
## 余生请多关照 下半句 90句**中文**1. 余生漫漫,愿你我携手同行。2. 余生不长,愿你我珍惜每一天。3. 余生所剩无几,请你多加关照。4. 余生漫漫,愿你我彼此相依。5. 余生短暂,愿你我活得精彩。6. 余生路途遥远,请你陪我一起走。7. 余生请多关照,愿你我幸福快乐。8. 余生有你相伴,便不再孤单。9. 余生漫漫,愿你我彼此温暖。10. 余生请多关照,我会永远爱你。11. 余生请多关照,愿你我永不分离。12. 余生不长,请你珍惜我的爱。13. 余生漫漫,愿你我彼此守护。14. 余生请多关照,我会珍惜你。15. 余生所剩不多,请你多爱我一点。16. 余生请多关照,我会努力让你幸福。17. 余生漫漫,愿你我彼此陪伴。18. 余生不长,请你用心去爱我。19. 余生请多关照,我会永远记得你。20. 余生漫漫,愿你我彼此理解。21. 余生请多关照,我会用我的生命去爱你。22. 余生不长,请你做我唯一的爱人。23. 余生请多关照,愿你我白头偕老。24. 余生漫漫,愿你我彼此信任。25. 余生请多关照,我会永远守护你。26. 余生不长,请你用生命去爱我。27. 余生请多关照,愿你我永远相爱。28. 余生漫漫,愿你我彼此珍惜。29. 余生请多关照,我会用我的生命去守护你。30. 余生不长,请你做我生命中的唯一。31. 余生请多关照,我会永远记得你对我的好。32. 余生漫漫,愿你我彼此扶持。33. 余生请多关照,我会用我的生命去陪伴你。34. 余生不长,请你永远记住我的爱。35. 余生请多关照,我会用我的生命去保护你。36. 余生漫漫,愿你我彼此尊重。37. 余生请多关照,我会永远爱你,我的爱人。38. 余生不长,请你做我生命中的唯一。39. 余生请多关照,我会永远记得你的笑容。40. 余生漫漫,愿你我彼此理解和包容。41. 余生请多关照,我会永远珍惜你对我的爱。42. 余生不长,请你用生命去陪伴我。43. 余生请多关照,我会用我的生命去呵护你。44. 余生漫漫,愿你我彼此相爱,永不分离。45. 余生请多关照,我会用我的生命去守护我们的爱情。46. 余生不长,请你用生命去爱我,我爱你。47. 余生请多关照,我会永远记住你的温柔。48. 余生漫漫,愿你我彼此相依,共度余生。49. 余生请多关照,我会用我的生命去爱你,我的爱人。50. 余生不长,请你做我生命中的唯一,我爱你。51. 余生请多关照,我会用我的生命去守护我们的未来。52. 余生漫漫,愿你我彼此珍惜,永不后悔。53. 余生请多关照,我会用我的生命去呵护你,我的爱人。54. 余生不长,请你用生命去陪伴我,我爱你。55. 余生请多关照,我会永远记得你对我的好,我的爱人。56. 余生漫漫,愿你我彼此相爱,直到永远。57. 余生请多关照,我会用我的生命去爱你,我的宝贝。58. 余生不长,请你用生命去爱我,我的唯一。59. 余生请多关照,我会永远记住你的善良。60. 余生漫漫,愿你我彼此相爱,共度一生。61. 余生请多关照,我会用我的生命去守护你的笑容。62. 余生不长,请你用生命去爱我,我爱你,我的爱人。63. 余生请多关照,我会永远记得你的温柔,我的爱人。64. 余生漫漫,愿你我彼此相爱,共度美好时光。65. 余生请多关照,我会用我的生命去呵护你,我的宝贝。66. 余生不长,请你用生命去陪伴我,我爱你,我的唯一。67. 余生请多关照,我会永远记得你的善良,我的爱人。68. 余生漫漫,愿你我彼此相爱,永不分离。69. 余生请多关照,我会用我的生命去守护你的幸福。70. 余生不长,请你用生命去爱我,我爱你,我的宝贝。71. 余生请多关照,我会永远记住你的美丽。72. 余生漫漫,愿你我彼此相爱,共度一生一世。73. 余生请多关照,我会用我的生命去呵护你,我的唯一。74. 余生不长,请你用生命去陪伴我,我爱你,我的爱人。75. 余生请多关照,我会永远记得你的温柔,我的宝贝。76. 余生漫漫,愿你我彼此相爱,共度每一个春夏秋冬。77. 余生请多关照,我会用我的生命去守护你的快乐。78. 余生不长,请你用生命去爱我,我爱你,我的唯一。79. 余生请多关照,我会永远记得你的善良,我的宝贝。80. 余生漫漫,愿你我彼此相爱,永结同心。81. 余生请多关照,我会用我的生命去守护你的未来。82. 余生不长,请你用生命去陪伴我,我爱你,我的爱人。83. 余生请多关照,我会永远记得你的美丽,我的宝贝。84. 余生漫漫,愿你我彼此相爱,直到永远。85. 余生请多关照,我会用我的生命去呵护你,我的唯一。86. 余生不长,请你用生命去爱我,我爱你,我的爱人。87. 余生请多关照,我会永远记得你的温柔,我的宝贝。88. 余生漫漫,愿你我彼此相爱,共度一生一世。89. 余生请多关照,我会用我的生命去守护你的幸福。90. 余生不长,请你用生命去爱我,我爱你,我的唯一。**英文**

