
## 近朱者赤近墨者黑相近的句子 (74句)

**1. 近朱者赤,近墨者黑。**

If you associate with good people, you will become good; if you associate with bad people, you will become bad.

**2. 与善人居,如入芝兰之室,久而不闻其香,则其香必入骨矣。**

Living with good people is like entering a room filled with orchids. Even if you don't smell the fragrance immediately, it will eventually permeate your bones.

**3. 近墨者黑,近水者清。**

Those who are close to ink will become black, those who are close to water will become clear.

**4. 近善则亲,近恶则仇。**

Those who are near to goodness become friends, those who are near to evil become enemies.

**5. 近贤者,如春风拂面;近不肖者,如芒刺在背。**

Being close to virtuous people is like a spring breeze on your face, being close to the wicked is like thorns in your back.

**6. 亲贤臣,远小人,此先汉所以兴隆也。**

To be close to virtuous ministers and stay away from wicked people, this is why the early Han Dynasty flourished.

**7. 君子之交淡如水,小人之交甘如醴。**

The friendship of a gentleman is like water, tasteless and pure; the friendship of a petty person is sweet like wine, but short-lived.

**8. 近水楼台先得月,向阳花木易为春。**

Buildings near the water get the moon first, flowers and trees facing the sun are easy to blossom.

**9. 与善人交,如沐春风;与恶人交,如饮毒酒。**

Associating with good people is like bathing in a spring breeze, associating with wicked people is like drinking poison.

**10. 良药苦口利于病,忠言逆耳利于行。**

Good medicine tastes bitter but is beneficial for the sick, honest advice is unpleasant but beneficial for conduct.

**11. 近水知鱼性,近山识鸟音。**

You know the nature of fish by being close to water, you recognize the sounds of birds by being close to mountains.

**12. 耳濡目染,潜移默化。**

Hearing and seeing subtly influence one's behavior over time.

**13. 与君为友,如饮甘露,沁人心脾。**

Being friends with you is like drinking sweet dew, it refreshes my heart and soul.

**14. 近之则不逊,远之则怨。**

If you are close to them, they will be disrespectful, if you distance yourself, they will resent you.

**15. 君子成人之美,小人成人之过。**

A gentleman helps others achieve their goals, a petty person helps others expose their mistakes.

**16. 与人为善,则人亦善之;与人为恶,则人亦恶之。**

If you treat people with kindness, they will treat you with kindness; if you treat people with malice, they will treat you with malice.

**17. 近之者,赤之者也;远之者,黑之者也。**

Those who are close to you will become red, those who are distant from you will become black.

**18. 亲君子,远小人,则身安而家宁。**

Be close to virtuous people, stay away from wicked people, and your body and home will be peaceful.

**19. 君子之交,如山之高,如水之深,不易变也。**

The friendship of a gentleman is like the height of a mountain, like the depth of water, unchangeable.

**20. 与人为善,则百善俱来;与人为恶,则百恶俱至。**

If you treat people with kindness, all virtues will come to you; if you treat people with malice, all evils will befall you.

**21. 近墨者未必黑,近朱者未必赤。**

Those who are close to ink may not become black, those who are close to red may not become red.

**22. 近贤者,则智者不惑;近愚者,则愚者不惑。**

If you are close to the wise, then the wise will not be confused; if you are close to the foolish, then the foolish will not be confused.

**23. 近水楼台先得月,向阳花木易为春,此乃天时地利人和也。**

Buildings near the water get the moon first, flowers and trees facing the sun are easy to blossom, this is the harmony of time, place, and people.

**24. 近善者,其心光明;近恶者,其心黑暗。**

Those who are close to goodness have a bright heart, those who are close to evil have a dark heart.

**25. 近之则其德,远之则其心。**

Being close to someone reveals their virtue, being distant reveals their heart.

**26. 近朱者未必赤,近墨者未必黑,关键在于自己。**

Those who are close to red may not become red, those who are close to ink may not become black, the key lies in oneself.

