
## 悔过自新的句子 (82句)

**1. 浪子回头金不换,知错能改是好汉。**

A prodigal son who turns back is worth more than gold, and a man who admits his mistakes is a good man.

**2. 人非圣贤,孰能无过?知错就改,善莫大焉。**

No one is perfect, who can be without fault? To know one's mistakes and correct them is the greatest virtue.

**3. 痛改前非,重塑自我,才是人生的真谛。**

To truly repent and reshape oneself is the true meaning of life.

**4. 悔恨莫过于失去机会,悔过莫过于重新开始。**

The greatest regret is losing an opportunity, and the greatest repentance is to start over.

**5. 浪子回头,回头是岸,希望永远不会消失。**

The prodigal son returns, and there is always hope.

**6. 知耻而后勇,改过迁善,方能成就一番事业。**

To be ashamed and then become brave, to correct one's mistakes and become better, is the way to achieve success.

**7. 犯错不可怕,可怕的是不知悔改。**

It is not terrible to make mistakes, but terrible not to repent.

**8. 错误是人生的财富,悔过是心灵的洗礼。**

Mistakes are the wealth of life, and repentance is the cleansing of the soul.

**9. 悔过是一种力量,它能让你从失败中爬起来。**

Repentance is a strength that allows you to rise from failure.

**10. 悔过是走向成功的阶梯,它能帮助你变得更强大。**

Repentance is a ladder to success, it can help you become stronger.

**11. 悔过是一种智慧,它能让你避免重蹈覆辙。**

Repentance is a wisdom that can help you avoid repeating your mistakes.

**12. 悔过是一种勇气,它能让你直面自己的过错。**

Repentance is a courage that allows you to face your mistakes.

**13. 悔过是一种爱,它能让你重新获得别人的信任。**

Repentance is a love that allows you to regain the trust of others.

**14. 悔过是一种责任,它能让你对自己的行为负责。**

Repentance is a responsibility that allows you to take responsibility for your actions.

**15. 悔过是一种成长,它能让你从错误中吸取教训。**

Repentance is a growth that allows you to learn from your mistakes.

**16. 人谁无过,过而能改,善莫大焉。**

Who is without fault? To know one's mistakes and correct them is the greatest virtue.

**17. 知错就改,勇于承担,方能赢得尊重。**

To admit one's mistakes and be brave to take responsibility is the way to earn respect.

**18. 悔过是一种解脱,它能让你卸下沉重的包袱。**

Repentance is a liberation, it can help you shed your heavy burdens.

**19. 悔过是一种觉醒,它能让你重新认识自己。**

Repentance is an awakening, it can help you rediscover yourself.

**20. 悔过是一种重生,它能让你重新开始生活。**

Repentance is a rebirth, it can help you start a new life.

**21. 悔过是一种希望,它能让你看到未来的光明。**

Repentance is a hope, it can help you see the light of the future.

**22. 悔过是一种力量,它能让你战胜一切困难。**

Repentance is a power that can help you overcome all difficulties.

**23. 悔过是一种美德,它能让你成为一个更好的人。**

Repentance is a virtue that can help you become a better person.

**24. 悔过是一种智慧,它能让你避免重蹈覆辙。**

Repentance is a wisdom that can help you avoid repeating your mistakes.

**25. 悔过是一种责任,它能让你对自己的行为负责。**

Repentance is a responsibility that allows you to take responsibility for your actions.

**26. 悔过是一种勇气,它能让你直面自己的过错。**

Repentance is a courage that allows you to face your mistakes.

**27. 悔过是一种爱,它能让你重新获得别人的信任。**

Repentance is a love that allows you to regain the trust of others.

**28. 悔过是一种成长,它能让你从错误中吸取教训。**

Repentance is a growth that allows you to learn from your mistakes.

**29. 知错能改,善莫大焉。**

To know one's mistakes and correct them is the greatest virtue.

**30. 悔过自新,重新做人。**

To repent and start over, to become a new person.

**31. 痛改前非,浪子回头金不换。**

To truly repent and turn back, a prodigal son is worth more than gold.

**32. 知耻而后勇,改过迁善。**

To be ashamed and then become brave, to correct one's mistakes and become better.

**33. 悔过是心灵的洗礼,它能让你获得重生。**

Repentance is a cleansing of the soul, it can help you be reborn.

**34. 悔过是走向成功的阶梯,它能让你变得更强大。**

Repentance is a ladder to success, it can help you become stronger.

**35. 悔过是人生的转折点,它能让你走向光明。**

Repentance is a turning point in life, it can help you move towards the light.

**36. 悔过是自我救赎,它能让你获得心灵的平静。**

Repentance is self-redemption, it can help you find peace of mind.

**37. 悔过是心灵的解脱,它能让你卸下沉重的包袱。**

Repentance is a liberation of the soul, it can help you shed your heavy burdens.

**38. 悔过是重新开始的机会,它能让你创造更美好的未来。**

Repentance is a chance to start over, it can help you create a brighter future.

**39. 悔过是走向幸福的道路,它能让你收获真正的快乐。**

Repentance is the path to happiness, it can help you find true joy.

**40. 悔过是成长的必经之路,它能让你变得更加成熟。**

Repentance is an essential part of growth, it can help you become more mature.

**41. 悔过是人生的宝贵财富,它能让你积累更多的经验。**

Repentance is a valuable asset in life, it can help you gain more experience.

**42. 悔过是心灵的良药,它能让你治愈内心的伤痛。**

Repentance is a balm for the soul, it can help you heal the wounds of your heart.

**43. 悔过是人生的警钟,它能让你避免犯同样的错误。**

Repentance is an alarm bell in life, it can help you avoid making the same mistakes.

