
## 消除误会的句子 (83句)

**1. 我的意思不是...**

I didn't mean to...

**2. 我可能没有说清楚...**

I may not have been clear...

**3. 我理解你的意思,但是...**

I understand where you're coming from, but...

**4. 你误会了...**

You misunderstood me...

**5. 我并不是那个意思...**

That's not what I meant...

**6. 我想你可能误解了我的意思...**

I think you may have misinterpreted my meaning...

**7. 让我解释一下...**

Let me clarify...

**8. 我应该更详细地解释一下...**

I should have explained it in more detail...

**9. 请不要误会...**

Please don't get me wrong...

**10. 我不是这个意思...**

I didn't mean it that way...

**11. 请不要曲解我的意思...**

Please don't twist my words...

**12. 这只是我的个人观点...**

This is just my personal opinion...

**13. 我可能表达得不够清楚...**

I might not have been clear enough...

**14. 我不是故意要让你生气...**

I didn't mean to upset you...

**15. 我并没有恶意...**

I didn't mean any harm...

**16. 我理解你的感受...**

I understand how you feel...

**17. 我应该更注意我的措辞...**

I should have been more careful with my words...

**18. 我想你可能对我的意思产生了误解...**

I think you might have gotten the wrong idea about what I meant...

**19. 我道歉,我的表达可能不够清楚...**

I apologize, I might not have been clear enough...

**20. 我的意思是...**

What I meant was...

**21. 我想表达的是...**

What I was trying to say is...

**22. 我并非有意要冒犯你...**

I didn't intend to offend you...

**23. 我的观点可能和你的不同...**

My perspective might be different from yours...

**24. 请你再仔细听一遍...**

Please listen to me again...

**25. 也许我表达得不够准确...**

Maybe I wasn't accurate in my expression...

**26. 我不是要指责你...**

I'm not blaming you...

**27. 请不要把我的话当真...**

Please don't take what I said literally...

**28. 我可能说错话了...**

I might have said the wrong thing...

**29. 你可能对我的意思有了误解...**

You might have gotten the wrong idea about what I meant...

**30. 我不是在说你...**

I wasn't talking about you...

**31. 我可能没有表达清楚...**

I might not have expressed myself well...

**32. 我并不是故意要挑起争端...**

I didn't mean to start an argument...

**33. 请你理解我的意思...**

Please try to understand what I mean...

**34. 我并不是反对你...**

I'm not against you...

**35. 我只是想...**

I was just trying to...

**36. 我想表达的意思是...**

The point I'm trying to make is...

**37. 我可能没有考虑到你的感受...**

I might not have considered your feelings...

**38. 我只是想让你知道...**

I just wanted you to know...

**39. 我的意思不是要让你感到不舒服...**

I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable...

**40. 我应该更委婉地表达...**

I should have been more tactful...

**41. 这不是我的本意...**

That wasn't my intention...

**42. 我可能没有说清楚...**

I might not have been clear enough...

**43. 我的意思是...**

What I meant to say was...

**44. 我并不是要批评你...**

I'm not trying to criticize you...

**45. 我希望没有让你感到冒犯...**

I hope I didn't offend you...

**46. 我应该更注意我的语气...**

I should have paid more attention to my tone...

**47. 我没有恶意,我只是...**

I didn't mean any harm, I was just...

**48. 我的意思不是要让你感到为难...**

I didn't mean to embarrass you...

**49. 请不要生气...**

Please don't be angry...

**50. 我不是这个意思,我只是想...**

That's not what I meant, I was just trying to...

**51. 我希望我能表达得更清楚...**

I wish I could have expressed myself better...

**52. 请你理解我的心情...**

Please understand where I'm coming from...

**53. 我并不是故意要让你失望...**

I didn't mean to let you down...

**54. 我应该先征求你的意见...**

I should have asked for your opinion first...

**55. 我可能表达得有点急躁...**

I might have been a bit rushed in my expression...

**56. 我的意思是...**

What I mean is...

**57. 我应该更注意我的言行...**

I should have been more mindful of my words and actions...

**58. 我想你可能误解了我的意思...**

I think you may have misunderstood what I meant...

**59. 请你再给我一次机会...**

Please give me another chance...

**60. 请不要把这件事放在心上...**

Please don't worry about it...

**61. 我的意思不是要否认...**

I didn't mean to deny...

**62. 我只是想...**

I was just thinking...

**63. 我并没有恶意...**

I didn't mean any harm...

**64. 我的意思不是...**

I didn't mean to...

**65. 我可能没有说清楚...**

I may not have been clear enough...

**66. 我理解你的意思,但是...**

I understand where you're coming from, but...

**67. 你误会了...**

You misunderstood me...

**68. 我并不是那个意思...**

That's not what I meant...

**69. 我想你可能误解了我的意思...**

I think you may have misinterpreted my meaning...

**70. 让我解释一下...**

Let me clarify...

**71. 我应该更详细地解释一下...**

I should have explained it in more detail...

**72. 请不要误会...**

Please don't get me wrong...

**73. 我不是这个意思...**

I didn't mean it that way...

**74. 请不要曲解我的意思...**

Please don't twist my words...

**75. 这只是我的个人观点...**

This is just my personal opinion...

**76. 我可能表达得不够清楚...**

I might not have been clear enough...

**77. 我不是故意要让你生气...**

I didn't mean to upset you...

**78. 我并没有恶意...**

I didn't mean any harm...

**79. 我理解你的感受...**

I understand how you feel...

**80. 我应该更注意我的措辞...**

I should have been more careful with my words...

**81. 我想你可能对我的意思产生了误解...**

I think you might have gotten the wrong idea about what I meant...

**82. 我道歉,我的表达可能不够清楚...**

I apologize, I might not have been clear enough...

**83. 我的意思是...**

What I meant was...

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