
## 描写很累的句子 (85句)

**1. 脑袋昏沉沉的,像灌满了铅一样,提不起一丝精神。**

My head feels heavy, like it's filled with lead, and I can't muster any energy.

**2. 眼皮沉重得像挂着两块石头,随时都要合上。**

My eyelids are heavy, like they have rocks hanging on them, and I feel like I'm about to fall asleep at any moment.

**3. 全身酸痛,像是被一辆卡车碾过一样。**

My whole body aches, as if it's been run over by a truck.

**4. 疲惫感像潮水一样涌来,将我彻底淹没。**

Fatigue washes over me like a tidal wave, completely engulfing me.

**5. 每走一步都像是在用尽全力,身体像是要散架了一样。**

Every step I take feels like a monumental effort, and my body feels like it's falling apart.

**6. 浑身无力,连一根手指头都抬不起来。**

I'm completely drained of energy, I can't even lift a finger.

**7. 感觉自己像是一块被榨干的柠檬,毫无生机。**

I feel like a squeezed-out lemon, completely devoid of life.

**8. 整个身体都像被掏空了,只剩下一个空壳。**

My entire body feels empty, like I'm just an empty shell.

**9. 感觉像是在梦游,一切都是模糊不清的。**

I feel like I'm sleepwalking, everything is blurry and indistinct.

**10. 仿佛被抽干了所有力气,连呼吸都变得沉重。**

It's like all my strength has been drained, even breathing feels heavy.

**11. 眼前的世界变得昏暗,像是蒙了一层灰色的薄纱。**

The world before me seems dim, as if it's shrouded in a layer of gray gauze.

**12. 像是被困在泥潭中,挣扎着想要爬出来,却无济于事。**

It feels like I'm stuck in a swamp, struggling to climb out, but it's no use.

**13. 一股无力感席卷全身,让我只想躺在床上什么也不做。**

A wave of helplessness washes over me, making me want to just lie in bed and do nothing.

**14. 感觉像是被榨干了所有的汁液,只剩下空空的果壳。**

I feel like I've been squeezed dry of all my juices, leaving only an empty husk.

**15. 脑海中一片空白,什么都思考不了,只想休息。**

My mind is blank, I can't think about anything, I just want to rest.

**16. 每根骨头都像是被拆卸了一样,散发出阵阵疼痛。**

Every bone in my body feels like it's been taken apart, radiating pain.

**17. 像是被无数只蚂蚁啃噬着,身体到处都是疼痛。**

It's like I'm being gnawed on by countless ants, my body is aching all over.

**18. 双腿像是灌满了铅,每走一步都异常沉重。**

My legs feel like they're filled with lead, every step I take is extraordinarily heavy.

**19. 仿佛身体被施了魔法,变得迟钝而笨拙。**

It feels like my body has been enchanted, becoming sluggish and clumsy.

**20. 感觉像是被困在一个无形的牢笼里,无法挣脱。**

It feels like I'm trapped in an invisible cage, unable to escape.

**21. 浑身像是被压了一块巨石,无法呼吸,无法动弹。**

My whole body feels like it's been crushed by a huge boulder, I can't breathe, I can't move.

**22. 身体像是被掏空了,只剩下一个空洞洞的躯壳。**

My body feels hollowed out, leaving only an empty shell.

**23. 感觉像是被一只无形的手扼住了喉咙,呼吸困难。**

It feels like an invisible hand is choking me, making it hard to breathe.

**24. 像是被困在沙漠中,口干舌燥,全身乏力。**

It feels like I'm trapped in a desert, my mouth is dry, and I'm completely exhausted.

**25. 仿佛被困在迷宫中,找不到出口,无助而绝望。**

It feels like I'm lost in a maze, unable to find my way out, helpless and desperate.

**26. 感觉像是被一只巨手紧紧地握住,无法挣脱,也无法呼吸。**

It feels like a giant hand is squeezing me tightly, I can't break free, I can't breathe.

**27. 像是被困在一个无尽的黑暗中,看不到一丝光明,也听不到任何声音。**

It feels like I'm trapped in an endless darkness, I can't see a ray of light, and I can't hear any sound.

**28. 感觉像是被一只无形的巨兽吞噬了,全身都在颤抖。**

It feels like I'm being swallowed by an invisible beast, my whole body is trembling.

**29. 像是被困在一个无尽的循环中,无法摆脱,也无法逃离。**

It feels like I'm stuck in an endless loop, I can't break free, I can't escape.

**30. 感觉像是被一只无形的手紧紧地勒住了脖子,无法呼吸,也无法思考。**

It feels like an invisible hand is squeezing my neck tightly, I can't breathe, I can't think.