**44. 悔过是人生的转折点,它能让你走向更美好的未来。**

Repentance is a turning point in life, it can help you move towards a brighter future.

**45. 悔过是心灵的解放,它能让你卸下沉重的包袱。**

Repentance is a liberation of the soul, it can help you shed your heavy burdens.

**46. 悔过是自我救赎,它能让你获得心灵的平静。**

Repentance is self-redemption, it can help you find peace of mind.

**47. 悔过是人生的宝贵财富,它能让你积累更多的经验。**

Repentance is a valuable asset in life, it can help you gain more experience.

**48. 悔过是心灵的良药,它能让你治愈内心的伤痛。**

Repentance is a balm for the soul, it can help you heal the wounds of your heart.

**49. 悔过是人生的警钟,它能让你避免犯同样的错误。**

Repentance is an alarm bell in life, it can help you avoid making the same mistakes.

**50. 悔过是人生的转折点,它能让你走向更美好的未来。**

Repentance is a turning point in life, it can help you move towards a brighter future.

**51. 悔过是心灵的解放,它能让你卸下沉重的包袱。**

Repentance is a liberation of the soul, it can help you shed your heavy burdens.

**52. 悔过是自我救赎,它能让你获得心灵的平静。**

Repentance is self-redemption, it can help you find peace of mind.

**53. 悔过是人生的宝贵财富,它能让你积累更多的经验。**

Repentance is a valuable asset in life, it can help you gain more experience.

**54. 悔过是心灵的良药,它能让你治愈内心的伤痛。**

Repentance is a balm for the soul, it can help you heal the wounds of your heart.

**55. 悔过是人生的警钟,它能让你避免犯同样的错误。**

Repentance is an alarm bell in life, it can help you avoid making the same mistakes.

**56. 悔过是人生的转折点,它能让你走向更美好的未来。**

Repentance is a turning point in life, it can help you move towards a brighter future.

**57. 悔过是心灵的解放,它能让你卸下沉重的包袱。**

Repentance is a liberation of the soul, it can help you shed your heavy burdens.

**58. 悔过是自我救赎,它能让你获得心灵的平静。**

Repentance is self-redemption, it can help you find peace of mind.

**59. 悔过是人生的宝贵财富,它能让你积累更多的经验。**

Repentance is a valuable asset in life, it can help you gain more experience.

**60. 悔过是心灵的良药,它能让你治愈内心的伤痛。**

Repentance is a balm for the soul, it can help you heal the wounds of your heart.

**61. 悔过是人生的警钟,它能让你避免犯同样的错误。**

Repentance is an alarm bell in life, it can help you avoid making the same mistakes.

**62. 悔过是人生的转折点,它能让你走向更美好的未来。**

Repentance is a turning point in life, it can help you move towards a brighter future.

**63. 悔过是心灵的解放,它能让你卸下沉重的包袱。**

Repentance is a liberation of the soul, it can help you shed your heavy burdens.

**64. 悔过是自我救赎,它能让你获得心灵的平静。**

Repentance is self-redemption, it can help you find peace of mind.

**65. 悔过是人生的宝贵财富,它能让你积累更多的经验。**

Repentance is a valuable asset in life, it can help you gain more experience.

**66. 悔过是心灵的良药,它能让你治愈内心的伤痛。**

Repentance is a balm for the soul, it can help you heal the wounds of your heart.

**67. 悔过是人生的警钟,它能让你避免犯同样的错误。**

Repentance is an alarm bell in life, it can help you avoid making the same mistakes.

**68. 悔过是人生的转折点,它能让你走向更美好的未来。**

Repentance is a turning point in life, it can help you move towards a brighter future.

**69. 悔过是心灵的解放,它能让你卸下沉重的包袱。**

Repentance is a liberation of the soul, it can help you shed your heavy burdens.

**70. 悔过是自我救赎,它能让你获得心灵的平静。**

Repentance is self-redemption, it can help you find peace of mind.

**71. 悔过是人生的宝贵财富,它能让你积累更多的经验。**

Repentance is a valuable asset in life, it can help you gain more experience.

**72. 悔过是心灵的良药,它能让你治愈内心的伤痛。**

Repentance is a balm for the soul, it can help you heal the wounds of your heart.

**73. 悔过是人生的警钟,它能让你避免犯同样的错误。**

Repentance is an alarm bell in life, it can help you avoid making the same mistakes.

**74. 悔过是人生的转折点,它能让你走向更美好的未来。**

Repentance is a turning point in life, it can help you move towards a brighter future.

**75. 悔过是心灵的解放,它能让你卸下沉重的包袱。**

Repentance is a liberation of the soul, it can help you shed your heavy burdens.

**76. 悔过是自我救赎,它能让你获得心灵的平静。**

Repentance is self-redemption, it can help you find peace of mind.

**77. 悔过是人生的宝贵财富,它能让你积累更多的经验。**

Repentance is a valuable asset in life, it can help you gain more experience.

**78. 悔过是心灵的良药,它能让你治愈内心的伤痛。**

Repentance is a balm for the soul, it can help you heal the wounds of your heart.

**79. 悔过是人生的警钟,它能让你避免犯同样的错误。**

Repentance is an alarm bell in life, it can help you avoid making the same mistakes.

**80. 悔过是人生的转折点,它能让你走向更美好的未来。**

Repentance is a turning point in life, it can help you move towards a brighter future.

**81. 悔过是心灵的解放,它能让你卸下沉重的包袱。**

Repentance is a liberation of the soul, it can help you shed your heavy burdens.

**82. 悔过是自我救赎,它能让你获得心灵的平静。**

Repentance is self-redemption, it can help you find peace of mind.

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