
## 会痛的十七岁 88 句**1. 十七岁,是一个充满着疼痛和成长的年龄。**

Seventeen is an age full of pain and growth.

**2. 那些年少轻狂的梦,在十七岁这道坎上,被现实的冷风吹得支离破碎。**

Those youthful dreams were shattered by the cold wind of reality at the age of seventeen.

**3. 十七岁,我们开始懂得,成长是一场无法逃避的阵痛。**

At seventeen, we begin to understand that growing up is an inevitable pain.

**4. 我们以为,青春是无忧无虑的,却忽略了那些潜藏在心底的伤痛。**

We thought that youth was carefree, but we overlooked the pain hidden in our hearts.

**5. 十七岁,我们学会了伪装,学会了用笑容掩盖内心的脆弱。**

At seventeen, we learned to disguise ourselves, to use smiles to hide our inner vulnerability.

**6. 我们渴望被理解,却害怕被看穿。**

We yearn for understanding, yet fear being seen through.

**7. 那些无法言说的秘密,在十七岁这道坎上,像藤蔓一样缠绕着我们的心。**

Those unspeakable secrets, at the age of seventeen, cling to our hearts like vines.

**8. 十七岁,我们开始体会到友谊的珍贵,也开始经历着离别的伤痛。**

At seventeen, we begin to appreciate the value of friendship, and we also experience the pain of separation.

**9. 我们以为,友谊可以天长地久,却不知道,时间会让一切变得面目全非。**

We thought that friendship could last forever, but we didn't know that time could change everything.

**10. 十七岁,我们开始接触爱情,也开始品尝爱情的苦涩。**

At seventeen, we begin to encounter love, and we also begin to taste the bitterness of love.

**11. 我们以为,爱情是童话般的美好,却不知道,现实往往比童话残酷。**

We thought that love was a fairy tale, but we didn't know that reality is often more cruel than fairy tales.

**12. 那些年少轻狂的誓言,在十七岁这道坎上,被现实的洪流冲得荡然无存。**

Those youthful and reckless vows were washed away by the torrent of reality at the age of seventeen.

**13. 十七岁,我们开始懂得,爱情不是唯一,成长才是最重要的。**

At seventeen, we begin to understand that love is not the only thing, growth is the most important.

**14. 我们以为,我们可以永远停留在十七岁,却不知道,时间不会为任何人停留。**

We thought we could stay at seventeen forever, but we didn't know that time would not stop for anyone.

**15. 十七岁,是一场梦的开始,也是一场梦的结束。**

Seventeen is the beginning of a dream, and it is also the end of a dream.

**16. 十七岁,我们跌跌撞撞地前行,在痛与爱的交织中,寻找着属于自己的答案。**

At seventeen, we stumble along, searching for our own answers in the intertwining of pain and love.

**17. 十七岁的疼痛,是成长的代价,也是生命的印记。**

The pain of seventeen is the price of growth, and it is also the mark of life.

**18. 十七岁,我们经历着,也成长着。**

At seventeen, we experience and we grow.

**19. 十七岁,我们带着伤痛,也带着希望,勇敢地走向未来。**

At seventeen, we carry pain and hope, bravely moving towards the future.

**20. 十七岁,是一段无法忘却的青春旅程。**

Seventeen is an unforgettable journey of youth.

**21. 青春的疼痛,是成长的必经之路。**

The pain of youth is an inevitable part of growth.

**22. 十七岁,我们学会了坚强,也学会了温柔。**

At seventeen, we learn to be strong, and we also learn to be gentle.

**23. 我们以为,我们已经足够坚强,却不知道,我们依然脆弱。**

We thought we were strong enough, but we didn't know that we were still fragile.

**24. 十七岁的眼泪,是成长的见证,也是生命的旋律。**

The tears of seventeen are a testament to growth and a melody of life.

**25. 我们以为,我们可以永远活在悲伤之中,却不知道,时间会治愈一切。**

We thought we could live in sadness forever, but we didn't know that time would heal everything.

**26. 十七岁的笑容,是成长的希望,也是生命的阳光。**

The smile of seventeen is the hope of growth and the sunshine of life.

**27. 我们以为,我们可以永远保持天真,却不知道,现实会让我们成熟。**

We thought we could stay naive forever, but we didn't know that reality would make us mature.

**28. 十七岁,我们开始懂得,生活充满着挑战,但也充满着希望。**

At seventeen, we begin to understand that life is full of challenges, but also full of hope.

**29. 我们以为,我们可以永远依靠父母,却不知道,我们终将独立。**

We thought we could rely on our parents forever, but we didn't know that we would eventually become independent.

