
## 及时雨的句子 (71句)

1. 及时雨,解燃眉之急。

A timely rain, a solution to an urgent need.

2. 旱地逢甘霖,犹如及时雨。

A drought-stricken land encountering sweet rain, like a timely rain.

3. 危难之时,朋友伸出援助之手,如及时雨般温暖人心。

In times of crisis, a friend's helping hand is as warm as a timely rain.

4. 这笔资金的到位,如同及时雨,让项目得以顺利进行。

The arrival of this funding is like a timely rain, allowing the project to proceed smoothly.

5. 老师的鼓励,如及时雨般滋润着我干涸的心灵。

The teacher's encouragement is like a timely rain nourishing my parched soul.

6. 他的出现,就像及时雨一样,化解了我的困境。

His appearance was like a timely rain, resolving my predicament.

7. 这场雨来得太及时了,解救了即将枯死的庄稼。

This rain came so timely, saving the crops that were about to wither.

8. 困难面前,不要灰心,总会有及时雨来帮助你。

Don't lose heart in the face of difficulty, there will always be a timely rain to help you.

9. 他的帮助,就像及时雨一样,让我看到了希望。

His help, like a timely rain, gave me hope.

10. 这场暴雨来得太及时了,缓解了旱情。

This heavy rain came so timely, easing the drought.

11. 这笔意外之财,如同及时雨,让我解决了燃眉之急。

This unexpected fortune is like a timely rain, solving my urgent need.

12. 在我迷茫的时候,你的出现,如及时雨般指引我前进的方向。

When I was lost, your appearance was like a timely rain, guiding me in the right direction.

13. 他的建议,如及时雨般解开了我心中的困惑。

His suggestion, like a timely rain, cleared the confusion in my heart.

14. 他的鼓励,如同及时雨般,让我重燃信心。

His encouragement, like a timely rain, rekindled my confidence.

15. 这场雨,来得正是时候,浇灌了干涸的土地。

This rain came at the right time, watering the parched land.

16. 他的到来,就像及时雨一样,给这个沉闷的氛围带来了活力。

His arrival was like a timely rain, bringing vitality to the dull atmosphere.

17. 这场雨,如同及时雨般,洗去了城市的尘埃,让人心旷神怡。

This rain, like a timely rain, washed away the city's dust, refreshing the mind and spirit.

18. 这笔款项的到位,如及时雨般,解除了公司的燃眉之急。

The arrival of this payment, like a timely rain, relieved the company's urgent need.

19. 这场雨,来得太及时了,缓解了城市的缺水问题。

This rain came so timely, alleviating the city's water shortage.

20. 他的关心,如同及时雨般,温暖着我的心灵。

His care, like a timely rain, warmed my heart.

21. 他的出现,如及时雨般,给这个项目注入了新的活力。

His appearance, like a timely rain, injected new vitality into this project.

22. 这场雨,来得正是时候,让干涸的土地重获生机。

This rain came at the right time, bringing life back to the parched land.

23. 他的帮助,如同及时雨般,让我顺利渡过了难关。

His help, like a timely rain, helped me get through the difficulties.

24. 这场雨,来得太及时了,解救了即将干涸的河流。

This rain came so timely, saving the river that was about to dry up.

25. 他的支持,如及时雨般,让我更加坚定了信心。

His support, like a timely rain, made me more confident.

26. 这场雨,来得正是时候,让万物欣欣向荣。

This rain came at the right time, making everything thrive.

27. 他的出现,就像及时雨一样,给我的生活带来了光明。

His appearance was like a timely rain, bringing light to my life.

28. 这场雨,来得太及时了,让干涸的土地重获生机。

This rain came so timely, bringing life back to the parched land.

29. 他的安慰,如同及时雨般,抚慰了我的心灵。

His comfort, like a timely rain, soothed my soul.

30. 这场雨,来得正是时候,缓解了城市的高温天气。

This rain came at the right time, easing the city's hot weather.

31. 他的到来,如及时雨般,给这个团队带来了希望。

His arrival, like a timely rain, brought hope to the team.

32. 这场雨,来得太及时了,解救了即将枯萎的花朵。

This rain came so timely, saving the flowers that were about to wither.

33. 他的帮助,如同及时雨般,让我看到了成功的曙光。

His help, like a timely rain, let me see the dawn of success.

34. 这场雨,来得正是时候,让干涸的河流重获生机。

This rain came at the right time, bringing life back to the dried-up river.

35. 他的鼓励,如及时雨般,让我重新振作起来。

His encouragement, like a timely rain, helped me regain my composure.

