
## 萌懂天真句子 (85句)

1. 小兔子,白又白,两只耳朵竖起来。

The little rabbit, white and white, has two ears standing upright.

2. 小鸟,小鸟,飞上天,快快飞,快快飞。

Little bird, little bird, fly to the sky, fly quickly, fly quickly.

3. 太阳公公,笑眯眯,温暖大地,照亮你。

The sun, smiling, warms the earth and shines on you.

4. 月亮婆婆,圆又圆,挂在天上,闪闪亮。

The moon, round and round, hangs in the sky, shining brightly.

5. 星星宝宝,眨眼睛,数星星,数不完。

Little star babies, blinking, counting stars, never ending.

6. 小花,真美丽,五颜六色,笑盈盈。

Little flower, so beautiful, colorful, smiling.

7. 小草,绿油油,偷偷地,探出头。

Little grass, green and green, secretly peeking out.

8. 小鱼,水中游,摇摇尾巴,真快乐。

Little fish, swimming in the water, wagging its tail, so happy.

9. 小猫,喵喵叫,喜欢吃鱼,爱玩球。

Little cat, meowing, likes to eat fish and play with balls.

10. 小狗,汪汪叫,摇摇尾巴,真可爱。

Little dog, barking, wagging its tail, so cute.

11. 雨滴,滴答滴,滋润万物,长得好。

Raindrops, pitter-patter, moistening everything, growing well.

12. 风儿,轻轻吹,吹动树叶,沙沙响。

The wind, blowing gently, rustling the leaves, making a rustling sound.

13. 云朵,白白的,飘来飘去,真好玩。

Clouds, white, floating around, so fun.

14. 彩虹,七色彩,美丽极了,真漂亮。

Rainbow, seven colors, so beautiful, so beautiful.

15. 雪花,白白的,纷纷扬扬,真美丽。

Snowflakes, white, fluttering down, so beautiful.

16. 小朋友,真可爱,笑起来,眼睛亮。

Little friends, so cute, smiling with bright eyes.

17. 我喜欢,小动物,它们可爱,又亲人。

I like small animals, they are cute and friendly.

18. 我喜欢,玩游戏,玩得开心,真快乐。

I like playing games, having fun and being happy.

19. 我喜欢,画画画,画出美丽,好开心。

I like drawing, drawing beautiful things, so happy.

20. 我喜欢,吃糖果,甜甜的,真好吃。

I like eating candy, sweet and delicious.

21. 我喜欢,唱歌唱,唱出快乐,好开心。

I like singing, singing happiness, so happy.

22. 我喜欢,跳舞跳,跳出活力,好开心。

I like dancing, dancing with energy, so happy.

23. 我喜欢,做手工,做得好玩,好开心。

I like doing crafts, having fun doing them, so happy.

24. 我喜欢,看故事,故事有趣,好开心。

I like reading stories, they are interesting and fun.

25. 我喜欢,玩玩具,玩得尽兴,好开心。

I like playing with toys, having fun and being happy.

26. 我喜欢,帮助人,帮助别人,好开心。

I like helping people, helping others, so happy.

27. 我喜欢,学习学,学到知识,好开心。

I like learning, learning knowledge, so happy.

28. 我喜欢,阳光暖,温暖我,好舒服。

I like the warm sunshine, it warms me, so comfortable.

29. 我喜欢,下雨天,雨滴落下,好清新。

I like rainy days, the raindrops falling, so refreshing.

30. 我喜欢,风吹吹,吹动头发,好凉爽。

I like the wind blowing, blowing my hair, so cool.

31. 我喜欢,雪飘飘,世界一片白,真美丽。

I like the snow fluttering, the world is white, so beautiful.

32. 我喜欢,看星星,星星闪烁,好漂亮。

I like looking at the stars, they twinkle and shine so beautifully.

33. 我喜欢,听音乐,音乐动听,好快乐。

I like listening to music, it is beautiful and makes me happy.

34. 我喜欢,看动画片,动画片有趣,好开心。

I like watching cartoons, they are funny and fun.

35. 我喜欢,玩游戏,游戏好玩,好开心。

I like playing games, they are fun and exciting.

36. 我喜欢,吃冰淇淋,冰冰凉凉,真好吃。

I like eating ice cream, it is cold and delicious.

37. 我喜欢,喝饮料,饮料甜甜的,真解渴。

I like drinking beverages, they are sweet and refreshing.

38. 我喜欢,玩积木,积木可以拼出各种东西,真好玩。

I like playing with building blocks, I can build all sorts of things with them, so much fun.

39. 我喜欢,看图画书,图画书有很多美丽的图片,好漂亮。

I like looking at picture books, they have many beautiful pictures, so beautiful.

40. 我喜欢,玩玩具汽车,玩具汽车可以开得很快,真好玩。

I like playing with toy cars, they can go very fast, so much fun.

41. 我喜欢,玩捉迷藏,玩捉迷藏很刺激,好开心。

I like playing hide-and-seek, it is exciting and fun.

42. 我喜欢,和朋友一起玩,和朋友一起玩很开心,好快乐。

I like playing with my friends, it is fun and happy to play with friends.

43. 我喜欢,看日出,日出很漂亮,好壮观。

I like watching the sunrise, it is beautiful and magnificent.

