
## 郑人买履的道理句子 (79句)

**1. 郑人买履,只知其足,不知其履。**

The man from Zheng bought shoes, only knowing the size of his feet, not the size of the shoes.

**2. 不问尺寸,只顾自己,必然买错。**

Without asking for the size, just focusing on oneself, one is bound to buy the wrong shoes.

**3. 凡事要从实际出发,不能只凭主观臆断。**

Everything should start from reality, not just relying on subjective assumptions.

**4. 考虑问题要全面,不能片面思考。**

Thinking about problems should be comprehensive, not one-sided.

**5. 不要墨守成规,要灵活变通。**

Don't stick to old rules, be flexible and adaptable.

**6. 要学会换位思考,站在别人的角度考虑问题。**

Learn to think from others' perspective, consider problems from their point of view.

**7. 凡事要三思而后行,不要鲁莽行事。**

Think twice before acting, don't act rashly.

**8. 要注重细节,细节决定成败。**

Pay attention to details, details determine success or failure.

**9. 不要盲目自信,要虚心求教。**

Don't be blindly confident, be humble and ask for advice.

**10. 要脚踏实地,不要好高骛远。**

Be down-to-earth, don't aim too high.

**11. 要量力而行,不要好大喜功。**

Do things according to your ability, don't try to do too much.

**12. 要实事求是,不要吹牛拍马。**

Be truthful, don't brag or flatter.

**13. 要谦虚谨慎,戒骄戒躁。**

Be humble and cautious, avoid arrogance and impatience.

**14. 要团结协作,不要独断专行。**

Be united and cooperate, don't act unilaterally.

**15. 要勇于创新,不要墨守成规。**

Be brave to innovate, don't stick to old rules.

**16. 要敢于尝试,不要畏首畏尾。**

Be willing to try, don't be timid.

**17. 要不断学习,不要固步自封。**

Keep learning, don't close yourself off.

**18. 要善于总结,不要一成不变。**

Be good at summarizing, don't be stagnant.

**19. 要勤于思考,不要人云亦云。**

Be diligent in thinking, don't follow the crowd.

**20. 要勇于担当,不要推卸责任。**

Be courageous to take responsibility, don't shirk responsibility.

**21. 要诚实守信,不要欺骗他人。**

Be honest and trustworthy, don't deceive others.

**22. 要乐于助人,不要自私自利。**

Be willing to help others, don't be selfish.

**23. 要宽容待人,不要斤斤计较。**

Be tolerant to others, don't be petty.

**24. 要爱护环境,不要破坏自然。**

Protect the environment, don't destroy nature.

**25. 要珍爱生命,不要轻言放弃。**

Cherish life, don't give up easily.

**26. 要珍惜时间,不要虚度光阴。**

Cherish time, don't waste time.

**27. 要追求梦想,不要半途而废。**

Pursue your dreams, don't give up halfway.

**28. 要坚持不懈,不要轻易放弃。**

Be persistent, don't give up easily.

**29. 要乐观向上,不要悲观消极。**

Be optimistic and positive, don't be pessimistic and negative.

**30. 要积极进取,不要安于现状。**

Be proactive, don't be complacent.

**31. 要不断学习,不要固步自封。**

Keep learning, don't close yourself off.

**32. 要勇于实践,不要纸上谈兵。**

Be brave to practice, don't just talk about it on paper.

**33. 要脚踏实地,不要好高骛远。**

Be down-to-earth, don't aim too high.

**34. 要量力而行,不要好大喜功。**

Do things according to your ability, don't try to do too much.

**35. 要实事求是,不要吹牛拍马。**

Be truthful, don't brag or flatter.

**36. 要谦虚谨慎,戒骄戒躁。**

Be humble and cautious, avoid arrogance and impatience.

**37. 要团结协作,不要独断专行。**

Be united and cooperate, don't act unilaterally.

**38. 要勇于创新,不要墨守成规。**

Be brave to innovate, don't stick to old rules.

