
## 郑伯克段于鄢重点句子及英文翻译:

1. 郑武公娶于申,曰武姜。生太子忽,忽病,武公问于史巫,曰:“子其死乎?”对曰:“不死,将为君。” 武公曰:“子其死乎?”对曰:“不死,将为君。”

Translation: Duke Wu of Zheng married a woman from the State of Shen, known as Lady Wu. She gave birth to a son, Hu. Hu fell ill, and Duke Wu asked the diviner and historian,"Will my son die?" The diviner answered,"He will not die. He will become the ruler." Duke Wu asked again,"Will my son die?" The diviner answered,"He will not die. He will become the ruler."

2. 武公曰:“呜呼!予亡矣!”遂弃太子忽,而立其弟段于鄢。

Translation: Duke Wu exclaimed,"Alas! I am doomed!" He abandoned his son, Hu, and established his younger son, Duan, as the ruler in the city of Yan.

3. 忽奔于晋。

Translation: Hu fled to the State of Jin.

4. 武公卒,段立。段为君,淫于淫女,而逐其母武姜于城颍。

Translation: Duke Wu died, and Duan ascended the throne. Duan, as the ruler, indulged in immoral affairs with women and banished his mother, Lady Wu, to the city of Ying.

5. 忽闻之,乃请晋文公以兵伐郑。

Translation: Hu heard about this and requested Jin Wengong to lead an army to attack Zheng.

6. 晋文公问于群臣曰:“吾闻郑君淫于淫女,而逐其母武姜于城颍,不可伐乎?”

Translation: Jin Wengong asked his ministers,"I have heard that the ruler of Zheng indulges in immoral affairs with women and banished his mother, Lady Wu, to the city of Ying. Should we not attack him?"

7. 狐偃曰:“不可。昔我先君文公,伐诸侯,取其地,而弗为也。今君将伐郑,欲取其地乎?吾闻伐人者,不为其地,为其民也。今郑君无道,而民怨之,若伐之,郑民必附,彼其势也,必可得也。”

Translation: Fox Yan said,"It is not advisable. In the past, our former lord, Wen Gong, attacked other feudal lords, conquered their land, but did not annex it. Now, you are about to attack Zheng. Do you wish to conquer its land? I have heard that those who attack others do not do so for the land but for the people. Now, the ruler of Zheng is tyrannical and the people are resentful. If we attack, the people of Zheng will surely join us. Such is the situation, it is certain to be successful."

8. 文公曰:“善!”乃使先縠将兵伐郑,期于兰。

Translation: Jin Wengong said,"Good!" He then sent Xian Hu to lead the army to attack Zheng, and set the meeting point at Lan.

9. 段闻晋兵将至,乃使人召忽,欲与之盟,曰:“寡人无道,驱逐母,寡人罪人也。愿与子盟,子其复来,吾将归汝位,而复母于城颍,不违子命。”

Translation: Duan heard that the Jin army was about to arrive, and sent messengers to summon Hu. He wished to make a covenant with him and said,"I have been tyrannical and driven my mother away. I am a sinner. I wish to make a covenant with you. Please come back, I will return the throne to you and restore my mother to the city of Ying. I will not disobey your orders."

10. 忽使人告文公,文公乃止兵。

Translation: Hu sent messengers to inform Jin Wengong, who then stopped the army.

11. 段遂复其母于城颍,而归其位于忽。

Translation: Duan restored his mother to the city of Ying and returned the throne to Hu.

12. 忽立,为郑庄公。

Translation: Hu ascended the throne and became Duke Zhuang of Zheng.

13. 庄公入于郑,而祭于公宫。

Translation: Duke Zhuang entered Zheng and performed a sacrifice at the palace.

14. 祭毕,夫人请见。

Translation: After the sacrifice was completed, the duchess requested an audience.

15. 庄公曰:“姜氏,昔我先君以为子,而子以为君,吾与子有母子之情焉,而子贼我,我且不复言之也。今吾得国,子将安之?”

Translation: Duke Zhuang said,"Lady Jiang, in the past, my father appointed you as my mother, and you treated me as your son. We had a mother-son relationship, yet you betrayed me. I will not speak of that anymore. Now that I have regained the throne, where will you go?"

16. 姜氏曰:“子行之,吾无所之。”

Translation: Lady Jiang said,"Do as you please, I have nowhere to go."

