
## 严于律已宽以待人句子,62句1. 己所不欲,勿施于人。 / Do not do unto others what you would not have them do unto you.2. 待人以宽,律己以严。 / Be lenient with others, but strict with yourself.3. 严以律己,宽以待人,方能立身于世。 / Only by being strict with yourself and lenient with others can you stand tall in the world.4. 责己要严,待人要宽。 / Be demanding of yourself, but forgiving of others.5. 严于律己,才能赢得他人的尊敬。 / Only by being strict with yourself can you earn the respect of others.6. 宽以待人,才能赢得朋友的真心。 / Only by being forgiving of others can you win the true friendship of others.7. 严于律己,宽以待人,乃做人之本。 / Being strict with yourself and lenient with others is the foundation of being a good person.8. 己欲立而立人,己欲达而达人。 / If you want to stand up, help others stand up; if you want to succeed, help others succeed.9. 严于律己,才能心安理得。 / Only by being strict with yourself can you have a clear conscience.10. 宽以待人,才能化解矛盾。 / Only by being forgiving of others can you resolve conflicts.11. 严于律己,才能不断进步。 / Only by being strict with yourself can you continuously improve.12. 宽以待人,才能赢得人心。 / Only by being forgiving of others can you win the hearts of others.13. 严于律己,宽以待人,方能成就大事。 / Only by being strict with yourself and lenient with others can you achieve great things.14. 己所不欲,勿施于人,乃行善之本。 / Do not do unto others what you would not have them do unto you, this is the basis of doing good deeds.15. 待人以诚,律己以正。 / Be sincere with others, and be upright with yourself.16. 严于律己,才能得到他人的信任。 / Only by being strict with yourself can you gain the trust of others.17. 宽以待人,才能化解怨恨。 / Only by being forgiving of others can you resolve resentment.18. 严于律己,才能保持正直。 / Only by being strict with yourself can you maintain integrity.19. 宽以待人,才能赢得尊重。 / Only by being forgiving of others can you earn respect.20. 严于律己,才能树立榜样。 / Only by being strict with yourself can you set a good example.21. 宽以待人,才能赢得友谊。 / Only by being forgiving of others can you win friendship.22. 严于律己,才能成为一个更好的人。 / Only by being strict with yourself can you become a better person.23. 宽以待人,才能让世界变得更美好。 / Only by being forgiving of others can you make the world a better place.24. 严于律己,才能克服困难。 / Only by being strict with yourself can you overcome difficulties.25. 宽以待人,才能化解仇恨。 / Only by being forgiving of others can you resolve hatred.26. 严于律己,才能保持乐观。 / Only by being strict with yourself can you maintain optimism.27. 宽以待人,才能赢得支持。 / Only by being forgiving of others can you win support.28. 严于律己,才能实现梦想。 / Only by being strict with yourself can you achieve your dreams.29. 宽以待人,才能得到幸福。 / Only by being forgiving of others can you find happiness.30. 严于律己,才能获得成功。 / Only by being strict with yourself can you achieve success.31. 宽以待人,才能赢得友谊。 / Only by being forgiving of others can you win friendship.32. 严于律己,才能得到尊重。 / Only by being strict with yourself can you earn respect.33. 宽以待人,才能赢得信任。 / Only by being forgiving of others can you gain trust.34. 严于律己,才能获得成功。 / Only by being strict with yourself can you achieve success.35. 宽以待人,才能赢得幸福。 / Only by being forgiving of others can you find happiness.36. 严于律己,才能不断进步。 / Only by being strict with yourself can you continuously improve.37. 宽以待人,才能化解矛盾。 / Only by being forgiving of others can you resolve conflicts.38. 严于律己,才能赢得人心。 / Only by being strict with yourself can you win the hearts of others.39. 宽以待人,才能赢得朋友的真心。 / Only by being forgiving of others can you win the true friendship of others.40. 严于律己,才能立身于世。 / Only by being strict with yourself can you stand tall in the world.41. 己所不欲,勿施于人,乃待人之道。 / Do not do unto others what you would not have them do unto you, this is the way to treat others.42. 待人以宽,律己以严,乃立身之本。 / Being lenient with others, but strict with yourself, is the foundation of a good life.43. 严于律己,才能赢得他人的尊重。 / Only by being strict with yourself can you earn the respect of others.44. 宽以待人,才能化解怨恨。 / Only by being forgiving of others can you resolve resentment.45. 严于律己,才能保持正直。 / Only by being strict with yourself can you maintain integrity.46. 宽以待人,才能赢得尊重。 / Only by being forgiving of others can you earn respect.47. 严于律己,才能树立榜样。 / Only by being strict with yourself can you set a good example.48. 宽以待人,才能赢得友谊。 / Only by being forgiving of others can you win friendship.49. 严于律己,才能成为一个更好的人。 / Only by being strict with yourself can you become a better person.50. 宽以待人,才能让世界变得更美好。 / Only by being forgiving of others can you make the world a better place.51. 严于律己,才能克服困难。 / Only by being strict with yourself can you overcome difficulties.52. 宽以待人,才能化解仇恨。 / Only by being forgiving of others can you resolve hatred.53. 严于律己,才能保持乐观。 / Only by being strict with yourself can you maintain optimism.54. 宽以待人,才能赢得支持。 / Only by being forgiving of others can you win support.55. 严于律己,才能实现梦想。 / Only by being strict with yourself can you achieve your dreams.56. 宽以待人,才能得到幸福。 / Only by being forgiving of others can you find happiness.57. 严于律己,才能获得成功。 / Only by being strict with yourself can you achieve success.58. 宽以待人,才能赢得友谊。 / Only by being forgiving of others can you win friendship.59. 严于律己,才能得到尊重。 / Only by being strict with yourself can you earn respect.60. 宽以待人,才能赢得信任。 / Only by being forgiving of others can you gain trust.61. 严于律己,才能获得成功。 / Only by being strict with yourself can you achieve success.62. 宽以待人,才能赢得幸福。 / Only by being forgiving of others can you find happiness.## 英文翻译

