
## 会说不如会做的句子,50句,中英文对照

1. 说起来容易做起来难。

It is easier said than done.

2. 空谈误国,实干兴邦。

Empty talk ruins the country, practical work prospers it.

3. 行胜于言,做胜于说。

Actions speak louder than words.

4. 嘴上说得好听,不如行动来得实在。

Fine words butter no parsnips.

5. 光说不练假把式,真功夫要靠行动。

Talk is cheap, but action is priceless.

6. 理论联系实际,实践出真知。

Theory should be combined with practice, and knowledge comes from practice.

7. 说得天花乱坠,做得一塌糊涂。

He talks a good game but delivers nothing.

8. 纸上谈兵,不如实战检验。

It's better to have a real-world test than to just talk about it.

9. 说的容易做的难,说的简单做的复杂。

It's easy to say but hard to do, simple to say but complex to do.

10. 承诺再多,不如行动来得直接。

Actions speak louder than promises.

11. 千言万语,不如一个行动。

A thousand words are not as good as one action.

12. 光说不练假把式,真功夫要有真材实料。

Words without deeds are empty.

13. 说的容易做的难,做得好还要做得稳。

It's easy to say but hard to do, and it's important to do it well and consistently.

14. 行动胜于雄辩,实践出真知。

Actions speak louder than words, and practice makes perfect.

15. 口号喊得震天响,实际工作却一塌糊涂。

They talk big but deliver little.

16. 嘴上功夫再好,也不如真刀真枪地干。

It's better to roll up your sleeves and get to work than to just talk about it.

17. 说起来容易,做起来却难上加难。

Easy to say, but harder to do.

18. 做事要脚踏实地,不要光说不练。

Be practical and don't just talk the talk.

19. 承诺再多,也抵不过行动的证明。

Promises are cheap, but actions speak volumes.

20. 光说不练假把式,真功夫要靠实干。

Actions speak louder than words, so be a doer, not just a talker.

21. 言行一致,说到做到。

Be true to your word and follow through on your promises.

22. 做比说更重要,行动胜于雄辩。

Doing is more important than saying, actions speak louder than words.

23. 光说不练假把式,真功夫要靠实实在在的努力。

Talk is cheap, but action is priceless.

24. 嘴上说得多,不如行动来得快。

Don't just talk about it, do it!

25. 不要把时间浪费在空谈上,要脚踏实地地做事情。

Don't waste your time talking, get to work.

26. 多说不如少说,多做不如少做,只要做到位,就比什么都强。

Less talk, more action.

27. 空谈误事,实干兴邦。

Empty talk ruins the country, practical work prospers it.

28. 言过其实,不如实际行动。

Don't just talk the talk, walk the walk.

29. 纸上谈兵不如实际操作。

Theory is great, but practice is key.

30. 说起来容易做起来难,但只要行动起来,就能克服困难。

It's easy to say but hard to do, but if you take action, you can overcome any obstacle.

31. 空谈无益,行动才是关键。

Talk is cheap, action is everything.

32. 说起来容易,做起来却要付出努力。

It's easy to say, but it takes effort to do it.

33. 嘴上功夫再好,也不如实际行动。

Actions speak louder than words.

34. 空谈误国,实干兴邦。

Empty talk ruins the country, practical work prospers it.

35. 理论联系实际,实践出真知。

Theory should be combined with practice, and knowledge comes from practice.

36. 纸上谈兵不如实战演练。

It's better to have a real-world test than to just talk about it.

37. 空谈无用,行动才能改变现状。

Talking is not enough, only action can change the situation.

38. 说起来容易做起来难,但难也要做。

It's easy to say but hard to do, but it's still important to do it.

39. 行动胜于雄辩,实践出真知。

Actions speak louder than words, and practice makes perfect.

40. 承诺再多,不如脚踏实地地做。

Promises are cheap, actions are everything.

41. 光说不练假把式,真功夫要靠真材实料。

Words without deeds are empty.

42. 说得多不如做得多,说得好不如做得好。

It's better to do than to say, and it's better to do it well than to just talk about it.

43. 嘴上功夫再好,也抵不过实际行动。

Actions speak louder than words.

44. 空谈误事,实干兴邦。

Empty talk ruins the country, practical work prospers it.

45. 行动是最好的证明,结果胜过一切言语。

Actions are the best proof, results speak louder than words.

46. 说起来容易做起来难,但只要坚持,就能取得成功。

It's easy to say but hard to do, but if you persevere, you will succeed.

47. 空谈无用,行动才是力量。

Talking is useless, action is power.

48. 嘴上功夫再好,也比不上真刀真枪地干。

It's better to roll up your sleeves and get to work than to just talk about it.

49. 言行一致,说到做到。

Be true to your word and follow through on your promises.

50. 行动起来,不要再犹豫。

Take action, don't hesitate.

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