44. 我喜欢,看日落,日落很美丽,好温馨。

I like watching the sunset, it is beautiful and warm.

45. 我喜欢,看月亮,月亮很圆,好明亮。

I like watching the moon, it is round and bright.

46. 我喜欢,看星星,星星很小,好闪亮。

I like watching the stars, they are small and twinkling.

47. 我喜欢,看云朵,云朵很白,好漂亮。

I like watching the clouds, they are white and beautiful.

48. 我喜欢,听鸟叫,鸟叫声很好听,好悦耳。

I like listening to birds sing, their songs are beautiful and pleasant to the ear.

49. 我喜欢,闻花香,花香很香,好清新。

I like smelling the fragrance of flowers, they are fragrant and refreshing.

50. 我喜欢,吃水果,水果很甜,好美味。

I like eating fruits, they are sweet and delicious.

51. 我喜欢,喝牛奶,牛奶很香,好营养。

I like drinking milk, it is fragrant and nutritious.

52. 我喜欢,玩沙子,沙子很柔软,好舒服。

I like playing in the sand, it is soft and comfortable.

53. 我喜欢,玩水,水很凉爽,好开心。

I like playing in the water, it is cool and refreshing.

54. 我喜欢,玩泥巴,泥巴很粘,好有趣。

I like playing with mud, it is sticky and fun.

55. 我喜欢,玩玩具熊,玩具熊很可爱,好舒服。

I like playing with teddy bears, they are cute and cuddly.

56. 我喜欢,玩玩具娃娃,玩具娃娃很漂亮,好漂亮。

I like playing with dolls, they are beautiful and pretty.

57. 我喜欢,玩积木,积木可以拼出各种东西,真好玩。

I like playing with building blocks, I can build all sorts of things with them, so much fun.

58. 我喜欢,看故事书,故事书很有趣,好开心。

I like reading story books, they are interesting and fun.

59. 我喜欢,听音乐,音乐很好听,好开心。

I like listening to music, it is beautiful and makes me happy.

60. 我喜欢,唱歌,唱歌很好玩,好开心。

I like singing, it is fun and makes me happy.

61. 我喜欢,跳舞,跳舞很好玩,好开心。

I like dancing, it is fun and makes me happy.

62. 我喜欢,画画,画画很好玩,好开心。

I like drawing, it is fun and makes me happy.

63. 我喜欢,写字,写字很好玩,好开心。

I like writing, it is fun and makes me happy.

64. 我喜欢,做手工,做手工很好玩,好开心。

I like doing crafts, it is fun and makes me happy.

65. 我喜欢,玩游戏,玩游戏很好玩,好开心。

I like playing games, it is fun and makes me happy.

66. 我喜欢,看动画片,动画片很有趣,好开心。

I like watching cartoons, they are funny and fun.

67. 我喜欢,看电影,电影很有趣,好开心。

I like watching movies, they are interesting and fun.

68. 我喜欢,吃零食,零食很好吃,好开心。

I like eating snacks, they are delicious and make me happy.

69. 我喜欢,喝饮料,饮料很好喝,好开心。

I like drinking beverages, they are delicious and make me happy.

70. 我喜欢,和家人一起吃饭,和家人一起吃饭很开心,好温暖。

I like eating with my family, it is happy and warm to eat with family.

71. 我喜欢,和朋友一起玩耍,和朋友一起玩耍很开心,好快乐。

I like playing with my friends, it is fun and happy to play with friends.

72. 我喜欢,在公园里玩耍,在公园里玩耍很开心,好放松。

I like playing in the park, it is fun and relaxing to play in the park.

73. 我喜欢,在海边玩耍,在海边玩耍很开心,好凉爽。

I like playing at the beach, it is fun and refreshing to play at the beach.

74. 我喜欢,在山上玩耍,在山上玩耍很开心,好刺激。

I like playing in the mountains, it is fun and exciting to play in the mountains.

75. 我喜欢,看日出,看日出很美丽,好壮观。

I like watching the sunrise, it is beautiful and magnificent.

76. 我喜欢,看日落,看日落很美丽,好温馨。

I like watching the sunset, it is beautiful and warm.

77. 我喜欢,看月亮,看月亮很圆,好明亮。

I like watching the moon, it is round and bright.

78. 我喜欢,看星星,看星星很小,好闪亮。

I like watching the stars, they are small and twinkling.

79. 我喜欢,看云朵,看云朵很白,好漂亮。

I like watching the clouds, they are white and beautiful.

80. 我喜欢,听鸟叫,听鸟叫很好听,好悦耳。

I like listening to birds sing, their songs are beautiful and pleasant to the ear.

81. 我喜欢,闻花香,闻花香很香,好清新。

I like smelling the fragrance of flowers, they are fragrant and refreshing.

82. 我喜欢,吃水果,吃水果很甜,好美味。

I like eating fruits, they are sweet and delicious.

83. 我喜欢,喝牛奶,喝牛奶很香,好营养。

I like drinking milk, it is fragrant and nutritious.

84. 我喜欢,玩沙子,玩沙子很柔软,好舒服。

I like playing in the sand, it is soft and comfortable.

85. 我喜欢,玩水,玩水很凉爽,好开心。

I like playing in the water, it is cool and refreshing.

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