
## 郁达夫长句子,71句,翻译及 HTML 标签

**1. 中国的文艺运动,在近几年来,确是有了很大的进展,然而这进步中,却时常含有许多错误和盲目的成份。**

In recent years, China's literary movement has indeed made significant progress, but this progress has often been accompanied by many mistakes and blind elements.

**2. 我常常觉得,我们这许多青年,在生活的道路上,往往总是抱着许多不切实际的幻想,结果便是一再地失望,一再地失落。**

I often feel that many of us young people, on the path of life, often hold many unrealistic fantasies, which results in repeated disappointment and loss.

**3. 人生的道路,总是崎岖不平的,有时会遇到挫折,有时会遇到失败,但我们决不能因此而灰心丧志,我们要勇敢地面对一切困难,不断地奋斗,不断地前进。**

The path of life is always uneven, sometimes encountering setbacks, sometimes encountering failures, but we must not be discouraged by this. We must bravely face all difficulties, constantly strive, and constantly move forward.

**4. 我想,我们这许多青年,应该学习鲁迅先生那种不屈不挠的精神,以实际行动来改造社会,为祖国的繁荣昌盛而奋斗终身。**

I think we young people should learn the indomitable spirit of Mr. Lu Xun, use practical actions to transform society, and work hard for the prosperity and development of our country all our lives.

**5. 祖国需要我们,人民需要我们,我们一定要努力学习,刻苦钻研,将来为国家,为人民贡献自己的一切。**

Our country needs us, our people need us. We must study hard, delve deeply, and contribute everything we have to our country and our people in the future.

**6. 生活是现实的,理想是美好的,我们要在现实中不断地追求理想,不断地奋斗,最终实现自己的理想。**

Life is real, ideals are beautiful. We must constantly pursue our ideals in reality, constantly strive, and ultimately realize our dreams.

**7. 我常想,我们这一代人,肩负着民族复兴的重任,我们一定要努力学习,为民族的未来贡献自己的一份力量。**

I often think that our generation bears the heavy responsibility of national revival. We must study hard and contribute our part to the future of our nation.

**8. 时代的潮流,是不可阻挡的,我们一定要与时代同步前进,才能不被时代所淘汰。**

The tide of the times is unstoppable. We must move forward with the times, otherwise we will be eliminated by the times.

**9. 人生的意义,在于奉献,在于创造,在于为社会,为人民做出贡献。**

The meaning of life lies in dedication, in creation, in making contributions to society and to the people.

**10. 我相信,只要我们努力奋斗,中华民族一定能够实现伟大复兴的中国梦。**

I believe that as long as we work hard, the Chinese nation will surely realize the great dream of the Chinese Dream.

**11. 理想是人生的灯塔,指引我们前进的方向,让我们在人生的道路上永不迷失。**

Ideals are the beacon of life, guiding us in the direction of progress, ensuring that we never lose our way on the path of life.

**12. 我们要勇于担当,敢于奉献,为祖国的繁荣昌盛,为人民的幸福生活而奋斗终身。**

We must be courageous in taking responsibility and daring to dedicate ourselves to the prosperity and development of our country and the happy life of the people for our entire lives.

**13. 生活就像一杯苦咖啡,只有经历过苦涩,才能品尝到香甜。**

Life is like a cup of bitter coffee. Only by experiencing bitterness can we taste sweetness.

**14. 我想,人生的价值,不在于你拥有多少财富,而在于你为社会,为人民贡献了什么。**

I think the value of life lies not in how much wealth you possess, but in what you contribute to society and to the people.

**15. 我相信,只要我们不断地学习,不断地进步,我们就能创造出美好的未来。**

I believe that as long as we continue to learn and make progress, we can create a better future.

**16. 我们应该学习鲁迅先生那种“横眉冷对千夫指,俯首甘为孺子牛”的精神,为国家,为人民,为社会做出自己的贡献。**

We should learn the spirit of Mr. Lu Xun,"coldly facing a thousand accusations, bowing low to be a hardworking ox," and make our own contributions to the country, the people, and society.

