
## 纣王妲己句子 (81句)

**1. 纣王,商朝末代君主,暴虐无道,荒淫无度。**

King Zhou, the last ruler of the Shang Dynasty, was a tyrannical and depraved ruler, known for his indulgence in debauchery.

**2. 妲己,妖媚倾城,美艳绝伦,惑乱君心。**

Daji, a captivating beauty with extraordinary allure, beguiled the king and led him astray.

**3. 纣王迷恋妲己,沉迷酒色,不理朝政,国力日衰。**

King Zhou became infatuated with Daji, lost in a haze of alcohol and lust, neglecting his duties, and causing the nation's decline.

**4. 妲己狠毒心肠,残忍嗜杀,为所欲为。**

Daji was a cruel and bloodthirsty woman, committing atrocities without remorse.

**5. 纣王为了讨好妲己,修建鹿台,用活人祭祀。**

To please Daji, King Zhou built a lavish palace, the Deer Platform, and offered human sacrifices.

**6. 妲己设计酷刑,残害忠臣良将,百姓苦不堪言。**

Daji devised cruel punishments, torturing loyal officials and generals, bringing unbearable suffering to the people.

**7. 纣王沉迷酒池肉林,荒淫无度,百姓怨声载道。**

King Zhou indulged in extravagant feasts and debauchery, ignoring the plight of his people, who grew increasingly resentful.

**8. 纣王昏庸无能,听信谗言,误国误民。**

King Zhou was incompetent and gullible, swayed by flattery, leading to the ruin of the nation and its people.

**9. 妲己妖媚惑主,蛊惑君心,成为商朝灭亡的罪魁祸首。**

Daji's seductive charm and manipulative influence over the king ultimately led to the downfall of the Shang Dynasty.

**10. 纣王和妲己的荒淫暴虐,激起了民愤,最终导致商朝灭亡。**

The tyranny and depravity of King Zhou and Daji ignited the fury of the people, ultimately leading to the collapse of the Shang Dynasty.

**11. 纣王对妲己的爱,是盲目的,也是毁灭性的。**

King Zhou's love for Daji was blind and ultimately destructive.

**12. 妲己的魅力,是致命的,也是危险的。**

Daji's allure was fatal and perilous.

**13. 纣王和妲己的故事,是一个警示,告诉人们,不能沉迷于美色,也不能被权力蒙蔽双眼。**

The tale of King Zhou and Daji serves as a warning, reminding us to avoid the allure of beauty and to remain vigilant against the corrupting influence of power.

**14. 妲己的狠毒,是令人不寒而栗的。**

Daji's cruelty is chilling.

**15. 纣王的昏庸,是令人痛心的。**

King Zhou's incompetence is heartbreaking.

**16. 纣王和妲己的爱情,是扭曲的,也是悲剧性的。**

The love between King Zhou and Daji was twisted and tragic.

**17. 纣王和妲己的命运,是注定的,也是可悲的。**

The fate of King Zhou and Daji was predetermined and tragic.

**18. 纣王和妲己的结局,是令人唏嘘的。**

The end of King Zhou and Daji is a cause for reflection.

**19. 纣王和妲己的故事,是一个时代的缩影。**

The story of King Zhou and Daji reflects the essence of an era.

**20. 纣王和妲己的故事,是历史的警示。**

The story of King Zhou and Daji is a warning from history.

**21. 纣王的暴政,是商朝灭亡的直接原因。**

King Zhou's tyrannical rule was the direct cause of the Shang Dynasty's downfall.

**22. 妲己的妖媚,是商朝灭亡的间接原因。**

Daji's seductive charm was an indirect cause of the Shang Dynasty's demise.

**23. 纣王和妲己的故事,是千古奇谈。**

The story of King Zhou and Daji is a timeless tale.

**24. 纣王和妲己的故事,是人们茶余饭后的谈资。**

The story of King Zhou and Daji is a topic of conversation for people of all ages.

**25. 纣王和妲己的故事,是历史的记忆。**

The story of King Zhou and Daji is a memory etched in history.

**26. 纣王和妲己的故事,是中华文化的瑰宝。**

The story of King Zhou and Daji is a treasure of Chinese culture.

**27. 纣王和妲己的故事,是文学的灵感源泉。**

The story of King Zhou and Daji is a source of inspiration for literature.

**28. 纣王和妲己的故事,是艺术的创作素材。**

The story of King Zhou and Daji is a source of inspiration for art.

**29. 纣王和妲己的故事,是戏剧的经典题材。**

The story of King Zhou and Daji is a classic theme in drama.

**30. 纣王和妲己的故事,是电影的热门题材。**

The story of King Zhou and Daji is a popular subject for film.

**31. 纣王和妲己的故事,是人们心中永恒的传说。**

The story of King Zhou and Daji is an enduring legend in people's hearts.

**32. 纣王的残暴,令人发指。**

King Zhou's cruelty is appalling.

**33. 妲己的狠毒,令人不齿。**

Daji's cruelty is despicable.

**34. 纣王和妲己的罪行,罄竹难书。**

The crimes of King Zhou and Daji are countless.

**35. 纣王和妲己的结局,是咎由自取。**

The fate of King Zhou and Daji was a consequence of their own actions.

**36. 纣王和妲己的故事,警示人们,不要为了一己私欲而做出损害他人利益的事情。**

The story of King Zhou and Daji warns us not to act selfishly at the expense of others.

**37. 纣王和妲己的故事,告诉我们,美色不可迷,权力不可贪。**

The story of King Zhou and Daji teaches us that beauty is not to be coveted and power is not to be craved.