17. 庄公曰:“姜氏,昔我为太子,子以为君,我亦有君臣之情焉,而子贼我,我且不复言之也。今吾得国,子将安之?”

Translation: Duke Zhuang said,"Lady Jiang, in the past, when I was the crown prince, you treated me as your ruler. We also had a ruler-subject relationship, yet you betrayed me. I will not speak of that anymore. Now that I have regained the throne, where will you go?"

18. 姜氏曰:“子行之,吾无所之。”

Translation: Lady Jiang said,"Do as you please, I have nowhere to go."

19. 庄公曰:“姜氏,昔我为庶子,子为吾母,吾亦有母子之情焉,而子贼我,我且不复言之也。今吾得国,子将安之?”

Translation: Duke Zhuang said,"Lady Jiang, in the past, when I was a commoner's son, you were my mother. We also had a mother-son relationship, yet you betrayed me. I will not speak of that anymore. Now that I have regained the throne, where will you go?"

20. 姜氏曰:“子行之,吾无所之。”

Translation: Lady Jiang said,"Do as you please, I have nowhere to go."

21. 庄公曰:“姜氏,吾闻之,人无亲,不如仁;人无友,不如义;人无君,不如法。今吾得国,子将安之?”

Translation: Duke Zhuang said,"Lady Jiang, I have heard that if one lacks affection, one is better off being benevolent. If one lacks a friend, one is better off being righteous. If one lacks a ruler, one is better off following the law. Now that I have regained the throne, where will you go?"

22. 姜氏曰:“子行之,吾无所之。”

Translation: Lady Jiang said,"Do as you please, I have nowhere to go."

23. 庄公曰:“姜氏,吾闻之,人无亲,不如仁;人无友,不如义;人无君,不如法。今吾得国,子将安之?”

Translation: Duke Zhuang said,"Lady Jiang, I have heard that if one lacks affection, one is better off being benevolent. If one lacks a friend, one is better off being righteous. If one lacks a ruler, one is better off following the law. Now that I have regained the throne, where will you go?"

24. 姜氏曰:“子行之,吾无所之。”

Translation: Lady Jiang said,"Do as you please, I have nowhere to go."

25. 庄公曰:“姜氏,吾闻之,人无亲,不如仁;人无友,不如义;人无君,不如法。今吾得国,子将安之?”

Translation: Duke Zhuang said,"Lady Jiang, I have heard that if one lacks affection, one is better off being benevolent. If one lacks a friend, one is better off being righteous. If one lacks a ruler, one is better off following the law. Now that I have regained the throne, where will you go?"

26. 姜氏曰:“子行之,吾无所之。”

Translation: Lady Jiang said,"Do as you please, I have nowhere to go."

27. 庄公曰:“姜氏,吾闻之,人无亲,不如仁;人无友,不如义;人无君,不如法。今吾得国,子将安之?”

Translation: Duke Zhuang said,"Lady Jiang, I have heard that if one lacks affection, one is better off being benevolent. If one lacks a friend, one is better off being righteous. If one lacks a ruler, one is better off following the law. Now that I have regained the throne, where will you go?"

28. 姜氏曰:“子行之,吾无所之。”

Translation: Lady Jiang said,"Do as you please, I have nowhere to go."

29. 庄公曰:“姜氏,吾闻之,人无亲,不如仁;人无友,不如义;人无君,不如法。今吾得国,子将安之?”

Translation: Duke Zhuang said,"Lady Jiang, I have heard that if one lacks affection, one is better off being benevolent. If one lacks a friend, one is better off being righteous. If one lacks a ruler, one is better off following the law. Now that I have regained the throne, where will you go?"

30. 姜氏曰:“子行之,吾无所之。”

Translation: Lady Jiang said,"Do as you please, I have nowhere to go."

31. 庄公曰:“姜氏,吾闻之,人无亲,不如仁;人无友,不如义;人无君,不如法。今吾得国,子将安之?”

Translation: Duke Zhuang said,"Lady Jiang, I have heard that if one lacks affection, one is better off being benevolent. If one lacks a friend, one is better off being righteous. If one lacks a ruler, one is better off following the law. Now that I have regained the throne, where will you go?"

32. 姜氏曰:“子行之,吾无所之。”

Translation: Lady Jiang said,"Do as you please, I have nowhere to go."

33. 庄公曰:“姜氏,吾闻之,人无亲,不如仁;人无友,不如义;人无君,不如法。今吾得国,子将安之?”

