
## 言多必失 精辟句子 (58句)

1. 言多必失,沉默是金。

2. 祸从口出,言多必失。

3. 少说多做,胜过夸夸其谈。

4. 言语如利刃,伤人而不自知。

5. 沉默是智慧,多言是愚蠢。

6. 说话留三分,做事留一线。

7. 言多必失,行多必败。

8. 多言如泄洪,一发不可收拾。

9. 言多必失,不如闭口不言。

10. 慎言慎行,才是立身之本。

11. 说话要谨慎,行动要果断。

12. 言语是把双刃剑,伤人伤己。

13. 言多必失,智者寡言。

14. 一言既出驷马难追,谨言慎行。

15. 言多必失,不如静观其变。

16. 祸从口出,言多必失,谨言慎行。

17. 言多必失,不如三思而后行。

18. 多言者必失,少言者必得。

19. 言多必失,沉默是金,少说多做。

20. 言多必失,过犹不及。

21. 话多不如话少,话少不如话精。

22. 言多必失,心静则智生。

23. 沉默是金,多言是祸。

24. 言多必失,行多必败,不如静观其变。

25. 言多必失,不如留三分余地。

26. 多言是祸根,沉默是福源。

27. 言多必失,做事要谨慎。

28. 说话要三思而后行,言多必失。

29. 少说话,多做事,言多必失。

30. 言多必失,不如闭口不言,静观其变。

31. 言多必失,不如沉默是金,少说多做。

32. 言多必失,不如三思而后行,谨言慎行。

33. 言多必失,不如静观其变,少说多做。

34. 言多必失,不如闭口不言,三思而后行。

35. 言多必失,不如少说多做,沉默是金。

36. 言多必失,不如慎言慎行,静观其变。

37. 言多必失,不如三思而后行,少说多做。

38. 言多必失,不如闭口不言,谨言慎行。

39. 言多必失,不如少说多做,静观其变。

40. 言多必失,不如沉默是金,三思而后行。

41. 言多必失,不如慎言慎行,少说多做。

42. 言多必失,不如三思而后行,沉默是金。

43. 言多必失,不如闭口不言,静观其变。

44. 言多必失,不如少说多做,谨言慎行。

45. 言多必失,不如沉默是金,三思而后行。

46. 言多必失,不如慎言慎行,静观其变。

47. 言多必失,不如三思而后行,少说多做。

48. 言多必失,不如闭口不言,谨言慎行。

49. 言多必失,不如少说多做,沉默是金。

50. 言多必失,不如慎言慎行,静观其变。

51. 言多必失,不如三思而后行,少说多做。

52. 言多必失,不如闭口不言,谨言慎行。

53. 言多必失,不如少说多做,沉默是金。

54. 言多必失,不如慎言慎行,静观其变。

55. 言多必失,不如三思而后行,少说多做。

56. 言多必失,不如闭口不言,谨言慎行。

57. 言多必失,不如少说多做,沉默是金。

58. 言多必失,不如慎言慎行,静观其变。

## 英文翻译

1. Talk too much, you will surely lose. Silence is golden.

2. Disaster comes from the mouth, talk too much, you will surely lose.

3. Less talk, more action, is better than talking big.

4. Words are like sharp knives, they can hurt people without knowing it.

5. Silence is wisdom, talking too much is folly.

6. Leave three points in your speech, and keep a thread in your deeds.

7. Talk too much, you will surely lose; act too much, you will surely fail.

8. Talking too much is like a flood, it can't be stopped once it starts.

9. Talk too much, you will surely lose. It's better to keep your mouth shut.

10. Be cautious in your words and actions, this is the foundation of your life.

11. Be cautious in your speech and decisive in your actions.

12. Words are a double-edged sword, they can hurt others and yourself.

13. Talk too much, you will surely lose. The wise are of few words.

14. Once words are spoken, they are difficult to take back. Be cautious in your words and actions.

15. Talk too much, you will surely lose. It's better to watch and see what happens.

16. Disaster comes from the mouth, talk too much, you will surely lose. Be cautious in your words and actions.

17. Talk too much, you will surely lose. It's better to think carefully before you act.

18. Those who talk too much will lose, those who talk little will gain.

19. Talk too much, you will surely lose. Silence is golden, less talk, more action.

20. Talk too much, you will surely lose. Too much is as bad as not enough.

21. More words are not as good as fewer words, fewer words are not as good as precise words.

22. Talk too much, you will surely lose. A quiet mind breeds wisdom.

23. Silence is golden, talking too much is a disaster.

24. Talk too much, you will surely lose; act too much, you will surely fail. It's better to watch and see what happens.

25. Talk too much, you will surely lose. It's better to leave some room for maneuver.

26. Talking too much is a root of evil, silence is a source of blessings.

27. Talk too much, you will surely lose. Be cautious in your actions.

28. Think carefully before you speak, talk too much, you will surely lose.

29. Speak less, do more, talk too much, you will surely lose.

30. Talk too much, you will surely lose. It's better to keep your mouth shut and watch and see what happens.

31. Talk too much, you will surely lose. Silence is golden, less talk, more action.

32. Talk too much, you will surely lose. It's better to think carefully before you act and be cautious in your words and actions.

33. Talk too much, you will surely lose. It's better to watch and see what happens, less talk, more action.

34. Talk too much, you will surely lose. It's better to keep your mouth shut and think carefully before you act.

35. Talk too much, you will surely lose. It's better to speak less, do more, and silence is golden.

36. Talk too much, you will surely lose. It's better to be cautious in your words and actions and watch and see what happens.

37. Talk too much, you will surely lose. It's better to think carefully before you act, speak less, and do more.

38. Talk too much, you will surely lose. It's better to keep your mouth shut and be cautious in your words and actions.

39. Talk too much, you will surely lose. It's better to speak less, do more, and watch and see what happens.

40. Talk too much, you will surely lose. It's better to keep your mouth shut and think carefully before you act.

41. Talk too much, you will surely lose. It's better to be cautious in your words and actions, speak less, and do more.

42. Talk too much, you will surely lose. It's better to think carefully before you act and silence is golden.

43. Talk too much, you will surely lose. It's better to keep your mouth shut and watch and see what happens.

44. Talk too much, you will surely lose. It's better to speak less, do more, and be cautious in your words and actions.

45. Talk too much, you will surely lose. It's better to keep your mouth shut and think carefully before you act.

46. Talk too much, you will surely lose. It's better to be cautious in your words and actions and watch and see what happens.

47. Talk too much, you will surely lose. It's better to think carefully before you act, speak less, and do more.

48. Talk too much, you will surely lose. It's better to keep your mouth shut and be cautious in your words and actions.

49. Talk too much, you will surely lose. It's better to speak less, do more, and silence is golden.

50. Talk too much, you will surely lose. It's better to be cautious in your words and actions and watch and see what happens.

51. Talk too much, you will surely lose. It's better to think carefully before you act, speak less, and do more.

52. Talk too much, you will surely lose. It's better to keep your mouth shut and be cautious in your words and actions.

53. Talk too much, you will surely lose. It's better to speak less, do more, and silence is golden.

54. Talk too much, you will surely lose. It's better to be cautious in your words and actions and watch and see what happens.

55. Talk too much, you will surely lose. It's better to think carefully before you act, speak less, and do more.

56. Talk too much, you will surely lose. It's better to keep your mouth shut and be cautious in your words and actions.

57. Talk too much, you will surely lose. It's better to speak less, do more, and silence is golden.

58. Talk too much, you will surely lose. It's better to be cautious in your words and actions and watch and see what happens.

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