**39. 要敢于尝试,不要畏首畏尾。**

Be willing to try, don't be timid.

**40. 要善于总结,不要一成不变。**

Be good at summarizing, don't be stagnant.

**41. 要勤于思考,不要人云亦云。**

Be diligent in thinking, don't follow the crowd.

**42. 要勇于担当,不要推卸责任。**

Be courageous to take responsibility, don't shirk responsibility.

**43. 要诚实守信,不要欺骗他人。**

Be honest and trustworthy, don't deceive others.

**44. 要乐于助人,不要自私自利。**

Be willing to help others, don't be selfish.

**45. 要宽容待人,不要斤斤计较。**

Be tolerant to others, don't be petty.

**46. 要爱护环境,不要破坏自然。**

Protect the environment, don't destroy nature.

**47. 要珍爱生命,不要轻言放弃。**

Cherish life, don't give up easily.

**48. 要珍惜时间,不要虚度光阴。**

Cherish time, don't waste time.

**49. 要追求梦想,不要半途而废。**

Pursue your dreams, don't give up halfway.

**50. 要坚持不懈,不要轻易放弃。**

Be persistent, don't give up easily.

**51. 要乐观向上,不要悲观消极。**

Be optimistic and positive, don't be pessimistic and negative.

**52. 要积极进取,不要安于现状。**

Be proactive, don't be complacent.

**53. 要脚踏实地,不要好高骛远。**

Be down-to-earth, don't aim too high.

**54. 要量力而行,不要好大喜功。**

Do things according to your ability, don't try to do too much.

**55. 要实事求是,不要吹牛拍马。**

Be truthful, don't brag or flatter.

**56. 要谦虚谨慎,戒骄戒躁。**

Be humble and cautious, avoid arrogance and impatience.

**57. 要团结协作,不要独断专行。**

Be united and cooperate, don't act unilaterally.

**58. 要勇于创新,不要墨守成规。**

Be brave to innovate, don't stick to old rules.

**59. 要敢于尝试,不要畏首畏尾。**

Be willing to try, don't be timid.

**60. 要善于总结,不要一成不变。**

Be good at summarizing, don't be stagnant.

**61. 要勤于思考,不要人云亦云。**

Be diligent in thinking, don't follow the crowd.

**62. 要勇于担当,不要推卸责任。**

Be courageous to take responsibility, don't shirk responsibility.

**63. 要诚实守信,不要欺骗他人。**

Be honest and trustworthy, don't deceive others.

**64. 要乐于助人,不要自私自利。**

Be willing to help others, don't be selfish.

**65. 要宽容待人,不要斤斤计较。**

Be tolerant to others, don't be petty.

**66. 要爱护环境,不要破坏自然。**

Protect the environment, don't destroy nature.

**67. 要珍爱生命,不要轻言放弃。**

Cherish life, don't give up easily.

**68. 要珍惜时间,不要虚度光阴。**

Cherish time, don't waste time.

**69. 要追求梦想,不要半途而废。**

Pursue your dreams, don't give up halfway.

**70. 要坚持不懈,不要轻易放弃。**

Be persistent, don't give up easily.

**71. 要乐观向上,不要悲观消极。**

Be optimistic and positive, don't be pessimistic and negative.

**72. 要积极进取,不要安于现状。**

Be proactive, don't be complacent.

**73. 要勇于实践,不要纸上谈兵。**

Be brave to practice, don't just talk about it on paper.

**74. 要脚踏实地,不要好高骛远。**

Be down-to-earth, don't aim too high.

**75. 要量力而行,不要好大喜功。**

Do things according to your ability, don't try to do too much.

**76. 要实事求是,不要吹牛拍马。**

Be truthful, don't brag or flatter.

**77. 要谦虚谨慎,戒骄戒躁。**

Be humble and cautious, avoid arrogance and impatience.

**78. 要团结协作,不要独断专行。**

Be united and cooperate, don't act unilaterally.

**79. 要勇于创新,不要墨守成规。**

Be brave to innovate, don't stick to old rules.

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