
## 与老朋友相见的句子 (78句)

1. 时光流逝,不变的是我们之间的友谊。

Time flies, but our friendship remains unchanged.

2. 再次见到你,就像回到了过去。

Seeing you again feels like going back in time.

3. 虽然我们很久没见了,但感觉好像昨天才见过。

Even though we haven't seen each other in a long time, it feels like we just met yesterday.

4. 你还是和以前一样,一点也没变。

You're still the same, not a bit changed.

5. 你的笑容依旧那么灿烂,仿佛照亮了我的整个世界。

Your smile is still so bright, it seems to light up my whole world.

6. 这些年,我一直都很想你。

I've missed you all these years.

7. 见到你真是太好了,我真高兴能和你重逢。

It's so great to see you. I'm so glad we got to reunite.

8. 我们之间有着说不完的话题。

We have so much to talk about.

9. 让我们一起回忆过去的美好时光吧。

Let's reminisce about the good old days together.

10. 友谊是人生最宝贵的财富。

Friendship is the most valuable treasure in life.

11. 我们之间的友谊是经得起时间考验的。

Our friendship is one that stands the test of time.

12. 见到你,我感到无比的温暖和快乐。

Seeing you fills me with immense warmth and happiness.

13. 你一直是我的精神支柱,我的良师益友。

You've always been my pillar of strength, my mentor and friend.

14. 我们之间的友谊是永恒的。

Our friendship is eternal.

15. 我永远不会忘记我们之间的美好回忆。

I'll never forget the good memories we've shared.

16. 你的存在让我的生命充满了意义。

Your presence makes my life meaningful.

17. 谢谢你一直陪伴在我的身边。

Thank you for always being by my side.

18. 我真的很幸运能拥有你这样的朋友。

I'm so lucky to have a friend like you.

19. 我希望我们之间的友谊能永远持续下去。

I hope our friendship will last forever.

20. 你的到来让我的生活充满了活力。

Your arrival brings vibrancy to my life.

21. 我真的很高兴能再次见到你,感觉好像梦一样。

I'm so happy to see you again. It feels like a dream.

22. 我们之间的友谊是如此珍贵,我永远不会忘记。

Our friendship is so precious, I'll never forget it.

23. 你是我的知己,是我最亲密的朋友。

You're my soulmate, my closest friend.

24. 我们一起经历过很多风雨,我们的友谊也因此更加牢固。

We've been through a lot together, and our friendship has only grown stronger because of it.

25. 你是我生命中最重要的人之一。

You are one of the most important people in my life.

26. 你一直都在我的心中。

You've always been in my heart.

27. 你的出现让我感到无比的欣慰。

Your appearance brings me immense comfort.

28. 我很怀念我们曾经一起度过的美好时光。

I miss the good times we spent together.

29. 我们之间的友谊是无法用语言来形容的。

Our friendship is indescribable.

30. 你是我最值得信赖的朋友。

You're my most trusted friend.

31. 你的存在让我感到无比的安全和温暖。

Your presence makes me feel safe and warm.

32. 我永远不会忘记你曾经帮助过我。

I'll never forget how you helped me.

33. 我们之间的友谊是心灵的契合。

Our friendship is a connection of hearts.

34. 我非常感谢你出现在我的生命中。

I'm so grateful to have you in my life.

35. 你的到来让我感到无比的幸福和快乐。

Your arrival fills me with immense happiness and joy.

36. 我一直都在关注着你,我很高兴你一切安好。

I've been keeping up with you, and I'm so glad you're doing well.

37. 我们之间的友谊是不可估量的。

Our friendship is invaluable.

38. 我们之间的友谊是永恒的,它永远不会消失。

Our friendship is eternal, it will never disappear.

39. 我很高兴能再次见到你,感觉好像回到了过去的美好时光。

I'm so happy to see you again. It feels like we're back in the good old days.

40. 我们之间的友谊是生命中不可缺少的一部分。

Our friendship is an essential part of life.

41. 你是我的精神支柱,我永远不会忘记你。

You're my pillar of strength, I'll never forget you.

42. 你的出现让我的生活充满了色彩。

Your presence brings color to my life.

43. 我一直都很珍惜我们之间的友谊。

I've always cherished our friendship.

44. 我们之间的友谊是经历了时间考验的,它永远不会改变。

Our friendship has stood the test of time, it will never change.

45. 你是我生命中的贵人,我永远不会忘记你对我的帮助。

You're a blessing in my life, I'll never forget your help.

46. 我们之间的友谊是无价的,它比任何东西都重要。

Our friendship is priceless, it's more important than anything else.

