
## 古代美女描写句子 (59句)

1. 芙蓉如面柳如眉,对此如何不泪垂。

2. 巧笑倩兮,美目盼兮。

3. 倾国倾城,国色天香。

4. 眉目如画,顾盼生辉。

5. 眉似春山,眼似秋水。

6. 花容月貌,明眸皓齿。

7. 娇艳欲滴,美不胜收。

8. 婀娜多姿,风情万种。

9. 沉鱼落雁,闭月羞花。

10. 巧笑嫣然,明艳动人。

11. 眉间心事,眼波流转。

12. 唇红齿白,肤如凝脂。

13. 纤纤玉手,步履轻盈。

14. 弱柳扶风,风姿绰约。

15. 顾盼生姿,美艳绝伦。

16. 玉骨冰肌,秀色可餐。

17. 眉目传情,风华绝代。

18. 楚楚动人,清丽脱俗。

19. 娇羞可人,如花似玉。

20. 眉目如星,唇若点朱。

21. 云鬓花颜,明眸善睐。

22. 巧笑倩兮,美目盼兮。素手纤纤,语笑嫣然。

23. 眉如远山,眼似秋波。唇若丹霞,肤如凝脂。

24. 花枝招展,明眸皓齿,风姿绰约,倾国倾城。

25. 蛾眉淡扫,柳腰轻盈,美艳不可方物。

26. 眉目如春,娇艳欲滴,清丽脱俗,令人心动。

27. 肤如凝脂,唇红齿白,顾盼生辉,倾倒众生。

28. 眉目如画,风情万种,沉鱼落雁,闭月羞花。

29. 巧笑嫣然,明艳动人,风姿绰约,美不胜收。

30. 眉间心事,眼波流转,娇羞可人,如花似玉。

31. 纤纤玉手,步履轻盈,婀娜多姿,弱柳扶风。

32. 玉骨冰肌,秀色可餐,顾盼生姿,美艳绝伦。

33. 眉目传情,风华绝代,楚楚动人,清丽脱俗。

34. 眉如远山,眼似秋波,唇若丹霞,肤如凝脂。举手投足间,尽显风情。

35. 巧笑倩兮,美目盼兮,素手纤纤,语笑嫣然。令人心醉,无法忘怀。

36. 芙蓉如面柳如眉,对此如何不泪垂。美貌倾城,令人神魂颠倒。

37. 倾国倾城,国色天香。美貌惊人,无人能及。

38. 眉目如画,顾盼生辉。美艳动人,令人心旷神怡。

39. 眉似春山,眼似秋水。巧笑嫣然,明艳动人。

40. 花容月貌,明眸皓齿。娇艳欲滴,美不胜收。

41. 婀娜多姿,风情万种。举手投足间,尽显风情。

42. 沉鱼落雁,闭月羞花。美貌绝伦,无人能及。

43. 巧笑嫣然,明艳动人。美艳不可方物,令人心醉。

44. 眉间心事,眼波流转。美目传情,风华绝代。

45. 唇红齿白,肤如凝脂。美貌倾城,国色天香。

46. 纤纤玉手,步履轻盈。婀娜多姿,风情万种。

47. 弱柳扶风,风姿绰约。美艳动人,令人心旷神怡。

48. 顾盼生姿,美艳绝伦。倾国倾城,美貌惊人。

49. 玉骨冰肌,秀色可餐。美艳动人,令人心醉。

50. 眉目传情,风华绝代。美貌绝伦,无人能及。

51. 楚楚动人,清丽脱俗。美貌倾城,国色天香。

52. 娇羞可人,如花似玉。美艳动人,令人心旷神怡。

53. 眉目如星,唇若点朱。美貌惊人,无人能及。

54. 云鬓花颜,明眸善睐。美艳动人,令人心醉。

55. 巧笑倩兮,美目盼兮。素手纤纤,语笑嫣然。风姿绰约,美艳绝伦。

56. 眉如远山,眼似秋波。唇若丹霞,肤如凝脂。美貌倾城,国色天香。

57. 花枝招展,明眸皓齿,风姿绰约,倾国倾城。美艳动人,令人心旷神怡。

58. 蛾眉淡扫,柳腰轻盈,美艳不可方物。美貌惊人,无人能及。

59. 眉目如春,娇艳欲滴,清丽脱俗,令人心动。美貌倾城,国色天香。

## English Translation:

1. Her face is like a lotus, her brows like willow branches, how can one not shed tears upon seeing her.

2. Her smile is charming, her eyes captivating.

3. She is stunningly beautiful, her beauty surpasses that of the nation.

4. Her brows and eyes are like paintings, her every glance radiates brilliance.

5. Her brows are like spring mountains, her eyes like autumn water.

6. She possesses a beautiful face and graceful demeanor, her eyes sparkle and her teeth are pearly white.

7. She is radiant and alluring, her beauty is overwhelming.

8. She is graceful and charming, with a captivating aura.

9. She is so beautiful that fish sink when they see her, and the moon hides its shame.

10. Her smile is sweet and charming, her beauty is captivating.

11. Her brow reveals her inner thoughts, her eyes twinkle with emotion.

12. Her lips are red, her teeth are white, and her skin is smooth and fair.

13. Her hands are slender and elegant, her steps are light and graceful.

14. She is delicate and graceful, like a willow branch swaying in the wind.

15. Her every glance is captivating, her beauty is unparalleled.

16. She has a flawless complexion, delicate bones, and a beauty that is delectable.

17. Her eyes speak volumes, her beauty is unmatched.

18. She is enchanting and pure, her beauty is exquisite.

19. She is lovely and shy, like a blooming flower.

20. Her eyes are like stars, her lips are like a touch of red.

21. Her hair is adorned with flowers, her eyes sparkle with intelligence.

22. Her smile is charming, her eyes captivating. Her hands are slender and delicate, her laughter is sweet and gentle.

23. Her brows are like distant mountains, her eyes like autumn waves. Her lips are like crimson clouds, her skin like white jade.

