
## 约定一生的誓言(100句)


1. 我愿意与你携手一生,无论顺境逆境,始终如一。
> I vow to walk hand in hand with you through life, in good times and bad, forever and always.

2. 我承诺永远爱你,呵护你,珍惜你,像珍视我生命一样。
> I promise to love you always, to cherish you, to protect you, as if you were my own life.

3. 我愿做你生命中的阳光,照亮你前行的路。
> I wish to be the sunshine in your life, illuminating your path.

4. 我愿做你生命中的港湾,让你疲惫的心灵得到休憩。
> I wish to be your haven, where your weary soul finds rest.

5. 我愿做你生命中的花朵,点缀你的人生旅程。
> I wish to be the flower in your life, adding beauty to your journey.

6. 我愿做你生命中的星辰,照亮你漫漫长夜。
> I wish to be the star in your life, illuminating your darkest night.

7. 我承诺永远守护你的笑容,让你永远充满快乐。
> I promise to forever protect your smile, ensuring your happiness.

8. 我承诺永远陪伴你,无论你走到哪里,我都会在你身边。
> I promise to always be by your side, wherever you go.

9. 我承诺永远支持你,无论你做什么,我都会是你坚强的后盾。
> I promise to always support you, no matter what you do, I will be your steadfast support.

10. 我承诺永远理解你,无论你遇到什么困难,我都会站在你这边。
> I promise to always understand you, no matter what difficulties you face, I will stand by your side.

11. 我承诺永远珍惜你,无论时间如何流逝,我对你的爱永不改变。
> I promise to always cherish you, no matter how time passes, my love for you will never change.

12. 我承诺永远忠诚于你,无论发生什么,我的心永远只属于你。
> I promise to always be faithful to you, no matter what happens, my heart will always belong to you.

13. 我承诺永远信任你,无论你做什么,我都相信你。
> I promise to always trust you, no matter what you do, I believe in you.

14. 我承诺永远尊重你,无论你有什么想法,我都尊重你的选择。
> I promise to always respect you, no matter what you think, I respect your choices.

15. 我承诺永远包容你,无论你有什么缺点,我都愿意接受你。
> I promise to always accept you, no matter what your flaws, I am willing to accept you.

16. 我承诺永远爱护你,无论你变成什么样子,我都爱你。
> I promise to always love you, no matter what you become, I love you.

17. 我承诺永远陪伴你,无论你走到哪里,我都会陪在你身边。
> I promise to always accompany you, no matter where you go, I will be by your side.

18. 我承诺永远珍惜你,无论时间如何流逝,我对你的爱永不改变。
> I promise to always cherish you, no matter how time passes, my love for you will never change.

19. 我承诺永远忠诚于你,无论发生什么,我的心永远只属于你。
> I promise to always be faithful to you, no matter what happens, my heart will always belong to you.

20. 我承诺永远信任你,无论你做什么,我都相信你。
> I promise to always trust you, no matter what you do, I believe in you.

21. 我承诺永远尊重你,无论你有什么想法,我都尊重你的选择。
> I promise to always respect you, no matter what you think, I respect your choices.

22. 我承诺永远包容你,无论你有什么缺点,我都愿意接受你。
> I promise to always accept you, no matter what your flaws, I am willing to accept you.

23. 我承诺永远爱护你,无论你变成什么样子,我都爱你。
> I promise to always love you, no matter what you become, I love you.

24. 我承诺永远陪伴你,无论你走到哪里,我都会陪在你身边。
> I promise to always accompany you, no matter where you go, I will be by your side.

25. 我承诺永远珍惜你,无论时间如何流逝,我对你的爱永不改变。
> I promise to always cherish you, no matter how time passes, my love for you will never change.


26. 我承诺做你的肩膀,让你在疲惫时可以依靠。
> I promise to be your shoulder to lean on when you are tired.

27. 我承诺做你的避风港,让你在风雨中可以安然无恙。
> I promise to be your safe haven, protecting you from the storms of life.

28. 我承诺做你的守护者,守护你一生的幸福。
> I promise to be your protector, safeguarding your happiness throughout life.

29. 我承诺做你的依靠,让你在人生道路上不感到孤单。
> I promise to be your support, ensuring you never feel alone on your life's journey.

