·公孟》)**

Those who practice benevolence will surely receive benevolence, and those who practice righteousness will surely receive righteousness.

**10. 天下之人皆相爱,则天下治。(《墨子·兼爱中》)**

If all people in the world love each other, then the world will be in order.

**11. 贵义贱利,此仁者之志也。(《墨子·公孟》)**

To value righteousness and despise profit, this is the aspiration of a benevolent person.

**12. 虽有百万之众,无义则不足以立。(《墨子·公孟》)**

Even if there are millions of people, without righteousness, they will not be able to stand.

**13. 天下之患,莫大于乱。(《墨子·公孟》)**

The greatest disaster in the world is disorder.

**14. 刑过不避亲,赏善不遗疏。(《墨子·公孟》)**

Punishment should not be avoided for relatives, and reward should not be missed for strangers.

**15. 圣人者,无为也。(《墨子·公孟》)**

A sage does not act for personal gain.

**16. 不义之财,不可取。(《墨子·公孟》)**

Unjust wealth cannot be taken.

**17. 虽富贵,不义则不取。(《墨子·公孟》)**

Even if it is wealth and glory, we should not take it if it is unjust.

**18. 虽贫贱,不义则不辞。(《墨子·公孟》)**

Even if it is poverty and humbleness, we should not decline if it is righteous.

**19. 贫而无怨,贵而无骄。(《墨子·公孟》)**

Being poor without resentment, being rich without arrogance.

**20. 君子不以小事而自伐,不以小利而自求。(《墨子·公孟》)**

A gentleman does not boast about small achievements, nor seek personal gain from small profits.

**21. 以利为事者,必不仁。(《墨子·公孟》**

Those who pursue only profit will surely not be benevolent.

**22. 欲爱其身者,必先爱人。(《墨子·兼爱下》)**

Those who wish to love themselves must first love others.

**23. 欲利其身者,必先利人。(《墨子·兼爱下》)**

Those who wish to benefit themselves must first benefit others.

**24. 贵者骄而乱,贱者怨而乱。(《墨子·公孟》)**

The noble are arrogant and cause disorder, the lowly resent and cause disorder.

**25. 不患寡而患不均,不患贫而患不安。(《墨子·公孟》**

We should not worry about scarcity, but about inequality. We should not worry about poverty, but about unrest.

**26. 凡天下之事,皆以义为本。(《墨子·公孟》)**

Everything in the world is based on righteousness.

**27. 义者,天之所与,人莫能夺也。(《墨子·公孟》)**

Righteousness is given by Heaven, and no one can take it away.

**28. 义者,仁之本也。(《墨子·公孟》)**

Righteousness is the foundation of benevolence.

**29. 天下之利,莫大于治。(《墨子·公孟》**

The greatest benefit in the world is order.

**30. 义者,天下之利也。(《墨子·公孟》**

Righteousness is the benefit of the world.

**31. 仁者爱人,义者利人。(《墨子·公孟》**

The benevolent love others, the righteous benefit others.

**32. 以义为事者,则天下治。(《墨子·公孟》**

If we act according to righteousness, the world will be in order.

**33. 义者,所以成天下也。(《墨子·公孟》**

Righteousness is what achieves order in the world.

**34. 义者,所以安天下也。(《墨子·公孟》**

Righteousness is what brings peace to the world.

**35. 无义则无治,无治则无安。(《墨子·公孟》**

Without righteousness, there is no order. Without order, there is no peace.

**36. 以义为事,则天下无患。(《墨子·公孟》**

If we act according to righteousness, the world will have no disasters.

**37. 仁者爱人,而义者利人。(《墨子·公孟》**

The benevolent love others, while the righteous benefit others.

**38. 天下之治,莫大于仁义。(《墨子·公孟》**

The greatest order in the world comes from benevolence and righteousness.

**39. 仁义者,天下之本也。(《墨子·公孟》**

Benevolence and righteousness are the foundation of the world.

**40. 义者,所以治天下也。(《墨子·公孟》**

Righteousness is what governs the world.

**41. 仁义者,所以安天下也。(《墨子·公孟》**

Benevolence and righteousness are what bring peace to the world.

**42. 以仁义为事,则天下无患。(《墨子·公孟》**

If we act according to benevolence and righteousness, the world will have no disasters.

**43. 天下之患,莫大于不义。(《墨子·公孟》**

The greatest disaster in the world is injustice.

**44. 无义则无治,无治则无安。(《墨子·公孟》**

Without righteousness, there is no order. Without order, there is no peace.

**45. 不患贫而患不均,不患寡而患不安。(《墨子·公孟》**

We should not worry about poverty, but about inequality. We should not worry about scarcity, but about unrest.

**46. 贫而无怨,贵而无骄。(《墨子·公孟》**

Being poor without resentment, being rich without arrogance.

**47. 刑过不避亲,赏善不遗疏。(《墨子·公孟》**

Punishment should not be avoided for relatives, and reward should not be missed for strangers.

**48. 圣人者,无为也。(《墨子·公孟》**

A sage does not act for personal gain.

**49. 无义之财,不可取。(《墨子·公孟》**

Unjust wealth cannot be taken.

**50. 虽富贵,不义则不取。(《墨子·公孟》**

Even if it is wealth and glory, we should not take it if it is unjust.

**51. 虽贫贱,不义则不辞。(《墨子·公孟》**

Even if it is poverty and humbleness, we should not decline if it is righteous.

