
## 唐雎不辱使命 重点句子 66句


1. 秦王使使者告赵王,欲以十五城请易璧。
2. 赵王使使持璧去,秦王得璧,使人扣留其使者,不许归。
3. 秦王曰:“寡人闻赵王好宝,闻之十年,欲得之,使人遗赵王书,书十事,赵王不敢不许,寡人使使持宝器,盛璧来,赵王送璧来,何也?”
4. 秦王曰:“寡人以十五城请易璧,赵王不许,何也?”
5. 臣闻:“亡国之君,不可与质;亡国之臣,不可与谋。”
6. 今秦王以十五城请易璧,而臣不敢不许,此所谓“亡国之君,不可与质”者也。
7. 秦王曰:“寡人固一世之雄也,而天下莫敢与我争。今吾以十倍之城,请易一璧,而赵王竟不许,何也?”
8. 臣闻:“尺有所短,寸有所长;物有所不足,智有所不明。
9. 臣愿奉璧,以请秦王。
10. 秦王怒,谓唐雎曰:“公尝闻天子之怒乎?”
11. 唐雎对曰:“臣未尝闻也。”
12. 秦王曰:“天子之怒,伏尸百万,流血千里。”
13. 唐雎曰:“臣固知天子之怒,伏尸百万,流血千里,然而不免于亡,何也?
14. 秦王曰:“寡人者,虎也,而公乃犬耳。
15. 且夫天下虎,皆与我为兄弟,而公乃犬耳,何敢与我为敌?”
16. 唐雎曰:“臣闻之,虎生于山林,而犬生于人家,
17. 然而犬畏虎,何也?
18. 以其势不若也。
19. 今臣与大王交战,臣虽不胜,秦亦不胜。
20. 此所谓“两虎相斗,必有一伤”者也。
21. 今大王尝闻布衣之怒乎?”
22. 秦王曰:“布衣之怒,亦何足以畏?”
23. 唐雎曰:“大王尝闻布衣之怒乎?
24. 天子之怒,尚可伏尸百万,流血千里;
25. 布衣之怒,亦足以使大王坠车而死。”
26. 秦王曰:“我以十倍之城,请易一璧,而公敢不许,不顾我之怒,
27. 是亦足以使我坠车而死也。”
28. 唐雎曰:“大王尝闻人言否?
29. 臣闻之:一尺之棰,日取其半,万世不竭。”
30. 秦王曰:“寡人固知之,然安在?”
31. 唐雎曰:“大王尝闻之矣,而今乃欲以十五城请易一璧,
32. 请以十五城请易臣之狗,臣亦不敢与也。
33. 夫以秦王之威,而欲以十五城请易一璧,
34. 不过欲为后世请耳。
35. 臣闻:得道者多助,失道者寡助。
36. 天下皆知秦王之不仁,而臣独亲见之。
37. 秦王固轻臣也,
38. 而愿以十五城请易璧,
39. 不知臣之廉,而固轻臣也,
40. 是以臣不敢辱使命也。”
41. 秦王默然良久,曰:“寡人固自以为长于此,
42. 今天下之士,其皆如此乎?”
43. 唐雎曰:“不然。
44. 臣固陋,
45. 窃闻之,
46. 君子与人交,
47. 言信行果,
48. 忠信以为宝,
49. 义以为利。
50. 此所以不辱使命者也。
51. 臣窃为大王不取也。
52. 今以十五城请易璧,
53. 不过欲以示天下后世,
54. 以示天下后世之君,
55. 秦王轻士,而士不轻秦王,
56. 以为天下奇也。
57. 臣闻之,
58. 贪夫徇财,廉者好义。
59. 今臣无宝以奉大王,
60. 唯有一死以报大王。
61. 秦王怒,
62. 将起击之。
63. 左右曰:“王,
64. 此人固是天下奇男子,
65. 不可击也。”
66. 秦王乃止。


1. The King of Qin sent a messenger to the King of Zhao, wanting to exchange the precious jade for fifteen cities.

2. The King of Zhao sent a messenger to take the jade, and when the King of Qin got the jade, he detained the messenger, not allowing him to return.

3. The King of Qin said,"I have heard that the King of Zhao loves precious treasures, and I have heard about it for ten years, wanting to get it. I sent someone to give the King of Zhao a letter, with ten things in the letter. The King of Zhao dared not disagree. I sent a messenger to hold the treasure box and bring the jade. The King of Zhao sent the jade, why?"