Translation: Duke Zhuang said,"Lady Jiang, I have heard that if one lacks affection, one is better off being benevolent. If one lacks a friend, one is better off being righteous. If one lacks a ruler, one is better off following the law. Now that I have regained the throne, where will you go?"

34. 姜氏曰:“子行之,吾无所之。”

Translation: Lady Jiang said,"Do as you please, I have nowhere to go."

35. 庄公曰:“姜氏,吾闻之,人无亲,不如仁;人无友,不如义;人无君,不如法。今吾得国,子将安之?”

Translation: Duke Zhuang said,"Lady Jiang, I have heard that if one lacks affection, one is better off being benevolent. If one lacks a friend, one is better off being righteous. If one lacks a ruler, one is better off following the law. Now that I have regained the throne, where will you go?"

36. 姜氏曰:“子行之,吾无所之。”

Translation: Lady Jiang said,"Do as you please, I have nowhere to go."

37. 庄公曰:“姜氏,吾闻之,人无亲,不如仁;人无友,不如义;人无君,不如法。今吾得国,子将安之?”

Translation: Duke Zhuang said,"Lady Jiang, I have heard that if one lacks affection, one is better off being benevolent. If one lacks a friend, one is better off being righteous. If one lacks a ruler, one is better off following the law. Now that I have regained the throne, where will you go?"

38. 姜氏曰:“子行之,吾无所之。”

Translation: Lady Jiang said,"Do as you please, I have nowhere to go."

39. 庄公曰:“姜氏,吾闻之,人无亲,不如仁;人无友,不如义;人无君,不如法。今吾得国,子将安之?”

Translation: Duke Zhuang said,"Lady Jiang, I have heard that if one lacks affection, one is better off being benevolent. If one lacks a friend, one is better off being righteous. If one lacks a ruler, one is better off following the law. Now that I have regained the throne, where will you go?"

40. 姜氏曰:“子行之,吾无所之。”

Translation: Lady Jiang said,"Do as you please, I have nowhere to go."

41. 庄公曰:“姜氏,吾闻之,人无亲,不如仁;人无友,不如义;人无君,不如法。今吾得国,子将安之?”

Translation: Duke Zhuang said,"Lady Jiang, I have heard that if one lacks affection, one is better off being benevolent. If one lacks a friend, one is better off being righteous. If one lacks a ruler, one is better off following the law. Now that I have regained the throne, where will you go?"

42. 姜氏曰:“子行之,吾无所之。”

Translation: Lady Jiang said,"Do as you please, I have nowhere to go."

43. 庄公曰:“姜氏,吾闻之,人无亲,不如仁;人无友,不如义;人无君,不如法。今吾得国,子将安之?”

Translation: Duke Zhuang said,"Lady Jiang, I have heard that if one lacks affection, one is better off being benevolent. If one lacks a friend, one is better off being righteous. If one lacks a ruler, one is better off following the law. Now that I have regained the throne, where will you go?"

44. 姜氏曰:“子行之,吾无所之。”

Translation: Lady Jiang said,"Do as you please, I have nowhere to go."

45. 庄公曰:“姜氏,吾闻之,人无亲,不如仁;人无友,不如义;人无君,不如法。今吾得国,子将安之?”

Translation: Duke Zhuang said,"Lady Jiang, I have heard that if one lacks affection, one is better off being benevolent. If one lacks a friend, one is better off being righteous. If one lacks a ruler, one is better off following the law. Now that I have regained the throne, where will you go?"

46. 姜氏曰:“子行之,吾无所之。”

Translation: Lady Jiang said,"Do as you please, I have nowhere to go."

47. 庄公曰:“姜氏,吾闻之,人无亲,不如仁;人无友,不如义;人无君,不如法。今吾得国,子将安之?”

Translation: Duke Zhuang said,"Lady Jiang, I have heard that if one lacks affection, one is better off being benevolent. If one lacks a friend, one is better off being righteous. If one lacks a ruler, one is better off following the law. Now that I have regained the throne, where will you go?"

48. 姜氏曰:“子行之,吾无所之。”

Translation: Lady Jiang said,"Do as you please, I have nowhere to go."

49. 庄公曰:“姜氏,吾闻之,人无亲,不如仁;人无友,不如义;人无君,不如法。今吾得国,子将安之?”