30. 我承诺做你的伙伴,与你共同经历人生的酸甜苦辣。
> I promise to be your partner, experiencing life's joys and sorrows with you.

31. 我承诺做你的朋友,与你分享人生的喜怒哀乐。
> I promise to be your friend, sharing life's joys and sorrows with you.

32. 我承诺做你的家人,与你共同构建温暖的家。
> I promise to be your family, building a warm home with you.

33. 我承诺做你的知己,与你谈天说地,互相理解。
> I promise to be your confidante, sharing our thoughts and understanding each other.

34. 我承诺做你的后盾,在你遇到困难时,我会永远支持你。
> I promise to be your backbone, always supporting you when you face challenges.

35. 我承诺做你的依靠,让你在人生道路上不感到孤单。
> I promise to be your support, ensuring you never feel alone on your life's journey.

36. 我承诺做你的伙伴,与你共同经历人生的酸甜苦辣。
> I promise to be your partner, experiencing life's joys and sorrows with you.

37. 我承诺做你的朋友,与你分享人生的喜怒哀乐。
> I promise to be your friend, sharing life's joys and sorrows with you.

38. 我承诺做你的家人,与你共同构建温暖的家。
> I promise to be your family, building a warm home with you.

39. 我承诺做你的知己,与你谈天说地,互相理解。
> I promise to be your confidante, sharing our thoughts and understanding each other.

40. 我承诺做你的后盾,在你遇到困难时,我会永远支持你。
> I promise to be your backbone, always supporting you when you face challenges.


41. 我承诺与你一起创造美好未来,让我们的生活充满希望。
> I promise to create a beautiful future with you, filling our lives with hope.

42. 我承诺与你一起追逐梦想,让我们的生活充满激情。
> I promise to chase our dreams together, filling our lives with passion.

43. 我承诺与你一起创造奇迹,让我们的生活充满精彩。
> I promise to create miracles with you, making our lives extraordinary.

44. 我承诺与你一起克服困难,让我们的生活充满力量。
> I promise to overcome difficulties with you, empowering our lives.

45. 我承诺与你一起迎接挑战,让我们的生活充满勇气。
> I promise to face challenges with you, filling our lives with courage.

46. 我承诺与你一起战胜一切,让我们的生活充满胜利。
> I promise to conquer all together, filling our lives with victory.

47. 我承诺与你一起守护幸福,让我们的生活充满喜悦。
> I promise to safeguard our happiness together, filling our lives with joy.

48. 我承诺与你一起珍惜时光,让我们的生活充满美好回忆。
> I promise to cherish time together, filling our lives with beautiful memories.

49. 我承诺与你一起展望未来,让我们的生活充满无限可能。
> I promise to look towards the future with you, filling our lives with endless possibilities.

50. 我承诺与你一起创造幸福,让我们的生活充满爱。
> I promise to create happiness with you, filling our lives with love.


51. 我爱你,胜过世间万物,我的爱会随着时间而更加浓厚。
> I love you more than anything in the world, and my love will grow stronger with time.

52. 我愿意为你的幸福付出一切,即使牺牲自己也在所不惜。
> I am willing to sacrifice everything for your happiness, even myself if necessary.

53. 我承诺永远守护你,无论发生什么,我都不会离开你。
> I promise to always protect you, no matter what happens, I will never leave you.

54. 我承诺永远爱你,无论你变成什么样子,我都爱你。
> I promise to always love you, no matter what you become, I love you.

55. 我承诺永远相信你,无论你做什么,我都相信你。
> I promise to always believe in you, no matter what you do, I believe in you.

56. 我承诺永远理解你,无论你遇到什么困难,我都会站在你这边。
> I promise to always understand you, no matter what difficulties you face, I will stand by your side.

57. 我承诺永远尊重你,无论你有什么想法,我都尊重你的选择。
> I promise to always respect you, no matter what you think, I respect your choices.

58. 我承诺永远包容你,无论你有什么缺点,我都愿意接受你。
> I promise to always accept you, no matter what your flaws, I am willing to accept you.

59. 我承诺永远珍惜你,无论时间如何流逝,我对你的爱永不改变。
> I promise to always cherish you, no matter how time passes, my love for you will never change.

