
## 过敏心烦句子 (70句)


1. 鼻子痒的像被无数只小虫子啃咬,眼睛也开始发红发肿,真是糟糕透了!


1. My nose itches like it's being nibbled by countless tiny insects, and my eyes are getting red and swollen. It's just awful!


2. 每次过敏发作,感觉全世界都在跟我作对,就连呼吸都变得困难。


2. Every time I have an allergy attack, it feels like the whole world is against me, even breathing becomes a struggle.


3. 脸上泛起一片片红疹,痒得抓心挠肝,恨不得把脸都撕下来。


3. My face is covered in a rash, it itches so badly that I want to scratch it off.


4. 鼻子堵得像塞了棉花一样,呼吸不畅,脑袋昏昏沉沉。


4. My nose is so stuffed up, like it's filled with cotton wool, I can't breathe properly and my head feels foggy.


5. 打喷嚏打得停不下来,感觉脑袋都要炸了。


5. I can't stop sneezing, it feels like my head is going to explode.


6. 眼睛又痒又干,眼屎也特别多,简直是折磨。


6. My eyes are itchy and dry, and I have a lot of eye boogers. It's a real torture.


7. 过敏真的太讨厌了,它不仅影响我的生活,还让我变得很暴躁。


7. Allergies are just the worst. They not only affect my life but also make me very irritable.


8. 每次过敏发作,都感觉自己像个病人,无精打采。


8. Every time I have an allergy attack, I feel like a sick person, listless and drained.


9. 我的过敏症状越来越严重,简直让人崩溃。


9. My allergy symptoms are getting worse and worse, it's driving me crazy.


10. 每次过敏发作,都让我无比沮丧,感觉自己像个失败者。


10. Every time I have an allergy attack, it makes me incredibly depressed, like a failure.


11. 过敏真是太折磨人了,它让我夜不能寐,白天无精打采。


11. Allergies are so tormenting, they keep me up at night and leave me listless during the day.


12. 我已经尝试过很多方法,但还是无法摆脱过敏的困扰。


12. I've tried so many things, but I still can't get rid of this allergy.


13. 我真的想大声呐喊,为什么偏偏是我要遭受过敏的折磨?