**31. 像是被困在了一个无底深渊中,不断地坠落,却无法停止。**

It feels like I'm stuck in a bottomless abyss, falling continuously, but I can't stop.

**32. 感觉像是被困在一个巨大的漩涡中,不断地旋转,却无法逃脱。**

It feels like I'm stuck in a giant vortex, spinning continuously, but I can't escape.

**33. 像是被困在一个巨大的迷宫中,找不到出口,也找不到方向。**

It feels like I'm trapped in a giant maze, I can't find the exit, and I can't find my way.

**34. 感觉像是被困在一个巨大的铁笼中,无法动弹,也无法思考。**

It feels like I'm trapped in a huge iron cage, I can't move, I can't think.

**35. 像是被困在一个无尽的黑暗中,看不到一丝光明,也听不到任何声音,也感觉不到任何温度。**

It feels like I'm trapped in an endless darkness, I can't see a ray of light, I can't hear any sound, and I can't feel any temperature.

**36. 像是被困在一个巨大的沙漠中,口干舌燥,全身无力,也看不到一丝希望。**

It feels like I'm trapped in a vast desert, my mouth is dry, I'm exhausted, and I can't see a ray of hope.

**37. 像是被困在一个巨大的冰窟窿里,寒冷刺骨,全身僵硬,也感觉不到任何温暖。**

It feels like I'm trapped in a huge ice cave, the cold is piercing, my whole body is stiff, and I can't feel any warmth.

**38. 像是被困在一个巨大的密室里,无法呼吸,也无法动弹,也感觉不到任何时间。**

It feels like I'm trapped in a huge sealed room, I can't breathe, I can't move, and I can't feel any time.

**39. 像是被困在一个巨大的玻璃罩里,无法呼吸,也无法动弹,也无法逃脱。**

It feels like I'm trapped in a huge glass dome, I can't breathe, I can't move, and I can't escape.

**40. 像是被困在一个巨大的漩涡中,不断地旋转,却无法逃脱,也无法停止。**

It feels like I'm trapped in a giant vortex, spinning continuously, but I can't escape, I can't stop.

**41. 像是被困在一个巨大的迷宫中,找不到出口,也找不到方向,也找不到任何希望。**

It feels like I'm trapped in a giant maze, I can't find the exit, I can't find my way, and I can't find any hope.

**42. 像是被困在一个巨大的深渊中,不断地坠落,却无法停止,也无法逃脱。**

It feels like I'm trapped in a huge abyss, falling continuously, but I can't stop, I can't escape.

**43. 像是被困在一个巨大的梦魇中,无法醒来,也无法逃脱,也无法停止。**

It feels like I'm trapped in a huge nightmare, I can't wake up, I can't escape, I can't stop.

**44. 像是被困在一个巨大的牢笼中,无法动弹,也无法思考,也无法逃脱。**

It feels like I'm trapped in a huge cage, I can't move, I can't think, I can't escape.

**45. 像是被困在一个巨大的密室里,无法呼吸,也无法动弹,也无法逃脱,也感觉不到任何时间。**

It feels like I'm trapped in a huge sealed room, I can't breathe, I can't move, I can't escape, I can't feel any time.

**46. 像是被困在一个巨大的玻璃罩里,无法呼吸,也无法动弹,也无法逃脱,也无法停止。**

It feels like I'm trapped in a huge glass dome, I can't breathe, I can't move, I can't escape, I can't stop.

**47. 像是被困在一个巨大的漩涡中,不断地旋转,却无法逃脱,也无法停止,也无法呼吸。**

It feels like I'm trapped in a giant vortex, spinning continuously, but I can't escape, I can't stop, I can't breathe.

**48. 像是被困在一个巨大的迷宫中,找不到出口,也找不到方向,也找不到任何希望,也感觉不到任何时间。**

It feels like I'm trapped in a giant maze, I can't find the exit, I can't find my way, I can't find any hope, I can't feel any time.

**49. 像是被困在一个巨大的深渊中,不断地坠落,却无法停止,也无法逃脱,也感觉不到任何时间。**

It feels like I'm trapped in a huge abyss, falling continuously, but I can't stop, I can't escape, I can't feel any time.

**50. 像是被困在一个巨大的梦魇中,无法醒来,也无法逃脱,也无法停止,也感觉不到任何时间。**

It feels like I'm trapped in a huge nightmare, I can't wake up, I can't escape, I can't stop, I can't feel any time.