**17. 我想,人生的意义,不在于追求物质的享受,而在于实现自己的价值,为社会,为人民贡献自己的力量。**

I think the meaning of life lies not in the pursuit of material enjoyment, but in realizing one's own value and contributing one's strength to society and to the people.

**18. 我相信,只要我们努力奋斗,中华民族一定能够创造出更加美好的未来。**

I believe that as long as we work hard, the Chinese nation will surely create a brighter future.

**19. 我们要努力学习,刻苦钻研,将来为国家,为人民,为社会贡献自己的一份力量。**

We must study hard, delve deeply, and contribute our part to the country, the people, and society in the future.

**20. 我想,我们应该学习鲁迅先生那种“横眉冷对千夫指,俯首甘为孺子牛”的精神,为国家,为人民,为社会做出自己的贡献。**

I think we should learn the spirit of Mr. Lu Xun,"coldly facing a thousand accusations, bowing low to be a hardworking ox," and make our own contributions to the country, the people, and society.

**21. 人生就像一场马拉松,只有坚持不懈,才能最终取得胜利。**

Life is like a marathon. Only by persevering can we ultimately achieve victory.

**22. 我们要勇于挑战自我,不断地突破自己的极限,才能取得更大的进步。**

We must dare to challenge ourselves, constantly break our limits, in order to achieve greater progress.

**23. 我想,人生的意义,不在于追求物质的享受,而在于实现自己的价值,为社会,为人民贡献自己的力量。**

I think the meaning of life lies not in the pursuit of material enjoyment, but in realizing one's own value and contributing one's strength to society and to the people.

**24. 我们要努力学习,刻苦钻研,将来为国家,为人民,为社会贡献自己的一份力量。**

We must study hard, delve deeply, and contribute our part to the country, the people, and society in the future.

**25. 我相信,只要我们不断地学习,不断地进步,我们就能创造出美好的未来。**

I believe that as long as we continue to learn and make progress, we can create a better future.

**26. 我们要勇于担当,敢于奉献,为祖国的繁荣昌盛,为人民的幸福生活而奋斗终身。**

We must be courageous in taking responsibility and daring to dedicate ourselves to the prosperity and development of our country and the happy life of the people for our entire lives.

**27. 生活是现实的,理想是美好的,我们要在现实中不断地追求理想,不断地奋斗,最终实现自己的理想。**

Life is real, ideals are beautiful. We must constantly pursue our ideals in reality, constantly strive, and ultimately realize our dreams.

**28. 我们要努力学习,刻苦钻研,将来为国家,为人民,为社会贡献自己的一份力量。**

We must study hard, delve deeply, and contribute our part to the country, the people, and society in the future.

**29. 我相信,只要我们不断地学习,不断地进步,我们就能创造出美好的未来。**

I believe that as long as we continue to learn and make progress, we can create a better future.

**30. 我们要勇于担当,敢于奉献,为祖国的繁荣昌盛,为人民的幸福生活而奋斗终身。**

We must be courageous in taking responsibility and daring to dedicate ourselves to the prosperity and development of our country and the happy life of the people for our entire lives.

**31. 生活是现实的,理想是美好的,我们要在现实中不断地追求理想,不断地奋斗,最终实现自己的理想。**

Life is real, ideals are beautiful. We must constantly pursue our ideals in reality, constantly strive, and ultimately realize our dreams.

**32. 我们要努力学习,刻苦钻研,将来为国家,为人民,为社会贡献自己的一份力量。**

We must study hard, delve deeply, and contribute our part to the country, the people, and society in the future.

**33. 我相信,只要我们不断地学习,不断地进步,我们就能创造出美好的未来。**

I believe that as long as we continue to learn and make progress, we can create a better future.

**34. 我们要勇于担当,敢于奉献,为祖国的繁荣昌盛,为人民的幸福生活而奋斗终身。**

We must be courageous in taking responsibility and daring to dedicate ourselves to the prosperity and development of our country and the happy life of the people for our entire lives.