**38. 纣王和妲己的故事,是一个深刻的历史教训。**

The story of King Zhou and Daji is a profound historical lesson.

**39. 纣王和妲己的故事,是一个警示性的寓言。**

The story of King Zhou and Daji is a cautionary fable.

**40. 纣王和妲己的故事,是一个值得反复品味的故事。**

The story of King Zhou and Daji is a story that deserves to be savored repeatedly.

**41. 纣王和妲己的故事,是一个永不过时的故事。**

The story of King Zhou and Daji is a timeless story.

**42. 纣王和妲己的故事,是一个充满传奇色彩的故事。**

The story of King Zhou and Daji is a story steeped in legend.

**43. 纣王和妲己的故事,是一个充满戏剧性的故事。**

The story of King Zhou and Daji is a story filled with drama.

**44. 纣王和妲己的故事,是一个充满悲剧色彩的故事。**

The story of King Zhou and Daji is a story filled with tragedy.

**45. 纣王和妲己的故事,是一个充满讽刺意味的故事。**

The story of King Zhou and Daji is a story filled with irony.

**46. 纣王和妲己的故事,是一个充满警示意味的故事。**

The story of King Zhou and Daji is a story filled with warnings.

**47. 纣王和妲己的故事,是一个充满智慧的故事。**

The story of King Zhou and Daji is a story filled with wisdom.

**48. 纣王和妲己的故事,是一个充满启迪的故事。**

The story of King Zhou and Daji is a story filled with inspiration.

**49. 纣王和妲己的故事,是一个充满想象力的故事。**

The story of King Zhou and Daji is a story filled with imagination.

**50. 纣王和妲己的故事,是一个充满魅力的故事。**

The story of King Zhou and Daji is a story filled with charm.

**51. 纣王和妲己的故事,是一个充满吸引力的故事。**

The story of King Zhou and Daji is a story filled with appeal.

**52. 纣王和妲己的故事,是一个充满感染力的故事。**

The story of King Zhou and Daji is a story filled with impact.

**53. 纣王和妲己的故事,是一个充满力量的故事。**

The story of King Zhou and Daji is a story filled with power.

**54. 纣王和妲己的故事,是一个充满希望的故事。**

The story of King Zhou and Daji is a story filled with hope.

**55. 纣王和妲己的故事,是一个充满可能性故事。**

The story of King Zhou and Daji is a story filled with possibility.

**56. 纣王和妲己的故事,是一个充满奇迹的故事。**

The story of King Zhou and Daji is a story filled with wonder.

**57. 纣王和妲己的故事,是一个充满感动的故事。**

The story of King Zhou and Daji is a story filled with emotion.

**58. 纣王和妲己的故事,是一个充满浪漫的故事。**

The story of King Zhou and Daji is a story filled with romance.

**59. 纣王和妲己的故事,是一个充满神秘的故事。**

The story of King Zhou and Daji is a story filled with mystery.

**60. 纣王和妲己的故事,是一个充满悬疑的故事。**

The story of King Zhou and Daji is a story filled with suspense.

**61. 纣王和妲己的故事,是一个充满惊险的故事。**

The story of King Zhou and Daji is a story filled with excitement.

**62. 纣王和妲己的故事,是一个充满冒险的故事。**

The story of King Zhou and Daji is a story filled with adventure.

**63. 纣王和妲己的故事,是一个充满幻想的故事。**

The story of King Zhou and Daji is a story filled with fantasy.

**64. 纣王和妲己的故事,是一个充满魔幻的故事。**

The story of King Zhou and Daji is a story filled with magic.

**65. 纣王和妲己的故事,是一个充满奇幻的故事。**

The story of King Zhou and Daji is a story filled with fantasy.

**66. 纣王和妲己的故事,是一个充满神话的故事。**

The story of King Zhou and Daji is a story filled with myth.

**67. 纣王和妲己的故事,是一个充满传奇的故事。**

The story of King Zhou and Daji is a story filled with legend.

**68. 纣王和妲己的故事,是一个充满历史的故事。**

The story of King Zhou and Daji is a story filled with history.

**69. 纣王和妲己的故事,是一个充满文化的故事。**

The story of King Zhou and Daji is a story filled with culture.

**70. 纣王和妲己的故事,是一个充满艺术的故事。**

The story of King Zhou and Daji is a story filled with art.

**71. 纣王和妲己的故事,是一个充满文学的故事。**

The story of King Zhou and Daji is a story filled with literature.

**72. 纣王和妲己的故事,是一个充满戏剧的故事。**

The story of King Zhou and Daji is a story filled with drama.

**73. 纣王和妲己的故事,是一个充满电影的故事。**

The story of King Zhou and Daji is a story filled with cinema.

**74. 纣王和妲己的故事,是一个充满人生的故事。**

The story of King Zhou and Daji is a story filled with life.

**75. 纣王和妲己的故事,是一个充满爱情的故事。**

The story of King Zhou and Daji is a story filled with love.

**76. 纣王和妲己的故事,是一个充满友情的故事。**

The story of King Zhou and Daji is a story filled with friendship.

**77. 纣王和妲己的故事,是一个充满亲情的故事。**

The story of King Zhou and Daji is a story filled with family.

**78. 纣王和妲己的故事,是一个充满仇恨的故事。**

The story of King Zhou and Daji is a story filled with hatred.

**79. 纣王和妲己的故事,是一个充满战争的故事。**

The story of King Zhou and Daji is a story filled with war.

**80. 纣王和妲己的故事,是一个充满政治的故事。**

The story of King Zhou and Daji is a story filled with politics.

**81. 纣王和妲己的故事,是一个充满社会的故事。**

The story of King Zhou and Daji is a story filled with society.

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