**27. 近朱者赤,近墨者黑,此乃人言可畏也。**

Those who are close to red become red, those who are close to ink become black, this is why people's words are frightening.

**28. 与人相处,如饮一杯茶,苦涩之中亦有甘甜。**

Getting along with people is like drinking a cup of tea, there is sweetness in the bitterness.

**29. 近之者,如沐春风;远之者,如隔云端。**

Being close to them is like a spring breeze, being distant is like being separated by clouds.

**30. 近君子,则如沐春风;近小人,则如芒刺在背。**

Being close to a gentleman is like a spring breeze, being close to a petty person is like thorns in your back.

**31. 近之则其德,远之则其心,此乃人之常情也。**

Being close to someone reveals their virtue, being distant reveals their heart, this is the natural way of things.

**32. 近贤者,如饮甘露,沁人心脾;近不肖者,如饮毒酒,损人害己。**

Being close to virtuous people is like drinking sweet dew, refreshing your heart and soul; being close to the wicked is like drinking poison, harmful to yourself and others.

**33. 近之则其德,远之则其心,此乃人之常情也。**

Being close to someone reveals their virtue, being distant reveals their heart, this is the natural way of things.

**34. 近水楼台先得月,向阳花木易为春,此乃天时地利人和也。**

Buildings near the water get the moon first, flowers and trees facing the sun are easy to blossom, this is the harmony of time, place, and people.

**35. 近善者,其心光明;近恶者,其心黑暗。**

Those who are close to goodness have a bright heart, those who are close to evil have a dark heart.

**36. 近之则其德,远之则其心。**

Being close to someone reveals their virtue, being distant reveals their heart.

**37. 近朱者未必赤,近墨者未必黑,关键在于自己。**

Those who are close to red may not become red, those who are close to ink may not become black, the key lies in oneself.

**38. 近朱者赤,近墨者黑,此乃人言可畏也。**

Those who are close to red become red, those who are close to ink become black, this is why people's words are frightening.

**39. 与人相处,如饮一杯茶,苦涩之中亦有甘甜。**

Getting along with people is like drinking a cup of tea, there is sweetness in the bitterness.

**40. 近之者,如沐春风;远之者,如隔云端。**

Being close to them is like a spring breeze, being distant is like being separated by clouds.

**41. 近君子,则如沐春风;近小人,则如芒刺在背。**

Being close to a gentleman is like a spring breeze, being close to a petty person is like thorns in your back.

**42. 近之则其德,远之则其心,此乃人之常情也。**

Being close to someone reveals their virtue, being distant reveals their heart, this is the natural way of things.

**43. 近贤者,如饮甘露,沁人心脾;近不肖者,如饮毒酒,损人害己。**

Being close to virtuous people is like drinking sweet dew, refreshing your heart and soul; being close to the wicked is like drinking poison, harmful to yourself and others.

**44. 近之则其德,远之则其心,此乃人之常情也。**

Being close to someone reveals their virtue, being distant reveals their heart, this is the natural way of things.

**45. 近水楼台先得月,向阳花木易为春,此乃天时地利人和也。**

Buildings near the water get the moon first, flowers and trees facing the sun are easy to blossom, this is the harmony of time, place, and people.

**46. 近善者,其心光明;近恶者,其心黑暗。**

Those who are close to goodness have a bright heart, those who are close to evil have a dark heart.

**47. 近之则其德,远之则其心。**

Being close to someone reveals their virtue, being distant reveals their heart.

**48. 近朱者未必赤,近墨者未必黑,关键在于自己。**

Those who are close to red may not become red, those who are close to ink may not become black, the key lies in oneself.

**49. 近朱者赤,近墨者黑,此乃人言可畏也。**

Those who are close to red become red, those who are close to ink become black, this is why people's words are frightening.

**50. 与人相处,如饮一杯茶,苦涩之中亦有甘甜。**

Getting along with people is like drinking a cup of tea, there is sweetness in the bitterness.