**30. 十七岁的梦想,是成长的动力,也是生命的航标。**

The dreams of seventeen are the driving force of growth and the beacon of life.

**31. 我们以为,我们可以实现所有的梦想,却不知道,现实会让我们清醒。**

We thought we could achieve all our dreams, but we didn't know that reality would make us sober up.

**32. 十七岁的迷茫,是成长的困惑,也是生命的旅程。**

The confusion of seventeen is the confusion of growth and the journey of life.

**33. 我们以为,我们可以永远迷茫,却不知道,我们终将找到方向。**

We thought we could stay lost forever, but we didn't know that we would eventually find our way.

**34. 十七岁的勇气,是成长的力量,也是生命的奇迹。**

The courage of seventeen is the strength of growth and the miracle of life.

**35. 我们以为,我们可以永远怯懦,却不知道,我们终将战胜恐惧。**

We thought we could stay cowardly forever, but we didn't know that we would eventually conquer fear.

**36. 十七岁的爱,是成长的体验,也是生命的财富。**

The love of seventeen is the experience of growth and the wealth of life.

**37. 我们以为,我们可以永远拥有爱情,却不知道,爱情会让我们成长。**

We thought we could have love forever, but we didn't know that love would make us grow.

**38. 十七岁的痛,是成长的教训,也是生命的启迪。**

The pain of seventeen is the lesson of growth and the enlightenment of life.

**39. 我们以为,我们可以永远逃避痛苦,却不知道,痛苦会让我们坚强。**

We thought we could avoid pain forever, but we didn't know that pain would make us strong.

**40. 十七岁的梦,是成长的希望,也是生命的奇迹。**

The dream of seventeen is the hope of growth and the miracle of life.

**41. 我们以为,我们可以永远追逐梦想,却不知道,梦想会让我们成长。**

We thought we could chase dreams forever, but we didn't know that dreams would make us grow.

**42. 十七岁,我们开始懂得,人生没有捷径,只有努力。**

At seventeen, we begin to understand that there are no shortcuts in life, only hard work.

**43. 我们以为,我们可以永远依靠别人,却不知道,我们终将学会自立。**

We thought we could always rely on others, but we didn't know that we would eventually learn to be independent.

**44. 十七岁的世界,是成长的舞台,也是生命的课堂。**

The world of seventeen is the stage of growth and the classroom of life.

**45. 我们以为,我们可以永远无忧无虑,却不知道,我们终将学会责任。**

We thought we could stay carefree forever, but we didn't know that we would eventually learn responsibility.

**46. 十七岁的青春,是成长的珍宝,也是生命的礼物。**

The youth of seventeen is the treasure of growth and the gift of life.

**47. 我们以为,我们可以永远拥有青春,却不知道,青春会让我们成长。**

We thought we could have youth forever, but we didn't know that youth would make us grow.

**48. 十七岁的梦想,是成长的方向,也是生命的指南针。**

The dream of seventeen is the direction of growth and the compass of life.

**49. 我们以为,我们可以永远追逐梦想,却不知道,梦想会让我们成长。**

We thought we could chase dreams forever, but we didn't know that dreams would make us grow.

**50. 十七岁的爱情,是成长的考验,也是生命的考验。**

The love of seventeen is a test of growth and a test of life.

**51. 我们以为,我们可以永远拥有爱情,却不知道,爱情会让我们成长。**

We thought we could have love forever, but we didn't know that love would make us grow.

**52. 十七岁的友情,是成长的力量,也是生命的陪伴。**

The friendship of seventeen is the strength of growth and the companionship of life.

**53. 我们以为,我们可以永远拥有朋友,却不知道,朋友会让我们成长。**

We thought we could have friends forever, but we didn't know that friends would make us grow.

**54. 十七岁的家庭,是成长的港湾,也是生命的源泉。**

The family of seventeen is the harbor of growth and the source of life.

**55. 我们以为,我们可以永远依赖家人,却不知道,家人会让我们成长。**

We thought we could always rely on our family, but we didn't know that family would make us grow.

**56. 十七岁的世界,是成长的课堂,也是生命的旅程。**

The world of seventeen is the classroom of growth and the journey of life.

**57. 我们以为,我们可以永远逃避现实,却不知道,现实会让我们成长。**

We thought we could avoid reality forever, but we didn't know that reality would make us grow.

**58. 十七岁的我们,是成长的主角,也是生命的演员。**

We at seventeen are the protagonists of growth and the actors of life.

**59. 我们以为,我们可以永远扮演一个角色,却不知道,我们会不断成长。**

We thought we could stay in a role forever, but we didn't know that we would keep growing.