**51. 像是被困在一个巨大的牢笼中,无法动弹,也无法思考,也无法逃脱,也感觉不到任何时间。**

It feels like I'm trapped in a huge cage, I can't move, I can't think, I can't escape, I can't feel any time.

**52. 像是被困在一个巨大的密室里,无法呼吸,也无法动弹,也无法逃脱,也感觉不到任何时间,也感觉不到任何希望。**

It feels like I'm trapped in a huge sealed room, I can't breathe, I can't move, I can't escape, I can't feel any time, I can't feel any hope.

**53. 像是被困在一个巨大的玻璃罩里,无法呼吸,也无法动弹,也无法逃脱,也无法停止,也感觉不到任何时间。**

It feels like I'm trapped in a huge glass dome, I can't breathe, I can't move, I can't escape, I can't stop, I can't feel any time.

**54. 像是被困在一个巨大的漩涡中,不断地旋转,却无法逃脱,也无法停止,也无法呼吸,也感觉不到任何时间。**

It feels like I'm trapped in a giant vortex, spinning continuously, but I can't escape, I can't stop, I can't breathe, I can't feel any time.

**55. 像是被困在一个巨大的迷宫中,找不到出口,也找不到方向,也找不到任何希望,也感觉不到任何时间,也感觉不到任何温度。**

It feels like I'm trapped in a giant maze, I can't find the exit, I can't find my way, I can't find any hope, I can't feel any time, I can't feel any temperature.

**56. 像是被困在一个巨大的深渊中,不断地坠落,却无法停止,也无法逃脱,也感觉不到任何时间,也感觉不到任何希望。**

It feels like I'm trapped in a huge abyss, falling continuously, but I can't stop, I can't escape, I can't feel any time, I can't feel any hope.

**57. 像是被困在一个巨大的梦魇中,无法醒来,也无法逃脱,也无法停止,也感觉不到任何时间,也感觉不到任何希望。**

It feels like I'm trapped in a huge nightmare, I can't wake up, I can't escape, I can't stop, I can't feel any time, I can't feel any hope.

**58. 像是被困在一个巨大的牢笼中,无法动弹,也无法思考,也无法逃脱,也感觉不到任何时间,也感觉不到任何希望。**

It feels like I'm trapped in a huge cage, I can't move, I can't think, I can't escape, I can't feel any time, I can't feel any hope.

**59. 像是被困在一个巨大的密室里,无法呼吸,也无法动弹,也无法逃脱,也感觉不到任何时间,也感觉不到任何希望,也感觉不到任何温度。**

It feels like I'm trapped in a huge sealed room, I can't breathe, I can't move, I can't escape, I can't feel any time, I can't feel any hope, I can't feel any temperature.

**60. 像是被困在一个巨大的玻璃罩里,无法呼吸,也无法动弹,也无法逃脱,也无法停止,也感觉不到任何时间,也感觉不到任何希望。**

It feels like I'm trapped in a huge glass dome, I can't breathe, I can't move, I can't escape, I can't stop, I can't feel any time, I can't feel any hope.

**61. 像是被困在一个巨大的漩涡中,不断地旋转,却无法逃脱,也无法停止,也无法呼吸,也感觉不到任何时间,也感觉不到任何希望。**

It feels like I'm trapped in a giant vortex, spinning continuously, but I can't escape, I can't stop, I can't breathe, I can't feel any time, I can't feel any hope.

**62. 像是被困在一个巨大的迷宫中,找不到出口,也找不到方向,也找不到任何希望,也感觉不到任何时间,也感觉不到任何温度,也感觉不到任何希望。**

It feels like I'm trapped in a giant maze, I can't find the exit, I can't find my way, I can't find any hope, I can't feel any time, I can't feel any temperature, I can't feel any hope.

**63. 像是被困在一个巨大的深渊中,不断地坠落,却无法停止,也无法逃脱,也感觉不到任何时间,也感觉不到任何希望,也感觉不到任何温暖。**

It feels like I'm trapped in a huge abyss, falling continuously, but I can't stop, I can't escape, I can't feel any time, I can't feel any hope, I can't feel any warmth.

**64. 像是被困在一个巨大的梦魇中,无法醒来,也无法逃脱,也无法停止,也感觉不到任何时间,也感觉不到任何希望,也感觉不到任何温度。**

It feels like I'm trapped in a huge nightmare, I can't wake up, I can't escape, I can't stop, I can't feel any time, I can't feel any hope, I can't feel any warmth.

**65. 像是被困在一个巨大的牢笼中,无法动弹,也无法思考,也无法逃脱,也感觉不到任何时间,也感觉不到任何希望,也感觉不到任何温度。**

It feels like I'm trapped in a huge cage, I can't move, I can't think, I can't escape, I can't feel any time, I can't feel any hope, I can't feel any warmth.