13. I really want to scream and shout, why do I have to suffer from allergies?


14. 每次过敏发作,我都会变得格外敏感,一点小事都会让我抓狂。


14. Every time I have an allergy attack, I become extremely sensitive, even small things can drive me crazy.


15. 我讨厌过敏,它让我失去了很多快乐。


15. I hate allergies, they have robbed me of so much joy.


16. 我真希望有一天能够彻底摆脱过敏的困扰。


16. I really hope one day I can completely get rid of these allergies.


17. 我恨不得把所有会引起我过敏的东西都消灭掉。


17. I wish I could destroy everything that triggers my allergies.


18. 我真想回到从前,那个没有过敏的年代。


18. I wish I could go back to the time before allergies, when I wasn't bothered by them.


19. 过敏真是太无情了,它毫不留情地折磨着我。


19. Allergies are so ruthless, they torment me without mercy.


20. 我感觉我的身体就像一个随时会被过敏打败的战场。


20. I feel like my body is a battlefield, ready to be defeated by allergies at any moment.


21. 我讨厌过敏,它让我变得脆弱不堪。


21. I hate allergies, they make me incredibly vulnerable.


22. 我真的很想念没有过敏的日子,可以自由自在地享受生活。


22. I really miss the days before allergies, when I could enjoy life freely.


23. 过敏让我失去了很多美好的回忆,那些美好的瞬间都被它打上了阴影。


23. Allergies have robbed me of so many good memories, they cast a shadow over those beautiful moments.


24. 我感觉我的身体已经被过敏控制住了,我就像一个囚徒,被困在自己的身体里。


24. I feel like my body is controlled by allergies, I'm like a prisoner trapped within my own body.


25. 我真希望我的身体能够像正常人一样,不受过敏的困扰。


25. I wish my body could be like a normal person's, free from allergy problems.


26. 我感觉自己像个被诅咒的人,永远摆脱不了过敏的折磨。


26. I feel like I'm cursed, forever trapped in the torment of allergies.


27. 过敏让我变得胆小,我害怕接触任何会引起我过敏的东西。


27. Allergies have made me timid, I'm afraid to touch anything that could trigger them.


28. 过敏让我变得孤僻,我宁愿躲在家里,也不愿意去人多的地方。


28. Allergies have made me reclusive, I'd rather stay at home than go to crowded places.


29. 我真希望我的家人能够理解我的痛苦,能够体谅我。


29. I wish my family could understand my pain, be considerate of my condition.


30. 我感觉自己的生活已经被过敏彻底打乱了,我失去了生活的目标。


30. I feel like my life has been completely disrupted by allergies, I've lost my purpose in life.


31. 过敏让我感到无力,我感觉自己已经没有能力去战胜它了。


31. Allergies make me feel powerless, I feel like I'm no longer capable of overcoming them.


32. 我感觉我的身体正在被过敏一点点地吞噬掉,我快要撑不住了。


32. I feel like my body is being consumed by allergies little by little, I'm about to break down.


33. 我讨厌过敏,它让我失去了很多朋友,因为他们无法理解我的痛苦。


33. I hate allergies, they've made me lose many friends, because they can't understand my pain.


34. 我真希望我的过敏能够消失,我想要拥有一个正常人的生活。


34. I wish my allergies would disappear, I want to have a normal life.


35. 我感觉自己像个被世界遗忘的人,因为我的过敏让别人无法理解我。


35. I feel like I'm forgotten by the world, because my allergies make it impossible for others to understand me.


36. 我讨厌过敏,它让我变得越来越自卑,因为我无法像正常人一样生活。


36. I hate allergies, they're making me increasingly self-conscious, because I can't live a normal life.


37. 我真希望我的身体能够坚强起来,能够抵抗过敏的侵袭。


37. I wish my body could be strong, able to resist the invasion of allergies.


38. 我感觉自己像个被困在笼子里的鸟,我想要自由,想要摆脱过敏的束缚。


38. I feel like a bird trapped in a cage, I want freedom, I want to break free from the shackles of allergies.


39. 我讨厌过敏,它让我失去了很多机会,因为我害怕会过敏。


39. I hate allergies, they've robbed me of so many opportunities, because I'm afraid of having a reaction.


40. 我真希望我的过敏能够消失,我想要享受生活的快乐。


40. I wish my allergies would disappear, I want to enjoy the joy of life.


41. 我感觉自己像个被遗忘的角落,因为我的过敏让别人无法靠近我。


41. I feel like a forgotten corner, because my allergies prevent people from getting close to me.


42. 我讨厌过敏,它让我失去了自信,因为我无法像正常人一样生活。


42. I hate allergies, they've made me lose confidence, because I can't live a normal life.


43. 我真希望我的身体能够强大起来,能够战胜过敏的折磨。


43. I wish my body could become strong, able to defeat the torment of allergies.