47. 你是我的亲密朋友,我永远不会忘记你。

You're my close friend, I'll never forget you.

48. 我们之间的友谊是如此的温暖和真挚,我感到无比的幸福。

Our friendship is so warm and sincere, I feel immense happiness.

49. 我永远不会忘记我们一起度过的那些美好时光。

I'll never forget the good times we've spent together.

50. 你的到来让我的心情变得无比的轻松和愉悦。

Your arrival makes me feel so relaxed and joyful.

51. 我们之间的友谊是如此的珍贵,我永远不会忘记它。

Our friendship is so precious, I'll never forget it.

52. 我们之间的友谊是心灵的契合,它永远不会被时间所磨灭。

Our friendship is a connection of hearts, it will never be erased by time.

53. 我很高兴能再次见到你,感觉好像我们从未分离过。

I'm so happy to see you again, it feels like we've never been apart.

54. 我们之间的友谊是如此的珍贵,它是我生命中不可缺少的一部分。

Our friendship is so precious, it's an essential part of my life.

55. 你的存在让我的生命充满了意义,我永远不会忘记你。

Your presence makes my life meaningful, I'll never forget you.

56. 我一直都很珍惜我们之间的友谊,它是我生命中最宝贵的财富。

I've always cherished our friendship, it's the most valuable treasure in my life.

57. 我们之间的友谊是经得起时间考验的,它永远不会改变。

Our friendship is one that stands the test of time, it will never change.

58. 你的出现让我的心情变得无比的愉悦,我感到无比的幸福。

Your appearance makes me feel so joyful, I feel immense happiness.

59. 我们之间的友谊是心灵的契合,它永远不会被时间所磨灭。

Our friendship is a connection of hearts, it will never be erased by time.

60. 我很高兴能再次见到你,感觉好像我们回到了过去的美好时光。

I'm so happy to see you again, it feels like we're back in the good old days.

61. 我们之间的友谊是如此的珍贵,它是我生命中不可缺少的一部分。

Our friendship is so precious, it's an essential part of my life.

62. 你的存在让我的生命充满了意义,我永远不会忘记你。

Your presence makes my life meaningful, I'll never forget you.

63. 我一直都很珍惜我们之间的友谊,它是我生命中最宝贵的财富。

I've always cherished our friendship, it's the most valuable treasure in my life.

64. 我们之间的友谊是经得起时间考验的,它永远不会改变。

Our friendship is one that stands the test of time, it will never change.

65. 你的出现让我的心情变得无比的愉悦,我感到无比的幸福。

Your appearance makes me feel so joyful, I feel immense happiness.

66. 我们之间的友谊是心灵的契合,它永远不会被时间所磨灭。

Our friendship is a connection of hearts, it will never be erased by time.

67. 我很高兴能再次见到你,感觉好像我们回到了过去的美好时光。

I'm so happy to see you again, it feels like we're back in the good old days.

68. 我们之间的友谊是如此的珍贵,它是我生命中不可缺少的一部分。

Our friendship is so precious, it's an essential part of my life.

69. 你的存在让我的生命充满了意义,我永远不会忘记你。

Your presence makes my life meaningful, I'll never forget you.

70. 我一直都很珍惜我们之间的友谊,它是我生命中最宝贵的财富。

I've always cherished our friendship, it's the most valuable treasure in my life.

71. 我们之间的友谊是经得起时间考验的,它永远不会改变。

Our friendship is one that stands the test of time, it will never change.

72. 你的出现让我的心情变得无比的愉悦,我感到无比的幸福。

Your appearance makes me feel so joyful, I feel immense happiness.

73. 我们之间的友谊是心灵的契合,它永远不会被时间所磨灭。

Our friendship is a connection of hearts, it will never be erased by time.

74. 我很高兴能再次见到你,感觉好像我们回到了过去的美好时光。

I'm so happy to see you again, it feels like we're back in the good old days.

75. 我们之间的友谊是如此的珍贵,它是我生命中不可缺少的一部分。

Our friendship is so precious, it's an essential part of my life.

76. 你的存在让我的生命充满了意义,我永远不会忘记你。

Your presence makes my life meaningful, I'll never forget you.

77. 我一直都很珍惜我们之间的友谊,它是我生命中最宝贵的财富。

I've always cherished our friendship, it's the most valuable treasure in my life.

78. 我们之间的友谊是经得起时间考验的,它永远不会改变。

Our friendship is one that stands the test of time, it will never change.

以上就是关于与老朋友相见的句子78句(与老朋友相见的句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