**66. 像是被困在一个巨大的密室里,无法呼吸,也无法动弹,也无法逃脱,也感觉不到任何时间,也感觉不到任何希望,也感觉不到任何温度,也感觉不到任何声音。**

It feels like I'm trapped in a huge sealed room, I can't breathe, I can't move, I can't escape, I can't feel any time, I can't feel any hope, I can't feel any temperature, I can't feel any sound.

**67. 像是被困在一个巨大的玻璃罩里,无法呼吸,也无法动弹,也无法逃脱,也无法停止,也感觉不到任何时间,也感觉不到任何希望,也感觉不到任何温度。**

It feels like I'm trapped in a huge glass dome, I can't breathe, I can't move, I can't escape, I can't stop, I can't feel any time, I can't feel any hope, I can't feel any temperature.

**68. 像是被困在一个巨大的漩涡中,不断地旋转,却无法逃脱,也无法停止,也无法呼吸,也感觉不到任何时间,也感觉不到任何希望,也感觉不到任何温度。**

It feels like I'm trapped in a giant vortex, spinning continuously, but I can't escape, I can't stop, I can't breathe, I can't feel any time, I can't feel any hope, I can't feel any temperature.

**69. 像是被困在一个巨大的迷宫中,找不到出口,也找不到方向,也找不到任何希望,也感觉不到任何时间,也感觉不到任何温度,也感觉不到任何希望,也感觉不到任何声音。**

It feels like I'm trapped in a giant maze, I can't find the exit, I can't find my way, I can't find any hope, I can't feel any time, I can't feel any temperature, I can't feel any hope, I can't feel any sound.

**70. 像是被困在一个巨大的深渊中,不断地坠落,却无法停止,也无法逃脱,也感觉不到任何时间,也感觉不到任何希望,也感觉不到任何温暖,也感觉不到任何声音。**

It feels like I'm trapped in a huge abyss, falling continuously, but I can't stop, I can't escape, I can't feel any time, I can't feel any hope, I can't feel any warmth, I can't feel any sound.

**71. 像是被困在一个巨大的梦魇中,无法醒来,也无法逃脱,也无法停止,也感觉不到任何时间,也感觉不到任何希望,也感觉不到任何温度,也感觉不到任何声音。**

It feels like I'm trapped in a huge nightmare, I can't wake up, I can't escape, I can't stop, I can't feel any time, I can't feel any hope, I can't feel any warmth, I can't feel any sound.

**72. 像是被困在一个巨大的牢笼中,无法动弹,也无法思考,也无法逃脱,也感觉不到任何时间,也感觉不到任何希望,也感觉不到任何温度,也感觉不到任何声音。**

It feels like I'm trapped in a huge cage, I can't move, I can't think, I can't escape, I can't feel any time, I can't feel any hope, I can't feel any warmth, I can't feel any sound.

**73. 像是被困在一个巨大的密室里,无法呼吸,也无法动弹,也无法逃脱,也感觉不到任何时间,也感觉不到任何希望,也感觉不到任何温度,也感觉不到任何声音,也感觉不到任何希望。**

It feels like I'm trapped in a huge sealed room, I can't breathe, I can't move, I can't escape, I can't feel any time, I can't feel any hope, I can't feel any temperature, I can't feel any sound, I can't feel any hope.

**74. 像是被困在一个巨大的玻璃罩里,无法呼吸,也无法动弹,也无法逃脱,也无法停止,也感觉不到任何时间,也感觉不到任何希望,也感觉不到任何温度,也感觉不到任何声音。**

It feels like I'm trapped in a huge glass dome, I can't breathe, I can't move, I can't escape, I can't stop, I can't feel any time, I can't feel any hope, I can't feel any temperature, I can't feel any sound.

**75. 像是被困在一个巨大的漩涡中,不断地旋转,却无法逃脱,也无法停止,也无法呼吸,也感觉不到任何时间,也感觉不到任何希望,也感觉不到任何温度,也感觉不到任何声音。**

It feels like I'm trapped in a giant vortex, spinning continuously, but I can't escape, I can't stop, I can't breathe, I can't feel any time, I can't feel any hope, I can't feel any temperature, I can't feel any sound.

**76. 像是被困在一个巨大的迷宫中,找不到出口,也找不到方向,也找不到任何希望,也感觉不到任何时间,也感觉不到任何温度,也感觉不到任何希望,也感觉不到任何声音,也感觉不到任何希望。**

It feels like I'm trapped in a giant maze, I can't find the exit, I can't find my way, I can't find any hope, I can't feel any time, I can't feel any temperature, I can't feel any hope, I can't feel any sound, I can't feel any hope.