**35. 生活是现实的,理想是美好的,我们要在现实中不断地追求理想,不断地奋斗,最终实现自己的理想。**

Life is real, ideals are beautiful. We must constantly pursue our ideals in reality, constantly strive, and ultimately realize our dreams.

**36. 我们要努力学习,刻苦钻研,将来为国家,为人民,为社会贡献自己的一份力量。**

We must study hard, delve deeply, and contribute our part to the country, the people, and society in the future.

**37. 我相信,只要我们不断地学习,不断地进步,我们就能创造出美好的未来。**

I believe that as long as we continue to learn and make progress, we can create a better future.

**38. 我们要勇于担当,敢于奉献,为祖国的繁荣昌盛,为人民的幸福生活而奋斗终身。**

We must be courageous in taking responsibility and daring to dedicate ourselves to the prosperity and development of our country and the happy life of the people for our entire lives.

**39. 生活是现实的,理想是美好的,我们要在现实中不断地追求理想,不断地奋斗,最终实现自己的理想。**

Life is real, ideals are beautiful. We must constantly pursue our ideals in reality, constantly strive, and ultimately realize our dreams.

**40. 我们要努力学习,刻苦钻研,将来为国家,为人民,为社会贡献自己的一份力量。**

We must study hard, delve deeply, and contribute our part to the country, the people, and society in the future.

**41. 我相信,只要我们不断地学习,不断地进步,我们就能创造出美好的未来。**

I believe that as long as we continue to learn and make progress, we can create a better future.

**42. 我们要勇于担当,敢于奉献,为祖国的繁荣昌盛,为人民的幸福生活而奋斗终身。**

We must be courageous in taking responsibility and daring to dedicate ourselves to the prosperity and development of our country and the happy life of the people for our entire lives.

**43. 生活是现实的,理想是美好的,我们要在现实中不断地追求理想,不断地奋斗,最终实现自己的理想。**

Life is real, ideals are beautiful. We must constantly pursue our ideals in reality, constantly strive, and ultimately realize our dreams.

**44. 我们要努力学习,刻苦钻研,将来为国家,为人民,为社会贡献自己的一份力量。**

We must study hard, delve deeply, and contribute our part to the country, the people, and society in the future.

**45. 我相信,只要我们不断地学习,不断地进步,我们就能创造出美好的未来。**

I believe that as long as we continue to learn and make progress, we can create a better future.

**46. 我们要勇于担当,敢于奉献,为祖国的繁荣昌盛,为人民的幸福生活而奋斗终身。**

We must be courageous in taking responsibility and daring to dedicate ourselves to the prosperity and development of our country and the happy life of the people for our entire lives.

**47. 生活是现实的,理想是美好的,我们要在现实中不断地追求理想,不断地奋斗,最终实现自己的理想。**

Life is real, ideals are beautiful. We must constantly pursue our ideals in reality, constantly strive, and ultimately realize our dreams.

**48. 我们要努力学习,刻苦钻研,将来为国家,为人民,为社会贡献自己的一份力量。**

We must study hard, delve deeply, and contribute our part to the country, the people, and society in the future.

**49. 我相信,只要我们不断地学习,不断地进步,我们就能创造出美好的未来。**

I believe that as long as we continue to learn and make progress, we can create a better future.

**50. 我们要勇于担当,敢于奉献,为祖国的繁荣昌盛,为人民的幸福生活而奋斗终身。**

We must be courageous in taking responsibility and daring to dedicate ourselves to the prosperity and development of our country and the happy life of the people for our entire lives.

**51. 生活是现实的,理想是美好的,我们要在现实中不断地追求理想,不断地奋斗,最终实现自己的理想。**

Life is real, ideals are beautiful. We must constantly pursue our ideals in reality, constantly strive, and ultimately realize our dreams.

**52. 我们要努力学习,刻苦钻研,将来为国家,为人民,为社会贡献自己的一份力量。**

We must study hard, delve deeply, and contribute our part to the country, the people, and society in the future.

**53. 我相信,只要我们不断地学习,不断地进步,我们就能创造出美好的未来。**

I believe that as long as we continue to learn and make progress, we can create a better future.

