
## 醉翁亭记 82句


1. 环滁皆山也。
2. 其西南诸峰,
3. 林壑尤美。
4. 琅琊山,
5. 其势磅礴,
6. 巍峨巉岩,
7. 可望而不可及也。
8. 其间千岩万壑,
9. 巉岩秀拔,
10. 幽谷清邃,
11. 迴环曲折,
12. 萦绕山间,
13. 如行云流水,
14. 飘飘乎如遗世独立,
15. 羽化登仙,
16. 此皆良辰美景也。
17. 醉翁之意不在酒,
18. 在乎山水之间也。
19. 山水之乐,
20. 得之心而寓之酒也。
21. 醉能同其乐,
22. 醒能述以文者,
23. 其乐无穷也。
24. 至于负者歌于途,
25. 行者休于树,
26. 前者呼,
27. 后者应,
28. 伛偻提携,
29. 杖藜相扶,
30. 侧身西望,
31. 长叹曰:“
32. 噫吁嚱,
33. 危乎高哉!
34. 蜀道之难,
35. 非独艰难也,
36. 亦有美景也。”
37. 呜呼!
38. 亦有此理。
39. 然则何时而乐耶?
40. 春,
41. 则繁花满山,
42. 夏,
43. 则荫浓如幄,
44. 秋,
45. 则月白风清,
46. 冬,
47. 则雪白山青。
48. 自其所由来,
49. 其地僻远,
50. 不可致也。
51. 自其所至,
52. 其物华美,
53. 不可忘也。
54. 此所以游目骋怀,
55. 以乐其心者也。
56. 醉翁之意,
57. 亦在乎山水之间也。
58. 其乐也融融。
59. 然则,
60. 醉翁之意,
61. 岂不在乎山水之间乎?
62. 醉翁之意,
63. 亦在乎山水之间也。
64. 若夫日出而林霏开,
65. 云归而岩穴暝,
66. 晦明变化者,
67. 山间之朝暮也。
68. 山之胜处,
69. 在于空旷。
70. 可远观而不可亵玩焉。
71. 予尝求古仁人之心,
72. 或异二者之为,
73. 然而禽鸟知山林之乐,
74. 故来巢于其上;
75. 麋鹿知溪涧之乐,
76. 故来饮于其旁。
77. 至于负者歌于途,
78. 行者休于树,
79. 前者呼,
80. 后者应,
81. 伛偻提携,
82. 杖藜相扶,


1. All around Chuzhou are mountains.

2. The peaks to the southwest,

3. Are especially beautiful in their forests and ravines.

4. Mount Langya,

5. Its grandeur is immense,

6. Its towering, rugged cliffs,

7. Can be seen but not reached.

8. Within, thousands of rocks and ravines,

9. Rugged cliffs rise gracefully,

10. Deep, quiet valleys abound,

11. Winding and twisting,

12. Encircling the mountains,

13. Like floating clouds and flowing water,

14. Drifting and carefree, as if independent of the world,

15. Transcended to become immortals,

16. These are all good times and beautiful scenery.

17. The old man's pleasure is not in the wine,

18. But in the mountains and waters.

19. The joy of mountains and waters,

20. Is felt in the heart and expressed in wine.

21. Drunk, one can share in its joy,

22. Sober, one can describe it in writing,

23. The pleasure is boundless.

24. As for those carrying burdens, they sing on the road,

25. Travelers rest under the trees,

26. Those ahead call out,

27. Those behind respond,

28. Bent over, they help each other along,

29. Leaning on staffs, they support one another,

30. Turning their heads westwards,

31. They heave a long sigh and say:

32."Alas, alas!

33. How perilous and high!

34. The difficulty of the road to Shu,

35. Is not just difficult,

36. But also has beautiful scenery."

37. Ah!

38. There is indeed this principle.

39. Then when is the time for joy?

40. In spring,

41. Then the mountains are filled with blooming flowers,

42. In summer,

43. Then the shade is dense like a canopy,

44. In autumn,

45. Then the moon is bright and the wind is clear,

46. In winter,

47. Then the snow is white and the mountains are green.

48. From the time of its origin,

49. This place is secluded and remote,

50. It cannot be reached.

51. From the time one arrives,

52. The beauty of its natural wonders,

53. Cannot be forgotten.

54. This is why one can roam with the eyes and let the mind wander freely,

55. To delight one's heart.

56. The old man's pleasure,

57. Is also in the mountains and waters.

58. His joy is overflowing.

59. Then,

60. The old man's pleasure,

61. Is it not in the mountains and waters?

62. The old man's pleasure,

63. Is also in the mountains and waters.

64. As for the sun rising and the mist opening in the forest,

65. The clouds returning and the caves darkening,

66. The changes between light and darkness,

67. These are the mornings and evenings of the mountains.

68. The best part of the mountains,

69. Is their vastness.

70. They can be viewed from afar but cannot be played with.

71. I have often sought the hearts of ancient benevolent people,

72. Perhaps they differed in their views on these two things,

73. However, birds know the joy of the mountains and forests,

74. Therefore they come to nest on their summits;

75. Elk know the joy of streams and ravines,

76. Therefore they come to drink by their sides.

77. As for those carrying burdens, they sing on the road,

78. Travelers rest under the trees,

79. Those ahead call out,

80. Those behind respond,

81. Bent over, they help each other along,

82. Leaning on staffs, they support one another.

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