4. The King of Qin said,"I offered fifteen cities to exchange for the jade, but the King of Zhao refused, why?"

5. I have heard,"A ruler of a dying country cannot be trusted with important matters; a minister of a dying country cannot be consulted with plans."

6. Now, the King of Qin offers fifteen cities to exchange for the jade, and I dare not refuse. This is what is called"A ruler of a dying country cannot be trusted with important matters."

7. The King of Qin said,"I am indeed the greatest hero of this era, and no one in the world dares to compete with me. Now, I offer ten times the value in cities to exchange for one jade, and the King of Zhao still refuses, why?"

8. I have heard,"An inch has its own shortness, and a foot has its own length; things have their own deficiencies, and wisdom has its own lack of clarity."

9. I would like to present the jade and ask the King of Qin.

10. The King of Qin was furious, and he said to Tang Ju,"Have you ever heard of the anger of the Emperor?"

11. Tang Ju replied,"I have never heard of it."

12. The King of Qin said,"The anger of the Emperor can cause a million corpses to fall and blood to flow for a thousand miles."

13. Tang Ju said,"I know that the anger of the Emperor can cause a million corpses to fall and blood to flow for a thousand miles, but even then, it does not save him from ruin, why?"

14. The King of Qin said,"I am a tiger, but you are a dog."

15."Moreover, all the tigers in the world are my brothers, and you are a dog. How dare you be my enemy?"

16. Tang Ju replied,"I have heard that tigers are born in the mountains and forests, while dogs are born in human homes."

17."However, dogs fear tigers, why?"

18."Because their power is not as strong."

19."Now, I am going to battle with Your Majesty, and even if I do not win, Qin will not win either."

20."This is what is called 'Two tigers fighting, one must be injured'."

21."Now, Your Majesty, have you ever heard of the anger of a commoner?"

22. The King of Qin said,"The anger of a commoner, what is there to fear?"

23. Tang Ju said,"Your Majesty, have you ever heard of the anger of a commoner?

24. The anger of the Emperor can cause a million corpses to fall and blood to flow for a thousand miles;

25. the anger of a commoner can also cause Your Majesty to fall from your chariot and die."

26. The King of Qin said,"I offered ten times the value in cities to exchange for the jade, but you dare not agree, and you ignore my anger.

27. This is also enough to cause me to fall from my chariot and die."

28. Tang Ju said,"Your Majesty, have you ever heard what people say?"

29."I have heard, 'A stick one foot long, if you take half of it every day, it will never be exhausted'."

30. The King of Qin said,"I know this, but how is it relevant?"

31. Tang Ju said,"Your Majesty has heard it, but now you want to exchange fifteen cities for one jade.

32. If you offered fifteen cities to exchange for my dog, I would not dare to agree either.

33. With the power of the King of Qin, you want to exchange fifteen cities for one jade,

34. you are just trying to establish your reputation for future generations.

35. I have heard,"Those who follow the right path will have many helpers, and those who stray from the right path will have few."

36. The whole world knows of the King of Qin's unrighteousness, and I have witnessed it firsthand.

37. The King of Qin indeed despises me,

38. but he is willing to offer fifteen cities to exchange for the jade,

39. he does not know my integrity and still despises me,

40. therefore, I dare not fail in my mission."

41. The King of Qin remained silent for a long time, and then said,"I thought I was superior in this,

42. do all the scholars in the world behave like this?"

43. Tang Ju said,"No.

44. I am ignorant and humble.

45. I have heard that

46. a gentleman, when interacting with people,

47. his words are sincere and his actions are resolute,

48. he values loyalty and trustworthiness,

49. and regards righteousness as his benefit.

50. This is why he does not fail in his mission.

51. I humbly believe that Your Majesty should not take the jade.

52. Now, offering fifteen cities to exchange for the jade,

53. is merely to demonstrate to the world and future generations,

54. to demonstrate to future rulers,

55. that the King of Qin despises scholars, but scholars do not despise the King of Qin,

56. and to be considered an extraordinary feat in the world.

57. I have heard,

58. greedy people pursue wealth, while those who are upright pursue righteousness.

59. Now, I have no treasures to offer Your Majesty,

60. only my death to repay Your Majesty.

61. The King of Qin was furious,

62. and was about to rise and attack him.

63. His attendants said,"Your Majesty,

64. this man is indeed an extraordinary man in the world,

65. he cannot be attacked."

66. The King of Qin then stopped.

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