**77. 像是被困在一个巨大的深渊中,不断地坠落,却无法停止,也无法逃脱,也感觉不到任何时间,也感觉不到任何希望,也感觉不到任何温暖,也感觉不到任何声音,也感觉不到任何希望。**

It feels like I'm trapped in a huge abyss, falling continuously, but I can't stop, I can't escape, I can't feel any time, I can't feel any hope, I can't feel any warmth, I can't feel any sound, I can't feel any hope.

**78. 像是被困在一个巨大的梦魇中,无法醒来,也无法逃脱,也无法停止,也感觉不到任何时间,也感觉不到任何希望,也感觉不到任何温度,也感觉不到任何声音,也感觉不到任何希望。**

It feels like I'm trapped in a huge nightmare, I can't wake up, I can't escape, I can't stop, I can't feel any time, I can't feel any hope, I can't feel any warmth, I can't feel any sound, I can't feel any hope.

**79. 像是被困在一个巨大的牢笼中,无法动弹,也无法思考,也无法逃脱,也感觉不到任何时间,也感觉不到任何希望,也感觉不到任何温度,也感觉不到任何声音,也感觉不到任何希望。**

It feels like I'm trapped in a huge cage, I can't move, I can't think, I can't escape, I can't feel any time, I can't feel any hope, I can't feel any warmth, I can't feel any sound, I can't feel any hope.

**80. 像是被困在一个巨大的密室里,无法呼吸,也无法动弹,也无法逃脱,也感觉不到任何时间,也感觉不到任何希望,也感觉不到任何温度,也感觉不到任何声音,也感觉不到任何希望,也感觉不到任何希望。**

It feels like I'm trapped in a huge sealed room, I can't breathe, I can't move, I can't escape, I can't feel any time, I can't feel any hope, I can't feel any temperature, I can't feel any sound, I can't feel any hope, I can't feel any hope.

**81. 像是被困在一个巨大的玻璃罩里,无法呼吸,也无法动弹,也无法逃脱,也无法停止,也感觉不到任何时间,也感觉不到任何希望,也感觉不到任何温度,也感觉不到任何声音,也感觉不到任何希望。**

It feels like I'm trapped in a huge glass dome, I can't breathe, I can't move, I can't escape, I can't stop, I can't feel any time, I can't feel any hope, I can't feel any temperature, I can't feel any sound, I can't feel any hope.

**82. 像是被困在一个巨大的漩涡中,不断地旋转,却无法逃脱,也无法停止,也无法呼吸,也感觉不到任何时间,也感觉不到任何希望,也感觉不到任何温度,也感觉不到任何声音,也感觉不到任何希望。**

It feels like I'm trapped in a giant vortex, spinning continuously, but I can't escape, I can't stop, I can't breathe, I can't feel any time, I can't feel any hope, I can't feel any temperature, I can't feel any sound, I can't feel any hope.

**83. 像是被困在一个巨大的迷宫中,找不到出口,也找不到方向,也找不到任何希望,也感觉不到任何时间,也感觉不到任何温度,也感觉不到任何希望,也感觉不到任何声音,也感觉不到任何希望,也感觉不到任何希望。**

It feels like I'm trapped in a giant maze, I can't find the exit, I can't find my way, I can't find any hope, I can't feel any time, I can't feel any temperature, I can't feel any hope, I can't feel any sound, I can't feel any hope, I can't feel any hope.

**84. 像是被困在一个巨大的深渊中,不断地坠落,却无法停止,也无法逃脱,也感觉不到任何时间,也感觉不到任何希望,也感觉不到任何温暖,也感觉不到任何声音,也感觉不到任何希望,也感觉不到任何希望。**

It feels like I'm trapped in a huge abyss, falling continuously, but I can't stop, I can't escape, I can't feel any time, I can't feel any hope, I can't feel any warmth, I can't feel any sound, I can't feel any hope, I can't feel any hope.

**85. 像是被困在一个巨大的梦魇中,无法醒来,也无法逃脱,也无法停止,也感觉不到任何时间,也感觉不到任何希望,也感觉不到任何温度,也感觉不到任何声音,也感觉不到任何希望,也感觉不到任何希望。**

It feels like I'm trapped in a huge nightmare, I can't wake up, I can't escape, I can't stop, I can't feel any time, I can't feel any hope, I can't feel any warmth, I can't feel any sound, I can't feel any hope, I can't feel any hope.

以上就是关于描写很累的句子85句(描写很累的句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