36. 这场雨,来得太及时了,让干旱的土地重获生机。

This rain came so timely, bringing life back to the arid land.

37. 他的建议,如同及时雨般,指引我走出困境。

His advice, like a timely rain, guided me out of the predicament.

38. 这场雨,来得正是时候,让干涸的树木重获生机。

This rain came at the right time, bringing life back to the parched trees.

39. 他的关心,如及时雨般,温暖着我的内心。

His care, like a timely rain, warmed my heart.

40. 这场雨,来得太及时了,解救了即将干枯的草地。

This rain came so timely, saving the grassland that was about to dry up.

41. 他的支持,如同及时雨般,让我更有信心去面对挑战。

His support, like a timely rain, gave me more confidence to face challenges.

42. 这场雨,来得正是时候,让万物欣欣向荣。

This rain came at the right time, making everything thrive.

43. 他的到来,如及时雨般,给这个项目带来了新的希望。

His arrival, like a timely rain, brought new hope to this project.

44. 这场雨,来得太及时了,解救了即将干涸的湖泊。

This rain came so timely, saving the lake that was about to dry up.

45. 他的帮助,如同及时雨般,让我顺利完成了任务。

His help, like a timely rain, helped me complete the task successfully.

46. 这场雨,来得正是时候,让干涸的土地重获生机。

This rain came at the right time, bringing life back to the parched land.

47. 他的鼓励,如及时雨般,让我重燃斗志。

His encouragement, like a timely rain, rekindled my fighting spirit.

48. 这场雨,来得太及时了,解救了即将干涸的河流。

This rain came so timely, saving the river that was about to dry up.

49. 他的支持,如同及时雨般,让我更有信心去迎接未来的挑战。

His support, like a timely rain, gave me more confidence to face future challenges.

50. 这场雨,来得正是时候,让万物欣欣向荣。

This rain came at the right time, making everything thrive.

51. 他的到来,如及时雨般,给这个团队带来了新的活力。

His arrival, like a timely rain, brought new vitality to the team.

52. 这场雨,来得太及时了,解救了即将干涸的湖泊。

This rain came so timely, saving the lake that was about to dry up.

53. 他的帮助,如同及时雨般,让我顺利完成了工作。

His help, like a timely rain, helped me complete the work successfully.

54. 这场雨,来得正是时候,让干涸的土地重获生机。

This rain came at the right time, bringing life back to the parched land.

55. 他的鼓励,如及时雨般,让我重拾信心。

His encouragement, like a timely rain, helped me regain my confidence.

56. 这场雨,来得太及时了,解救了即将干涸的河流。

This rain came so timely, saving the river that was about to dry up.

57. 他的支持,如同及时雨般,让我更有信心去面对未来的困难。

His support, like a timely rain, gave me more confidence to face future difficulties.

58. 这场雨,来得正是时候,让万物欣欣向荣。

This rain came at the right time, making everything thrive.

59. 他的到来,如及时雨般,给这个项目带来了新的希望。

His arrival, like a timely rain, brought new hope to this project.

60. 这场雨,来得太及时了,解救了即将干涸的湖泊。

This rain came so timely, saving the lake that was about to dry up.

61. 他的帮助,如同及时雨般,让我顺利完成了任务。

His help, like a timely rain, helped me complete the task successfully.

62. 这场雨,来得正是时候,让干涸的土地重获生机。

This rain came at the right time, bringing life back to the parched land.

63. 他的鼓励,如及时雨般,让我重燃斗志。

His encouragement, like a timely rain, rekindled my fighting spirit.

64. 这场雨,来得太及时了,解救了即将干涸的河流。

This rain came so timely, saving the river that was about to dry up.

65. 他的支持,如同及时雨般,让我更有信心去迎接未来的挑战。

His support, like a timely rain, gave me more confidence to face future challenges.

66. 这场雨,来得正是时候,让万物欣欣向荣。

This rain came at the right time, making everything thrive.

67. 他的到来,如及时雨般,给这个团队带来了新的活力。

His arrival, like a timely rain, brought new vitality to the team.

68. 这场雨,来得太及时了,解救了即将干涸的湖泊。

This rain came so timely, saving the lake that was about to dry up.

69. 他的帮助,如同及时雨般,让我顺利完成了工作。

His help, like a timely rain, helped me complete the work successfully.

70. 这场雨,来得正是时候,让干涸的土地重获生机。

This rain came at the right time, bringing life back to the parched land.

71. 他的鼓励,如及时雨般,让我重拾信心。

His encouragement, like a timely rain, helped me regain my confidence.

以上就是关于及时雨的句子71句(及时雨的句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
