
## 红颜枯骨前后句子,65句


1. 昔日繁华,如今落寞,唯有这残垣断壁诉说着过往的辉煌。
2. 岁月如梭,时光荏苒,曾经的鲜衣怒马,如今只剩满目苍凉。
3. 青丝染霜,容颜易老,唯有那颗初心,依然坚守在岁月的长河中。
4. 江山如画,美人如花,却抵不过时间的无情流逝。
5. 繁华落尽,满目疮痍,唯有那颗坚韧的心,在苦难中淬炼。
6. 一代天骄,雄才大略,却终究敌不过命运的捉弄。
7. 昔日帝王,权倾天下,如今却化作了一抔黄土。
8. 金戈铁马,气吞山河,却抵不过岁月的风霜。
9. 昔日繁华,如今落寞,唯有那份回忆,依然萦绕心头。
10. 繁花似锦,春光无限,却抵不过秋风萧瑟,冬雪飘零。
11. 韶华易逝,容颜易老,唯有那份真情,永远不会改变。
12. 昔日繁华,如今落寞,唯有那份思念,依然在心中流淌。
13. 一代枭雄,雄心壮志,却终究敌不过时间的磨砺。
14. 繁花落尽,满目疮痍,唯有那份坚强,依然支撑着我们前行。
15. 昔日繁华,如今落寞,唯有那份回忆,依然温暖着我们的心。
16. 江山如画,美人如花,却抵不过时间的无情流逝,最终都化作尘埃。
17. 金戈铁马,气吞山河,却抵不过岁月的风霜,最终都化作过眼云烟。
18. 韶华易逝,容颜易老,唯有那份真情,永远不会改变,永远值得我们珍惜。
19. 昔日繁华,如今落寞,唯有那份思念,依然在心中流淌,让我们难以忘怀。
20. 一代枭雄,雄心壮志,却终究敌不过时间的磨砺,最终都化作历史的尘埃。
21. 繁花落尽,满目疮痍,唯有那份坚强,依然支撑着我们前行,让我们不屈不挠。
22. 昔日繁华,如今落寞,唯有那份回忆,依然温暖着我们的心,让我们重拾希望。
23. 江山如画,美人如花,却抵不过时间的无情流逝,最终都化作尘埃,让人感叹世事无常。
24. 金戈铁马,气吞山河,却抵不过岁月的风霜,最终都化作过眼云烟,让人感慨人生短暂。
25. 韶华易逝,容颜易老,唯有那份真情,永远不会改变,永远值得我们珍惜,让我们懂得珍惜眼前人。
26. 昔日繁华,如今落寞,唯有那份思念,依然在心中流淌,让我们难以忘怀,让我们铭记过往。
27. 一代枭雄,雄心壮志,却终究敌不过时间的磨砺,最终都化作历史的尘埃,让人感叹英雄迟暮。
28. 繁花落尽,满目疮痍,唯有那份坚强,依然支撑着我们前行,让我们不屈不挠,让我们勇敢面对挑战。
29. 昔日繁华,如今落寞,唯有那份回忆,依然温暖着我们的心,让我们重拾希望,让我们对未来充满信心。
30. 江山如画,美人如花,却抵不过时间的无情流逝,最终都化作尘埃,让人感叹世事无常,让我们珍惜眼前人。
31. 金戈铁马,气吞山河,却抵不过岁月的风霜,最终都化作过眼云烟,让人感慨人生短暂,让我们珍惜时间。
32. 韶华易逝,容颜易老,唯有那份真情,永远不会改变,永远值得我们珍惜,让我们懂得珍惜眼前人,让我们学会感恩。
33. 昔日繁华,如今落寞,唯有那份思念,依然在心中流淌,让我们难以忘怀,让我们铭记过往,让我们学会珍惜。
34. 一代枭雄,雄心壮志,却终究敌不过时间的磨砺,最终都化作历史的尘埃,让人感叹英雄迟暮,让我们铭记历史。
35. 繁花落尽,满目疮痍,唯有那份坚强,依然支撑着我们前行,让我们不屈不挠,让我们勇敢面对挑战,让我们战胜困难。


