
## 养猪骨瘦如柴的句子 (94句)**1. 这头猪瘦得皮包骨头,就像一根干枯的树枝。**

This pig is so thin, its bones are sticking out, like a dry branch.

**2. 猪的肋骨清晰可见,每一根都仿佛在诉说着它经历的苦难。**

The pig's ribs are clearly visible, each one seeming to tell the story of its suffering.

**3. 它的皮毛稀疏,仿佛被风吹掉了颜色,露出底下瘦骨嶙峋的躯体。**

Its fur is sparse, as if the wind has blown away its color, revealing the bony, emaciated body beneath.

**4. 它的肚子瘪下去,仿佛被抽空了所有的空气,只剩下薄薄的一层皮。**

Its belly is sunken, as if all the air has been sucked out, leaving only a thin layer of skin.

**5. 它的四肢瘦弱无力,像是随时都会折断。**

Its limbs are thin and weak, as if they could break at any moment.

**6. 它瘦得只剩下骨头,仿佛一阵风就能把它吹走。**

It is so thin, it is nothing but bones, as if a gust of wind could blow it away.

**7. 它的眼窝深陷,眼球浑浊无光,仿佛失去了生命的光彩。**

Its eyes are sunken, its pupils dull and lifeless, as if it has lost the light of life.

**8. 它瘦得只剩下皮肤和骨头,就像一具骷髅。**

It is so thin, it is nothing but skin and bones, like a skeleton.

**9. 它瘦得连骨头都突出,像是要把皮肤撑破。**

It is so thin, even its bones are sticking out, as if they are going to burst through the skin.

**10. 它的脊背像一根弯曲的棍子,仿佛不堪重负。**

Its spine is like a bent stick, as if it can't bear the weight.

**11. 它瘦得像一具干尸,仿佛被时间吞噬了一切。**

It is so thin, it is like a dried corpse, as if time has devoured everything.

**12. 它的毛色黯淡无光,仿佛被灰尘笼罩。**

Its fur is dull and lifeless, as if it is covered in dust.

**13. 它瘦得只剩下骨架,仿佛随时都会散架。**

It is so thin, it is nothing but bones, as if it could fall apart at any moment.

**14. 它瘦得像一团毛线,仿佛一阵风就能把它吹散。**

It is so thin, it is like a ball of yarn, as if a gust of wind could blow it away.

**15. 它的尾巴瘦得像一根细绳,仿佛随时都会断裂。**

Its tail is so thin, it is like a thin rope, as if it could break at any moment.

**16. 它瘦得连猪蹄都像干枯的树根。**

It is so thin, even its hooves look like dry roots.

**17. 它的鼻子瘦得只剩下两个鼻孔,仿佛随时都会塌陷。**

Its nose is so thin, it is nothing but two nostrils, as if it could collapse at any moment.

**18. 它瘦得像一幅骨架,仿佛随时都会散架。**

It is so thin, it is like a skeleton, as if it could fall apart at any moment.

**19. 它瘦得像一具木乃伊,仿佛被时间凝固了。**

It is so thin, it is like a mummy, as if time has frozen it.

**20. 它的眼睛浑浊无光,仿佛失去了所有的希望。**

Its eyes are dull and lifeless, as if it has lost all hope.

**21. 它瘦得像一团枯草,仿佛随时都会被风吹走。**

It is so thin, it is like a bunch of dry grass, as if a gust of wind could blow it away.

**22. 它的皮毛稀疏,仿佛被晒得褪了色。**

Its fur is sparse, as if it has been bleached by the sun.

**23. 它的脊背弯曲,仿佛不堪重负。**

Its spine is curved, as if it can't bear the weight.

**24. 它瘦得只剩下骨头,仿佛随时都会被风吹走。**

It is so thin, it is nothing but bones, as if a gust of wind could blow it away.

**25. 它的四肢无力,仿佛随时都会倒下。**

Its limbs are weak, as if they could collapse at any moment.

**26. 它的肚子瘪下去,仿佛被抽空了所有的能量。**

Its belly is sunken, as if all its energy has been drained.

**27. 它的眼窝深陷,仿佛被痛苦折磨得不成样子。**

Its eyes are sunken, as if it has been tortured by pain.

**28. 它瘦得像一具骷髅,仿佛失去了所有的生气。**

It is so thin, it is like a skeleton, as if it has lost all its vitality.

**29. 它的毛色黯淡无光,仿佛被时间吞噬了所有的色彩。**

Its fur is dull and lifeless, as if time has devoured all its color.

**30. 它瘦得只剩下皮肤和骨头,仿佛随时都会被风吹散。**

It is so thin, it is nothing but skin and bones, as if a gust of wind could blow it away.