24. She is adorned with flowers, her teeth are pearly white, her grace is captivating, and her beauty surpasses that of the nation.

25. Her brows are delicately drawn, her waist is slender, her beauty is unmatched.

26. Her brows are like spring, her beauty is radiant, her purity is exquisite, her charm is irresistible.

27. Her skin is smooth and fair, her lips are red, her teeth are white, her every glance is captivating, and her beauty is overwhelming.

28. Her brows and eyes are like paintings, she is captivating, she is as beautiful as the fish that sink and the moon that hides its shame.

29. Her smile is sweet and charming, her beauty is captivating, her grace is captivating, her beauty is overwhelming.

30. Her brow reveals her inner thoughts, her eyes twinkle with emotion, she is lovely and shy, like a blooming flower.

31. Her hands are slender and elegant, her steps are light and graceful, she is graceful and charming, she is delicate and graceful, like a willow branch swaying in the wind.

32. She has a flawless complexion, delicate bones, and a beauty that is delectable. Her every glance is captivating, her beauty is unparalleled.

33. Her eyes speak volumes, her beauty is unmatched. She is enchanting and pure, her beauty is exquisite.

34. Her brows are like distant mountains, her eyes like autumn waves. Her lips are like crimson clouds, her skin like white jade. Every movement she makes exudes charm.

35. Her smile is charming, her eyes captivating. Her hands are slender and delicate, her laughter is sweet and gentle. She is captivating and unforgettable.

36. Her face is like a lotus, her brows like willow branches, how can one not shed tears upon seeing her. Her beauty surpasses that of the nation, leaving people in awe.

37. She is stunningly beautiful, her beauty surpasses that of the nation. Her beauty is astounding, unmatched by anyone.

38. Her brows and eyes are like paintings, her every glance radiates brilliance. She is captivating and enchanting, bringing joy to the heart.

39. Her brows are like spring mountains, her eyes like autumn water. Her smile is sweet and charming, her beauty is captivating.

40. She possesses a beautiful face and graceful demeanor, her eyes sparkle and her teeth are pearly white. She is radiant and alluring, her beauty is overwhelming.

41. She is graceful and charming, with a captivating aura. Every movement she makes exudes charm.

42. She is as beautiful as the fish that sink and the moon that hides its shame. Her beauty is unparalleled, unmatched by anyone.

43. Her smile is sweet and charming, her beauty is captivating. Her beauty is unmatched, leaving people captivated.

44. Her brow reveals her inner thoughts, her eyes twinkle with emotion. Her eyes speak volumes, her beauty is unmatched.

45. Her lips are red, her teeth are white, and her skin is smooth and fair. Her beauty surpasses that of the nation, her beauty is unmatched.

46. Her hands are slender and elegant, her steps are light and graceful. She is graceful and charming, with a captivating aura.

47. She is delicate and graceful, like a willow branch swaying in the wind. She is captivating and enchanting, bringing joy to the heart.

48. Her every glance is captivating, her beauty is unparalleled. She is stunningly beautiful, her beauty is astounding.

49. She has a flawless complexion, delicate bones, and a beauty that is delectable. She is captivating and enchanting, leaving people captivated.

50. Her eyes speak volumes, her beauty is unmatched. Her beauty is unparalleled, unmatched by anyone.

51. She is enchanting and pure, her beauty is exquisite. Her beauty surpasses that of the nation, her beauty is unmatched.

52. She is lovely and shy, like a blooming flower. She is captivating and enchanting, bringing joy to the heart.

53. Her eyes are like stars, her lips are like a touch of red. Her beauty is astounding, unmatched by anyone.

54. Her hair is adorned with flowers, her eyes sparkle with intelligence. She is captivating and enchanting, leaving people captivated.

55. Her smile is charming, her eyes captivating. Her hands are slender and delicate, her laughter is sweet and gentle. Her grace is captivating, her beauty is unparalleled.

56. Her brows are like distant mountains, her eyes like autumn waves. Her lips are like crimson clouds, her skin like white jade. Her beauty surpasses that of the nation, her beauty is unmatched.

57. She is adorned with flowers, her teeth are pearly white, her grace is captivating, and her beauty surpasses that of the nation. She is captivating and enchanting, bringing joy to the heart.

58. Her brows are delicately drawn, her waist is slender, her beauty is unmatched. Her beauty is astounding, unmatched by anyone.

59. Her brows are like spring, her beauty is radiant, her purity is exquisite, her charm is irresistible. Her beauty surpasses that of the nation, her beauty is unmatched.

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