36. 昔日的繁华,如今已化作过眼云烟,唯有这残垣断壁,诉说着曾经的辉煌。
37. 岁月无情,时光流逝,曾经的鲜衣怒马,如今已化作尘埃,只剩下满目苍凉。
38. 青丝染霜,容颜易老,唯有那颗初心,依然坚守在岁月的长河中,指引着前行的方向。
39. 江山如画,美人如花,最终都抵不过时间的无情流逝,化作历史的尘埃。
40. 繁华落尽,满目疮痍,唯有那颗坚韧的心,在苦难中淬炼,更加坚强。
41. 一代天骄,雄才大略,却终究敌不过命运的捉弄,最终化作一抔黄土。
42. 金戈铁马,气吞山河,却抵不过岁月的风霜,最终都化作过眼云烟。
43. 昔日的繁华,如今已化作过眼云烟,唯有那份回忆,依然萦绕心头,温暖着我们的心。
44. 繁花似锦,春光无限,最终都抵不过秋风萧瑟,冬雪飘零,化作生命的轮回。
45. 韶华易逝,容颜易老,唯有那份真情,永远不会改变,永远值得我们珍惜。
46. 昔日的繁华,如今已化作过眼云烟,唯有那份思念,依然在心中流淌,让我们难以忘怀。
47. 一代枭雄,雄心壮志,却终究敌不过时间的磨砺,最终都化作历史的尘埃。
48. 繁华落尽,满目疮痍,唯有那份坚强,依然支撑着我们前行,让我们不屈不挠。
49. 昔日的繁华,如今已化作过眼云烟,唯有那份回忆,依然温暖着我们的心,让我们重拾希望。
50. 江山如画,美人如花,最终都抵不过时间的无情流逝,化作尘埃,让人感叹世事无常。
51. 金戈铁马,气吞山河,最终都抵不过岁月的风霜,化作过眼云烟,让人感慨人生短暂。
52. 韶华易逝,容颜易老,唯有那份真情,永远不会改变,永远值得我们珍惜,让我们懂得珍惜眼前人。
53. 昔日的繁华,如今已化作过眼云烟,唯有那份思念,依然在心中流淌,让我们难以忘怀,让我们铭记过往。
54. 一代枭雄,雄心壮志,最终都敌不过时间的磨砺,化作历史的尘埃,让人感叹英雄迟暮。
55. 繁华落尽,满目疮痍,唯有那份坚强,依然支撑着我们前行,让我们不屈不挠,让我们勇敢面对挑战。
56. 昔日的繁华,如今已化作过眼云烟,唯有那份回忆,依然温暖着我们的心,让我们重拾希望,让我们对未来充满信心。
57. 江山如画,美人如花,最终都抵不过时间的无情流逝,化作尘埃,让人感叹世事无常,让我们珍惜眼前人。
58. 金戈铁马,气吞山河,最终都抵不过岁月的风霜,化作过眼云烟,让人感慨人生短暂,让我们珍惜时间。
59. 韶华易逝,容颜易老,唯有那份真情,永远不会改变,永远值得我们珍惜,让我们懂得珍惜眼前人,让我们学会感恩。
60. 昔日的繁华,如今已化作过眼云烟,唯有那份思念,依然在心中流淌,让我们难以忘怀,让我们铭记过往,让我们学会珍惜。
61. 一代枭雄,雄心壮志,最终都敌不过时间的磨砺,化作历史的尘埃,让人感叹英雄迟暮,让我们铭记历史。
62. 繁华落尽,满目疮痍,唯有那份坚强,依然支撑着我们前行,让我们不屈不挠,让我们勇敢面对挑战,让我们战胜困难。
63. 岁月如歌,流年似水,昔日的繁华,如今已化作过眼云烟,唯有那份真情,永远不会改变,永远值得我们珍惜。
64. 繁花似锦,春光无限,最终都抵不过秋风萧瑟,冬雪飘零,化作生命的轮回,但那份真情,却永远留存在我们的心中。
65. 江山如画,美人如花,最终都抵不过时间的无情流逝,化作尘埃,但那份真情,却永远留存在我们的心中,让我们懂得珍惜眼前人。

## 英文翻译

**Before Red-faced and Bone-dry**

1. The former prosperity has now fallen into disrepair, only these ruined walls tell the story of past glory.

2. Time flies, and time is fleeting. The once-fervent pursuit of fame and fortune has now been replaced by desolation.

3. The black hair is covered with frost, and the face grows old easily. Only the original intention remains steadfast in the river of time.