60. 我承诺永远忠诚于你,无论发生什么,我的心永远只属于你。
> I promise to always be faithful to you, no matter what happens, my heart will always belong to you.


61. 我愿做你生命中的诗,用我的爱,谱写你最动人的篇章。
> I wish to be the poetry in your life, composing the most touching chapters with my love.

62. 我愿做你生命中的画,用我的爱,描绘你最美的风景。
> I wish to be the painting in your life, depicting the most beautiful scenery with my love.

63. 我愿做你生命中的歌,用我的爱,奏响你最美妙的旋律。
> I wish to be the song in your life, playing the most beautiful melody with my love.

64. 我愿做你生命中的梦,用我的爱,编织你最美好的幻想。
> I wish to be the dream in your life, weaving your most beautiful fantasies with my love.

65. 我愿做你生命中的星,用我的爱,照亮你最黑暗的角落。
> I wish to be the star in your life, illuminating your darkest corners with my love.

66. 我愿做你生命中的月,用我的爱,照耀你最美好的夜晚。
> I wish to be the moon in your life, illuminating your most beautiful nights with my love.

67. 我愿做你生命中的风,用我的爱,吹拂你最温柔的心灵。
> I wish to be the wind in your life, gently caressing your tender soul with my love.

68. 我愿做你生命中的雨,用我的爱,滋润你最干涸的土地。
> I wish to be the rain in your life, nourishing your parched land with my love.

69. 我愿做你生命中的阳光,用我的爱,温暖你最寒冷的冬天。
> I wish to be the sunshine in your life, warming your coldest winters with my love.

70. 我愿做你生命中的花,用我的爱,点缀你最平凡的生活。
> I wish to be the flower in your life, adding beauty to your ordinary life with my love.


71. 遇见你,是我人生最大的幸运。
> Meeting you is the greatest fortune of my life.

72. 爱上你,是我人生最美好的决定。
> Falling in love with you is the best decision of my life.

73. 与你在一起,我感到无比幸福。
> I feel incredibly happy with you.

74. 我愿意用我的余生,守护你,爱你。
> I am willing to spend the rest of my life protecting you and loving you.

75. 我相信,我们的爱情会天长地久。
> I believe our love will last forever.

76. 我爱你,胜过世间万物,我的爱会随着时间而更加浓厚。
> I love you more than anything in the world, and my love will grow stronger with time.

77. 我愿意为你的幸福付出一切,即使牺牲自己也在所不惜。
> I am willing to sacrifice everything for your happiness, even myself if necessary.

78. 我承诺永远守护你,无论发生什么,我都不会离开你。
> I promise to always protect you, no matter what happens, I will never leave you.

79. 我承诺永远爱你,无论你变成什么样子,我都爱你。
> I promise to always love you, no matter what you become, I love you.

80. 我承诺永远相信你,无论你做什么,我都相信你。
> I promise to always believe in you, no matter what you do, I believe in you.

81. 我承诺永远理解你,无论你遇到什么困难,我都会站在你这边。
> I promise to always understand you, no matter what difficulties you face, I will stand by your side.

82. 我承诺永远尊重你,无论你有什么想法,我都尊重你的选择。
> I promise to always respect you, no matter what you think, I respect your choices.

83. 我承诺永远包容你,无论你有什么缺点,我都愿意接受你。
> I promise to always accept you, no matter what your flaws, I am willing to accept you.

84. 我承诺永远珍惜你,无论时间如何流逝,我对你的爱永不改变。
> I promise to always cherish you, no matter how time passes, my love for you will never change.

85. 我承诺永远忠诚于你,无论发生什么,我的心永远只属于你。
> I promise to always be faithful to you, no matter what happens, my heart will always belong to you.


86. 我愿意与你一起经历人生的起起落落,分享彼此的喜怒哀乐。
> I am willing to experience life's ups and downs with you, sharing each other's joys and sorrows.

87. 我愿意与你一起创造属于我们自己的幸福,让我们的生活充满阳光。
> I am willing to create our own happiness together, filling our lives with sunshine.

88. 我愿意与你一起走过人生的每一段路,无论顺境逆境,我们永不分离。
> I am willing to walk every path of life with you, never separating, through good times and bad.

89. 我愿意与你一起迎接人生的每一个挑战,共同克服一切困难。
> I am willing to face every challenge of life with you, overcoming all difficulties together.

