
## 营区卫生句子(78句)

**1. 保持营区环境清洁卫生,是每个营员的责任。**

Keeping the camp area clean and hygienic is the responsibility of every camper.

**2. 营区卫生是安全健康的保障,我们要人人参与,共同维护。**

Camp sanitation is a guarantee of safety and health, and we should all participate and maintain it together.

**3. 垃圾要分类投放,不要乱扔,保持环境整洁。**

Garbage should be sorted and disposed of properly, do not litter, keep the environment clean.

**4. 吃饭前洗手,防止病菌传播,保持个人卫生。**

Wash your hands before eating to prevent the spread of germs and maintain personal hygiene.

**5. 营区内禁止吸烟,吸烟有害健康,污染环境。**

Smoking is prohibited in the camp area. Smoking is harmful to health and pollutes the environment.

**6. 爱护花草树木,不要践踏草坪,保护生态环境。**

Protect flowers, plants, and trees. Do not trample on lawns and protect the ecological environment.

**7. 公共区域要保持安静,不要大声喧哗,影响他人休息。**

Public areas should be kept quiet. Do not shout or make noise to disturb others.

**8. 随手关灯,节约能源,保护环境。**

Turn off the lights when you leave, save energy, and protect the environment.

**9. 营区内禁止使用明火,注意防火安全。**

Open flames are prohibited in the camp area. Pay attention to fire safety.

**10. 营区内禁止乱涂乱画,保持环境整洁美观。**

Do not scribble or draw in the camp area. Keep the environment clean and beautiful.

**11. 营区内禁止使用电器,避免发生触电事故。**

Electrical appliances are prohibited in the camp area to avoid electric shock accidents.

**12. 营区内禁止使用塑料袋,提倡使用环保袋,减少白色污染。**

Plastic bags are prohibited in the camp area. Encourage the use of eco-friendly bags to reduce white pollution.

**13. 营区内禁止乱扔废电池,电池污染环境,危害健康。**

Do not litter waste batteries in the camp area. Batteries pollute the environment and harm health.

**14. 营区内禁止使用一次性餐具,倡导使用可重复使用餐具,节约资源。**

Disposable tableware is prohibited in the camp area. Encourage the use of reusable tableware to conserve resources.

**15. 营区内禁止乱倒垃圾,垃圾要分类投放,保持环境整洁。**

Do not dump garbage in the camp area. Garbage should be sorted and disposed of properly to keep the environment clean.

**16. 营区内禁止使用驱蚊剂,避免对环境造成污染。**

Mosquito repellents are prohibited in the camp area to avoid environmental pollution.

**17. 营区内禁止使用化学农药,避免对环境造成污染。**

Chemical pesticides are prohibited in the camp area to avoid environmental pollution.

**18. 营区内禁止使用空调,避免对环境造成污染。**

Air conditioners are prohibited in the camp area to avoid environmental pollution.

**19. 营区内禁止使用淋浴,避免浪费水资源。**

Showers are prohibited in the camp area to avoid wasting water resources.

**20. 营区内禁止使用洗衣机,避免浪费水资源。**

Washing machines are prohibited in the camp area to avoid wasting water resources.

**21. 营区内禁止使用电吹风,避免浪费电力资源。**

Hair dryers are prohibited in the camp area to avoid wasting electricity resources.

**22. 营区内禁止使用电热毯,避免浪费电力资源。**

Electric blankets are prohibited in the camp area to avoid wasting electricity resources.

**23. 营区内禁止使用电饭锅,避免浪费电力资源。**

Electric rice cookers are prohibited in the camp area to avoid wasting electricity resources.

**24. 营区内禁止使用电热水器,避免浪费电力资源。**

Electric water heaters are prohibited in the camp area to avoid wasting electricity resources.

**25. 营区内禁止使用电磁炉,避免浪费电力资源。**

Induction cookers are prohibited in the camp area to avoid wasting electricity resources.

**26. 营区内禁止使用电烤箱,避免浪费电力资源。**

Electric ovens are prohibited in the camp area to avoid wasting electricity resources.

**27. 营区内禁止使用微波炉,避免浪费电力资源。**

Microwaves are prohibited in the camp area to avoid wasting electricity resources.

**28. 营区内禁止使用电冰箱,避免浪费电力资源。**

Refrigerators are prohibited in the camp area to avoid wasting electricity resources.

**29. 营区内禁止使用手机,避免对他人造成干扰。**

Mobile phones are prohibited in the camp area to avoid disturbing others.

**30. 营区内禁止使用耳机,避免对他人造成干扰。**

Headphones are prohibited in the camp area to avoid disturbing others.

**31. 营区内禁止使用录音机,避免对他人造成干扰。**

Tape recorders are prohibited in the camp area to avoid disturbing others.

**32. 营区内禁止使用音响,避免对他人造成干扰。**

Sound systems are prohibited in the camp area to avoid disturbing others.

**33. 营区内禁止使用游戏机,避免影响学习和休息。**

Game consoles are prohibited in the camp area to avoid affecting learning and rest.

**34. 营区内禁止使用电脑,避免影响学习和休息。**

Computers are prohibited in the camp area to avoid affecting learning and rest.

**35. 营区内禁止使用平板电脑,避免影响学习和休息。**

Tablet computers are prohibited in the camp area to avoid affecting learning and rest.

**36. 营区内禁止使用智能手机,避免影响学习和休息。**

Smartphones are prohibited in the camp area to avoid affecting learning and rest.

**37. 营区内禁止使用无线路由器,避免对信号造成干扰。**

Wireless routers are prohibited in the camp area to avoid interfering with signals.

