
## 又长胖了的说说句子 (51句)

**1. 又是长胖的一天,减肥计划明天开始!**

Another day, another pound gained. Diet starts tomorrow!

**2. 感觉体重像坐火箭一样嗖嗖地上涨,减肥之路任重道远啊!**

My weight is skyrocketing, the road to weight loss is long and arduous!

**3. 今天又吃多了,明天就少吃点吧,希望还能塞进裤子!**

I overate today, I'll eat less tomorrow, hoping I can still fit into my pants!

**4. 秤上的数字越来越可怕,看来我离成为胖子不远了!**

The numbers on the scale are getting scarier, it seems I'm not far from becoming a fatso!

**5. 每次减肥都以失败告终,我真的不适合减肥吗?**

Every attempt at losing weight ends in failure, am I really not cut out for dieting?

**6. 看着自己越来越圆润的身材,我开始怀疑人生了!**

Looking at my increasingly round body, I'm starting to question life!

**7. 减肥,我永远的痛!**

Losing weight, my eternal pain!

**8. 每次减肥都坚持不了几天,难道我天生就该胖吗?**

I can't stick to my diet for more than a few days, am I destined to be fat?

**9. 今天吃了多少我不知道,反正我的体重是知道的了!**

I don't know how much I ate today, but my weight does!

**10. 感觉自己越来越像个球了,都快滚不动了!**

I feel like I'm becoming more and more like a ball, I can barely roll!

**11. 减肥的道路上,我永远是那个失败者!**

On the road to weight loss, I'm always the loser!

**12. 我承认,我是一个失败的减肥者!**

I admit, I'm a failed dieter!

**13. 每次看到镜子里的自己,我就想哭!**

Every time I look at myself in the mirror, I want to cry!

**14. 我真的要放弃减肥了吗?**

Should I really give up on losing weight?

**15. 为了减肥,我今天只吃了一顿饭,结果还是胖了!**

For the sake of losing weight, I only ate one meal today, and I still gained weight!

**16. 我真的怀疑我的体重秤坏了,为什么我总是胖呢?**

I really suspect my scale is broken, why am I always fat?

**17. 减肥就像一场战争,而我永远是战败者!**

Losing weight is like a war, and I'm always the loser!

**18. 今天体重又创新高,看来我离目标越来越远了!**

My weight hit a new high today, it seems I'm getting further and further away from my goal!

**19. 我真的要开始认真减肥了,再这样下去我就要成为一个胖子了!**

I really need to start taking weight loss seriously, if I keep going like this I'm going to become a fatso!

**20. 减肥之路漫漫,且行且珍惜吧!**

The road to weight loss is long, let's cherish every step!

**21. 为了减肥,我开始尝试各种奇葩的减肥方法,但效果却微乎其微!**

I've started trying all sorts of bizarre weight loss methods, but the results have been minimal!

**22. 每次减肥都失败,我是不是真的没有毅力?**

Every time I try to lose weight I fail, do I really lack willpower?

**23. 减肥真的很难,但为了健康,我必须坚持下去!**

Losing weight is really hard, but I must persevere for my health!

**24. 看着别人身材越来越好,而我却越来越胖,心酸啊!**

Watching others get fitter and fitter, while I get fatter and fatter, it's heartbreaking!

**25. 今天又吃了一堆美食,明天继续努力减肥吧!**

I ate a bunch of delicious food today, let's continue working hard to lose weight tomorrow!

**26. 减肥,说起来容易做起来难啊!**

Losing weight, it's easier said than done!

**27. 我已经开始接受自己胖的事实了,但我还是想减肥!**

I've started to accept the fact that I'm fat, but I still want to lose weight!

**28. 我想减肥,但我又不想控制饮食,好矛盾啊!**

I want to lose weight, but I don't want to control my diet, it's so contradictory!

**29. 减肥就像一场持久战,我一定要坚持下去!**

Losing weight is like a long war, I have to persevere!

**30. 我真的要开始认真减肥了,不然我就要变成一个大胖子了!**

I really need to start taking weight loss seriously, otherwise I'm going to become a big fatso!

**31. 减肥是一件需要长期坚持的事情,不能三天打鱼两天晒网!**

Losing weight is something that requires long-term perseverance, you can't be half-hearted about it!

**32. 减肥真的很难,但只要坚持下去,总会有所收获!**

Losing weight is really hard, but as long as you persevere, you will reap the rewards!

**33. 我要努力减肥,为了穿上心仪的衣服!**

I'm going to work hard to lose weight, so I can fit into the clothes I want!

**34. 为了减肥,我开始尝试各种运动,但效果却不太明显!**

I've started trying all sorts of exercises to lose weight, but the results haven't been very noticeable!

**35. 我要减肥,我要健康,我要美丽!**

I want to lose weight, I want to be healthy, I want to be beautiful!

**36. 减肥路上,我总是遇到各种诱惑,但我要抵制住!**

On the road to weight loss, I'm always met with all sorts of temptations, but I must resist them!

**37. 我要减肥,我要成为一个更好的自己!**

I want to lose weight, I want to become a better version of myself!

**38. 减肥是一件很痛苦的事情,但我还是愿意坚持下去!**

Losing weight is a very painful thing, but I'm still willing to persevere!

**39. 我要减肥,我要改变自己的人生!**

I want to lose weight, I want to change my life!

**40. 减肥路上,我不会放弃!**

On the road to weight loss, I will not give up!

**41. 减肥,我一直在努力!**

I've been working hard to lose weight!

**42. 我要减肥,我要让所有的人刮目相看!**

I want to lose weight, I want to make everyone look at me with new eyes!

**43. 我要减肥,我要证明自己可以做到!**

I want to lose weight, I want to prove to myself that I can do it!

**44. 减肥,我一直在路上!**

Losing weight, I'm on the journey!

**45. 我要减肥,我要活出精彩的人生!**

I want to lose weight, I want to live a fulfilling life!

**46. 减肥,我从未放弃过梦想!**

Losing weight, I have never given up on my dreams!

**47. 减肥,我一直在挑战自己!**

Losing weight, I've been challenging myself all along!

**48. 我要减肥,我要突破自我!**

I want to lose weight, I want to break through my limitations!

**49. 减肥,我一直在寻找更好的自己!**

Losing weight, I've been searching for a better version of myself!

**50. 减肥,我一直在坚持!**

Losing weight, I've been persevering!

**51. 减肥,我一直在努力,相信总会有收获!**

Losing weight, I've been working hard, I believe there will be rewards!

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