90. 我愿意与你一起守护我们之间的爱情,让它永远充满活力。
> I am willing to safeguard our love together, keeping it forever vibrant.

91. 我愿意与你一起创造美好未来,让我们的生活充满希望。
> I promise to create a beautiful future with you, filling our lives with hope.

92. 我愿意与你一起追逐梦想,让我们的生活充满激情。
> I promise to chase our dreams together, filling our lives with passion.

93. 我愿意与你一起创造奇迹,让我们的生活充满精彩。
> I promise to create miracles with you, making our lives extraordinary.

94. 我愿意与你一起克服困难,让我们的生活充满力量。
> I promise to overcome difficulties with you, empowering our lives.

95. 我愿意与你一起迎接挑战,让我们的生活充满勇气。
> I promise to face challenges with you, filling our lives with courage.

96. 我愿意与你一起战胜一切,让我们的生活充满胜利。
> I promise to conquer all together, filling our lives with victory.

97. 我愿意与你一起守护幸福,让我们的生活充满喜悦。
> I promise to safeguard our happiness together, filling our lives with joy.

98. 我愿意与你一起珍惜时光,让我们的生活充满美好回忆。
> I promise to cherish time together, filling our lives with beautiful memories.

99. 我愿意与你一起展望未来,让我们的生活充满无限可能。
> I promise to look towards the future with you, filling our lives with endless possibilities.

100. 我愿意与你一起创造幸福,让我们的生活充满爱。
> I promise to create happiness with you, filling our lives with love.

