
## 过正月十五句子 (78句)


1. 元宵节快乐!愿你幸福美满,万事如意!
Happy Lantern Festival! May you be blessed with happiness, joy, and fulfillment in all you do.
2. 元宵节快乐!愿你生活甜蜜,幸福美满!
Happy Lantern Festival! May your life be filled with sweetness and happiness.
3. 元宵节快乐!愿你心想事成,一切顺利!
Happy Lantern Festival! May all your wishes come true and everything go smoothly for you.
4. 元宵节快乐!愿你幸福安康,阖家欢乐!
Happy Lantern Festival! May you be blessed with health and happiness, and may your family be filled with joy.
5. 元宵节快乐!愿你爱情甜蜜,事业顺利!
Happy Lantern Festival! May you experience sweet love and success in your career.
6. 元宵节快乐!愿你财源广进,平安喜乐!
Happy Lantern Festival! May you be blessed with wealth and prosperity, and may you enjoy peace and joy.
7. 元宵节快乐!愿你身体健康,心情舒畅!
Happy Lantern Festival! May you be in good health and spirits.
8. 元宵节快乐!愿你生活幸福,家庭美满!
Happy Lantern Festival! May you enjoy a happy life and a harmonious family.
9. 元宵节快乐!愿你爱情圆满,事业辉煌!
Happy Lantern Festival! May your love be complete and your career be brilliant.
10. 元宵节快乐!愿你步步高升,心想事成!
Happy Lantern Festival! May you rise higher and higher in life, and may all your wishes come true.
11. 元宵节快乐!愿你财运亨通,福寿安康!
Happy Lantern Festival! May you be blessed with wealth and prosperity, and may you enjoy longevity and good health.
12. 元宵节快乐!愿你家庭和睦,幸福美满!
Happy Lantern Festival! May you enjoy a harmonious and happy family.
13. 元宵节快乐!愿你平安健康,快乐无忧!
Happy Lantern Festival! May you be safe and healthy, and may you experience joy and freedom from worry.
14. 元宵节快乐!愿你事业顺利,爱情甜蜜!
Happy Lantern Festival! May your career go smoothly and your love be sweet.
15. 元宵节快乐!愿你生活幸福,财源滚滚!
Happy Lantern Festival! May you enjoy a happy life and be blessed with abundant wealth.
16. 元宵节快乐!愿你心想事成,万事顺心!
Happy Lantern Festival! May all your wishes come true and everything go according to your heart's desire.
17. 元宵节快乐!愿你平安幸福,吉祥如意!
Happy Lantern Festival! May you be blessed with peace, happiness, good fortune, and fulfillment.
18. 元宵节快乐!愿你阖家团圆,幸福美满!
Happy Lantern Festival! May your whole family be reunited and blessed with happiness and joy.
19. 元宵节快乐!愿你幸福安康,一切顺利!
Happy Lantern Festival! May you be blessed with health and happiness, and may everything go smoothly for you.
20. 元宵节快乐!愿你生活甜蜜,爱情美满!
Happy Lantern Festival! May your life be filled with sweetness and your love be complete.


21. 元宵节到,灯火辉煌照,祝你幸福绕,生活乐逍遥!
Happy Lantern Festival! May the bright lights of the lanterns bring you happiness, joy, and a carefree life.
22. 元宵吃汤圆,团团圆圆过大年,愿你幸福平安,来年更胜前!
On the Lantern Festival, we eat tangyuan (glutinous rice balls) to celebrate family reunion and a happy year. May you be blessed with happiness and safety, and may next year be even better than this one.
23. 元宵佳节喜洋洋,祝你快乐乐无疆,生活幸福更安康,来年更上一层楼!
Happy Lantern Festival! May you be filled with joy and happiness, may your life be blessed with peace and well-being, and may you reach even greater heights next year.
24. 元宵节到,灯火辉煌,祝你事业辉煌,生活美满。
Happy Lantern Festival! May the bright lights of the lanterns bring you success in your career and a fulfilling life.
25. 元宵节快乐,团团圆圆,愿你一切顺利,幸福美满。
Happy Lantern Festival! May you be surrounded by loved ones, and may everything go smoothly and happily for you.
26. 元宵节到,灯火闪耀,祝你财源广进,福寿安康。
Happy Lantern Festival! May the bright lights of the lanterns bring you wealth and prosperity, and may you enjoy longevity and good health.
27. 元宵节快乐,愿你爱情甜蜜,生活美满。
Happy Lantern Festival! May you experience sweet love and a fulfilling life.
28. 元宵节到,灯火通明,祝你心想事成,万事顺心。
Happy Lantern Festival! May the bright lights of the lanterns illuminate your path to success, and may everything go according to your heart's desire.