1. Do not do unto others what you would not have them do unto you.

2. Be lenient with others, but strict with yourself.

3. Only by being strict with yourself and lenient with others can you stand tall in the world.

4. Be demanding of yourself, but forgiving of others.

5. Only by being strict with yourself can you earn the respect of others.

6. Only by being forgiving of others can you win the true friendship of others.

7. Being strict with yourself and lenient with others is the foundation of being a good person.

8. If you want to stand up, help others stand up; if you want to succeed, help others succeed.

9. Only by being strict with yourself can you have a clear conscience.

10. Only by being forgiving of others can you resolve conflicts.

11. Only by being strict with yourself can you continuously improve.

12. Only by being forgiving of others can you win the hearts of others.

13. Only by being strict with yourself and lenient with others can you achieve great things.

14. Do not do unto others what you would not have them do unto you, this is the basis of doing good deeds.

15. Be sincere with others, and be upright with yourself.

16. Only by being strict with yourself can you gain the trust of others.

17. Only by being forgiving of others can you resolve resentment.

18. Only by being strict with yourself can you maintain integrity.

19. Only by being forgiving of others can you earn respect.

20. Only by being strict with yourself can you set a good example.

21. Only by being forgiving of others can you win friendship.

22. Only by being strict with yourself can you become a better person.

23. Only by being forgiving of others can you make the world a better place.

24. Only by being strict with yourself can you overcome difficulties.

25. Only by being forgiving of others can you resolve hatred.

26. Only by being strict with yourself can you maintain optimism.

27. Only by being forgiving of others can you win support.

28. Only by being strict with yourself can you achieve your dreams.

29. Only by being forgiving of others can you find happiness.

30. Only by being strict with yourself can you achieve success.

31. Only by being forgiving of others can you win friendship.

32. Only by being strict with yourself can you earn respect.

33. Only by being forgiving of others can you gain trust.

34. Only by being strict with yourself can you achieve success.

35. Only by being forgiving of others can you find happiness.

36. Only by being strict with yourself can you continuously improve.

37. Only by being forgiving of others can you resolve conflicts.

38. Only by being strict with yourself can you win the hearts of others.

39. Only by being forgiving of others can you win the true friendship of others.

40. Only by being strict with yourself can you stand tall in the world.

41. Do not do unto others what you would not have them do unto you, this is the way to treat others.

42. Being lenient with others, but strict with yourself, is the foundation of a good life.

43. Only by being strict with yourself can you earn the respect of others.

44. Only by being forgiving of others can you resolve resentment.

45. Only by being strict with yourself can you maintain integrity.

46. Only by being forgiving of others can you earn respect.

47. Only by being strict with yourself can you set a good example.

48. Only by being forgiving of others can you win friendship.

49. Only by being strict with yourself can you become a better person.

50. Only by being forgiving of others can you make the world a better place.

51. Only by being strict with yourself can you overcome difficulties.

52. Only by being forgiving of others can you resolve hatred.

53. Only by being strict with yourself can you maintain optimism.

54. Only by being forgiving of others can you win support.

55. Only by being strict with yourself can you achieve your dreams.

56. Only by being forgiving of others can you find happiness.

57. Only by being strict with yourself can you achieve success.

58. Only by being forgiving of others can you win friendship.

59. Only by being strict with yourself can you earn respect.

60. Only by being forgiving of others can you gain trust.

61. Only by being strict with yourself can you achieve success.

62. Only by being forgiving of others can you find happiness.

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