4. The mountains and rivers are like paintings, and the beauty is like flowers, but they can't withstand the relentless passage of time.

5. After the prosperity fades, all that remains is devastation. Only a resilient heart can be tempered in suffering.

6. A generation of heroes, full of ambition and great plans, but ultimately cannot escape the tricks of fate.

7. The former emperor, who once held supreme power, has now turned into a handful of dust.

8. Golden swords and horses, conquering mountains and rivers, but unable to withstand the ravages of time.

9. The former prosperity has now fallen into disrepair, only those memories still linger in our hearts.

10. Flowers are in full bloom, and the spring light is infinite, but they cannot withstand the autumn wind and the winter snow.

11. Youth is fleeting, and beauty fades, but true love never changes.

12. The former prosperity has now fallen into disrepair, only that longing still flows in our hearts.

13. A generation of heroes, full of ambition and great plans, but ultimately cannot escape the tempering of time.

14. After the prosperity fades, all that remains is devastation. Only that strength continues to support us and move forward.

15. The former prosperity has now fallen into disrepair, only those memories still warm our hearts.

16. The mountains and rivers are like paintings, and the beauty is like flowers, but they can't withstand the relentless passage of time, ultimately turning into dust.

17. Golden swords and horses, conquering mountains and rivers, but unable to withstand the ravages of time, ultimately turning into a fleeting dream.

18. Youth is fleeting, and beauty fades, but true love never changes, and it is always worth cherishing.

19. The former prosperity has now fallen into disrepair, only that longing still flows in our hearts, making us unforgettable.

20. A generation of heroes, full of ambition and great plans, but ultimately cannot escape the tempering of time, ultimately turning into dust in history.

21. After the prosperity fades, all that remains is devastation. Only that strength continues to support us and move forward, making us unyielding.

22. The former prosperity has now fallen into disrepair, only those memories still warm our hearts, giving us hope.

23. The mountains and rivers are like paintings, and the beauty is like flowers, but they can't withstand the relentless passage of time, ultimately turning into dust, making people sigh at the impermanence of life.

24. Golden swords and horses, conquering mountains and rivers, but unable to withstand the ravages of time, ultimately turning into a fleeting dream, making people sigh at the shortness of life.

25. Youth is fleeting, and beauty fades, but true love never changes, and it is always worth cherishing, making us understand how to cherish those around us.

26. The former prosperity has now fallen into disrepair, only that longing still flows in our hearts, making us unforgettable, making us remember the past.

27. A generation of heroes, full of ambition and great plans, but ultimately cannot escape the tempering of time, ultimately turning into dust in history, making people sigh at the twilight of heroes.

28. After the prosperity fades, all that remains is devastation. Only that strength continues to support us and move forward, making us unyielding, making us bravely face challenges.

29. The former prosperity has now fallen into disrepair, only those memories still warm our hearts, giving us hope, making us confident in the future.

30. The mountains and rivers are like paintings, and the beauty is like flowers, but they can't withstand the relentless passage of time, ultimately turning into dust, making people sigh at the impermanence of life, making us cherish those around us.

31. Golden swords and horses, conquering mountains and rivers, but unable to withstand the ravages of time, ultimately turning into a fleeting dream, making people sigh at the shortness of life, making us cherish time.

32. Youth is fleeting, and beauty fades, but true love never changes, and it is always worth cherishing, making us understand how to cherish those around us, making us learn to be grateful.

33. The former prosperity has now fallen into disrepair, only that longing still flows in our hearts, making us unforgettable, making us remember the past, making us learn to cherish.

34. A generation of heroes, full of ambition and great plans, but ultimately cannot escape the tempering of time, ultimately turning into dust in history, making people sigh at the twilight of heroes, making us remember history.

35. After the prosperity fades, all that remains is devastation. Only that strength continues to support us and move forward, making us unyielding, making us bravely face challenges, making us overcome difficulties.