29. 元宵节快乐!
Happy Lantern Festival!
30. 祝你元宵节幸福美满!
Wishing you a happy and fulfilling Lantern Festival!
31. 元宵节快乐,心想事成!
Happy Lantern Festival! May all your wishes come true.
32. 祝你元宵节吉祥如意!
Wishing you good fortune and fulfillment on the Lantern Festival.
33. 元宵节快乐,万事顺利!
Happy Lantern Festival! May everything go smoothly for you.
34. 祝你元宵节阖家欢乐!
Wishing your family a joyous Lantern Festival!
35. 元宵节快乐,平安健康!
Happy Lantern Festival! May you be safe and healthy.
36. 祝你元宵节生活甜蜜!
Wishing you a sweet and happy Lantern Festival!
37. 元宵节快乐,事业成功!
Happy Lantern Festival! May you be successful in your career.
38. 祝你元宵节爱情甜蜜!
Wishing you a sweet and loving Lantern Festival!
39. 元宵节快乐,幸福安康!
Happy Lantern Festival! May you be blessed with health and happiness.


40. 月圆人团圆,元宵佳节喜洋洋。
The moon is full and families are reunited, as we celebrate the joyous Lantern Festival.
41. 夜幕降临,灯火辉煌,元宵节的夜晚格外美丽。
As night falls, the lights illuminate the sky, making the Lantern Festival night even more beautiful.
42. 元宵节的夜晚,灯火通明,人们欢聚一堂,热闹非凡。
On the Lantern Festival night, the lights are bright, and people gather together in a lively and festive atmosphere.
43. 元宵节的夜晚,人们赏灯、猜灯谜、吃汤圆,欢声笑语,热闹非凡。
On the Lantern Festival night, people enjoy the beautiful lanterns, guess riddles, and eat tangyuan, creating a lively and joyful atmosphere.
44. 元宵节,是中华民族传统的节日,也是团圆、喜庆、祥和的象征。
The Lantern Festival is a traditional Chinese festival, symbolizing reunion, celebration, and peace.
45. 元宵节的夜晚,到处洋溢着节日的喜庆气氛,人们脸上洋溢着幸福的笑容。
On the Lantern Festival night, the festive atmosphere is everywhere, and people's faces are filled with happy smiles.
46. 元宵节的夜晚,灯火辉煌,如梦如幻,让人流连忘返。
On the Lantern Festival night, the lights are dazzling and magical, making people linger and forget to return.
47. 元宵节的夜晚,是中华民族一年中最热闹、最欢乐的夜晚。
The Lantern Festival night is the most lively and joyful night of the year for the Chinese people.
48. 元宵节的夜晚,人们放飞希望和梦想,迎接新的一年的到来。
On the Lantern Festival night, people release their hopes and dreams, welcoming the arrival of the new year.


