
## 佛教不近女色的句子 (71 句)**汉语**1. 佛说:“不近女色,清净无染。”2. 戒色乃修行的根本,清净心性,方能得道。3. 女色是修行的障碍,贪恋美色,必堕轮回。4. 色欲之念,犹如毒蛇,吞噬心智,令人迷失。5. 远离女色,才能获得真正的解脱。6. 不近女色,才能专心修道,证得佛果。7. 色欲是苦海,沉溺其中,永无出期。8. 戒色是修行者必经之路,不可逾越。9. 女色是幻影,虚假无常,不可沉迷。10. 远离女色,才能获得真正的智慧。11. 不近女色,才能保持身心清净。12. 色欲之念,犹如毒药,害人害己。13. 戒色是修行的根本,不可轻视。14. 女色是魔障,迷惑人心,令人迷失正道。15. 远离女色,才能获得真正的快乐。16. 不近女色,才能保持心灵的纯净。17. 色欲之念,犹如野火,焚烧善根。18. 戒色是修行的第一要义,不可懈怠。19. 女色是陷阱,一旦陷入,难以脱身。20. 远离女色,才能获得真正的光明。21. 不近女色,才能保持精神的专注。22. 色欲之念,犹如荆棘,阻碍修行之路。23. 戒色是修行的基础,不可忽视。24. 女色是幻境,虚幻莫测,不可沉醉。25. 远离女色,才能获得真正的解脱。26. 不近女色,才能保持内心的宁静。27. 色欲之念,犹如狂风,吹散智慧之火。28. 戒色是修行的根本,不可动摇。29. 女色是魔窟,一旦进入,难以逃脱。30. 远离女色,才能获得真正的自由。31. 不近女色,才能保持身体的健康。32. 色欲之念,犹如毒箭,射穿心灵。33. 戒色是修行的重中之重,不可放松。34. 女色是诱惑,一旦屈服,必将后悔。35. 远离女色,才能获得真正的幸福。36. 不近女色,才能保持精神的清澈。37. 色欲之念,犹如毒瘤,腐蚀心灵。38. 戒色是修行的基础,不可轻视。39. 女色是幻象,虚幻无常,不可执著。40. 远离女色,才能获得真正的智慧。41. 不近女色,才能保持内心的平静。42. 色欲之念,犹如毒蛇,吞噬理智。43. 戒色是修行的根本,不可动摇。44. 女色是魔障,迷惑人心,令人迷失正道。45. 远离女色,才能获得真正的解脱。46. 不近女色,才能保持精神的专注。47. 色欲之念,犹如毒药,害人害己。48. 戒色是修行的基础,不可忽视。49. 女色是幻境,虚幻莫测,不可沉醉。50. 远离女色,才能获得真正的光明。51. 不近女色,才能保持身体的健康。52. 色欲之念,犹如狂风,吹散智慧之火。53. 戒色是修行的重中之重,不可放松。54. 女色是诱惑,一旦屈服,必将后悔。55. 远离女色,才能获得真正的幸福。56. 不近女色,才能保持精神的清澈。57. 色欲之念,犹如毒瘤,腐蚀心灵。58. 戒色是修行的根本,不可轻视。59. 女色是幻象,虚幻无常,不可执著。60. 远离女色,才能获得真正的智慧。61. 不近女色,才能保持内心的平静。62. 色欲之念,犹如毒蛇,吞噬理智。63. 戒色是修行的根本,不可动摇。64. 女色是魔障,迷惑人心,令人迷失正道。65. 远离女色,才能获得真正的解脱。66. 不近女色,才能保持精神的专注。67. 色欲之念,犹如毒药,害人害己。68. 戒色是修行的基础,不可忽视。69. 女色是幻境,虚幻莫测,不可沉醉。70. 远离女色,才能获得真正的光明。71. 不近女色,才能保持身心清净,获得真正的解脱。**英文**