**31. 它的脊椎骨清晰可见,仿佛在诉说着它经历的苦难。**

Its spine is clearly visible, as if it is telling the story of its suffering.

**32. 它瘦得像一团枯叶,仿佛随时都会被风吹走。**

It is so thin, it is like a bunch of dry leaves, as if a gust of wind could blow it away.

**33. 它的皮毛粗糙,仿佛被磨损了所有的光泽。**

Its fur is rough, as if it has been worn down to a dull sheen.

**34. 它的四肢无力,仿佛被抽空了所有的力量。**

Its limbs are weak, as if all its strength has been drained.

**35. 它的肚子瘪下去,仿佛被抽空了所有的希望。**

Its belly is sunken, as if all its hope has been drained.

**36. 它的眼窝深陷,仿佛被绝望吞噬了所有的光彩。**

Its eyes are sunken, as if despair has swallowed all its light.

**37. 它瘦得只剩下骨头,仿佛随时都会散架。**

It is so thin, it is nothing but bones, as if it could fall apart at any moment.

**38. 它的毛色黯淡无光,仿佛被时间吞噬了一切。**

Its fur is dull and lifeless, as if time has devoured everything.

**39. 它的脊背弯曲,仿佛被时间压弯了。**

Its spine is curved, as if it has been bent by time.

**40. 它瘦得像一团毛线,仿佛随时都会被风吹走。**

It is so thin, it is like a ball of yarn, as if a gust of wind could blow it away.

**41. 它的尾巴瘦得像一根细绳,仿佛随时都会断裂。**

Its tail is so thin, it is like a thin rope, as if it could break at any moment.

**42. 它瘦得连猪蹄都像干枯的树根。**

It is so thin, even its hooves look like dry roots.

**43. 它的鼻子瘦得只剩下两个鼻孔,仿佛随时都会塌陷。**

Its nose is so thin, it is nothing but two nostrils, as if it could collapse at any moment.

**44. 它瘦得像一幅骨架,仿佛随时都会散架。**

It is so thin, it is like a skeleton, as if it could fall apart at any moment.

**45. 它瘦得像一具木乃伊,仿佛被时间凝固了。**

It is so thin, it is like a mummy, as if time has frozen it.

**46. 它的眼睛浑浊无光,仿佛失去了所有的希望。**

Its eyes are dull and lifeless, as if it has lost all hope.

**47. 它瘦得像一团枯草,仿佛随时都会被风吹走。**

It is so thin, it is like a bunch of dry grass, as if a gust of wind could blow it away.

**48. 它的皮毛稀疏,仿佛被晒得褪了色。**

Its fur is sparse, as if it has been bleached by the sun.

**49. 它的脊背弯曲,仿佛不堪重负。**

Its spine is curved, as if it can't bear the weight.

**50. 它瘦得只剩下骨头,仿佛随时都会被风吹走。**

It is so thin, it is nothing but bones, as if a gust of wind could blow it away.

**51. 它的四肢无力,仿佛随时都会倒下。**

Its limbs are weak, as if they could collapse at any moment.

**52. 它的肚子瘪下去,仿佛被抽空了所有的能量。**

Its belly is sunken, as if all its energy has been drained.

**53. 它的眼窝深陷,仿佛被痛苦折磨得不成样子。**

Its eyes are sunken, as if it has been tortured by pain.

**54. 它瘦得像一具骷髅,仿佛失去了所有的生气。**

It is so thin, it is like a skeleton, as if it has lost all its vitality.

**55. 它的毛色黯淡无光,仿佛被时间吞噬了所有的色彩。**

Its fur is dull and lifeless, as if time has devoured all its color.

**56. 它瘦得只剩下皮肤和骨头,仿佛随时都会被风吹散。**

It is so thin, it is nothing but skin and bones, as if a gust of wind could blow it away.

**57. 它的脊椎骨清晰可见,仿佛在诉说着它经历的苦难。**

Its spine is clearly visible, as if it is telling the story of its suffering.

**58. 它瘦得像一团枯叶,仿佛随时都会被风吹走。**

It is so thin, it is like a bunch of dry leaves, as if a gust of wind could blow it away.

**59. 它的皮毛粗糙,仿佛被磨损了所有的光泽。**

Its fur is rough, as if it has been worn down to a dull sheen.

**60. 它的四肢无力,仿佛被抽空了所有的力量。**

Its limbs are weak, as if all its strength has been drained.

**61. 它的肚子瘪下去,仿佛被抽空了所有的希望。**

Its belly is sunken, as if all its hope has been drained.

**62. 它的眼窝深陷,仿佛被绝望吞噬了所有的光彩。**

Its eyes are sunken, as if despair has swallowed all its light.