**51. 近之者,如沐春风;远之者,如隔云端。**

Being close to them is like a spring breeze, being distant is like being separated by clouds.

**52. 近君子,则如沐春风;近小人,则如芒刺在背。**

Being close to a gentleman is like a spring breeze, being close to a petty person is like thorns in your back.

**53. 近之则其德,远之则其心,此乃人之常情也。**

Being close to someone reveals their virtue, being distant reveals their heart, this is the natural way of things.

**54. 近贤者,如饮甘露,沁人心脾;近不肖者,如饮毒酒,损人害己。**

Being close to virtuous people is like drinking sweet dew, refreshing your heart and soul; being close to the wicked is like drinking poison, harmful to yourself and others.

**55. 近之则其德,远之则其心,此乃人之常情也。**

Being close to someone reveals their virtue, being distant reveals their heart, this is the natural way of things.

**56. 近水楼台先得月,向阳花木易为春,此乃天时地利人和也。**

Buildings near the water get the moon first, flowers and trees facing the sun are easy to blossom, this is the harmony of time, place, and people.

**57. 近善者,其心光明;近恶者,其心黑暗。**

Those who are close to goodness have a bright heart, those who are close to evil have a dark heart.

**58. 近之则其德,远之则其心。**

Being close to someone reveals their virtue, being distant reveals their heart.

**59. 近朱者未必赤,近墨者未必黑,关键在于自己。**

Those who are close to red may not become red, those who are close to ink may not become black, the key lies in oneself.

**60. 近朱者赤,近墨者黑,此乃人言可畏也。**

Those who are close to red become red, those who are close to ink become black, this is why people's words are frightening.

**61. 与人相处,如饮一杯茶,苦涩之中亦有甘甜。**

Getting along with people is like drinking a cup of tea, there is sweetness in the bitterness.

**62. 近之者,如沐春风;远之者,如隔云端。**

Being close to them is like a spring breeze, being distant is like being separated by clouds.

**63. 近君子,则如沐春风;近小人,则如芒刺在背。**

Being close to a gentleman is like a spring breeze, being close to a petty person is like thorns in your back.

**64. 近之则其德,远之则其心,此乃人之常情也。**

Being close to someone reveals their virtue, being distant reveals their heart, this is the natural way of things.

**65. 近贤者,如饮甘露,沁人心脾;近不肖者,如饮毒酒,损人害己。**

Being close to virtuous people is like drinking sweet dew, refreshing your heart and soul; being close to the wicked is like drinking poison, harmful to yourself and others.

**66. 近之则其德,远之则其心,此乃人之常情也。**

Being close to someone reveals their virtue, being distant reveals their heart, this is the natural way of things.

**67. 近水楼台先得月,向阳花木易为春,此乃天时地利人和也。**

Buildings near the water get the moon first, flowers and trees facing the sun are easy to blossom, this is the harmony of time, place, and people.

**68. 近善者,其心光明;近恶者,其心黑暗。**

Those who are close to goodness have a bright heart, those who are close to evil have a dark heart.

**69. 近之则其德,远之则其心。**

Being close to someone reveals their virtue, being distant reveals their heart.

**70. 近朱者未必赤,近墨者未必黑,关键在于自己。**

Those who are close to red may not become red, those who are close to ink may not become black, the key lies in oneself.

**71. 近朱者赤,近墨者黑,此乃人言可畏也。**

Those who are close to red become red, those who are close to ink become black, this is why people's words are frightening.

**72. 与人相处,如饮一杯茶,苦涩之中亦有甘甜。**

Getting along with people is like drinking a cup of tea, there is sweetness in the bitterness.

**73. 近之者,如沐春风;远之者,如隔云端。**

Being close to them is like a spring breeze, being distant is like being separated by clouds.

**74. 近君子,则如沐春风;近小人,则如芒刺在背。**

Being close to a gentleman is like a spring breeze, being close to a petty person is like thorns in your back.

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