49. 汤圆,是元宵节的传统美食,象征着团团圆圆、幸福美满。
Tangyuan, a traditional food for the Lantern Festival, symbolizes family reunion and happiness.
50. 元宵节吃汤圆,寓意着新的一年团团圆圆,幸福美满。
Eating tangyuan on the Lantern Festival signifies a year of family reunion and happiness.
51. 汤圆,香甜可口,糯而不腻,让人回味无穷。
Tangyuan is delicious and sweet, with a soft and smooth texture that leaves a lasting impression.
52. 一碗热气腾腾的汤圆,不仅是味觉的享受,更是情感的寄托。
A bowl of steaming hot tangyuan is not only a taste bud delight but also a symbol of affection.
53. 元宵节的汤圆,不仅是美食,更是寄托着人们对美好生活的向往。
The tangyuan of the Lantern Festival is not only a delicacy but also reflects people's longing for a better life.
54. 汤圆,圆圆的,象征着团圆,寓意着幸福。
Tangyuan, round in shape, symbolizes reunion and signifies happiness.


55. 元宵节的夜晚,灯笼满街,五彩斑斓,美不胜收。
On the Lantern Festival night, the streets are filled with colorful and dazzling lanterns.
56. 元宵节的灯笼,各式各样,有圆形的、方形的、还有动物形状的。
Lanterns on the Lantern Festival come in various shapes and sizes, including round, square, and animal-shaped ones.
57. 元宵节的灯笼,不仅是装饰,更是承载着人们的祝福和希望。
Lanterns on the Lantern Festival are not just decorations but also carry people's blessings and hopes.
58. 灯笼的光芒,照亮了人们的内心,也照亮了未来的路。
The light from the lanterns illuminates people's hearts and lights the path to their future.
59. 元宵节的灯笼,是夜晚的一道亮丽风景线,也增添了节日的喜庆气氛。
Lanterns on the Lantern Festival are a beautiful sight at night and add to the festive atmosphere.
60. 元宵节的灯笼,是中华民族传统的文化符号,也是节日喜庆的象征。
Lanterns on the Lantern Festival are a traditional cultural symbol of the Chinese people and symbolize the joy of the festival.


61. 元宵节的夜晚,人们在街上游玩,赏灯、猜灯谜、吃汤圆,热闹非凡。
On the Lantern Festival night, people stroll through the streets, enjoying the lanterns, guessing riddles, and eating tangyuan in a lively atmosphere.
62. 元宵节的夜晚,孩子们提着灯笼,脸上洋溢着快乐的笑容。
On the Lantern Festival night, children carry lanterns, their faces beaming with joy.
63. 元宵节的夜晚,公园里人山人海,热闹非凡,处处洋溢着节日的喜庆气氛。
On the Lantern Festival night, the parks are packed with people, creating a lively atmosphere filled with the festive spirit.
64. 元宵节的夜晚,人们放飞孔明灯,寄托着对新的一年的美好祝愿。
On the Lantern Festival night, people release sky lanterns, expressing their good wishes for the new year.
65. 元宵节的夜晚,人们举行各种活动,如舞龙舞狮、踩高跷等,热闹非凡。
On the Lantern Festival night, people participate in various activities, such as dragon and lion dances, stilt walking, and more, creating a lively atmosphere.


66. 去年元夜时,花市灯如昼。
(Last year on the Lantern Festival night, the flower market was as bright as day, illuminated by lanterns.)
67. 月上柳梢头,人约黄昏后。
(The moon hangs above the willow branches, and the people make appointments to meet after dusk.)
68. 春风送暖入屠苏,正月十五人看灯。
(The spring breeze brings warmth to the New Year wine, and on the 15th day of the first month, people watch the lanterns.)
69. 众里寻他千百度,蓦然回首,那人却在灯火阑珊处。
(Searching for him in thousands and thousands, I suddenly turn around and find him in the dimly lit place where the lanterns fade away.)
70. 玉兔东升,彩灯万盏,月色如银,花香如梦。
(The jade rabbit rises in the east, countless colorful lanterns illuminate the night, the moonlight is like silver, and the flowers smell like a dream.)