**63. 它瘦得只剩下骨头,仿佛随时都会散架。**

It is so thin, it is nothing but bones, as if it could fall apart at any moment.

**64. 它的毛色黯淡无光,仿佛被时间吞噬了一切。**

Its fur is dull and lifeless, as if time has devoured everything.

**65. 它的脊背弯曲,仿佛被时间压弯了。**

Its spine is curved, as if it has been bent by time.

**66. 它瘦得像一团毛线,仿佛随时都会被风吹走。**

It is so thin, it is like a ball of yarn, as if a gust of wind could blow it away.

**67. 它的尾巴瘦得像一根细绳,仿佛随时都会断裂。**

Its tail is so thin, it is like a thin rope, as if it could break at any moment.

**68. 它瘦得连猪蹄都像干枯的树根。**

It is so thin, even its hooves look like dry roots.

**69. 它的鼻子瘦得只剩下两个鼻孔,仿佛随时都会塌陷。**

Its nose is so thin, it is nothing but two nostrils, as if it could collapse at any moment.

**70. 它瘦得像一幅骨架,仿佛随时都会散架。**

It is so thin, it is like a skeleton, as if it could fall apart at any moment.

**71. 它瘦得像一具木乃伊,仿佛被时间凝固了。**

It is so thin, it is like a mummy, as if time has frozen it.

**72. 它的眼睛浑浊无光,仿佛失去了所有的希望。**

Its eyes are dull and lifeless, as if it has lost all hope.

**73. 它瘦得像一团枯草,仿佛随时都会被风吹走。**

It is so thin, it is like a bunch of dry grass, as if a gust of wind could blow it away.

**74. 它的皮毛稀疏,仿佛被晒得褪了色。**

Its fur is sparse, as if it has been bleached by the sun.

**75. 它的脊背弯曲,仿佛不堪重负。**

Its spine is curved, as if it can't bear the weight.

**76. 它瘦得只剩下骨头,仿佛随时都会被风吹走。**

It is so thin, it is nothing but bones, as if a gust of wind could blow it away.

**77. 它的四肢无力,仿佛随时都会倒下。**

Its limbs are weak, as if they could collapse at any moment.

**78. 它的肚子瘪下去,仿佛被抽空了所有的能量。**

Its belly is sunken, as if all its energy has been drained.

**79. 它的眼窝深陷,仿佛被痛苦折磨得不成样子。**

Its eyes are sunken, as if it has been tortured by pain.

**80. 它瘦得像一具骷髅,仿佛失去了所有的生气。**

It is so thin, it is like a skeleton, as if it has lost all its vitality.

**81. 它的毛色黯淡无光,仿佛被时间吞噬了所有的色彩。**

Its fur is dull and lifeless, as if time has devoured all its color.

**82. 它瘦得只剩下皮肤和骨头,仿佛随时都会被风吹散。**

It is so thin, it is nothing but skin and bones, as if a gust of wind could blow it away.

**83. 它的脊椎骨清晰可见,仿佛在诉说着它经历的苦难。**

Its spine is clearly visible, as if it is telling the story of its suffering.

**84. 它瘦得像一团枯叶,仿佛随时都会被风吹走。**

It is so thin, it is like a bunch of dry leaves, as if a gust of wind could blow it away.

**85. 它的皮毛粗糙,仿佛被磨损了所有的光泽。**

Its fur is rough, as if it has been worn down to a dull sheen.

**86. 它的四肢无力,仿佛被抽空了所有的力量。**

Its limbs are weak, as if all its strength has been drained.

**87. 它的肚子瘪下去,仿佛被抽空了所有的希望。**

Its belly is sunken, as if all its hope has been drained.

**88. 它的眼窝深陷,仿佛被绝望吞噬了所有的光彩。**

Its eyes are sunken, as if despair has swallowed all its light.

**89. 它瘦得只剩下骨头,仿佛随时都会散架。**

It is so thin, it is nothing but bones, as if it could fall apart at any moment.

**90. 它的毛色黯淡无光,仿佛被时间吞噬了一切。**

Its fur is dull and lifeless, as if time has devoured everything.

**91. 它的脊背弯曲,仿佛被时间压弯了。**

Its spine is curved, as if it has been bent by time.

**92. 它瘦得像一团毛线,仿佛随时都会被风吹走。**

It is so thin, it is like a ball of yarn, as if a gust of wind could blow it away.

**93. 它的尾巴瘦得像一根细绳,仿佛随时都会断裂。**

Its tail is so thin, it is like a thin rope, as if it could break at any moment.

**94. 它瘦得连猪蹄都像干枯的树根。**

It is so thin, even its hooves look like dry roots.

以上就是关于养猪骨瘦如柴的句子94句(养猪骨瘦如柴的句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