44. 我感觉自己像个被困在沙漠的人,我想要水源,想要摆脱过敏的干渴。


44. I feel like a person trapped in a desert, I want water, I want to escape the thirst of allergies.


45. 我讨厌过敏,它让我失去了很多乐趣,因为我害怕会过敏。


45. I hate allergies, they've robbed me of so much fun, because I'm afraid of having a reaction.


46. 我真希望我的过敏能够消失,我想要享受生活的美好。


46. I wish my allergies would disappear, I want to enjoy the beauty of life.


47. 我感觉自己像个被困在迷宫的人,我想要找到出口,想要摆脱过敏的迷失。


47. I feel like a person trapped in a maze, I want to find the exit, I want to escape the confusion of allergies.


48. 我讨厌过敏,它让我失去了很多朋友,因为我害怕会传染给他们。


48. I hate allergies, they've made me lose many friends, because I'm afraid of spreading them to them.


49. 我真希望我的过敏能够消失,我想要拥有一个健康的身体。


49. I wish my allergies would disappear, I want to have a healthy body.


50. 我感觉自己像个被困在黑暗中的人,我想要光明,想要摆脱过敏的阴影。


50. I feel like a person trapped in darkness, I want light, I want to escape the shadow of allergies.


51. 我讨厌过敏,它让我失去了很多机会,因为我害怕会影响我的工作。


51. I hate allergies, they've robbed me of so many opportunities, because I'm afraid of affecting my work.


52. 我真希望我的过敏能够消失,我想要拥有一个美好的未来。


52. I wish my allergies would disappear, I want to have a bright future.


53. 我感觉自己像个被困在泥潭的人,我想要脱身,想要摆脱过敏的束缚。


53. I feel like a person trapped in a mud pit, I want to get out, I want to break free from the shackles of allergies.


54. 我讨厌过敏,它让我失去了很多快乐,因为我害怕会影响我的生活。


54. I hate allergies, they've robbed me of so much joy, because I'm afraid of affecting my life.


55. 我真希望我的过敏能够消失,我想要拥有一个幸福的人生。


55. I wish my allergies would disappear, I want to have a happy life.


56. 我感觉自己像个被困在囚笼的人,我想要自由,想要摆脱过敏的限制。


56. I feel like a person trapped in a cage, I want freedom, I want to break free from the limitations of allergies.


57. 我讨厌过敏,它让我失去了很多勇气,因为我害怕会过敏。


57. I hate allergies, they've made me lose a lot of courage, because I'm afraid of having a reaction.


58. 我真希望我的过敏能够消失,我想要拥有一个健康的生活。


58. I wish my allergies would disappear, I want to have a healthy life.


59. 我感觉自己像个被困在风暴中的人,我想要平静,想要摆脱过敏的困扰。


59. I feel like a person trapped in a storm, I want peace, I want to escape the torment of allergies.


60. 我讨厌过敏,它让我失去了很多梦想,因为我害怕会过敏。


60. I hate allergies, they've robbed me of so many dreams, because I'm afraid of having a reaction.


61. 我真希望我的过敏能够消失,我想要拥有一个充满希望的未来。


61. I wish my allergies would disappear, I want to have a future full of hope.


62. 我感觉自己像个被困在迷雾中的人,我想要方向,想要摆脱过敏的迷失。


62. I feel like a person trapped in a fog, I want direction, I want to escape the confusion of allergies.


63. 我讨厌过敏,它让我失去了很多信心,因为我害怕会影响我的生活。


63. I hate allergies, they've made me lose confidence, because I'm afraid of affecting my life.


64. 我真希望我的过敏能够消失,我想要拥有一个幸福美满的家庭。


64. I wish my allergies would disappear, I want to have a happy and loving family.


65. 我感觉自己像个被困在黑洞中的人,我想要逃脱,想要摆脱过敏的吞噬。


65. I feel like a person trapped in a black hole, I want to escape, I want to break free from the consuming power of allergies.


66. 我讨厌过敏,它让我失去了很多快乐,因为我害怕会影响我的健康。


66. I hate allergies, they've robbed me of so much joy, because I'm afraid of affecting my health.


67. 我真希望我的过敏能够消失,我想要拥有一个充满爱的生活。


67. I wish my allergies would disappear, I want to have a life filled with love.


68. 我感觉自己像个被困在沙漠中的人,我想要绿洲,想要摆脱过敏的干涸。


68. I feel like a person trapped in a desert, I want an oasis, I want to escape the dryness of allergies.


69. 我讨厌过敏,它让我失去了很多梦想,因为我害怕会影响我的未来。


69. I hate allergies, they've robbed me of so many dreams, because I'm afraid of affecting my future.


70. 我真希望我的过敏能够消失,我想要拥有一个美好的明天。


70. I wish my allergies would disappear, I want to have a bright tomorrow.

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