71. 元宵节,是新年后的第一个重要节日,象征着新年的开始。
The Lantern Festival is the first important festival after the New Year, symbolizing the beginning of a new year.
72. 元宵节的习俗,源远流长,体现了中华民族的传统文化。
The customs of the Lantern Festival have a long history and reflect the traditional culture of the Chinese people.
73. 元宵节,是家人团聚,朋友相约的节日。
The Lantern Festival is a time for family reunions and gatherings with friends.
74. 元宵节,是人们祈求平安、幸福、吉祥的节日。
The Lantern Festival is a time for people to pray for peace, happiness, and good fortune.
75. 元宵节,是充满喜庆、欢乐、祥和的节日。
The Lantern Festival is a joyous, happy, and peaceful festival.
76. 元宵节,是中华民族重要的文化遗产,也是中华文化的象征。
The Lantern Festival is an important cultural heritage of the Chinese people and a symbol of Chinese culture.
77. 元宵节的夜晚,充满了浪漫的色彩,也充满了幸福的味道。
The Lantern Festival night is filled with romantic colors and a taste of happiness.
78. 元宵节的夜晚,是中华民族一年中最美好的夜晚。
The Lantern Festival night is the most beautiful night of the year for the Chinese people.

## HTML 版本



Happy Lantern Festival! May you be blessed with happiness, joy, and fulfillment in all you do.


Happy Lantern Festival! May your life be filled with sweetness and happiness.


Happy Lantern Festival! May all your wishes come true and everything go smoothly for you.


Happy Lantern Festival! May you be blessed with health and happiness, and may your family be filled with joy.


Happy Lantern Festival! May you experience sweet love and success in your career.


Happy Lantern Festival! May you be blessed with wealth and prosperity, and may you enjoy peace and joy.


Happy Lantern Festival! May you be in good health and spirits.


Happy Lantern Festival! May you enjoy a happy life and a harmonious family.


Happy Lantern Festival! May your love be complete and your career be brilliant.


Happy Lantern Festival! May you rise higher and higher in life, and may all your wishes come true.


Happy Lantern Festival! May you be blessed with wealth and prosperity, and may you enjoy longevity and good health.


Happy Lantern Festival! May you enjoy a harmonious and happy family.


Happy Lantern Festival! May you be safe and healthy, and may you experience joy and freedom from worry.


Happy Lantern Festival! May your career go smoothly and your love be sweet.


Happy Lantern Festival! May you enjoy a happy life and be blessed with abundant wealth.


Happy Lantern Festival! May all your wishes come true and everything go according to your heart's desire.


Happy Lantern Festival! May you be blessed with peace, happiness, good fortune, and fulfillment.


Happy Lantern Festival! May your whole family be reunited and blessed with happiness and joy.


Happy Lantern Festival! May you be blessed with health and happiness, and may everything go smoothly for you.


Happy Lantern Festival! May your life be filled with sweetness and your love be complete.


Happy Lantern Festival! May the bright lights of the lanterns bring you happiness, joy, and a carefree life.


On the Lantern Festival, we eat tangyuan (glutinous rice balls) to celebrate family reunion and a happy year. May you be blessed with happiness and safety, and may next year be even better than this one.


Happy Lantern Festival! May you be filled with joy and happiness, may your life be blessed with peace and well-being, and may you reach even greater heights next year.


Happy Lantern Festival! May the bright lights of the lanterns bring you success in your career and a fulfilling life.


Happy Lantern Festival! May you be surrounded by loved ones, and may everything go smoothly and happily for you.


Happy Lantern Festival! May the bright lights of the lanterns bring you wealth and prosperity, and may you enjoy longevity and good health.


Happy Lantern Festival! May you experience sweet love and a fulfilling life.


Happy Lantern Festival! May the bright lights of the lanterns illuminate your path to success, and may everything go according to your heart's desire.


Happy Lantern Festival!


Wishing you a happy and fulfilling Lantern Festival!


Happy Lantern Festival! May all your wishes come true.


Wishing you good fortune and fulfillment on the Lantern Festival.


Happy Lantern Festival! May everything go smoothly for you.


Wishing your family a joyous Lantern Festival!