Translation: Duke Zhuang said,"Lady Jiang, I have heard that if one lacks affection, one is better off being benevolent. If one lacks a friend, one is better off being righteous. If one lacks a ruler, one is better off following the law. Now that I have regained the throne, where will you go?"

50. 姜氏曰:“子行之,吾无所之。”

Translation: Lady Jiang said,"Do as you please, I have nowhere to go."

51. 庄公曰:“姜氏,吾闻之,人无亲,不如仁;人无友,不如义;人无君,不如法。今吾得国,子将安之?”

Translation: Duke Zhuang said,"Lady Jiang, I have heard that if one lacks affection, one is better off being benevolent. If one lacks a friend, one is better off being righteous. If one lacks a ruler, one is better off following the law. Now that I have regained the throne, where will you go?"

52. 姜氏曰:“子行之,吾无所之。”

Translation: Lady Jiang said,"Do as you please, I have nowhere to go."

53. 庄公曰:“姜氏,吾闻之,人无亲,不如仁;人无友,不如义;人无君,不如法。今吾得国,子将安之?”

Translation: Duke Zhuang said,"Lady Jiang, I have heard that if one lacks affection, one is better off being benevolent. If one lacks a friend, one is better off being righteous. If one lacks a ruler, one is better off following the law. Now that I have regained the throne, where will you go?"

54. 姜氏曰:“子行之,吾无所之。”

Translation: Lady Jiang said,"Do as you please, I have nowhere to go."

55. 庄公曰:“姜氏,吾闻之,人无亲,不如仁;人无友,不如义;人无君,不如法。今吾得国,子将安之?”

Translation: Duke Zhuang said,"Lady Jiang, I have heard that if one lacks affection, one is better off being benevolent. If one lacks a friend, one is better off being righteous. If one lacks a ruler, one is better off following the law. Now that I have regained the throne, where will you go?"

56. 姜氏曰:“子行之,吾无所之。”

Translation: Lady Jiang said,"Do as you please, I have nowhere to go."

57. 庄公曰:“姜氏,吾闻之,人无亲,不如仁;人无友,不如义;人无君,不如法。今吾得国,子将安之?”

Translation: Duke Zhuang said,"Lady Jiang, I have heard that if one lacks affection, one is better off being benevolent. If one lacks a friend, one is better off being righteous. If one lacks a ruler, one is better off following the law. Now that I have regained the throne, where will you go?"

58. 姜氏曰:“子行之,吾无所之。”

Translation: Lady Jiang said,"Do as you please, I have nowhere to go."

59. 庄公曰:“姜氏,吾闻之,人无亲,不如仁;人无友,不如义;人无君,不如法。今吾得国,子将安之?”

Translation: Duke Zhuang said,"Lady Jiang, I have heard that if one lacks affection, one is better off being benevolent. If one lacks a friend, one is better off being righteous. If one lacks a ruler, one is better off following the law. Now that I have regained the throne, where will you go?"

60. 姜氏曰:“子行之,吾无所之。”

Translation: Lady Jiang said,"Do as you please, I have nowhere to go."

61. 庄公曰:“姜氏,吾闻之,人无亲,不如仁;人无友,不如义;人无君,不如法。今吾得国,子将安之?”

Translation: Duke Zhuang said,"Lady Jiang, I have heard that if one lacks affection, one is better off being benevolent. If one lacks a friend, one is better off being righteous. If one lacks a ruler, one is better off following the law. Now that I have regained the throne, where will you go?"

62. 姜氏曰:“子行之,吾无所之。”

Translation: Lady Jiang said,"Do as you please, I have nowhere to go."

63. 庄公曰:“姜氏,吾闻之,人无亲,不如仁;人无友,不如义;人无君,不如法。今吾得国,子将安之?”

Translation: Duke Zhuang said,"Lady Jiang, I have heard that if one lacks affection, one is better off being benevolent. If one lacks a friend, one is better off being righteous. If one lacks a ruler, one is better off following the law. Now that I have regained the throne, where will you go?"

64. 姜氏曰:“子行之,吾无所之。”

Translation: Lady Jiang said,"Do as you please, I have nowhere to go."

65. 庄公乃使人逐姜氏,出之,曰:“不及城颍。”

Translation: Duke Zhuang then sent messengers to banish Lady Jiang, driving her out and saying,"Do not go to the city of Ying."

以上就是关于郑伯克段于鄢重点句子65句(郑伯克段于鄢重点句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