1. Buddha said:"Do not get close to women, be pure and unstained."

2. Abstinence is the foundation of practice, purify the mind, and you will be able to attain the Tao.

3. Women are an obstacle to practice, and if you are greedy for beauty, you will inevitably fall into reincarnation.

4. The thought of lust is like a poisonous snake, devouring your mind and causing you to lose your way.

5. Stay away from women, and you will gain true liberation.

6. Do not get close to women, so you can concentrate on practicing the Tao and attain Buddhahood.

7. Lust is the sea of suffering, and if you are immersed in it, you will never get out.

8. Abstinence is the path that all practitioners must take, and it cannot be crossed.

9. Women are illusions, false and impermanent, and you should not get lost in them.

10. Stay away from women, and you will gain true wisdom.

11. Do not get close to women, so you can maintain purity of mind and body.

12. The thought of lust is like poison, harming both yourself and others.

13. Abstinence is the foundation of practice, and it should not be taken lightly.

14. Women are demonic obstacles that confuse people and make them lose their way on the right path.

15. Stay away from women, and you will gain true happiness.

16. Do not get close to women, so you can maintain the purity of your heart.

17. The thought of lust is like a wildfire that burns away the roots of goodness.

18. Abstinence is the first principle of practice, and you should not be slack.

19. Women are traps, and once you fall into them, it's hard to escape.

20. Stay away from women, and you will gain true light.

21. Do not get close to women, so you can maintain your mental focus.

22. The thought of lust is like thorns that block the path of practice.

23. Abstinence is the foundation of practice, and it should not be ignored.

24. Women are illusions, illusory and unpredictable, and you should not be intoxicated by them.

25. Stay away from women, and you will gain true liberation.

26. Do not get close to women, so you can maintain inner peace.

27. The thought of lust is like a gale that blows away the fire of wisdom.

28. Abstinence is the foundation of practice, and it cannot be shaken.

29. Women are demonic lairs, and once you enter them, it's hard to escape.

30. Stay away from women, and you will gain true freedom.

31. Do not get close to women, so you can maintain your physical health.

32. The thought of lust is like a poisoned arrow that pierces the heart.

33. Abstinence is the most important aspect of practice, and you should not relax.

34. Women are temptations, and once you give in, you will surely regret it.

35. Stay away from women, and you will gain true happiness.

36. Do not get close to women, so you can maintain your mental clarity.

37. The thought of lust is like a tumor that corrodes the heart.

38. Abstinence is the foundation of practice, and it should not be taken lightly.

39. Women are illusions, illusory and impermanent, and you should not cling to them.

40. Stay away from women, and you will gain true wisdom.

41. Do not get close to women, so you can maintain inner peace.

42. The thought of lust is like a poisonous snake that devours your reason.

43. Abstinence is the foundation of practice, and it cannot be shaken.

44. Women are demonic obstacles that confuse people and make them lose their way on the right path.

45. Stay away from women, and you will gain true liberation.

46. Do not get close to women, so you can maintain your mental focus.

47. The thought of lust is like poison, harming both yourself and others.

48. Abstinence is the foundation of practice, and it should not be ignored.

49. Women are illusions, illusory and unpredictable, and you should not be intoxicated by them.

50. Stay away from women, and you will gain true light.

51. Do not get close to women, so you can maintain your physical health.

52. The thought of lust is like a gale that blows away the fire of wisdom.

53. Abstinence is the most important aspect of practice, and you should not relax.

54. Women are temptations, and once you give in, you will surely regret it.

55. Stay away from women, and you will gain true happiness.

56. Do not get close to women, so you can maintain your mental clarity.

57. The thought of lust is like a tumor that corrodes the heart.

58. Abstinence is the foundation of practice, and it should not be taken lightly.

59. Women are illusions, illusory and impermanent, and you should not cling to them.

60. Stay away from women, and you will gain true wisdom.

61. Do not get close to women, so you can maintain inner peace.

62. The thought of lust is like a poisonous snake that devours your reason.

63. Abstinence is the foundation of practice, and it cannot be shaken.

64. Women are demonic obstacles that confuse people and make them lose their way on the right path.

65. Stay away from women, and you will gain true liberation.

66. Do not get close to women, so you can maintain your mental focus.

67. The thought of lust is like poison, harming both yourself and others.

68. Abstinence is the foundation of practice, and it should not be ignored.

69. Women are illusions, illusory and unpredictable, and you should not be intoxicated by them.

70. Stay away from women, and you will gain true light.

71. Do not get close to women, so you can maintain purity of mind and body, and achieve true liberation.

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