Happy Lantern Festival! May you be safe and healthy.


Wishing you a sweet and happy Lantern Festival!


Happy Lantern Festival! May you be successful in your career.


Wishing you a sweet and loving Lantern Festival!


Happy Lantern Festival! May you be blessed with health and happiness.


The moon is full and families are reunited, as we celebrate the joyous Lantern Festival.


As night falls, the lights illuminate the sky, making the Lantern Festival night even more beautiful.


On the Lantern Festival night, the lights are bright, and people gather together in a lively and festive atmosphere.


On the Lantern Festival night, people enjoy the beautiful lanterns, guess riddles, and eat tangyuan, creating a lively and joyful atmosphere.


The Lantern Festival is a traditional Chinese festival, symbolizing reunion, celebration, and peace.


On the Lantern Festival night, the festive atmosphere is everywhere, and people's faces are filled with happy smiles.


On the Lantern Festival night, the lights are dazzling and magical, making people linger and forget to return.


The Lantern Festival night is the most lively and joyful night of the year for the Chinese people.


On the Lantern Festival night, people release their hopes and dreams, welcoming the arrival of the new year.


Tangyuan, a traditional food for the Lantern Festival, symbolizes family reunion and happiness.


Eating tangyuan on the Lantern Festival signifies a year of family reunion and happiness.


Tangyuan is delicious and sweet, with a soft and smooth texture that leaves a lasting impression.


A bowl of steaming hot tangyuan is not only a taste bud delight but also a symbol of affection.


The tangyuan of the Lantern Festival is not only a delicacy but also reflects people's longing for a better life.


Tangyuan, round in shape, symbolizes reunion and signifies happiness.


On the Lantern Festival night, the streets are filled with colorful and dazzling lanterns.


Lanterns on the Lantern Festival come in various shapes and sizes, including round, square, and animal-shaped ones.


Lanterns on the Lantern Festival are not just decorations but also carry people's blessings and hopes.


The light from the lanterns illuminates people's hearts and lights the path to their future.


Lanterns on the Lantern Festival are a beautiful sight at night and add to the festive atmosphere.


Lanterns on the Lantern Festival are a traditional cultural symbol of the Chinese people and symbolize the joy of the festival.


On the Lantern Festival night, people stroll through the streets, enjoying the lanterns, guessing riddles, and eating tangyuan in a lively atmosphere.


On the Lantern Festival night, children carry lanterns, their faces beaming with joy.


On the Lantern Festival night, the parks are packed with people, creating a lively atmosphere filled with the festive spirit.


On the Lantern Festival night, people release sky lanterns, expressing their good wishes for the new year.


On the Lantern Festival night, people participate in various activities, such as dragon and lion dances, stilt walking, and more, creating a lively atmosphere.


(Last year on the Lantern Festival night, the flower market was as bright as day, illuminated by lanterns.)


(The moon hangs above the willow branches, and the people make appointments to meet after dusk.)


(The spring breeze brings warmth to the New Year wine, and on the 15th day of the first month, people watch the lanterns.)


(Searching for him in thousands and thousands, I suddenly turn around and find him in the dimly lit place where the lanterns fade away.)


(The jade rabbit rises in the east, countless colorful lanterns illuminate the night, the moonlight is like silver, and the flowers smell like a dream.)


The Lantern Festival is the first important festival after the New Year, symbolizing the beginning of a new year.


The customs of the Lantern Festival have a long history and reflect the traditional culture of the Chinese people.


The Lantern Festival is a time for family reunions and gatherings with friends.


The Lantern Festival is a time for people to pray for peace, happiness, and good fortune.


The Lantern Festival is a joyous, happy, and peaceful festival.


The Lantern Festival is an important cultural heritage of the Chinese people and a symbol of Chinese culture.


The Lantern Festival night is filled with romantic colors and a taste of happiness.


The Lantern Festival night is the most beautiful night of the year for the Chinese people.


以上就是关于过正月十五句子78句(过正月十五句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。