**After Red-faced and Bone-dry**

36. The former prosperity has now turned into a fleeting dream. Only these ruined walls tell the story of past glory.

37. Time is ruthless, and time is fleeting. The once-fervent pursuit of fame and fortune has now turned into dust, leaving only desolation.

38. The black hair is covered with frost, and the face grows old easily. Only the original intention remains steadfast in the river of time, guiding the way forward.

39. The mountains and rivers are like paintings, and the beauty is like flowers, but they can't withstand the relentless passage of time, ultimately turning into dust in history.

40. After the prosperity fades, all that remains is devastation. Only a resilient heart can be tempered in suffering, becoming stronger.

41. A generation of heroes, full of ambition and great plans, but ultimately cannot escape the tricks of fate, ultimately turning into a handful of dust.

42. Golden swords and horses, conquering mountains and rivers, but unable to withstand the ravages of time, ultimately turning into a fleeting dream.

43. The former prosperity has now turned into a fleeting dream. Only those memories still linger in our hearts, warming our hearts.

44. Flowers are in full bloom, and the spring light is infinite, but they cannot withstand the autumn wind and the winter snow, turning into the cycle of life.

45. Youth is fleeting, and beauty fades, but true love never changes, and it is always worth cherishing.

46. The former prosperity has now turned into a fleeting dream. Only that longing still flows in our hearts, making us unforgettable.

47. A generation of heroes, full of ambition and great plans, but ultimately cannot escape the tempering of time, ultimately turning into dust in history.

48. After the prosperity fades, all that remains is devastation. Only that strength continues to support us and move forward, making us unyielding.

49. The former prosperity has now turned into a fleeting dream. Only those memories still warm our hearts, giving us hope.

50. The mountains and rivers are like paintings, and the beauty is like flowers, but they can't withstand the relentless passage of time, ultimately turning into dust, making people sigh at the impermanence of life.

51. Golden swords and horses, conquering mountains and rivers, but unable to withstand the ravages of time, ultimately turning into a fleeting dream, making people sigh at the shortness of life.

52. Youth is fleeting, and beauty fades, but true love never changes, and it is always worth cherishing, making us understand how to cherish those around us.

53. The former prosperity has now turned into a fleeting dream. Only that longing still flows in our hearts, making us unforgettable, making us remember the past.

54. A generation of heroes, full of ambition and great plans, but ultimately cannot escape the tempering of time, ultimately turning into dust in history, making people sigh at the twilight of heroes.

55. After the prosperity fades, all that remains is devastation. Only that strength continues to support us and move forward, making us unyielding, making us bravely face challenges.

56. The former prosperity has now turned into a fleeting dream. Only those memories still warm our hearts, giving us hope, making us confident in the future.

57. The mountains and rivers are like paintings, and the beauty is like flowers, but they can't withstand the relentless passage of time, ultimately turning into dust, making people sigh at the impermanence of life, making us cherish those around us.

58. Golden swords and horses, conquering mountains and rivers, but unable to withstand the ravages of time, ultimately turning into a fleeting dream, making people sigh at the shortness of life, making us cherish time.

59. Youth is fleeting, and beauty fades, but true love never changes, and it is always worth cherishing, making us understand how to cherish those around us, making us learn to be grateful.

60. The former prosperity has now turned into a fleeting dream. Only that longing still flows in our hearts, making us unforgettable, making us remember the past, making us learn to cherish.

61. A generation of heroes, full of ambition and great plans, but ultimately cannot escape the tempering of time, ultimately turning into dust in history, making people sigh at the twilight of heroes, making us remember history.

62. After the prosperity fades, all that remains is devastation. Only that strength continues to support us and move forward, making us unyielding, making us bravely face challenges, making us overcome difficulties.

63. Time is like a song, and years are like water. The former prosperity has now turned into a fleeting dream. Only that true love will never change and is always worth cherishing.

64. Flowers are in full bloom, and the spring light is infinite, but they cannot withstand the autumn wind and the winter snow, turning into the cycle of life, but that true love remains forever in our hearts.

65. The mountains and rivers are like paintings, and the beauty is like flowers, but they can't withstand the relentless passage of time, ultimately turning into dust, but that true love remains forever in our hearts, making us understand how to cherish those around us.

以上就是关于红颜枯骨前后的句子65句(红颜枯骨前后的句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