1. The rest of our lives, may we walk hand in hand.

2. Life is short, may we cherish every day.

3. There's not much left in life, please take good care of me.

4. The rest of our lives, may we lean on each other.

5. Life is short, may we live it to the fullest.

6. The journey ahead is long, please walk with me.

7. Please take good care of me in the rest of our lives, may we be happy and joyful.

8. With you by my side, I will no longer be lonely.

9. The rest of our lives, may we warm each other.

10. Please take good care of me in the rest of our lives, I will always love you.

11. Please take good care of me in the rest of our lives, may we never be separated.

12. Life is short, please cherish my love.

13. The rest of our lives, may we protect each other.

14. Please take good care of me in the rest of our lives, I will cherish you.

15. There's not much left in life, please love me a little more.

16. Please take good care of me in the rest of our lives, I will try my best to make you happy.

17. The rest of our lives, may we accompany each other.

18. Life is short, please love me with your heart.

19. Please take good care of me in the rest of our lives, I will always remember you.

20. The rest of our lives, may we understand each other.

21. Please take good care of me in the rest of our lives, I will love you with my life.

22. Life is short, please be my only love.

23. Please take good care of me in the rest of our lives, may we grow old together.

24. The rest of our lives, may we trust each other.

25. Please take good care of me in the rest of our lives, I will always protect you.

26. Life is short, please love me with your life.

27. Please take good care of me in the rest of our lives, may we love each other forever.

28. The rest of our lives, may we cherish each other.

29. Please take good care of me in the rest of our lives, I will protect you with my life.

30. Life is short, please be the only one in my life.

31. Please take good care of me in the rest of our lives, I will always remember your kindness to me.

32. The rest of our lives, may we support each other.

33. Please take good care of me in the rest of our lives, I will accompany you with my life.

34. Life is short, please always remember my love.

35. Please take good care of me in the rest of our lives, I will protect you with my life.

36. The rest of our lives, may we respect each other.

37. Please take good care of me in the rest of our lives, I will always love you, my love.

38. Life is short, please be the only one in my life.

39. Please take good care of me in the rest of our lives, I will always remember your smile.

40. The rest of our lives, may we understand and tolerate each other.

41. Please take good care of me in the rest of our lives, I will always cherish your love for me.

42. Life is short, please accompany me with your life.

43. Please take good care of me in the rest of our lives, I will cherish you with my life.

44. The rest of our lives, may we love each other and never be separated.

45. Please take good care of me in the rest of our lives, I will protect our love with my life.

46. Life is short, please love me with your life, I love you.

47. Please take good care of me in the rest of our lives, I will always remember your gentleness.

48. The rest of our lives, may we lean on each other and spend the rest of our lives together.

49. Please take good care of me in the rest of our lives, I will love you with my life, my love.

50. Life is short, please be the only one in my life, I love you.

51. Please take good care of me in the rest of our lives, I will protect our future with my life.

52. The rest of our lives, may we cherish each other and never regret.

53. Please take good care of me in the rest of our lives, I will cherish you with my life, my love.

54. Life is short, please accompany me with your life, I love you.

55. Please take good care of me in the rest of our lives, I will always remember your kindness to me, my love.

56. The rest of our lives, may we love each other forever.

57. Please take good care of me in the rest of our lives, I will love you with my life, my darling.

58. Life is short, please love me with your life, my only one.

59. Please take good care of me in the rest of our lives, I will always remember your kindness.

60. The rest of our lives, may we love each other and spend a lifetime together.

61. Please take good care of me in the rest of our lives, I will protect your smile with my life.

62. Life is short, please love me with your life, I love you, my love.

63. Please take good care of me in the rest of our lives, I will always remember your gentleness, my love.

64. The rest of our lives, may we love each other and spend good times together.

65. Please take good care of me in the rest of our lives, I will cherish you with my life, my darling.

66. Life is short, please accompany me with your life, I love you, my only one.

67. Please take good care of me in the rest of our lives, I will always remember your kindness, my love.

68. The rest of our lives, may we love each other and never be separated.

69. Please take good care of me in the rest of our lives, I will protect your happiness with my life.

70. Life is short, please love me with your life, I love you, my darling.

71. Please take good care of me in the rest of our lives, I will always remember your beauty.

72. The rest of our lives, may we love each other and spend a lifetime together.

73. Please take good care of me in the rest of our lives, I will cherish you with my life, my only one.

74. Life is short, please accompany me with your life, I love you, my love.

75. Please take good care of me in the rest of our lives, I will always remember your gentleness, my darling.

76. The rest of our lives, may we love each other and spend every spring, summer, autumn and winter together.

77. Please take good care of me in the rest of our lives, I will protect your joy with my life.

78. Life is short, please love me with your life, I love you, my only one.

79. Please take good care of me in the rest of our lives, I will always remember your kindness, my darling.

80. The rest of our lives, may we love each other and be bound together forever.

81. Please take good care of me in the rest of our lives, I will protect your future with my life.

82. Life is short, please accompany me with your life, I love you, my love.

83. Please take good care of me in the rest of our lives, I will always remember your beauty, my darling.

84. The rest of our lives, may we love each other forever.

85. Please take good care of me in the rest of our lives, I will cherish you with my life, my only one.

86. Life is short, please love me with your life, I love you, my love.

87. Please take good care of me in the rest of our lives, I will always remember your gentleness, my darling.

88. The rest of our lives, may we love each other and spend a lifetime together.

89. Please take good care of me in the rest of our lives, I will protect your happiness with my life.

90. Life is short, please love me with your life, I love you, my only one.

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