**38. 营区内禁止使用无线蓝牙耳机,避免对信号造成干扰。**

Wireless Bluetooth headsets are prohibited in the camp area to avoid interfering with signals.

**39. 营区内禁止使用无线充电器,避免对信号造成干扰。**

Wireless chargers are prohibited in the camp area to avoid interfering with signals.

**40. 营区内禁止使用无线网络,避免对信号造成干扰。**

Wireless networks are prohibited in the camp area to avoid interfering with signals.

**41. 营区内禁止使用无人机,避免对安全造成威胁。**

Drones are prohibited in the camp area to avoid security threats.

**42. 营区内禁止使用滑板,避免对安全造成威胁。**

Skateboards are prohibited in the camp area to avoid security threats.

**43. 营区内禁止使用自行车,避免对安全造成威胁。**

Bicycles are prohibited in the camp area to avoid security threats.

**44. 营区内禁止使用摩托车,避免对安全造成威胁。**

Motorcycles are prohibited in the camp area to avoid security threats.

**45. 营区内禁止使用汽车,避免对安全造成威胁。**

Cars are prohibited in the camp area to avoid security threats.

**46. 营区内禁止使用宠物,避免对安全造成威胁。**

Pets are prohibited in the camp area to avoid security threats.

**47. 营区内禁止使用枪支,避免对安全造成威胁。**

Guns are prohibited in the camp area to avoid security threats.

**48. 营区内禁止使用刀具,避免对安全造成威胁。**

Knives are prohibited in the camp area to avoid security threats.

**49. 营区内禁止使用火柴,避免对安全造成威胁。**

Matches are prohibited in the camp area to avoid security threats.

**50. 营区内禁止使用打火机,避免对安全造成威胁。**

Lighters are prohibited in the camp area to avoid security threats.

**51. 营区内禁止使用酒精,避免对安全造成威胁。**

Alcohol is prohibited in the camp area to avoid security threats.

**52. 营区内禁止使用毒品,避免对安全造成威胁。**

Drugs are prohibited in the camp area to avoid security threats.

**53. 营区内禁止使用鞭炮,避免对安全造成威胁。**

Firecrackers are prohibited in the camp area to avoid security threats.

**54. 营区内禁止使用烟花,避免对安全造成威胁。**

Fireworks are prohibited in the camp area to avoid security threats.

**55. 营区内禁止使用爆竹,避免对安全造成威胁。**

Firecrackers are prohibited in the camp area to avoid security threats.

**56. 营区内禁止使用危险物品,避免对安全造成威胁。**

Dangerous items are prohibited in the camp area to avoid security threats.

**57. 营区内禁止使用有害物品,避免对健康造成威胁。**

Harmful items are prohibited in the camp area to avoid health threats.

**58. 营区内禁止乱扔杂物,保持环境整洁。**

Do not litter in the camp area. Keep the environment clean.

**59. 营区内禁止乱丢垃圾,垃圾要分类投放,保持环境整洁。**

Do not litter in the camp area. Garbage should be sorted and disposed of properly to keep the environment clean.

**60. 营区内禁止乱排污水,污水要集中处理,防止环境污染。**

Do not discharge sewage in the camp area. Sewage should be treated centrally to prevent environmental pollution.

**61. 营区内禁止乱砍伐树木,保护生态环境。**

Do not cut down trees in the camp area. Protect the ecological environment.

**62. 营区内禁止乱挖土,保护生态环境。**

Do not dig up soil in the camp area. Protect the ecological environment.

**63. 营区内禁止乱采矿,保护生态环境。**

Do not mine in the camp area. Protect the ecological environment.

**64. 营区内禁止乱建房,保护生态环境。**

Do not build houses in the camp area. Protect the ecological environment.

**65. 营区内禁止乱开垦土地,保护生态环境。**

Do not reclaim land in the camp area. Protect the ecological environment.

**66. 营区内禁止乱堆放物资,保持环境整洁。**

Do not litter materials in the camp area. Keep the environment clean.

**67. 营区内禁止乱摆摊,保持环境整洁。**

Do not set up stalls in the camp area. Keep the environment clean.

**68. 营区内禁止乱停放车辆,保持交通秩序。**

Do not park vehicles in the camp area. Maintain traffic order.

**69. 营区内禁止乱涂乱画,保持环境美观。**

Do not scribble or draw in the camp area. Keep the environment beautiful.

**70. 营区内禁止乱扔烟头,注意防火安全。**

Do not litter cigarette butts in the camp area. Pay attention to fire safety.

**71. 营区内禁止乱扔纸屑,保持环境整洁。**

Do not litter paper in the camp area. Keep the environment clean.

**72. 营区内禁止乱扔塑料瓶,保护环境。**

Do not litter plastic bottles in the camp area. Protect the environment.

**73. 营区内禁止乱扔玻璃碎片,避免造成伤害。**

Do not litter glass shards in the camp area. Avoid injury.

**74. 营区内禁止乱扔金属物品,保护环境。**

Do not litter metal items in the camp area. Protect the environment.

**75. 营区内禁止乱扔食物残渣,防止滋生蚊蝇。**

Do not litter food scraps in the camp area. Prevent the breeding of mosquitoes and flies.

**76. 营区内禁止乱扔生活垃圾,保持环境整洁。**

Do not litter household waste in the camp area. Keep the environment clean.

**77. 营区内禁止乱扔建筑垃圾,保持环境整洁。**

Do not litter construction waste in the camp area. Keep the environment clean.

**78. 营区内禁止乱扔其他垃圾,保持环境整洁。**

Do not litter other garbage in the camp area. Keep the environment clean.

以上就是关于营区卫生句子78句(营区卫生句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