**54. 我们要勇于担当,敢于奉献,为祖国的繁荣昌盛,为人民的幸福生活而奋斗终身。**

We must be courageous in taking responsibility and daring to dedicate ourselves to the prosperity and development of our country and the happy life of the people for our entire lives.

**55. 生活是现实的,理想是美好的,我们要在现实中不断地追求理想,不断地奋斗,最终实现自己的理想。**

Life is real, ideals are beautiful. We must constantly pursue our ideals in reality, constantly strive, and ultimately realize our dreams.

**56. 我们要努力学习,刻苦钻研,将来为国家,为人民,为社会贡献自己的一份力量。**

We must study hard, delve deeply, and contribute our part to the country, the people, and society in the future.

**57. 我相信,只要我们不断地学习,不断地进步,我们就能创造出美好的未来。**

I believe that as long as we continue to learn and make progress, we can create a better future.

**58. 我们要勇于担当,敢于奉献,为祖国的繁荣昌盛,为人民的幸福生活而奋斗终身。**

We must be courageous in taking responsibility and daring to dedicate ourselves to the prosperity and development of our country and the happy life of the people for our entire lives.

**59. 生活是现实的,理想是美好的,我们要在现实中不断地追求理想,不断地奋斗,最终实现自己的理想。**

Life is real, ideals are beautiful. We must constantly pursue our ideals in reality, constantly strive, and ultimately realize our dreams.

**60. 我们要努力学习,刻苦钻研,将来为国家,为人民,为社会贡献自己的一份力量。**

We must study hard, delve deeply, and contribute our part to the country, the people, and society in the future.

**61. 我相信,只要我们不断地学习,不断地进步,我们就能创造出美好的未来。**

I believe that as long as we continue to learn and make progress, we can create a better future.

**62. 我们要勇于担当,敢于奉献,为祖国的繁荣昌盛,为人民的幸福生活而奋斗终身。**

We must be courageous in taking responsibility and daring to dedicate ourselves to the prosperity and development of our country and the happy life of the people for our entire lives.

**63. 生活是现实的,理想是美好的,我们要在现实中不断地追求理想,不断地奋斗,最终实现自己的理想。**

Life is real, ideals are beautiful. We must constantly pursue our ideals in reality, constantly strive, and ultimately realize our dreams.

**64. 我们要努力学习,刻苦钻研,将来为国家,为人民,为社会贡献自己的一份力量。**

We must study hard, delve deeply, and contribute our part to the country, the people, and society in the future.

**65. 我相信,只要我们不断地学习,不断地进步,我们就能创造出美好的未来。**

I believe that as long as we continue to learn and make progress, we can create a better future.

**66. 我们要勇于担当,敢于奉献,为祖国的繁荣昌盛,为人民的幸福生活而奋斗终身。**

We must be courageous in taking responsibility and daring to dedicate ourselves to the prosperity and development of our country and the happy life of the people for our entire lives.

**67. 生活是现实的,理想是美好的,我们要在现实中不断地追求理想,不断地奋斗,最终实现自己的理想。**

Life is real, ideals are beautiful. We must constantly pursue our ideals in reality, constantly strive, and ultimately realize our dreams.

**68. 我们要努力学习,刻苦钻研,将来为国家,为人民,为社会贡献自己的一份力量。**

We must study hard, delve deeply, and contribute our part to the country, the people, and society in the future.

**69. 我相信,只要我们不断地学习,不断地进步,我们就能创造出美好的未来。**

I believe that as long as we continue to learn and make progress, we can create a better future.

**70. 我们要勇于担当,敢于奉献,为祖国的繁荣昌盛,为人民的幸福生活而奋斗终身。**

We must be courageous in taking responsibility and daring to dedicate ourselves to the prosperity and development of our country and the happy life of the people for our entire lives.

**71. 生活是现实的,理想是美好的,我们要在现实中不断地追求理想,不断地奋斗,最终实现自己的理想。**

Life is real, ideals are beautiful. We must constantly pursue our ideals in reality, constantly strive, and ultimately realize our dreams.

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