**60. 十七岁的我们,是成长的探索者,也是生命的冒险家。**

We at seventeen are the explorers of growth and the adventurers of life.

**61. 我们以为,我们可以永远停留在舒适区,却不知道,我们会不断探索。**

We thought we could stay in our comfort zone forever, but we didn't know that we would keep exploring.

**62. 十七岁的我们,是成长的创造者,也是生命的艺术家。**

We at seventeen are the creators of growth and the artists of life.

**63. 我们以为,我们可以永远复制别人的作品,却不知道,我们会不断创造。**

We thought we could copy other people's work forever, but we didn't know that we would keep creating.

**64. 十七岁的我们,是成长的见证者,也是生命的记录者。**

We at seventeen are the witnesses of growth and the recorders of life.

**65. 我们以为,我们可以永远记录别人的故事,却不知道,我们会书写自己的故事。**

We thought we could record other people's stories forever, but we didn't know that we would write our own stories.

**66. 十七岁的我们,是成长的梦想家,也是生命的追梦者。**

We at seventeen are the dreamers of growth and the chasers of dreams of life.

**67. 我们以为,我们可以永远追逐别人的梦想,却不知道,我们会拥有自己的梦想。**

We thought we could chase other people's dreams forever, but we didn't know that we would have our own dreams.

**68. 十七岁的我们,是成长的守护者,也是生命的守护者。**

We at seventeen are the guardians of growth and the guardians of life.

**69. 我们以为,我们可以永远保护别人,却不知道,我们会保护自己。**

We thought we could protect others forever, but we didn't know that we would protect ourselves.

**70. 十七岁的我们,是成长的行者,也是生命的旅行者。**

We at seventeen are the walkers of growth and the travelers of life.

**71. 我们以为,我们可以永远停留在一个地方,却不知道,我们会不断旅行。**

We thought we could stay in one place forever, but we didn't know that we would keep traveling.

**72. 十七岁的我们,是成长的思考者,也是生命的探索者。**

We at seventeen are the thinkers of growth and the explorers of life.

**73. 我们以为,我们可以永远停止思考,却不知道,我们会不断探索。**

We thought we could stop thinking forever, but we didn't know that we would keep exploring.

**74. 十七岁的我们,是成长的创造者,也是生命的艺术家。**

We at seventeen are the creators of growth and the artists of life.

**75. 我们以为,我们可以永远复制别人的作品,却不知道,我们会不断创造。**

We thought we could copy other people's work forever, but we didn't know that we would keep creating.

**76. 十七岁的我们,是成长的见证者,也是生命的记录者。**

We at seventeen are the witnesses of growth and the recorders of life.

**77. 我们以为,我们可以永远记录别人的故事,却不知道,我们会书写自己的故事。**

We thought we could record other people's stories forever, but we didn't know that we would write our own stories.

**78. 十七岁的我们,是成长的梦想家,也是生命的追梦者。**

We at seventeen are the dreamers of growth and the chasers of dreams of life.

**79. 我们以为,我们可以永远追逐别人的梦想,却不知道,我们会拥有自己的梦想。**

We thought we could chase other people's dreams forever, but we didn't know that we would have our own dreams.

**80. 十七岁的我们,是成长的守护者,也是生命的守护者。**

We at seventeen are the guardians of growth and the guardians of life.

**81. 我们以为,我们可以永远保护别人,却不知道,我们会保护自己。**

We thought we could protect others forever, but we didn't know that we would protect ourselves.

**82. 十七岁的我们,是成长的行者,也是生命的旅行者。**

We at seventeen are the walkers of growth and the travelers of life.

**83. 我们以为,我们可以永远停留在一个地方,却不知道,我们会不断旅行。**

We thought we could stay in one place forever, but we didn't know that we would keep traveling.

**84. 十七岁的我们,是成长的思考者,也是生命的探索者。**

We at seventeen are the thinkers of growth and the explorers of life.

**85. 我们以为,我们可以永远停止思考,却不知道,我们会不断探索。**

We thought we could stop thinking forever, but we didn't know that we would keep exploring.

**86. 十七岁,我们学会了坚强,也学会了温柔。**

At seventeen, we learn to be strong, and we also learn to be gentle.

**87. 十七岁,我们开始懂得,人生没有捷径,只有努力。**

At seventeen, we begin to understand that there are no shortcuts in life, only hard work.

**88. 十七岁的疼痛,是成长的代价,也是生命的印记。**

The pain of seventeen is the price of growth, and it is also the mark of life.

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