## 英文翻译

**Promises and Love**

1. I vow to walk hand in hand with you through life, in good times and bad, forever and always.

2. I promise to love you always, to cherish you, to protect you, as if you were my own life.

3. I wish to be the sunshine in your life, illuminating your path.

4. I wish to be your haven, where your weary soul finds rest.

5. I wish to be the flower in your life, adding beauty to your journey.

6. I wish to be the star in your life, illuminating your darkest night.

7. I promise to forever protect your smile, ensuring your happiness.

8. I promise to always be by your side, wherever you go.

9. I promise to always support you, no matter what you do, I will be your steadfast support.

10. I promise to always understand you, no matter what difficulties you face, I will stand by your side.

11. I promise to always cherish you, no matter how time passes, my love for you will never change.

12. I promise to always be faithful to you, no matter what happens, my heart will always belong to you.

13. I promise to always trust you, no matter what you do, I believe in you.

14. I promise to always respect you, no matter what you think, I respect your choices.

15. I promise to always accept you, no matter what your flaws, I am willing to accept you.

16. I promise to always love you, no matter what you become, I love you.

17. I promise to always accompany you, no matter where you go, I will be by your side.

18. I promise to always cherish you, no matter how time passes, my love for you will never change.

19. I promise to always be faithful to you, no matter what happens, my heart will always belong to you.

20. I promise to always trust you, no matter what you do, I believe in you.

21. I promise to always respect you, no matter what you think, I respect your choices.

22. I promise to always accept you, no matter what your flaws, I am willing to accept you.

23. I promise to always love you, no matter what you become, I love you.

24. I promise to always accompany you, no matter where you go, I will be by your side.

25. I promise to always cherish you, no matter how time passes, my love for you will never change.

**Responsibility and Commitment**

26. I promise to be your shoulder to lean on when you are tired.

27. I promise to be your safe haven, protecting you from the storms of life.

28. I promise to be your protector, safeguarding your happiness throughout life.

29. I promise to be your support, ensuring you never feel alone on your life's journey.

30. I promise to be your partner, experiencing life's joys and sorrows with you.

31. I promise to be your friend, sharing life's joys and sorrows with you.

32. I promise to be your family, building a warm home with you.

33. I promise to be your confidante, sharing our thoughts and understanding each other.

34. I promise to be your backbone, always supporting you when you face challenges.

35. I promise to be your support, ensuring you never feel alone on your life's journey.

36. I promise to be your partner, experiencing life's joys and sorrows with you.

37. I promise to be your friend, sharing life's joys and sorrows with you.

38. I promise to be your family, building a warm home with you.

39. I promise to be your confidante, sharing our thoughts and understanding each other.

40. I promise to be your backbone, always supporting you when you face challenges.

**Future and Hope**

41. I promise to create a beautiful future with you, filling our lives with hope.

42. I promise to chase our dreams together, filling our lives with passion.

43. I promise to create miracles with you, making our lives extraordinary.

44. I promise to overcome difficulties with you, empowering our lives.

45. I promise to face challenges with you, filling our lives with courage.

46. I promise to conquer all together, filling our lives with victory.

47. I promise to safeguard our happiness together, filling our lives with joy.

48. I promise to cherish time together, filling our lives with beautiful memories.

49. I promise to look towards the future with you, filling our lives with endless possibilities.

50. I promise to create happiness with you, filling our lives with love.

**True Heart and Eternity**

51. I love you more than anything in the world, and my love will grow stronger with time.

52. I am willing to sacrifice everything for your happiness, even myself if necessary.

53. I promise to always protect you, no matter what happens, I will never leave you.

54. I promise to always love you, no matter what you become, I love you.

55. I promise to always believe in you, no matter what you do, I believe in you.

56. I promise to always understand you, no matter what difficulties you face, I will stand by your side.

57. I promise to always respect you, no matter what you think, I respect your choices.

58. I promise to always accept you, no matter what your flaws, I am willing to accept you.

59. I promise to always cherish you, no matter how time passes, my love for you will never change.

60. I promise to always be faithful to you, no matter what happens, my heart will always belong to you.

**Romance and Poetry**

61. I wish to be the poetry in your life, composing the most touching chapters with my love.

62. I wish to be the painting in your life, depicting the most beautiful scenery with my love.

63. I wish to be the song in your life, playing the most beautiful melody with my love.

64. I wish to be the dream in your life, weaving your most beautiful fantasies with my love.

65. I wish to be the star in your life, illuminating your darkest corners with my love.

66. I wish to be the moon in your life, illuminating your most beautiful nights with my love.

67. I wish to be the wind in your life, gently caressing your tender soul with my love.

68. I wish to be the rain in your life, nourishing your parched land with my love.

69. I wish to be the sunshine in your life, warming your coldest winters with my love.

70. I wish to be the flower in your life, adding beauty to your ordinary life with my love.

**Feelings and Commitment**

71. Meeting you is the greatest fortune of my life.

72. Falling in love with you is the best decision of my life.

73. I feel incredibly happy with you.

74. I am willing to spend the rest of my life protecting you and loving you.

75. I believe our love will last forever.

76. I love you more than anything in the world, and my love will grow stronger with time.

77. I am willing to sacrifice everything for your happiness, even myself if necessary.

78. I promise to always protect you, no matter what happens, I will never leave you.

79. I promise to always love you, no matter what you become, I love you.

80. I promise to always believe in you, no matter what you do, I believe in you.

81. I promise to always understand you, no matter what difficulties you face, I will stand by your side.

82. I promise to always respect you, no matter what you think, I respect your choices.

83. I promise to always accept you, no matter what your flaws, I am willing to accept you.

84. I promise to always cherish you, no matter how time passes, my love for you will never change.

85. I promise to always be faithful to you, no matter what happens, my heart will always belong to you.

**Togetherness and Commitment**

86. I am willing to experience life's ups and downs with you, sharing each other's joys and sorrows.

87. I am willing to create our own happiness together, filling our lives with sunshine.

88. I am willing to walk every path of life with you, never separating, through good times and bad.

89. I am willing to face every challenge of life with you, overcoming all difficulties together.

90. I am willing to safeguard our love together, keeping it forever vibrant.

91. I promise to create a beautiful future with you, filling our lives with hope.

92. I promise to chase our dreams together, filling our lives with passion.

93. I promise to create miracles with you, making our lives extraordinary.

94. I promise to overcome difficulties with you, empowering our lives.

95. I promise to face challenges with you, filling our lives with courage.

96. I promise to conquer all together, filling our lives with victory.

97. I promise to safeguard our happiness together, filling our lives with joy.

98. I promise to cherish time together, filling our lives with beautiful memories.

99. I promise to look towards the future with you, filling our lives with endless possibilities.

100. I promise to create happiness with you, filling our lives with love.

以上就是关于约定一生的誓言的句子100句(约定一生的誓言的句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