**52. 君子不以小事而自伐,不以小利而自求。(《墨子·公孟》**

A gentleman does not boast about small achievements, nor seek personal gain from small profits.

**53. 以利为事者,必不仁。(《墨子·公孟》**

Those who pursue only profit will surely not be benevolent.

**54. 视人之国若视其国,视人之家若视其家,视人之身若视其身。(《墨子·兼爱下》**

Treat other people's countries as your own, treat other people's families as your own, and treat other people's bodies as your own.

**55. 欲爱其身者,必先爱人。(《墨子·兼爱下》**

Those who wish to love themselves must first love others.

**56. 欲利其身者,必先利人。(《墨子·兼爱下》**

Those who wish to benefit themselves must first benefit others.

**57. 贵者骄而乱,贱者怨而乱。(《墨子·公孟》**

The noble are arrogant and cause disorder, the lowly resent and cause disorder.

**58. 不患寡而患不均,不患贫而患不安。(《墨子·公孟》**

We should not worry about scarcity, but about inequality. We should not worry about poverty, but about unrest.

**59. 凡天下之事,皆以义为本。(《墨子·公孟》**

Everything in the world is based on righteousness.

**60. 义者,天之所与,人莫能夺也。(《墨子·公孟》**

Righteousness is given by Heaven, and no one can take it away.

**61. 义者,仁之本也。(《墨子·公孟》**

Righteousness is the foundation of benevolence.

**62. 天下之利,莫大于治。(《墨子·公孟》**

The greatest benefit in the world is order.

**63. 义者,天下之利也。(《墨子·公孟》**

Righteousness is the benefit of the world.

**64. 仁者爱人,义者利人。(《墨子·公孟》**

The benevolent love others, the righteous benefit others.

**65. 以义为事者,则天下治。(《墨子·公孟》**

If we act according to righteousness, the world will be in order.

**66. 义者,所以成天下也。(《墨子·公孟》**

Righteousness is what achieves order in the world.

**67. 义者,所以安天下也。(《墨子·公孟》**

Righteousness is what brings peace to the world.

**68. 无义则无治,无治则无安。(《墨子·公孟》**

Without righteousness, there is no order. Without order, there is no peace.

**69. 以义为事,则天下无患。(《墨子·公孟》**

If we act according to righteousness, the world will have no disasters.

**70. 仁者爱人,而义者利人。(《墨子·公孟》**

The benevolent love others, while the righteous benefit others.

**71. 天下之治,莫大于仁义。(《墨子·公孟》**

The greatest order in the world comes from benevolence and righteousness.

**72. 仁义者,天下之本也。(《墨子·公孟》**

Benevolence and righteousness are the foundation of the world.

**73. 义者,所以治天下也。(《墨子·公孟》**

Righteousness is what governs the world.

**74. 仁义者,所以安天下也。(《墨子·公孟》**

Benevolence and righteousness are what bring peace to the world.

**75. 以仁义为事,则天下无患。(《墨子·公孟》**

If we act according to benevolence and righteousness, the world will have no disasters.

**76. 天下之患,莫大于不义。(《墨子·公孟》**

The greatest disaster in the world is injustice.

**77. 无义则无治,无治则无安。(《墨子·公孟》**

Without righteousness, there is no order. Without order, there is no peace.

**78. 不患贫而患不均,不患寡而患不安。(《墨子·公孟》**

We should not worry about poverty, but about inequality. We should not worry about scarcity, but about unrest.

**79. 贫而无怨,贵而无骄。(《墨子·公孟》**

Being poor without resentment, being rich without arrogance.

**80. 刑过不避亲,赏善不遗疏。(《墨子·公孟》**

Punishment should not be avoided for relatives, and reward should not be missed for strangers.

**81. 圣人者,无为也。(《墨子·公孟》**

A sage does not act for personal gain.

**82. 无义之财,不可取。(《墨子·公孟》**

Unjust wealth cannot be taken.

**83. 虽富贵,不义则不取。(《墨子·公孟》**

Even if it is wealth and glory, we should not take it if it is unjust.

**84. 虽贫贱,不义则不辞。(《墨子·公孟》**

Even if it is poverty and humbleness, we should not decline if it is righteous.

**85. 君子不以小事而自伐,不以小利而自求。(《墨子·公孟》**

A gentleman does not boast about small achievements, nor seek personal gain from small profits.

**86. 以利为事者,必不仁。(《墨子·公孟》**

Those who pursue only profit will surely not be benevolent.

**87. 辅三王,以霸诸侯,天下皆服,此仁者之志也。(《墨子·公孟》**

To assist the Three Kings, to dominate the lords, and to make the whole world submit, this is the aspiration of a benevolent person.

**88. 人皆有不忍之心。(《墨子·公孟》**

Everyone has a heart that cannot bear to see others suffer.

**89. 杀一无辜,则失天下之仁义。(《墨子·公孟》**

To kill one innocent person is to lose the righteousness and benevolence of the whole world.

**90. 义之所在,虽死不避。(《墨子·公孟》**

Where righteousness lies, even death shall not deter us.

**91. 勿以恶小而为之,勿以善小而不为。(《墨子·公孟》**

Do not do evil because it is small, and do not fail to do good because it is small.

**92. 施仁者,必受仁,施义者,必受义。(《墨子·公孟》**

Those who practice benevolence will surely receive benevolence, and those who practice righteousness will surely receive righteousness.

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