
## 唯望君安类句子,53句,含英文翻译

1. 唯愿君安,此心不负。

May you be well, and may this heart not be in vain.

2. 山高路远,唯愿君安。

Though mountains are high and roads are long, I only wish you well.

3. 万事顺意,唯愿君安。

May everything go smoothly for you, and I only wish you well.

4. 他乡漂泊,唯愿君安。

Wandering in a foreign land, I only wish you well.

5. 世事无常,唯愿君安。

Life is unpredictable, I only wish you well.

6. 愿君安好,胜过千言万语。

Wishing you well is more than words can express.

7. 愿君一切安好,勿念。

May everything be well with you, do not worry.

8. 愿君安好,此生无忧。

May you be well and have no worries in this life.

9. 愿君安好,万事胜意。

May you be well and have success in everything.

10. 愿君安好,喜乐平安。

May you be well, happy, and peaceful.

11. 愿君安好,岁月静好。

May you be well, and may the years be peaceful and serene.

12. 愿君安好,如沐春风。

May you be well, and may you feel the warmth of spring breeze.

13. 愿君安好,一切如愿。

May you be well, and may all your wishes come true.

14. 愿君安好,心存善念。

May you be well, and may you keep kindness in your heart.

15. 愿君安好,梦寐以求。

May you be well, and may your dreams come true.

16. 愿君安好,不负韶华。

May you be well, and may you not waste your youth.

17. 愿君安好,永远快乐。

May you be well and always happy.

18. 愿君安好,一生幸福。

May you be well and have a lifetime of happiness.

19. 愿君安好,万事如意。

May you be well and have everything you desire.

20. 愿君安好,前途无量。

May you be well and have a bright future.

21. 愿君安好,身体健康。

May you be well and be healthy.

22. 愿君安好,心想事成。

May you be well and have all your wishes come true.

23. 愿君安好,事事顺心。

May you be well and have everything go smoothly.

24. 愿君安好,幸福美满。

May you be well and have a happy and fulfilling life.

25. 愿君安好,平安喜乐。

May you be well, safe, happy, and joyful.

26. 愿君安好,顺风顺水。

May you be well and have everything go smoothly.

27. 愿君安好,生活幸福。

May you be well and have a happy life.

28. 愿君安好,无忧无虑。

May you be well and have no worries.

29. 愿君安好,一切顺利。

May you be well and have everything go smoothly.

30. 愿君安好,心想事成。

May you be well and have all your wishes come true.

31. 愿君安好,万事皆宜。

May you be well and have everything suitable for you.

32. 愿君安好,平安吉祥。

May you be well, safe, and auspicious.

33. 愿君安好,福寿安康。

May you be well, blessed with longevity, peace, and good health.

34. 愿君安好,事事如意。

May you be well and have everything you desire.

35. 愿君安好,永远幸福。

May you be well and always be happy.

36. 愿君安好,家庭美满。

May you be well and have a happy family.

37. 愿君安好,爱情甜蜜。

May you be well and have a sweet love.

38. 愿君安好,事业顺利。

May you be well and have a successful career.

39. 愿君安好,前途光明。

May you be well and have a bright future.

40. 愿君安好,朋友相伴。

May you be well and have friends by your side.

41. 愿君安好,梦想成真。

May you be well and have your dreams come true.

42. 愿君安好,生活美好。

May you be well and have a good life.

43. 愿君安好,健康长寿。

May you be well, healthy, and live long.

44. 愿君安好,幸福快乐。

May you be well, happy, and joyful.

45. 愿君安好,一切顺利。

May you be well and have everything go smoothly.

46. 愿君安好,平安无事。

May you be well and have no troubles.

47. 愿君安好,心怀希望。

May you be well and have hope in your heart.

48. 愿君安好,满怀勇气。

May you be well and be full of courage.

49. 愿君安好,勇敢追梦。

May you be well and bravely pursue your dreams.

50. 愿君安好,幸福常伴。

May you be well and have happiness always by your side.

51. 愿君安好,一切安好。

May you be well, and may everything be well with you.

52. 愿君安好,永远快乐。

May you be well and always be happy.

53. 愿君安好,幸福一生。

May you be well and have a lifetime of happiness.

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